0001 lnl I E lt Rs Ivc lR08, 8 V illz ittlvt nd kL orks clw Ivo l1 ive 6 143 ate and 'e bowtbc? otltzd? rdown fis :iatioa g CONDUCTOR--Dundsrave Idtdies'hoir: (Winners 1930 B.C. Festival) DIRECTOR--St. Stephen's Church Choir. 3 CUPS -- 20 MEDALS AND 15 CERTIFICATES Obtained in Victoria and B. C. Musical Festivals STUDIO--2310 BELLEVUE Term Commences Tuesday, 15th September, 1931 Fisherman's Cove. Pickle Beans One peck butter beans, cut small. Cook half an hour or until tender, in weak salt water, then drain. Take three pints cider vinegar, 3 lbs. col?ee sugar, I large cup mustard, 1 large cup fiour, 2 tablespoons tumeric, 2 large tablespoons celery seed; mix to a batter with cold vinegar snd cook for five minutes. stir- ring all the time. Add beans and stir up. French Sahd To I pint canned peas add I pint celery cut finely, Irrz cup wal- nuts, chopped finely, Irz cup chopped orange. Serve witn mayonnaise dressing on shred- ded lettuce. S COOP! ANGUS MclNNES, M.P., will address s meeting in the Legion Hall, Sept. 18. Come early and avoid be- ing disappointed. Remember the date snd time-- Friday, Sept. 18th, at 8 p.m. Goad Prospects "Don't you just love to see these young couples sitting round on park seats holding hands?" "I do! I'm in the easy-pay- ment furniture business, A mlikman placed in his win- dow a card inscribed "Milk fram Contented Cows." A neighboring butcher, not to be outdone, also had 8 card in his window. His card read: "Saussges from Pigs that Died Happy." The Appeal "Tommy," called up the stairs the harassed mother of 8 pickle of a son, "whatever you'e doing --don't do itl" The Safe Season! Teacher was giving a lesson on the seasons. "Now, Johnny," she said, "when is the proper time to gather fruit?" "When the dog's chained up." wss the prompt reply. Ten cars of B. C. fruit and vegetables have arrived in Win- nipeg. THE WEST VAN NEWS H.C. READY FOR LAND !IIOVERIENT A back-to-the-land movement in British Columbia, based on government assistance to unem. ployed and other citizens hit by the depression, is under careful consideration by cabinet mem- bers in Victoria. Small parcels of land of from twenty to forty acres could be set aside by the government and taken up by citizens under exist- ing statutes. Hon. Wm. Atkinson brought proposals before the cabinet sub- committee of the cabinet on the question on the basis of the Re- gina conference. While Mr. Atkinson declined to discuss the subject of his rec- ommendations pending consider. stion by the special committee of the executive, on a prior oc- casion, he spoke in favor of plans to place at the disposal of sel- ected families 8 reasonable mess. ure of assistance to secure s start for them on the land. This could be done under existing statutes through the setting a- side of small parcels of from twenty to forty acres, which could be taken up by B. C. citi- zens who find themselves tem- porarily misplaced by depression snd who might be induced to turn to the soil for a solution of their difficulties. Either by options to purchase or else on nominal leases, such blocks could be placed st the dis- posal of families who wish to return to the land. Assistance towards construction of modest cabins, sufficient for early years C f occupation,snd small month- lv allowances for the first six months, it is understood would be component parts of the scheme. After 8 three-year test it would be apparent both to the settler and the government if the scheme had been of benefit, in individual cases, snd mean- while, it could be considered as part of the measure of relief dur- ing present conditions. The )Vest Vancouver Children's Choir. The West Vancouver Child- ren's choir will hold their first practice of the season under the direction of Mrs. Colin MscLesn in the United Church hall at 10 a.m. tomorrow (Saturday). All former girl members snd any desiring to become members are requested to be present. 6,308 hair seals were killed last year in B. C. waters, I. O. D. E. The September meeting of the Duncan Lswson Chapter, I. O. D. E. will be held on Monday. September 14th, at the home of hIrs. A. Eastman, Radcliffe Ave., West Bay, at 2:15 p.m. SHINGLE-LITE KINDLING WOOD Why Does 8 hIan Sing in His Bath? The question is put in the "Times Literary Eupplement" for August 13th, "Why does a man sing in his bath?" Here is the answer it gives:--"First, be- cause the bath-room hss bare walls usually tiled and no carpet or furniture--hence 8 long re- verberation second, the bath it- self acts as s resonator, reinforc- ing the voice in a certain region of pitch; and third, the falling water sets up 8 noise in a certain tonality which, selectively rein- forced by the bath, may even act as a physical stimulus upon the anatomical resonstors in the throat." All this is very interesting and instructive; but what we want to know is, "Why does s msn sing in his bath?" ~ I Double load of fifty bundles Q4 ppdelivered $ FORhIAL OPENING OF SUNLIGHT CLINIC An invitation is hereby given to all who are interested to come to the formal opening of the new home of the Sunlight Clinic and School by Mrs. A. D. McRse at 225 East Fifteenth Street, North Vancouver, on Wednesday, Sep- tember 16, at 3 p.m. The open- ing will be followed by the con- secration of the looms and new lamp by the Rev. William Askey. Tea will be served in the grounds and a demonstration of weaving by crippled children will be given There will be 0 display and sale of children's work, fol- lowed by four little plays, also by the children P. Masterman was present at he council meeting regarding the proposed demolition of build- ings in Irwin Park. After a full discussion hir. Mssterman und- ertook to ascertain by phone the views of the interested parties regarding the proposal snd aft- erwards reported "no objec- tionsir The clerk was then dir- ected to refer the matter to the building inspm.tor and inform the applicant P, P. Van Bosse that permission was granted for the removal of the pavilion only subject to the approval of the building inspector. Slnale load of 25 bundles P 5p Exceptional Value PHONE: North 72 VANCOUVER CREOSOTING CO., LTD. NORTH VANCOUVER - September I I, 1931. ~rs. g. X. +odgs00, L.A.R TEACHER OF SINGING FOR RECT--4 kcoa Hcucc, I block Crom ferry on Sistine. Mtdcta. Gccd Range. 82LOO. Phone John Lcwam, West 66. COMFORTABLE Futsithcd Hcucc- Mtdcru. Gtttgc. Near ferry. West 42VL, To kENT -- Futuicbcd Buugcitw. Barley, 28th uad Wutctftcst, phone West 150R2. FOR RENT-4 Room House is cts- vcnicst itcttiuu modern good gct dcu tud fruit trees, 826.00. Jobs Lcwccu, West 56. FOR PAINTINC KALSOMININQ Apply C. L. Kcuisgv, Rccidcucc phone West 204R. Fok PLUMBING REPAikS -- kcc idcucc Faust West 24 IR. MARCBLI.B SHOP -- Mttcciit, 50 cents; reset, 25c: finger wuvt, V6c. Phtst Mts. King, West 204. C. J. Overington PIONEER BARBER 14th and Marine Expert Work Phone West 135 Wireless Shouting had been going on behind the closed door of the London manager'8 office for quite ten minutes. The traveller outside was getting tired of waiting. "What's all the noise about, anyhow?" he inquired of the clerk. "Mr. Ward is speaking to Manchester," came the dignified reply. "Then why on earth can't he use the 'phone?" grumbled the other. Makmg Light of It The little boy sat down on the curb snd burst into tears. He had just lost the penny which his father gave him as pocket- money every week. In vain had he been searching the pavement and the gutter for it. Presently an old Scotsman ventured along. He inquired what was the matter, and 8 sympathetic look came over his face as he heard the child's tale of woe. "Dinna cry, laddie," he said consolingly. "If ye cermet find it afore dark-weel, here's a match." FOR SALE-Ncw I I foot bott, 2 lect piano butch, music or curio cabinet, tcc wagon cedar chat cutiuuc atd table. Apply Oihrct, 16th tad Wat- erfront. FOk RENT--Fest ttoa weil-Curaich- td cottage. Gctd cook store: Cun piumbiug. Phone Seymour STI0 be- fora 8 c'cluck. FOR SALE--Ctaky Burke, RZ, wct bstttry, 816. Phone West 80K I. ra ANTED--Rchubic gtti to sued busy cftctstcltc csd atuwl cvcuillgc. Phoae West ISSL FOR SALE--Ncw Ekcttk Wcchiug Mcchiac iucvct uccdi ltt SVO. Ap- piy 1420 Argyle hvc. right opposite Ambiccidc Statics, bcftrc 6 p.a. ~uy dcy. TO RpvCT--Futuichcd acdctu buas- ciow on Waterfront, scut 25th. Iow rent to responsible tenant. Phoae West 68LI. LOW kENT FOR WLu~k cottage. Iuaichcd, al wutctCtullt, near ferry. Phone West ZSOX. ACCOMMODATION--Ciuchcu Hutch Board optional, from 1st September. Phoae Wttt 804-0. RADIO REPAIRS sat SERVICR-- 8 years'zpcricacc. Nkk Waiisa- ~ou, Phoae West 2608. WEBB'S SHOE REPAIRS WEAR BEST--Dusdsrsvc. FOUNDATION CEMENT WORK- Lcudsccpiag cud Lcwuc 1th& Rock walls, drains, coptic tusks, fcadug ~ud lead clearing, chimneys aad fut cca ciccucd aud tcpuirccL Phoae T. Buruott, rccidcacc phono West 200IL ALL THB BBST Btcudc oC Ctgctc. Cigctcttcc aad Tobaccos. Aivo Ez chcugt Ptktt Huudll uud Ccucci cctdc Free. Ambiccidc Tcc Rooms. BURRARD FUNERAL CHAPEL S. D. WHITE. Mgt. Dictisctivc Puuctci Sctvkc Lady hccictcut 220-ztd St. E Phoae North 820 GEO. HA.Y Established 1012 Real Estate and Insurance Nctcty Pubiit PIRE INSUBANCB FOR RENT--Putaithcd uad Uufutu- ichcd Hcuccu. lkcaty Avtiitbic ftt itlcttgcgtll cu "Slcdtta Hasta" 1406 Mutmt Drive office Phone West 21 or Scy. 1280 Rccidcucc Phono ib'. 22B or W. 204K Yofd Gan Save One Dollar If you pay your telephone bill by the 18th of the month B. C. TELEPHONE COMPANY CLASSIFIED ADS The rate ftt CictciScd Advttumaam ic 2 ante pct «ctd, aisiaua 25 tata Pilccpt iu tbt cucc cl those imviag ttgltlcl'cctuak, uk cimmi bode are pcyubk tttkuy is cdvcuct„™ ~ Rcmcabct Chwcibtdll is tia Wttt Vtu twt gtt lamtdktt tctuIQ,