West Van. News (West Vancouver), 4 Sep 1931, p. 3

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0001 d I September 4, 1931 THE WEST VAN NEWS 84 ttg 100 0 0 ~ )el &t(04 gpt! Odorless Dry Cleaning and Dyeing Send the ChffdrenLocal and Personal To this store. They'l always get what you order. We Never Substitute We Deliver Anywhere Any- time. SUITS ) Ctedsdd dx ~ dx dx I REGENT SUITS TO ORDER Damsxs, d.d yt tlat $ 24.00COATS ) pressed x Htgbdr grade duttd dar des mxka 066.00 dad sp ALTERATIONS dsd REPAIRS WE CALL AND DELIVER Mr. and Mrs. J. Postleth- waite, of Vancouver, have mov- ed into s house at 2285 Gordon Ave. ~ d ~ Mrs. Charles Burbridge and family, have returned to their home st 2309 Marine Drive, from the west coast of Vancou- ver Island, where they have been spending the summer. ~ ~ ~ hlr. and Mrs. A. L. Stevenson and Mr. and Mrs. James Steven- son have arrived from Victoria and will be the guests over Labor Day of Mr. and hire. W. Moore Jackman, 22ntl and Pslmerston. \ d Mrs. J. H. Cork and her grandaughter, Miss Beatrice Case, both of Toronto, have re- turned from Portland, Oregon, and are visiting Mrs. P. C. Begg, 1158 Duchess Ave. ~ ~ ~ Mr. and Mrs. R. Blsyney are again occupying the cottage of George T. Hay st West Bay for the winter, ~ d \ Mrs. R. Rhodes of Penticton, who formerly resided here, is the guest of hIrs. C. Mclntyre, 20th and Gordon Avenue.\ Mrs. W. Sister and her two children, 1066 Keith Road, left on Sunday for Schreiber, Ont. On their way back they expect to stop over at Fort William and Winnipeg. \ Mrs. G. E. Bayfield and family who have been spending the summer at Craig Lodge, return- ed yesterday to their home st 20th and Inglewood. Dr. Bay- field spent 0 few days there and returned with them. d d ~ Nrs. Aubrey Clarke and her son David, 36th and Bellevue, have returned to West Vancou- ver after spending 0 very restful vacation with relatives at Vaux- hall, Alberta. d Miss Lorna Thomson of the Hollyburn Post Office, has re- turned from her annual vacation which she spent at Long Bsy Gambier Island. d hIagistrate and Mrs. Gordon Robson and family have moved into their new home at 29th and hiarine Drive. Mr. and Mrs. J. Johnson and family have moved from 13th snd Marine Drive to 0 house at 14th and Duchess Avenue. ~ \ Mrs. W. T. Davies, 13th and Fulton, is now occupying her new home at 17th and Fulton Avenue. d Mr. and Mrs. James Thomson, 14th and Bellevue, have moved into their house at 13th and ltiarine Drive. d d hlr. and Mrs. James Thomson, 14th and Bellevue, have moved into their house at 13th and Marine Drive. ~ d d F. J. hioore is building a new house at 22nd and Jelferson Ave. d ~ ~ Mrs. Sparrow and children, 23rd and hiarine Drive, have re- turned from a holiday on the west coast of Vancouver Island. ~ ~ Miss Simpson of West Bay, has returned from a visit in the east, and Miss Harrop, who has been spending the school holi- days in the old country, is also back at her home in West Bay. The Ambleside Sheet Metal Works have moved from 1474 Marine Drive to one of the new Wright stores on Marine Drive at Atnbleside situated 0 few doors east of their old place of business. ~ d Mr. and Mrs. W. Merton of Mission City, are guests at the Clachan Hotel. ~ ~ d Miss Betty Mackay who is a frequent visitor in West Vancou- ver, has returned from her trip to Scotland and resumed her duties as principal of the public school at Lsngky, B.C. d ~ Rev. A. Harding Priest and Mrs. Priest left on Sunday night following the evening service for Calgary, where he will take up his new duites as western field secretary of the G.B.R.E. d d \ Miss Joan Cullington of Salt Spring Island, is the guest of Mrs. Percy Mason, Marine Drive, West Bay. ~ d ~ Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Thomas and family, who have spent thc summer in Caulfeild, returned on Monday to their home in Van- couver. Phone West 20 M. WILLIAMS 1568 hisrine Drive Res. Phone 1Vest 286L WEST VII PIARi)IACY Tbd Store of Servtde. 140Z Mdrtsd Drive Wddt SZ Emcrgdscr Phoae Wml 601 (After 0 p.sa.) DUNDARAVE CASH GROCERY Corner 25th and Bellevue GROCERIES, TOBACCOS, CIGARETI'ES, CONFECTIONERY, ICE CIIEAM, SOFT DRINKS, We deliver Phone West 7 Your patronage solicited Siration'S BAKERYW. L. OGDEN CO. Men's and Boys'urnishinas Exclusively BOYS';"„;",","„GOLF HOSE 49c and 59c BREAD -- CAKES Chocolate Cake, Bar Loaf Buna - Rolls Scones Nut Bread - Shortbread Christening, Birthday, Wedding Cakes ASSORTED PASTRIES Almond Vsricaet ! made at 146S hlARIittE DRIVE Phone West 27--or Call WHY STOKE? l UM FESS OIL BURNER The oldest and largest selling oil burner in the British Empire MADE IN CANADA GORDON ROBSON Bdtridtde ft Sondttdr WEST VANCOUVER-- ofrmd Nd. Iddz M Phoae West 40X VANCOUVER OFFICE- Saitd 010; 610 Hddttegx St. W Phone Seymour 4100. Mrs. R. P. Allan has returned to her home at 3092 Marine Drive from Garrett, B. C., where she spent the last two months. ~ ~ Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Lunn, who have been living for several years in Vancouver, have again taken up residence at their home at 29th and Bellevue. Mr. and Mrs. William Fitzpat- rick of Toronto, have purchased the Thomson property on Clyde Avenue, and have taken posses- sion. ~ ~ Stuart Breckenridge gave 0 party to his friends on Monday evening at his home on Radclijfe Avenue. \ 4 ~ Mr. and Mrs. R. Froud, 1231 Marine Drive, have returned from a motor trip in the south, coming back by way of the Fraser Valley. d Miss O. Bryan, local agent of the B. C. Telephone Co., left here over the week end to spend her annual vacation at her home at Innisfail, Alberta. Miss R. May- wood of the Vancouver stair, is relieving here in her absence. d d ~ Mr. and Mrs. C. Bulkley of Hortland, Oregon, are visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. Bulkley of "Dreamy Nook," 2584 Bellevue Ave. Mr. and Nrs. A. Houghton. 2992 Marine Drive, have return- ed from a holiday at Gossip Is- land. Mrs. M. Miles and family, 17th and Marine Drive, have moved into a house at 2SII Bellevue Avenue. ~ d Free Demonstration 645 Howe Street Phone Trinity 3217 Ioe RIdie 3 Ioc Pure 3erSey Milk HOLLYBURN Barber Shop 16th ft Mdrittd BXPERT SERVICE E. MARSH, Ptoprtdtor RICHER! Comes only from SLEEK, HEALTH Y weil-fed cows--JERSEYS The richest milk producers In the world. HOLT- The Class i)lan 1470 Marine Dave Phone West 27 All kinds of Glass Work It M ndw possible for you to provide your family with a richer, creamier, aad more health(el milk without adding one cent to your present east of living, Let these facts (and they dre facts) sink ia. Nd other dairy ts Greater Vancouver handles better milk than RIDLEY'S. We are the only people handling PURE JERSEY MILK exclusively. Only Jareey herds in the healthiest condition, housed under the most hygienic dsd sanitary systems were chosen to provide this better milk for your tabled. Why buy just milkf Why take chancedf Why go oat- dtdd of West Vancouver when West Vancouver otferd the best produced and the price TEN QUARTS FOR A DOLLAIL HORSESHOE BAY Fishing, Basting, Lunches, Tees, Dinners, Ptcntc Grounds Dallcing (Saturday Evenings) HOWARD RODGERS (Established 1914) Phone Long Distance IVhyteco(f Ioe phdx~ ntdldx I OeWest 456 quart for delivery service quart FUEL VERNON FEED STORE A COhll'LETE BUILDING SERVICE AT A SHNINUM COST Plans and Specifications Drawn Up and Estimates Given I.DANS ARRANGED IF REQUIRED A. C. Searle, Phone West 9 Fuel Feed, Fertilixera and Building SuppliesThe Denman Tennis Club of Vancouver defeated the IVest Vancouver Tennis Club in 0 match last week end. A team from the local club was also beat- en by the C.P.R. Tennis Club in the city. Captain and Mrs. S. J. Na- smith have returned to their home at 14th and Jefferson Ave. after spending 0 holiday up the coast. ~ ~ ~ Miss Eluned Morgan, West Bay, left here last week to visit her brother and sister-in-law in San Francisco ~ ~ ~ Mrs. Allan hicLeod who has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Nrs. Howard Lloyd, of the Fortune Cup Inn, left today to return to her home in Nelson, B. C. Phone North 285 Night: North 1415-R ltllLS. PATON To REOPEN HER STUDIO OF DANCLNG Nra Catherine Paton, 137S Gordon Ave., will reopen her studio of dancing next Tuesday. 8th September. She m1l teach ballet (half point and toe). char- acter, and tap dancing. For in- formation please phone West 341K. DEATH OF MRS. STAINBY'S MOTHER The death occurred on Satur- day after 0 lingering illness of Mrs. Jane Irving Price in her 76th year, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. F. Stainsby, 1944 Marine Drive. The deceased, whose husband predeceased her, leaves to mourn her loss, besides her daughter, one sister, Mrs, Martin Burrell of Ottawa, and one brother, Rev. Irving Arm- strong of Bexhill - on . Ses, England. The funeral services were held on Monday at the North Vancouver chapel of Har- ron Bros. and IVilliamsan, Rev. Harold King officiating, and In- terment was made in the Capil- ano View cemetery. HOI.LYBURN HORSE- SHOE 'CLUB Quite a number of interested spectators attended the matches put on last week end by the Hol- lyburn Horseshoe Club on their grounds at 1788 Fulton Ave. The matches were very keenly con- tested, the follawmg being the winners: 1st Prize--H. Binnings and E. Minions. 2nd Prize--George Curry, W. Wall(0. Srd Prize-J. Lougheed and A. MscAulsy. Cash prizes were given, also a special prize by the ladies to Jim Morris, the court manager. NEW STOCK BOYS'nd MEN'S FURNISHINGS J "„" Brooks'ry Goods and Men's Wear 14th dad Mdrtsd Dtird. Phded stmt 144 Exclusive Agents Cortttdta Silk Hose sad Universal Sweaters tddd Novdtttdd, Tora, Scbool Supplied, Hemstitching ~ ASTBURY LUMBER CO. Lid. BUILD NOW At Nearly Half The Cost of Two Years Ago