West Van. News (West Vancouver), 11 Sep 1931, p. 2

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0001 THE WEST VAN NEWS Scptemtmr II, 1931 AW. w vW 'h V" l~ + w wccc * 'c c L»'r 4~ St ' I r vc 'cic' iec"' ic c v(cr cc c t.c' 3 1 c c * r r r ~F Yr c rg"r 'rr'v rerr'VMrrr "rr w-rrrrrr rwrrr rrrcvrrv'rc"r r rr rr. rm. rr rrr Wmr rrrrrrrrrvrrrrcrrr wc rrr r c BARGAIN for Someone. MEMORIAL HALL NEXT SUNDAY-- 10 a m.--Schcci fcc Childrcs. 2 p. m.--Spcckcci MR. PERCY KING Subject: "LOVE AND I) I 8CI PL IN E" Mr. Kicg brccdcccic over CKWX every Wednesday ci 0 20 l »m. SocietySee this new Chevrolet Club Sedan CHURCH EDIFICE20th cnd Rceclmcii, Hcuybccc This Society ic c Branch of Thc Mother Church The First Church cf Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mccccchuccitc Sunday Services 11:$0 ~.m. csd 'I:80 y.m. Subject ISth September "SUIISTANCE" in our showroom 4,82 500 today McMILLAN-HARTNESS MOTORS LIMITED Cor. 3rd and Lonsdale Phone North 454 NORTH VANCOUVER MEETING OF PARENT- TEACHERS'SSOCIATION The September meeting of the Parent - Teachers'ssociation will take place on Tuesday even- ing, September 15th, at 8 o'lock in Pauline Johnson School. It is expected that it will prove a very interesting meeting, for Miss E. S, Harrop will give an address on her tour in England and on the Continent. The Association will present their prize of a ten dollar gold piece to the High School ihfatriculstion student who made the highest aggregate number of marks in the examin- ation. There will also be a pro- gram of music. This meeting will afFord an excenent opportunity to parents of meeting the new teachers of West Vancouver; it will also be an excellent opportunity to par- ents of the new High School pupils to meet the teachers of the High School. Do not miss this meeting if you can possibly help it. United Church Sunday Schcci at 10:00 c.m. Testimony hicciicg Wednesday ci 8:15 pcs. ( St. Stephen's Church Rector: Rev. F. A. Ramsey, L.T.S. S s.m.--Holy Communion. 10 a.m.--Sunday School and Bible Class, when promotion in all classes will be ei?ected. 11:16 a.m.--Matins. 7'15 p m --Evensong The first section of the Annual Sports'rogram will be held at Brockton Point on Saturday, Sept. 12th, when 22 boys snd girls will represent St. Stephen's in competition with other Angli- can schools of Greater Vancou- ver. The second meet will be on September 19th at the same place. The Anglican Young People'8 Association will resume its meet- ings on Monday evening st 8 o'lock in the Parish Hall, The Junior W. A. and the Trail Rang- ers will meet on Friday Septem ber 18th. The Harvest Festival will be held on September 27th. Pastor: Rev. Father Csrey Residence: 2558 Marine Drive. Friday--7:30 p.m.--Evening De- votions. Saturday--7:30 p.m. -- Confes- siuiis. Sunday--8:46 s.m.--Holy Mass. 2 p.m.--Sunday School. 3 p.m.--Rosary, Benediction. Week Days--7:SO s.m. -- Holy Mass. EMBER DAYS (Wednesday, Friday, Saturday) These are days set apart by the Church during each of the four seasons of the year as days of special prayer, fast snd ab- stinence. By complying with the command to fast and abstain, we practise the very necessary virtues of moderation snd self- control, good snd wholesome for soul snd body. The Session will meet on Mon- day evening at the residence of Mr. snd Mrs. W. C. Thompson, 21st snd Argyle. Rally Dsy for the Sunday School hss been set for Septem- ber 27th. A fine program has been drawn up by the Education Committee of the United Church This advance notice will help to remind us of this big dsy in the work. WFDT VAiNCOUVER CUB PACK The West Vancouver Cub Pack will resume their meetings at St. Stephen'0 parish hall next Tuesday, 15th September, st 6:30 p.m. . Herself An actress hsd been holding a conversation with a friend for some time, snd so the only topic hsd been herself. At length she said, "But enough about me; let's talk about yourself. Tell me--what do you think of my part in the new play'" Girl's C.C.N. Bicycle ! (18-inch) FOR SALE In First-Class Condition. PHONE Wcci 163 R3 I'RESBYTEIIIAN CHURCH 2:30 p.m.--Sunday School in the Orange Hall, 22nd snd Marine Drive. Presbyterian childzen snd those not stending any Sunday School, welcome. 8:30 p.m.--Church service in the Orange Hall, Rev. J. Cuddie- ford of North Vancouver, will preach. Baptist Church The girls of the Junior Choir who are working under Mrs. C. MscLesn snd Mrs. Sheffield will meet next Saturday morning at 10 o'lock sharp, in the church hall. Girls of 8 years snd up who can sing or who want to learn how to sing are asked to come. A concert is being planned for the week between Xmas snd New Years snd sll the members are asked to be on time. The co- operation of the mothers is re- quested. The church choir hss resumed its practice on Thursday even- inga Singers who can help in this most important part of the services are earnestly invited to consecrate this gift to the work. A team from the bowling club went over to the Annual Labor Dsy tournament at the Vancou- ver Bowling Club lawn on 26th Avenue. Although the men did not bring back 0 prize they hsd s most enjoyable dsy snd put the West Vancouver Bowling Club on the msp. A week from Sat- urday we are expecting 0 visit from some of the bowlers in the city. Pastor, Rev. H. P. Humphreys, Residence, 1343 Heywood Ave. Phone West 262R Sunday Sept 13 1931 10 s.m.--Sunday School. Classes for sli. 11 a.m.--Morning worship. Pastor Will preach, topic, "God's Identification." The Ordinance of the Lord' Supper will be observed at the close of the morning service. 7:30 p.m.--Evening worship. Topic,,'Have You 8 Spiritual Experience?" A Cordial invitation to sll. Wednesday, 8 p.m. -- Prayer snd Praise.. ST. STEPHEN'S A.Y.P.A. The St. Stephen's A.Y.P A. will commence their winter ses- sion next Monday, 14th instant, at 8 p.m. in the parish hall. Trustee T. Russell, 1288 22nd Street, phone West 29L, will be glad to receive any of the follow- ing list of books from sny who sre willing to donate same for use of students whose parents are unemployed: Grade IX--The Golden Treas- ury of Canadian Verse, Stephen, (Dent); History of Canada for High Schools, McArthur, (Gage) West'8 World Progress (Canadi- an Edition, 1924) (Allyn & Bac- on); Ritchie'8 Human Physi- ology (Gage); Stanley & Smith A Canadian High School Arith- metic; Hall, A School Algebra (Macmillan), Godfrey & Siddons Elementary Geometry; Set of drawing instruments; Hamilton & Csrlisle, Latin for Young Can- adians, Junior Lessons; The New Frsser & Squair Elemen- tary French Grammar; Reader, Oral Lessons in French, Parts I, II, III, (Renouf); Hilton, A book of General Science (Mscminsn). FAREWELI TO MR. AND MIIS. D. C. HITCH IE A congregational social re- union wss held in the Hall on Wednesday evening. It wss not only 8 rally for the term, but wss a farewell to Mr. snd hire. D. C. Ritchie who are leaving this week for s new home. Mrs. Ritchie hss been one of the most faithful snd untiring of our workers snd has filled in s very efficient wsy the chair of presi- dent of the Women's Association. Her departure is s distinct loss tu church snd community snd is deeply regretted by our workers. In the name of the congrega- tion snd of the Association Mrs. Ritchie was presented with 0 very beautiful clock with West- minster chimes, also s beautiful bouquet wss given as 0 special token of affection from the Women's Association Her respunse revealed not only her appreciation but her sense oi'he value of the wurk in which she has been engaged. A program wss presented con- sisting of 8 piano solo by Mrs. Durbin; solos by Miss Juan Dur- Established os North Shore 20 Ycccc. (Lady Accicisai) HARRON BROS. S( WILLIAMSON I'uneral Qireetors North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 P.G.E. DIRECTORS I.EAVE ON TRIP OF INSPECTION Col. Nelson Spencer snd Mr. Willsrd Kitchen, directors of the Pacific Great Eastern Railway, snd Mr. Robert Wilson, execu- tive assistant, left Wednesday night on 0 trip of inspection over the line. They will return this evening. THE West Vari Nezvs Psblicbcd Every Friday South Africa hss ordered 12 cars of Wealthy apples from Salmon Arm. Psbiichcc F. F. I.OVEGROVE I'hone 1Vest 363 Bccicccc ccd Ediiorici Odicci Ifih ccd Marine Drive (Nevi ic Houybccc P.O.) Phone West 363 ~ficrcccmc csd evenings Mail Addccc»i P.O. Bcx si. HcBybcrs, B.C. 51.00 ~ year by carrier; 52.00 c yccc by maiL Ncwccissdc sc. Pcr copy, Sandy Cove bin Mr Addy snd Mrs C M MscLesn; qusrtette by Mesdam- es Howieson snd Sheffiel&l and Messrs Johnson and Frond. A social half hour with re- freshments brought tu 0 close 0 delightful evening This year the fur seal herds have been protested by an air- craft guard. Minister, E. A. Henry, D.D. Sunday, September 13th, 1931. ~ub'„.",'w."h,",, '„," .„, St. AnthOny'S ChurCh Dr. Henry will preach at both services. The morning topic "The Mes- sage of the Autumn Time." For girls and boys, "A Cham- pion Swimmer." The evening topic, "Preparing to Meet God." The Sunday School teachers and scholars are asked to try snd be on time, so we msy close promptly at 10 minutes to 11. Df Marjory McCubbin I DENTIST I Hcurci 0 ~. m. Io 8 y. m. Sciucdcyc: is ~. m. Ic I p. m. Rvcsisgc ccd Saturday After- noons by cppcisimcsi only. Royal Hank Bending Phoae West 44 ~ Rccidcscc I'hose West $$$. nR. C. LL HL SE'WLE DENTIST Hcy Sleek, 14th ccd bicricc Dc. Udice Hours 0 ic 6 p.m. Evenings by cppcisimcci. Phono West 72 NURSING HOME (hire M P is(hcccc RN) 264 - 24ih Sircci Fkccl Neith Vcsccccci Rccidcscc I'hose: Ncrih 1$56R Soap Shampoos Are I cc»icg i)cL Because something rccuy hci- icr hcc bccc found. A Gcscccc OU Tcccimcsi iccvcc ihc heir soft csd pliable. nourishing the cccip while cleansing. Just the thing io give your permanent scw Ufc. CFJJeyfd'OlyI Beauty Shoppe ! 1540 Marine Drive Fcc Appointments-- Phone West IIL THE OI,D CEI,ESTIAI. EMPIRE China is only 0 little larger than the United States in ares but her population is four times as great. Her civilization dates back 5,000 years or more. We must admit that "the heathen Chinee" is just as intel- ligent as we are. 'Four thousand years sgo he was making bread from wheat snd wine from rice. Three thousand years sgo he hsd s mariner's compass snd 0 dictionary. The gunpowder he invented wss used not to kill but only to celebrate his holidays. The Chinese are bright stud- ents with s remarkable capacity for memorizing. Chinese artis- ans excel in work requiring peti. ence snd ingenuity. Their silks snd porcelsins are famous sll over the world. One noticeable characteristic of the Chinese, as 0 nation, is their ability to work long snd hard snd live on almost nothing. A Chants Morning Mrs. Cumso: "How did Charlie snd Mary get acquainted withC each other?" Mrs. Fsngle: 'They sang in the same church choir." Mrs. Cumso: "Oh, I see! They met by chants." Evenings 7 and ff I MATINEE SAT. 2730 I 'SKIPPY'he Piiiure iur I vcr)lmd) COMING IION., Tl'ES., 7VEI). NEXT Mother's Millions 'I'I II'IL, ynl., HAT. NIIXT Children of Dreams Lo ii'iiiistE