0001 ~ September 1 1, 1931. THE WEST VAN NEWS get IN nes elzl Nd be kl4 be bsi IZ I Itsd. Iefi) I68. et)~eg Tbe) I li I Phone West 20 M. WILLIAMS 1568 hlsrlne Drive Res. Phone Went 2361t DUNDARAVE CASH GROCERY Corner 25th and Bellevue GROCERIES, TOBACCOS, CIGARETTES, CONFECTIONERY, ICE CREAM, SOFT DRINKS, We deliver Phone )Vest 7 Your patronage solicited WHY STOKE? FESS OIL BURNER The oldest snd largest selling oil burner in the British Empire. MADE IN CANADA Free Demonstration 645 llowe Street Phone Tr in it y 3217 Ws L. OGDEN CO. Men's and Boys'urnishings Exclusively Boys'ox Serge KNEE PANTS $ 1.49 I E(*'ION CARNIVAI PROVES BIG DRAWING CARD Favored by brilliant sunshine following a wet week end, the second annual Legion carnival on Labor Day was 0 great drawing card. Legion members did most of the work on the stalls on Sat- urday, and. when the crowds started to arrive on the grounds at 16th Street on Monday after- noon, everything was ready for them. The midway was thronged all the afternoon with good-nat- ured merrymakers who thor- oughly enjoyed themselves st housie - housie,,ring - a- duck wheels of fortune, etc., and the shouts of these in charge of the stalls was heard all over the field. Afternoon tees, ice cream, and candy stalls, were in charge of the ladies of the Legion W.A. and were well supported. A very pleasing feature of the carnival was the West Vancouver Schools band. who gave a number of sel- ections during the afternoon. There was a good turn-out at the Legion hall in the evening at the hard time dance, which con- +luded the carnival. Dancing took place from 9 to I a.m., to musie supplied by the Red Caps'rchestraof Vancouver. Miss Mabel Phillips with a patchwork 4 costume won the ladies'rize, that for the gentlemen being a- warded to W. Sister, who was dressed in garments made large- ly from grain sacks. Miss Grace Tite was the winner of the draw- ing for a brass jardiniere and fern. JUNIOR ALI.IANCE Anyone interested in joining a Junior Alliance football team is asked to communicate with the ecretary, B. Clements, West 19L. FOOTBALL All those interested in organ- izing football teams of West Vancouver boys for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd juvenile divisions are asked to meet in the ferry rooms on Ambleside Dock to- night (Friday) at 7:30 o'lock, when it is hoped to make the arrangements to bring these into being. LEGION W. A. The regular monthly meeting of the W. A. to the Canadian Legion was held in the Legion Memorial Hall on Monday, Aug- ust 31st, when Mrs. C. F. Powell, Mrs. H. A. Collon and Mrs. J. H. Smith were enrolled as new members. The meeting was fol- lowed by a very successful social and dance to celebrate the first anniversary of the branch. The Keno prizes being won by Mrs. Clark, Mrs. Davidson, Mrs. Gleam, Mrs. Howdle, Mrs. Car- ley, hire. Powell, Mrs. Green, Tom Turner,jr. Between the dances very enjoyable vocal numbers were rendered by Mrs. Lovegrove, Tom Turner, jr.. and Guy Desmond. The Birthday Cake which was donated by Mrs. T. Barnott was cut by the first president of the branch, Mrs. Atwood, and serv- ed by the presiding president, hire. Batchelor. The W. A. has booked the I.egion Memorial Hall for the second Saturday in every month starting from October 14th and hopes all members and friends will keep this date in mind. All members of the W. A. have been invited to visit the North Van- couver branch on the occasion of their being presented with their charter on Monday evening at 8 o'lock in the ihiasonic Hall, Lonsdale Avenue. ASTBURY LUMBER CO. Lid. BUILD NOW A CO)ll'I.FTE IIIIILDING SERVICE AT A MIND)IUM COST I'lans and Specificutions Drnwn Up nnd Estimates Given IA)ANS AIIRANGED IF RE()UIRED Phone North 285 Night: North 1415-R Odorless Dry Cleaning and Dyeing SU1TS ) Clssocd dt» csex i RVA2ENT SUITS TO ORDSR DRF9SRS c sud Q 1 gg $ x4.00COATS ) 1'cussed Hlshsc Zcsdo suits our oos msko ~ 26.00 sud up ALTERATiONS sud REPAIRS WE CALL AND DELIVER We have 0 goad stock of your NOTE BOOKS LOOSE-LEAF I'ORMS Etc. Prices are right. Mr. and Mrs. Parkin and daughters of North Vancouver, spent the week end at their sum- mer cottage on Marine Drive, West Bsy. ~ ~ ~ The salmon run has started in the Capilano snd Seymour Riv- ers. So far they are chielly humpbacks. s hfr. and Mrs. J. Eric Allan of Vancouver, spent the holidays st the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J, Dodd Allan, Itadcliife Avenue. ~ s ~ Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Parker and family, 22nd and Mathers, have returned from 0 visit to Savory Island. o ~ Mr. Russell of Vancouver, has taken the Lundberg house at 29th and hiarine DMve. c ~ c The next regular meeting of L.O.L. No. 2990 will take place next Tuesday st 8 p.m. in the Orange Hall. ~ c Mr. and Mrs. W. D. McLean, entertained at dinner recently at their summer home, Waven Rock, West Bsy, in honor of Mrs. Allan Devitt. Covers were laid for eleven. Mr. Money of North Vancou- ver, has taken the Patterson house at 14th and Duchess Ave. c c Laurie Speck of the Amble- side Sheet Metal Works, has re- turned from a motor trip south, during which he travelled as far as New )Vexico. 4' An auto collision occurred on Sunday at the corner of 13th St. and Esquimalt between sn auto driven by Douglas Johnston, who was coming down the 13th St. hill, and Don Stewart, who was driving east on Eequimalt. Both drivers and some of the other occupants of the two cars were cut by fiying glass, Murray Wsr- son and Douglas Johnston suf- fering most in this respect. The fronts of the two cars were badly smashed. Clarence Sorenson of West Bay, has left by motor for Pom- ona College, California.\ c James Duncan, municipal eng- ineer, has left for his annual va- cation, part of which he expects to spend in the Yellowstone / Park. J )VEST VAiVCOUVER Mrs. D. Hood, who has been away on her annual vacation, has returned to her duties in the municipal hall. A waterspout was visible on Thursday afternoon, 3rd instant, travelling rapidly in a northerly direction up the Gulf of Georgia and into the entrance of Howe Sound. There it apparently struck land and disintegrated. About six weeks ago 0 similar phenomenon was observed in Howe Sound. It is somewhat re- markable that two waterspouts should have occurred in such 0 comparatively short period of time in these waters, where they are very rarely seen.\ ~ t Mrs. J. M. Stratton, 1468 hiar- ine Drive, arrived home last night after having spent the summer on a visit to Scotland.\ ~ Rev. H. P. Humphreys, pastor of the West Vancouver Baptist. Church, has returned from a hol- iday which he spent in Vancou- ver Island and the Pacific States. ~ ~ s Mrs. Turnbull, Fulton Avenue, entertained at 0 delightful tea on Monday afternoon in honor of Mrs. D. C. Iotchie, who is leav- ing )Vest Vancouver. The table with its lovely cut-work tes cloth was centered with a bowl of mauve sweet peas and presided over by hfrs. Ritchie and Mrs. Rush. Assisting in serving were Mrs. I'aulkner, Mrs. O'Donnell, hire, Davis snit Mrs. F. Patter- son. Mrs. F. J. Patterson, 1483 Gor- don Ave., entertained at lunche- on on Wednesday in honor of Mrs. D, C. Ritchie, who is leav- ing West Vancouver. The invit- ed guests were Mrs, Ritchie, Mrs. Ed. Lane, Mrs. Itimmer and Mrs. George Gsrdiner of Crea- cent. J. ~ ~ cThe senior matriculation class which is being conducted at the Inglewood High School, is being attended by nineteen pupils, four of whom sre residents of North Vancouver c c ~ Miss Maisie Jack and hiise Be- atrice Hodgson, 23rd snd Marine Drive, sre spending a vacation st Penticton. c t ~ The ferries during last month carried 98,933 passengers, which is 4,717 more than for the cor- responding month of last year. WEST Vi0 FHARf)1ACY Thc Store of Scc»4e. 1402 hlsctuo Delve West 22 Em»causey Phoo» Wcoe 221 (After 0 p.m.) DRESSMAKING Alterations St Remodelling Satb»faction guaranteed hiR9. E. MINIONS, Phone West 105 Stratton'S BAKERY )VEST VANCOUVER hlUSICIANS'I.UB At a meeting of the West Vancouver Musicians'lub held in the early summer the pro- grams for this winter'0 season were drawn up, of which partic- ulars are given below. The first program will be held on the first Friday in October, when there will be a grand opera night. The second program will be given by Barton Kurth's Mad- rigal Singers of Vancouver. The other programs will include two students'ights, and the last program will be devoted to selec- tions from the Gilbert and Sulli- van operas. BREAD -- CAKES ChocoLite Cake, Bar Leaf Buna Rolls Scones Nut Bread - Shortbread Christening, Birthday, )Vedding Cakes ASSORTED PASTRIES Almond Varieties made at 1468 hIARINE DRIVE Phone )best 27--or Call GORDON ROBSON Sscctstoc R Soncttoc WEST VANCOUVER Ofhce No 1441 )ger)us Deice. Phone West 40L VANCOUVER OFFICE- Suito 010 610 Hsstiues St. W Phoo» Scymosc 4)00. I. L. P. Angus Iliclnncs, hI.P„ to Speak Here. A capacity audience was pres- ent at the business meeting of the Independent Labor Party, which was held last Friday even- ing in the Legion Memorial Hall. It was decided to defer the elec- tion of o(ficers until the end of the year. Announcement was made that Angus McInnes, M.P., would be the speaker at the next meet- ing, which will take place on September 18th, in the Legion Memorial HalL Keep the date open l The public are cordially invited to attend. HOLLYSURN Barber Shop 16th 0 kesnuo EXPERT SERVICE F htARSH. Proprietor HOLT- The Glass f)fan l470 Manna Dnve Phaac Wes( 27 All kin(fs of Class Work HIGH SCHOOL Following the holiday the or- ganization of the classes has been completed. The total en- rolment is now 203 of whom 20 are full-course members of the recently organized Senior Mat- riculation class. Eight of these Senior Matriculation students hail from North Vancouver. The staff has been augmented by the appointment of James Sinclair, B.Sc. (U.B.C.), B.A. (Oxford). After a brilliant car- eer in the Vancouver High School, and at the University of British Columbia, Mr. Sinclair vcas in 1928 elected Rhodes Scholar. During three years at Oxford. he studied at the Honor School of hialhematics, being graduated with honors in 1931. FUEL VERNON FEED STORE A. C, Searle, Phone )Vest 9 Fuel, Feed Fertilizers and Building Supplies The Lcmter Evd Elsie w)Vhy is Clara always so short of money--didn't her father leave her a lot r'Iadge: Yes. but. you see, she's not to get it till she's thir ty, and she'l never own up to that." Sweaters '.."..".",„',"..... Brooks'ry Goods and Men's Wear 14th ssd hlsciuo Dcico. Plmuc West 144 Exclusive Assets Coctk»ttt Silk Hose sud Universal Sweaters stso Hove)ties, Toys, School Suppnos, Homseitchiua Catherine Paton STUDIO OF DANCING Ballet ~ Character - Tap lnsH point ssd Tos) 1373 Gordon Ave. bVest 341X Local and Personal Students