0001 l'r'II r Jv~ Ivrv V4" rI r4 I u I I ~ » l' ~ l I I Jrl. v;w I v il JIJJ'VrJIi wv J%J . 'J'~ Jvu uvv.vi u~'1.I,',\'v ~ir ruyI'I vv"/M v'y«ervv"rB'AV rrv ErrvI r rrrr«-. r. I'~«'. r-ruv IW September 4, 1931 Hpllyburn THEATRECHANGE OF SCHEDULE tO WINTER TIMETABLE Thursday, pvlduy uud Saturday Sept. 8, 4 uud 8 Jt'ikr cAvvok In "DADDY LONG LEGS" hiuuduy, Tuvvduy S Wednesday Sept. 7. 8, uud 9 ItaitILYN Mu LER In "SUNNY" C. J. Overington PIONEER BARBER 14th and hlarine Expert Work phone West 135 WATCH For our printed circulars in the mail--individually numbered ZS Prixe Drawings To Be hlade Between Noir and Christmas ANNOUNiCESIENTS )VEERI.Y The BURRARD LAUNDRY g i lull ivu For People tvho Are I'articular Agent for SWAN BROS„ DltY CI.BAN ERS hlRS. F. X. HODGSON TO RESUSIE VOCAL TEACHliNG Mrs. F. X. Hodgson, L.A.B., will, following the summer re- cess, be open again to receive vocal pupils on and after Tues- day, 15th September at her studio, 2310 Bellevue Ave. Her pupils have received 3 cups, 20 medals and 15 certifi- cates in the Victoria and B. C. hiusical Festivals. hirs. Hodgson is one of the best known con- traltos in the province. Tkiitn ST. uud 8'I'. DA VIUS North Vancouver Phone North 1310. )Vest Van. Representative F. RIVERS Phone West 410L BRIGHTEST AUGUST SINCE 1917 August, with 334 hours and 6 minutes of sunshine, wss the brightest month recorded in Vancouver since 1917, states the monthly report of Ifr. E. B. Shearman, head of the Dominion hfeterological Service here. The total for August, 1917, wss 348 hours and 12 minutes. The twen- ty-year average for the month is 258. August was also warmer and drier than usual Only .61 inrhes of rain fell and the mean temper- ature wss 64 degrees, compared to the average monthly precipi- tation and temperature of 1.71 inches and 62.9 degrees respec- tively. The highest temperature was on August 9 when 84 degrees were recorded. On August 4 the mercury sank to 48.6 degrees, the month'8 lowest temperaturt. Rainfall since the beginning of this year amounts to 34.98 inch- es, which is 5.79 inches above the precipitation recorded at this time in an average year. Father (in museum): "This 'ere is the hostrich -- now ex- tinct." Modern Son I "But, pa, the ost- rich isn't extinct." Father: "Don't contradict me, this one is!" BURRARD FUNERAL CHAPEL B. D. WHITE, Msr. Diutisvtivu Puuuvui Service Lady Auuiutuut ZZ8--Srd St. K Phoae North 888 FURNACE and SHEET METAL REPAIRS Ambleside Sheet MetalWorks LAURIE SPECK, Proprietor 1446 Marine Drive Phone West 437L2 K.W. SaVOry 1443 hlarine Drive Ambleside I'hone West 340 Evenings, West 143 Real Estate e Finance and Insurance "Aren't you going to marry that pretty girl after sll?I "No--she has an impediment in her speech." "How sad! What is it?" "She can't say 'yes'." Catherine Paton t Stndio of Dancing Ctsuvuu Reuuimtueute Sept. 8th BALLET (Half-putut sud Tuu) CHARACTER -- TAP f878 Gordon Ave. West 84IX CARNIVAL (Under the auspices of the Canadian Legion) Labor Day-Sept. 7th 16th and Marine, Hollyburn Competitions Midway Games HPLLYBURN GARAGE 1503 Marine Drive 3 out of 4 Cars have defective brakes or other equipment. Is Yours Amongst theseT May we check up on ItT H. DAVISON gt SON I'hone West 100 Taught at the Legion Hall By hIISS C. WHITE Commencing Sept. 16th, from 6I30 till 8 p.m., and every Wed nesday thereafter, at 50c per lesson. THE WFST VAN NFWS , WEST VAN('OUVER HIGH hllLq. COI.IN hlacl.EAN PACIFIC STAGE LliNES SCHOOL; SEI'T. I, 1931 Ol'EN I'Olt VOCAL I'UPII 8 The )vest Vancouver High Mrs. Colin MacLesn announ- School reopened for the fall term ces that the holhisys being over, this morning with an enrolment she will again resume the teach- of 174 made up as follows: ing of singing, Her studio is st Grand XI. (Junior hlatricula- 2031 hfsrine Drive. hire. Msc- tion), 37; Grand XI 44: Grand Lean is very well known as 8 Effective Ivednesday, Sept, 8th. IX., 47 Grand XI. commercial, concert artist in Greater Van-9; Grade X. commercial, 16: couver. For information and new time-table enquire at all Grade XI. commercial, 21. Company 0%ces, agents and representatives or In addition there were 25 sp THE FESS OIL BUIINElt Telephone plicsnts for the Senior hlstricu- Sey. 7131 lation Course, also several desir- The attention of West Vancou-ous of tal ing a Special Course in ver ms(dents"Is drawn to'the PACIFIC STAGES LIMITED. Commercial work. Peas Od Burner for house hest Operated by This is the first time that Sen- ing, It is an all Canadian pro- B. C. MOTOR TRANSPORTATION LihHTED ior hfatriculstlon work has been duct, the oMest and largest seB- Heud Ogivu uud gain Depot - Curuuv Suymuut uud Duuumuir Streets offered on the North Shore. ing oil burner in the British Em-Some details oC organization re- pire, is noiseless and has an aver- main to be settled and it is ex- age of less than two service caos Pected that this class will begin per burner per season. Free dem-its full Programme on Tuesday'nstrations wio be gjsdly given September 8th. In addition to the at 645 Howe Street, or for fur- local students a number of stu- ther information please phone dents residing in North Van- Trinity 3217. An advertisement touver have applied for Senior relative to this appears in this hIatriculation, and there is everv indication that this will be 8 8uc- cessful class. The steady growth of the ELITE TAILORS & CLEANERS "'"" ~ mth enrollment in Septembllr will hold its first meeting after THE BURNING BUSH lowe. Pnncipal, F„ed. J. Patter- ine Johnson School On Tuesda) By Subadar son. M. A.; vpice-Principal, James stead of the 8th instant. A pleas- R, Mitchell, B.A.; Mrs. Winifred ing part of the program will beAccording to an A.P. dispatch Reid,commercial specialist; Miss the presentation of a 810 goldGsndhissiledfromBombaywith Ag es Hale, M.A,; hIr. L8he iecetothemostsuccessfulstu- a jubilant manner, thirty quarts Brooks, B.A.; Miss Edith Mc- dent in the matriculation class of goats'ilk and a crate or two Sweyn, B.A.; Mr. John Condon t)tis year The name of the lec- of oranges and dates. Now it is manual training and hfiss Jessie tsar %~ljj be given in our next not to be wondered at that, as Castell, B.Sc. in home economics. reported later, the jubilant man- The last two also teach public A cordial invitation is extend- ner got knocked endwise by the school classes in their respective ed ui all interested in educationgoats'ilk and dates, and that subjects. Miss Caste)1 rePlaces to attend Gandhi was soon found, loin Miss Davidge who has returned cloth snd all, with his feet in the to her home in England. Miss PUBLIC SCHOOLS air and ghastly ill. Father Nep- Castell is s graduate of Manitoba tune naturally would not stand Agricultural College holding the p r J for anyone, not even Gandhi, degree of B. Sc. in Home Econ- ed 1s„t Tuesda with 8 receiving I Pulling such stuff ss that in omics, also a diPloma in Dietet- class of 27 and 8 total rp)) of 356 his domain, snd Passive resist- ics from the Vancouver General u ils Other ad'i'ssions were ance is a poor antidote for sea Hospital. sickness in any case. As the in- Mrs. Reid, who attended sum- I'Dund v district I 8 sfer imitsbl Wodehouse would 8ay, mer school during the vacation, red from Hollyburn School"a box of Dr. Mothersill'8 sea-'s receiving cong stulations of HollybumSch~lhads'r~eiv- sick remedy is indicated." teachers and students upon hav- ~ I f 25 th I I I tt d ing been awarded the B.C. Com- ance on Tuesday at opening be- Thereweresomeveryfinepic menial Specialists permanent ing 335 u ils tures at the recent Canada pa certificate. cific Exhibition and there were Both themembersof thestaff LOI TO GIVE pICNIC some of the new school of so and the students have returned called "art" which spoiled the refreshed from the summer holi- frames enclosing them. We have days and are facing the ivork of a new kind of Poetry (v) in the new year with hopeful de- regular meeting ast Tues sy Canada and the States of the ermina ion. same calibre. My friend the edit- or, who isa singularly explosive BRIDGE O the cup won by the lodge on individual, quoted the following parody to me, which both he snd agreed fitt d the case as Offices of Burrsrd Inlet Tun- B d C rth d I One csndxlate wss Initis'ted pic urea an i era ure. was Second Narrows bridge, wiB be snd several addresses given by oificers and members. written by a western editor on a closed and salaries of the staff much Praised Poem about eating now emPloyed by the comPany hold the annual basket picnic at ppM by one whose Ch~~~ti~~ will be reduced, it was d~~~d~d E name was "Emily." It goes as st a meeting of the board of follows: Mr. percy Ward manager of Vancouver lodge snd ladies. Cars"A keg of beer, will leave the Orange Hall at And a yard of tripe, the comPany, whose salary will 22 d d M Dri 10 30 And sixteen Chinamen hit- be reduced to a small retaining Stuff like this I could write non-operation of Second Nar- gr Ports and Pnzes hss Butwhatintheworlddoe8 business connected with corn- sugar and cream supplied. Vl~ does Emily eat?" psny affairs to warrant full-time itors welcome. I think I could paint some of services of the pilesent staff. those pictures with my feet. "I Work will therefore be divided Friendly Londoner: 'uppose hope so, indeed," as my old aunt, among the bridge ompsny em- you find the traffic here confus- a noted termagant, used to re- ployees, whose salaries will be ing? mark. materially reduced. Visitor from Old-world Vil- Offices of the company will be lage: Not 8 bit of it, sir; walk- 'Igh Clara! opened only on special occasions, ing between motor-cars in these'ere trsific blocks reminds meo'aid(having accepted her FOOCBAII PI AYERil going doon our main street st notice): "Anyway, mum, I'e AT TF,N Tl ON I 'ome. been in better class 'houses than this. Why, the last place I was It is ro osed to form this sea- in the ladies used to strip for son a W'e'8't'ancouver Juniordinner." Lions'eam, and with this end in view 8 meetino for organiza- tion purposes wdl be held to- Girl: "I maintain that love- night in the ferry waiting room making is just the same as it on Ambleside dock. Any foot- alwsys wssiu ballers interested can obtain Cull Her Sweetheart: "How do you particulars by phoning either A. know?" Bean at West 672L or B. Cle- Girl: "I'e just been reading ment at West 2191,. about 8 Greek maiden who sat snd listened to a lyre sll, the MISSC.WHITE TOOI'EN evening." SCHOOI, OF DANCE Miss C. White of Vancouver Q+NQINQ Pap Tpe Np~epty will open a school of ds ce at the 6:30 p.m. till 8 p.m. and on every Wednesday evening thereafter. Instruction given in tap, toe snd novelty dancing.