0001 v r o. « 'vr .v'4v err ' rvr*% v 'I r t-'-r ' o 'rrrf 'r v p rr'or r"r' srr r 'mvrtr x vtr.ri '@fr 'r'r r r rv+'x 1 * rro'~'r rxosCr-rr, rtr r x-r'.s-.r'. xir" r ~ r' ."r r ~rvr~ r V rmvr rwrvr rrrrrwv rrrrrr rvg.rrrr rrrrr r r rr 'vr wr. rrr v rs v 'v vrrv'rr v'~vr vvrrrr v rvrrrr r ELITE TAILORS & CLEANERS 757 Lonsdaie g ROADS PROGRAM SUILMITTED TO OTTAWA Road connection between Van- couver and Powell River, con- struction of the remaining trunk highway link of the north bank of the Fraser, between Agassh and Haig, and a new road from Squamish to Britannia, form part of the unemployment relief program, finally approved by the Provincial Government and for- ivarded to Ottawa for formal ratification. With this announcement Satur- day, the particular road schemes submitted to Ottaiva which con- cern this municipality were as follows: Construction of the remaining links necessary to give Vancou- ver road connection Yvith Powell River. These links lie between Gibson's Landing and Pender Harbor, and between Powell River and Thunder Bay. Survey Garibaldi Route. Work will soon start on the. links needed to join Vancouver with Powell River, a project long desired by residents of both places. At the same time the work will get under way between Squamish and Britannia, and engineers also will investigate a road southward to )Vhyuscliff. A route is being surveyed from Squamish north to Garibaldi Park, but the project will depend on the outcome of negotiations between the province and the Dominion for Dominion control of the perl(, a matter still in the air. Whether all the projects an- nounced today are compkted under the present scheme, will depend upon the continuance of unemployment. In,every ease the amount of work undertaken at this time will be governed by the number of men requiring employment in each locality. Work will be pressed forward rapidly during the fall and win- ter on all projects. About 3,000 men have been distributed in B. C. relief work. Ideal weather for harvesting obtains in the Saskatoon district Esisbiishcd os North Shore 20 Tcsra (Lsdr Assistant) HARROtq( BROS. & WILLIAMSON j'uiIeral OIIrectars North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 THE West Van News Published Every Pridsr Psbiisbcr F. F. I.OVEGROVE Phone West 363 Bssiscss ssd Fdiiorisi Ogicci 17th ssd Msciss Drive (Nest Io Ho07burs P.O.) Phone West 363 sfiorsooss sad svcsiogs Mail Addrcs»: P.O. Bo* Si, Honrisrs, B.C. SIJO s year by carder; $2.00 ~ roar by msB, Ncwsxutods 6s. psr copy. North 965 United Church hiinister, E. A. Henry, D.D. Sunday, Sepleniber 20th, 1931. The Sunday School meets at 9:65 a.m. Public Worship at 11 S.m. and 7:30 p.m. Dr. Henry will preach at both services. Morning topic, "Life and Its Teachings." Evening topic, "Permanency &I Character." For the next three Sunday evenings Dr. Henry will discuss the possibilities of character- pcrmanency. Next Sunday the thought will be the swift speed iiito the future and the fact that future status will and must be based on character. Appeals for relief funds and for supplies of clothing are very insistent. (a) in our own community. (b) for the clearing house at First Church of clothing for the men in the various government ivork camps. (c) to meet the tragic needs on the prairie. A small brown leather purse was left in the Church hall last IVednesday. The owner can se- cure it from Mr. Kinloch. The "United Church Record and Missionary Review" is one nf the brightest little journals in any church. It contains all the latest news from the front, The subscriptions run out this month, Mrs. (Dr.) Rush, Mrs..T. Reid and Mr. George Hsy are the Committee and will be glad to receive both renewals and new subscribers. The Sacrament of the Lord' Supper will be observed on Sun- day, October 4th., with prepar- atory service on the preceding Wednesday. That will be the opening of our mid-week meet- ings for this season. Dr. Henry will be glad to meet any who wish to link up with our work either by profes- sion or by letter. The United Church of Canada is doing such a wonderful work and is so recognized in the old world and in the United States as an object lesson in the pass- ing away of sectarianism and denominationalism and the gath. ering into unity of Christians in order to give a united front in these tremendous days, that we hope all who believe in this es- sential work will give their ac- tive support and the communion at the opening of the Autumn affords a fine time to start in. Miss Ryckman, a worker in the Indian mission on the West Coast of Vancouver Island gave an address snd exhibited some of the work done by the Indian girls and boys at Ucluelet. Next Saturday, weather per- mitting, two bowling rinks are expected from Point Grey on a visit to our green. Beginning a- bout 2 o'lock games will be played between these rinks and members of our local club. Preparations are under way for Rally Day on Sunday, Sep- tember 27. It will also be Pro- motion Day. The school will meet at 10:30 a.m. to mark the roll, etc. The school will then join with the congregation in n public service. B C ten years ago produced 2M,OOO pounds of honey. It now produces 1,250,000 pounds. WATCH FOR,„; "„"„"'" „ Starting NeJKt %Veek Retain Our Printed Circuiars-- individually numbered. THE WEST VAN NEWS WEST VANCOUVER Christian Science Society CHURCH RIIH1CF. 20ih ssd Foes(molt, Hslirbsrs This Socivir i ~ ~ Branch of Ths hioihov Church The First Church of Christ, Scientist, is Boston, hisssschusotis Ssodsy Services III80 s.m. ssd 7:80 p.m. Subject 20th September, "MATTElts Sunday School at 10:00 s.m. Testimony Meeting (Vodsosdsy at 8:16 p.m. St. Anthony's Church Pastor: Rev. Father Carey Residence: 2568 Marine Drive. Friday--7:SO p.m.--Evening De- votions. Saturday--7:SO p.m. -- Confes- sions. Sunday--8:46 a.m.--Holy Mass. 2 p.m.--Sunday School. 8 p.m.--Rosary, Benediction. Week Days--7:30 a.m. -- Holy Mass. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 2:30 p.m.--Sunday School in the Orange Hall. 22nd and Marine Drive. Presbyterian children and those not attending any Sunday School, welcome. 3:30 p.m.--Church service in the Orange Hall, Rev. J. Cuddie- ford of North Vancouver, will preach. HAND BOOK OF B. C. RESOURCES One of the most comprehen- sive reviews in brief space of the resources and possibilities of the province is contained in a handbook just issued by the Bureau of Provincial Informa- tion and entitled "British Col- umbia, Canada." It synopsises the agricultural, fnrestry, mineral and fisheries resources of the province, its waterpowers and manufacturing and industrial possibilities;;and in one or two sparkling para- graphs portrays its scenic beau- ties and tourist attractions To the intending settler it imparts some useful information. The attractiveness of the book- let is enhanced by fine marginal and half page illustrations de- picting the fields, forests, mines, fisheries and other industries, to- gether with the scenic attrac- tions of the province. It should be particularly useful to those desiring to send information a- bout British Columbia to friends outside. Copies can be obtained on application to the Bureau of Provincial Information, Parlia- ment Buildings, Victoria. Pear Marmalade 12 lbs. of pears (chopped mid- dling fine) 9 lbs. of sugar I lb. raisins 3 oranges (juice and rind) 8 lemons (juice and rind) I/2 lb. shelled walnuts (chop- ped) Cook till of right consistency. Chocolate 1Vafers 2 oz. chocolate 1 cup brown sugar I cup white sugar (granulat- ed or powdered) I cup butter I egg (beaten) 2 cups flour I teaspoon vanilla Grate the chocolate and set the cup into hot (not boiling) water to melt; mix together the brown sugar and the white snd rub in the butter. When creamy add the beaten egg and then the melted chocolate, stirring briskly. Finally, sdd the flour snd bake in quick oven Inspector (taking class):-- "There are parts of the world where men eat each other. What do you call themf" Small Boy:--"Greedy, sir.w BRITISH ISRAEL CANADIAN I.BGION MEMORIAL HALL NEXT SUNDAY 10 s. m~bool for Chlidvss. 8 p. m.~pooher: MR. PERCY KING Subject: "THE REVELATION MADE TO DANIEL" Mr. King brosdcssts over CKWX every Wednesday at Stso p. Is. St. Stephen's Church Rector: Rev. F. A. Ramsey L.T.S. Sunday Services (Trinity 16): 8 a.m.--Holy Communion. 10 a. m.--Sunday SchooL 11:15 a. m.--Matins snd ser- mon. 7:16 p. m.--Evensong and ser. mon. hionday--St. Matthew's Day Holy Communion 10 s. m. St. Stephen's S.S. won -- one second and five third places--in the first day's events at Brock- ton Point last Saturday. J. Brad- ley came in second in the third heat of Juvenile Boys'0 yard dash; A. Hookham, 3rd Junior Boys'/ Mile Bicycle; 51. Lett- ner, 3rd Junior Girls'unning Broad Jump; R. Laster, 3rd Juv- enile Boys'uarter Mile Bicycle; M. Murray, 3rd Juvenile Girls'unningBroad Jump. In Juvenile Boys'40 yard re- lay, St. Stephen's team secured 3rd place. The final sports will be held at Brockton Point, Saturday, Sept. 19th at 2 p.m. There will be service at St. Francis', Caulfeild, at 8 p.m. on Sunday. The installation of officers for the A.Y.P.A. will take place at the regular meeting on Monday at 8 p.m. in the Parish Hall. A. Y. P. A. The A.Y.P.A. will start their Badminton season next Thurs- day, 24th September, at 7 p.m. sharp in St. Stephen'0 parish hall. All young people are asked to make a note of the date and time. Baptist Church Pastor, Rev. H. P. Humphreys, Residence, IS43 Haywood Ave. Phone West 252R Sunday, Sept. 20th, 1931, 10 a.m.--Sunday School We use the International Les- sons. We have classes for all agee, including an adult class, ent- rance in rear of the building. Get the Sunday School habit and come. 11 a.m.--Morning worship. Pastor will preach, topic, "A- rise, Shine." Brief talk to the children. Mrs. Lashbrook will sing. 7:SO p.m.--Evening worship. Topic, "Pleased with Christ." Suggested by a sermon from the Greatest Preacher the world ever heard. A cordial invitation to all. Wednesday, 8 p.m.--Quarterly business meeting. All members requested to be present Friday, 7 p.m.--C.G.I.T. Recipes for Mildew Stains. No. 1.--Soak mildew in a weak solution of chloride of lime for several hours. Rinse In cold water. No. 2.--If fresh, use cold water, otherwise try to bleach with javelle water or potassium permsnagate. One of our readers asked for a recipe for the above. --Editor Snpinmhnr 18. 1931. DI.Marjory McCubbin l DENTIST Bours; 9 s. m. Io 0 p. m. Saturdays: 10 s. m. Io I p. m. Evseisgs ssd Saturday After- noons by appointment only. Royal Rosh Boildlsg I'hoss West 440 Rssidcsco I'hoss West nx IJR. G. LL H. Sh,ALE, DENTIST Hsy nloch, 14ih sod hisciss [)v. Ogico Hours 9 Io 0 p.m. Evssisgs by appointment. Phone Wosi 72 NURSING HOME (Mrs. M. E I.s4.'hoses, R.N.) 2$4 ~ 24ih Sivcri Fmsl Nocih Vsscosvoc liteidosco I'hoss: North 1$6SR Soap Shampoos Are Passing OsL Because somcihmg really bt.i icv hss been found. A Gcocscs Oil Treatment leaves the heir soft ssd piisbio. nourishisg the scalp while cleansing. Just the thing to give your pcrmsscsi new life. G'fuenflolyyf Refyuty ShoPPe 1640 hisviss Drive For Appointments-- Phone Wosi 117 DRESSMAKINC Alterations fh Remodelling Satisfaction guaranteed MRS. E. 5IINIONS, 1415 Marine Drive TODAY CHILDREN OF DREAMS h TH(IT OIIUI) PIOPURR Foli Tiiilli RNJOY3ISNT EVENINGS 7 AND 9 MATINEE SATURDAY 2:30 COMING Mos„Tsssr Wsd. Nsxi The Front Page That Frl Ssi Next Joe E. Brown I ~ Broadgnlnded L08"8'0ALE-- We cannot go tramping with a crimson rambler. We cannot wear the Cape of Good Hope. We cannot awake a railway sleeper. We cannot hurt a dog with ai~, cye-lash. We cannot gather beans from table-runners. We cannot dance at s foot-ball. We cannot wear fox-gloves. We cannot dig a pul-pit. We cannot play a Neptune. We cannot climb a tad-pole )Ve cannot stand on s toad- stool. We cannot make a Yorkshire pudding with the best "batter" in the county team, We cannot weave on an heir loom. We cannot light a pipe with 0 love-match.