0001 i ~ i.ih V rt v wham th~ A tthrVthht V. 4 i rh VV vVv V~r e vrhv~r ~ Vh rh'r rV ~t vV V« il~ ~r~!t -- .'e r ?'t'r t I ttu t ~ V : vrV .-:1 + Ptu est' u;','it '. r t rtt' Vttt rt'thu VVyt r t'.t Ve-..r',t' * 'rr . iVt ~: Vt 't'VV 1 V~ ' V 'vt r VVV r rvvV hr, ~ tv VVt rvVv ' '.' V, Vh (Art V rvvrr VVVVVV VVV VVVV 4 THE WFST VAN NEWS OLLYBURN HORSESHOE CLUB Gwtm 17SS Fulteu Ate. rompt action on the part of--TWO IX)VRTS AT Tot!R DISPDSAI. NO CH DR Buster Yo n Jed t Fur luletmetlou Pbeue Jim blettle, 17I7 Fulteu Ave. Weel sux f Howard ~Grjffithls whp is un- piano us er oung ed to the rescue hiarlne Drive, will resum ivl able to swim, aged about 11, t be WEST VANCOUVER Dandet: lrettre d M M l , a tern r 8th. Pupas are pre red JHGH SCHOOL BOOK J.IST (Biackies or e examinations in piano-s, c am While riding his bicycle along London E la d, d f GRADE IX. ge of the pier ln Toronto Conservatory of Musie. English Literature and Composi- front of the bleachers, Jioward 100 per cent first class honors or tion: feU, bicycle and ull, over the honors have been obtained fo 1. Poems, Chiesy Narrative-- Clark). parapet, landing in the water be- the past three years in the Tor- (D nt) $tudents will provide own note 2 Th G M Tres f books, scribblers, Pens, etc. FullCa di V Stephe (Dent) CRADE XI (Commercial)3 Co itin Th hRe d- N Cing Introductory Course; (Re- English-- th h ew ourse course, Buster Youn h vised Edition). (Dent.) M e s outs of the onlookers, ~ Sl Lerchant of Venice, Shakes- promptly rushed across a n dne ot er text (to be an- pears (Copp, Clark). dived in after Mr. Griffith s son PrinciPal Patterson w U be inNineteenth Century Poetry, quickly landing him sufeiyCo',C ). 'n . o o'oX"c rt ur, !story of Canada High School Composition bas- salvaged the bicycle. JV or igh Schools (Gage). Cd upon Prose selections, - ~ on Saturday, Aug. 29th, 3 t 6est's World Progress (Can- (Dent). Q li I, FXTENI) J.EAD OF P m., also on Monday, Aug. 31st, 0 adian Edition, 1924). (Aoyn & Social Studies- FEJJRY TLRSJJN &I AT 'o 6 p.m. Students not Prev- Bacon), West's World Progress, Can- TOT+I COST OF 36000 iously enrolled in the West Van-hicCaig; Studies in Citizen- adian Edition (AUyn & Bacon) couver High School and those shlP (B. C. Edition) (Gag ), McArthuri History of Canada City Engineer G.S. Hanes w wishing to change their coursefor High Schools (Gage). instructed by the North Vancpu hould avail themselves of thisRitchie; Human Physiology hfcCaig: Studies in Citizen- ver City Council Tuesday after opPortunity of consulting with(Gage). ihiathematics- Health-- struction of an extensi Students who w~ promo&d$tanJey & Sinjth A Canadjan Ritchie: Human Physiology. east lead of the Vancouvc fHigh School Arithm tic Accounting-- terminal adjacent to the neDrill Exercises in Canadian C. N. S, S. dock. Bids will beBookkeeping: Beech & Bruce called on 176-foot and 126-foo matri El t Geo t . Applied Bookkeeping and Ac- The engineer estimated som course and the th ee year com-f D j I I I counting: Advanced Canadian time ago that the extensioLatin- cdition (Gregg). would cost about gol)00, snd theHamilton & Carlisle. Latin for Practical Set (Ex 101) for question of finding funds wasYoung Canadians, Junior Les- usewith above. discussed, TO REI'OIJT ON NORTJJ"It appears to me that the east SHORE RELIEF )VOJJKThe Pitman Shorthand In- lead of the Vancouver wharf willThe New Fraser & Squair Ele- have to be extended in the in- Following a statement fromJournal of Commercial Educa- terests of safbty whether we Hon. R. W. Bruhn, minister ofReader: Oral Lessons in tion (To be ordered). have the necessary funds or not" public works, regarding variousFrench, parts I, II, II, (Re. » Jekya & Mr. Hyde," stated Aid. H. C. E. Anderson. phases of unemployment reliefnouf). Stevenson (Shorthand edition) Several other members of the work, the North Vancouver CityGeneral Science- (To be ordered.) council held the same opinion. Council held a special sessionHilton: A Book of General TFPing- Science (Macmioan) . Speed Studies (A. B. Hakes) B. C. growers sre sending two ed Engineer G. S. Hanes to com- GRADE X. (Gregg Publishing Co.) carloads of surplus fruit nnd pile a report showing work that English- New Intensive Typing (H. M. vegetables to the dried-out sec- might be undertaken in the city Scenes from Shakespeare, tion of Saskatchewan. as an unemployment relief mea- (Copp, Clark). Secretarial Studies and sure. A sei tion of English Poetry Junior Buslnes~ GRADE IX (Cpmmercjaj) "The understnnding is," addedr rim edition. M. by McDon- Sprott's Oiflce Routine and English- the minister, "that the govern- ald & Walker (Dent). Commercial Business practice Composition Through Reading ments will jointly undertake the Composition Through Reading (Commercial Text Book). Revised edition. rdjjef of unemployment pf MJ Book I (Revised Ed.) Forms snd Stationery for a- MacDonald & Walker, Narra- single unemployed men without Social Studies-- bove. ~ tive Poems. dependents who are residents Health, Algebra and Geome- Pad of printed Letterhteads for Social Studies- of the mumcipahty and also aa f Grad IX use of Business Letter Dicta- West's World Progress; also unemPloyed transients who en- Also "Graphic Work Book." tion. Map Exercises in Ancient His- tered the municipality after hiayLatin- Nichols: "Junior Business tory (Gian & Cp.) I of this year." Latin for Young Canadians, Training." (The American McArthur, History of Canada. The city will pay np "wages"Senior Lessons (Gage). Book Co.) McCaig, Studies in Citizenship but will be required to make aFrench-- Spelling--Gregg Speller. Health--Human Physiology. substistence allowance per work-Fraser & Squair Elementary Commercial Law-- Arithmetic-- ing day to each employee andFrench Grammar. Summary of Commercial Law, Graded Exercises in Rapid further, will pay a subsistenceOral Lesspns jn Angers. (Commercial Text Calculation (Commercial Book allowance of 80 cents a day di-French, Parts I to V (Renouf) Book Co.) Co). Physics-- GRADE X (Commercial) BookkeePing--, each worker. If further assist-Merchant & Chant. High New Course Drill Exercises in .Canadian ance is necessary, it shall beSchool Physics (Revised Ed.) English-- Bookkeeping (Beech & Bruce) given by way of direct relief.Chemistry-- Composition Through Reading (Gregg Publishing Co ) In coriclusion, Mr. Bruhn statBlack & Conant: Practical Book I (Revised Edition). APPlied Bookeeping and Ac- d th t 'I'mistry(hIacmisan). Scenes from Shakespeare, counting (Canadian Element- stood that any federal and prov-Blsck & Conantl Laboratory (Copp, Clark, 1930) ary Edition) (Gregg Pub, Co.) incial aid which ma b iExperiments. MacDonald & Walker Sel - Shorthand-a er, ec- Merchant & Chant: Physics, tion of English Poetry (Re- Pitman Shorthand Commerci- respect to em lo ment of re is-Laboratory hianuab vised edition) al Course (Commercial Book Home Economics--Grade IX lk X Social Studies- Co.) Pearl Bailey: Foods, Prepara- West's hVorld Progress. Typewriting- tificate of registration, and will not be availabltion & Serving. New Rational Ty 't'utterick:principles of Cloth- Ritchie, Human Physiology. Canadian Edition (Gregg & tppj,pewrl lng. or rental of sup lies e ui ment,ing Selection. Arithmetio- oos, materials or things of asimilar nature or for overhead GRADE XI (hfatri ulstion) A New Method Arithmetic, Hp Uing~regg SP Uer. charges of any kind. English-- (Commercial Book Co.) Home Economics--Grade IX. In the city, registrations of hf h I f Accounting-- Pearl Bailey, Foods, Preps ra- married men will total close to Venice (Copp, Clark). Drill Exercises in CanadianBookkeeping (Beech & Bruce) utterick Principle Pf Cloth- gineer will compile for submis- A. Dilworth (Copp, Clark). APPlied BookkeePing and Ac- ing e ection. sion to the City Council Monday Hi h Sch JCO itio b d counting; Advanced (Gregg Students should be CIIrefuj to evening next will be based on p 8 J ti (D I) Pub. Co. Canadian edition). ecure the edition indicated. work for that number f Silas Marner: George Fliot, Shorthand- ch sre fusing apart al months. The only means of a num r pr sever- Ul Ed;I; n) 'itman $horthand Instructor. „ve ecome unduly soiled the city haIJ of Providing its F J h G f Se Key to Bus i ness LeIIe7s fpr ou M e iscarded . Tex tbooks share of the exPend iture is byDictation (Canadian New Frs udent's tools, hence submission of a by-law t th thwait and Marshall (Copp, good condition Be ratepayers The council hus not o e Clark) . gond pf $ Jeepy Hp3pw ( W sure to 3e t the ed i tion ind ica ted. yet been Infor m ed oI the share Two prose texts to he an- Irving) Shorthand Edition), it wol have to meet. nounced later. (To be ordered by teacher „Wudueteri "Wbel'e the muller wnh Social Studies, Health, Algebra, when school opens). ~upping ibl~ The council directed the chair. Geometry, Physics and Chem- . Typewritjng- man of finance to bring forward istry as for Grade X. New Rational Typewriting, „d b ""dme wue ep u a by-law establishing fixed per- Latin-- (Canadian edition: Gregg & ib, b g up """g 'lde ef iods that superanuation shall Hamilton & Carnsle: Latin Co). ibe bed ibis metulug.e become compulsory. for Young Canadians, Senior Typewriting Speed Studies; Lessons). Adelaide B. Hakes: Gregg & HOLLYBURN GARAGE Selections from Virga: Robin- Co.) son, Bennett & Classey. Spelling--Gregg Speller. 3 out of 4 Cars have defective brakes or other equipment.French-- Commercial Law- Fraser & Squair's Grammar. Summary of Commercial Law, Sejpmann Part II snd Word Angers, (Commercial Text Bk. List for same. Co.) H. DAVJSON & SON Phone West 100 August 28. 1931. Hollybaarn I THEATRE Tbutedey, Friday eud Selutdey August Zl, Zs, Zu JOS F DROWN In "COING WILD" JOHN BARRYMORE Iu "The Man From Blankley Sly Monday. Tet edey 0 Weduemley Auguei Zl, Sepi I, Z "East Lynne" with AN)I HARDING irluulug Ne. ZOZS Uncle&med Number Zzsp C. J. Overington PIONEER BARBER 14th and Marine Expert )York Phone West 136 The BURRARD LAUNDRY i Imltee For People )Vho Are Partjcul« Agent for S)VAN BROS„ DRY CI EANERS THIRD ST. eud ST. DA VIDS North Vancouver Phone North 1310. West Van. Representative F. RIVERS Phone West 410L ! FURNACE and SHEET METAL REPAIRS Agnblesigle Sdeet Metal1Vorks tAURIE SPECK, Pteptlelur 1466 hfarine Drive Phone West 437L2 K.W. Savory 1443 Marine Drive Ambleside I'hone West 340 Evenings, West 143 Real Estate Finance and Insurance FUEL VERNON FEED STORE A. C. Searle, I'hone West 9 Fuel, Feed, Fertalzers and Buoding Supplies