0001 THFv WEST VAN NEWS Srptrinber 4, !931, vr sm r v rem rr:vri V rr wrr r'ry v oo 0~r r r"~ r + 'rv rdr 'Tr'n i'v-re 44 7 wv"rv'v rr r ir . ~r rvrr n '.r' Lr: rir 'vr'r* r err'&~ rV'r rrrvrrrv r. r'rrrr r'wrr~~rr r rr~w.rr rrrrrrrvir rrr r S CHO BlLTON HOUSE SCHOOL for BOYS 229 - 29th Street Day Boys and Boarders Phone Wemt 150YS For particulars, apply to K. B. FOYSTER, hfsster. OLS FRAMAR MONT ESSORI School ioi Young Ehndivn Special Dancing Class For popns 6 Io 12 iocimivv at 4 p. m. Fridays WEST VANCOUVER Christian Science Society CHURCH EDIFICE zinh aod Frmulman, HoBybera This Society iv e Branch of The Mother Church The First Church of Chviei, Svivniivi, in Boston, Massachusetts Sunday Services )(iso e.m. sod Tiso p.m. Subject 6th September "MAN" Blasdell School 79th aod tvsmvfvooL Aiiamooi. From KINDERGARTEN io GRADE 4 For Pari(au(are Phone MRS. W. D. FRASER I'($5 Evgeimhii Terms reasonable Sunday School at Io:00 e.m. Testimony hivviiog Wednesday at si16 p.m. St. Anthony's Church Pastor: Rev. Father Csrey Residence: 2658 Marine Drive. Fall Tenn Reopens Teevdey, Sepivmhec 1st (hire. $1. E I.aChaeve, R.N.) '$64 - 04th Street Eevi North Veaeoevvi Eve(deere Phoeei North 1$50R i MISS EVA McBAIN Principal ST. PATRICIA SCHOOL Saturday--10 s. m. Bible His- tory snd Catechism Classes. 7:30 p.m.--Confessions. Sunday--8:46 s.m. Holy Mass, Benediction. Week Days--7:SO S.m. Holy Mass. United Church Minister, E. A. Henry, D.D. Sunday, Sept. 5th, 1931 For Girls and 1(kindergarten Corner 20th Autumn Term commences Principal--M Kindergarten to High School snd Heywood Tuesday, September 8. iss J. Durbin Special Courses: Music, Art snd French Labor Day Sunday 9.55 s.m.--Sunday School in sll departments. 11:00 a.m.--Public Worship. Dr. Henry will preach. Topic: "A hfesssgc for Labor Dsy." For Boys and Girls: "A Greedy Fish and sn Unselfish Bird-Mother". 7:30 p.m.--Public Worship. Dr. Henry will preach. Topic: "Christian Enterprise," s mes- sage with which to start the work of the season. The holidays are nvcz, lrt us. fill God's house, worship Ifim, dedicate to service for His cause The world is rocking--it needs God. Let us help to give Him sway. What Worried Him! W. C. T. U. The monthly meeting of the W. C. T. U. will be held in the West Vancouver Baptist Church next Thursday, September 10th, at 2I15 p.m. Mrs. Falls, s mis- sionary from China, will address the meeting. It is hoped to have s real rally of members snd friends of the union. An artist ssw a laborer whom he thought would make 6 good model, so he oifered him ten shillings to 1st him paint him. Instead of jumping at the offer the msn seemed rather reluctant. "It's an easy wsy of earning ten shillings!" urged the artist ").ou know, s chance like this doesn't come often." "Oh, I know the money'0 good," replied the msn dubious- ly, "but yer see, I bin wonderin'ow I'd get the paint off after- wards." Spiced Grape Jelly Crush snd strain the juice of grapes that are turned but not ripe. Use equal quantities of juice snd sugar snd to each quart sdd &Q teaspoon ground cloves, 1 tablespoon cinnamon. Boil rap- idly 20 minutes. Put in glasses. Crab Apple Je)ly Put the crab apples into pre- serving kettle. Pour in enough water to cover and boil until quite soft. Put into cheese-cloth bsg and strain overnight. To every pint of juice sdd I pound of sugar. Boil juice 20 minutes and sdd the sugar. Stir wel!, Snd 1st boil up once, then remove from fire snd put in glass pars, Pear hisrmslsde 12 lbs. of pears (chopped mid- dling fine.) 9 lbs. Sugar I lb. raisins 3 oranges (juics snd rind) 3 lemons (juice snd rind). IQ lb. shelled walnuts (chop- ped). Cook till of right consistency. Unnecessary Father: "If only you would study harder I sm certain you could achieve something." Son (modestly) I "But, dad, there sre monuments enough in London already." Next Wednesday evening, Sept. 9th, there will be a rally social gathering of sll the friends interested in our cause. It will also partake of the nature of s farewell to Mr. snd Mrs. D. C. Ritchie who are leaving shortly for s new home after being s genuine influence for 6 long time in West Vancouver. Their departure is deeply regretted by s large circle of appreciative friends snd by none more than by the United Church, to which they have been s tower of strength. The bowling green hss been s social center for s good number of men sndwomcn this past sum- mer. The greens have been won- derfully good for 6 first season. It is hoped that September wfll be a fair month, snd sn invita- tion is always open to those who csn enjoy s real sociable past- time. The nights sre growing short but Saturdays are always open. Congratulations sre given to sll the young people who fn school or college made the grade. To any who failed the message is "Better luck next time. Keep your chin up." The welfare committee of the W.A. sre anxious to secure cloth- ing snd funds for their work. Please phone or send to Mrs. W. F. Memck, 21st and Belle- vue Ave. EvtabBhhvd on North Shove $0 Years. (Indy Assistant) HARRON BROS. a( WILLIAMSON funeral Qirertars North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 "Got any references?" asked the plumber. "Yes,n replied the applicant for the assistant's position, "butI'e left 'em at home--I'l goan'et them "Never mind, you'1) do.» The Wrong Wsy "I don't know what to do with that dog. I'e tried s dozen times to give him sway, but no one will have him." "Tried to give him sway, did you f That's no wsy to get rid of a dog. Ask 25 for him." IN MEMORIAM In Loving Memory of My Be- loved Husband, James Tyiden Pont, who Pell Asleep, Sept. 6th, 1900. At Rest. Deeply Mooreed by Hie Sorrow- ing Wife. West Van Nems Pebyebvd Every Friday PeMiaher F. F. LOVEGROVE Phone West 363 Bee(aves esd Edneriel Ogivei 17th eod Msrioe Dv(ve (Nest to HoByborn P. 0.) Phone West 363 afternoons eod evenings I. I P. NOTES Don't forget the meeting to- night st the Legion Hall. Election of o!I'icers and gen- eral business. New members cordially wel- comed 8 o'lock sharp. Mall Address: P.O. Bos Si, Hollybura, IL C. 61,00 e year Iur carrier; 6$.00 a year by maiL Newvhisode 6c. per copy. BRITISH ISRAEL CANADIAN I.EGION MEMORIAL HAIL NEXT SUNDAY- (0 a. m.--School fov Chndvvs, 6 p. m.--Spveiievi MR. PERCY KINC Subject: "I'ROBLF!MS OF TODAY" Mr. King broedveviv over CKWX ~ vF WednesdaY at 9iso P. OL St. Stephen's Church Rector: Rev. F. A. Ramsey, L.T.S. Trinity 14 (Sept. 6). 8 s.m.--Holy Communion. 10:00 s.m.--Sunday School, 11:16 s.m.--Holy Communion. '?:15 p.m.--Evensong. There is Divine service st St. Francis', Church, Caulfield, on Sunday at 3 p.m. All services on Sunday will be taken by the Rcv, F. A. Rafnsey, who with Mrs. Ramsey and son Bruce arrived on IVedncsday last from Victoria. All boys snd girls taking part in the first dsy of the S.S. Ath- letic meet at Brockton Point Saturday afternoon, Sept. 12th, are asked to get in touch with Mr. Wilfred Hswkes, 17th snd Esquimslt, phone 408L or hIiss Almss in regard to transporta- tion. The meet opens at 2 p.m. Owing to conflict of dates the meet hss been put back s week snd the two days will be Sept. 12th snd 18th. The September meeting of the Diocesan Board of the W. A. will be held st St. Mary's Church Kerrisdsle, on Tuesday, Sept. 8, and the mrcting nf the Senior, Parochial branch on Wednesday, Sept. 9th. Df. Murjory Mccubbfn DENTIST Hours: 0 ~ . m. Io 0 p. m Saturdays: Io ~ . m. to I p.m. Evveihgv eod Saturday After- nooes by appoioimeht only. Royal Rank Bending I'hoes Weri 440 Roe(deere I'hose Wee( $9$. DR. Cv. D. ll. SEA LE DENTIST Hey Block, I4(h aod hier!os Dr Os(vs Hoeve 9 io 0 p.m. Evenings by e ppoiauavht. Phone West 7$ New bobs for new hats The new hats wiii do away with ihe straight bob. Hair muet be arranged in ~ soft curly outline on ohe ~ ide of the head. Call ie end avk Mihv Clay about the new styles, at ihe t If)eye'Olyyt 9 Beauty ShOppg 1540 Mevioe Drive For Appointments- Phoee ih'vet 117. I THE HOME BAKERY At Dundarave flume hlmle Bread Rolls, Piss, Cakes Also hfent I'ies snd Sausage Rolls (AB Made an the I'rem(eve) Orders Taken The Church Committee will meet on Tuesday, Sept. 8th. Baptist Church Pastor, Rev. H. P. Humphreys Residence, 1343 Hsywood Ave. Phone West 252R Sunday, September 6th, 1931. 10 s.m.--Sunday School. 11 a.m.--Morning worship. 7:30 p.m.--Evening worship. Wednesday, 8 p. m. -- Prayer snd praise. Wil! sll the members of the Excelsior Group of Canadian Girls in Training please be st the Baptist Church on I'ridsy eve- ning, September lith, at 7 p.m., when the election of officers will be held snd plans made for the coming yimr. T ri. scr girls. who sre not st!eri'ing elsewhere. will ue gladly wrfcun. i! into our Group. PRESBYTERIAN SUNDAY SCHOOL Sunday, September 6th. Sunday school st 2:SO p.m. in the Orange Hall, 22nd snd Ma- rine Drive. Presbyterian children snd those not attending any Sunday Sch 1 w !come. Mrs. A.L. Fennings ydm I(arise Drive v Phone West 366 TODAY Lewis Stone Irene Rich FATHER' SON A Splendid Picture for the whole family. NEWS FARLL'8 -- COMFDY I BOBBY JONES ~ ~ GOLF a --THEATRE-- Om LONSDALC Matinee Labor Day E.3o The Black Camel 'I'I'AILVER Oi&xli 4 4 QIEIppy'i i Therr FrL, Sei. evvt HANDY ANN SHOPPE Dundevvvv Phone West $9 DON'T PASS-Buy School Supplies Pie Plates, Paper Napkins. Crochet Cotton Sewing Cotton, Sheen Sewing Silk D.M.C. Pull Skcins, Wool, Crochet Hooks Sewing snd hfschine Needles, Knitting Needles, Etc. DEL!VERIES AFTER 4 ihhf. More Cups to the Pound and Better--MACLEAN'S Orange Pekoe '