0001 ) ~I,lM August 28, 1931. THE WEST VAN NEWS Odorless Dry Cleaning and Dyeing SUITS j Cioouod do ] Pp ~ REGENT S'HITS TO ORDER DRESSES ood Cui Ts j'uooood $ X4.00 Higher grade oulm our ouu make Saben oud up ALTERATIONS oud REPAIRS WE CALL AND DELIVER Res. Phone West 286LM. WILLIAMS 1568 Marine Drive Phone West 20 DUNDARAVE CASH GROCERY Corner 26th and Bellevue GROCERIES, TOBACCOS, CIGARETTES, CONFECTIONERY, ICE CREAM, SOFT DRINKS, We deliver Phone )Vest 7 Your patronage solicited PAULINE JOHNSON SCHOOL Principal Brealey will be at the Pauline Johnson School next Monday from 9 a.m. to I p.m. to give out entrance certificates to successful candidates and to in- terview parents wishing to enter their children for the ensuing term. AIISS AIARGARET hicINTYRE ~ TO RESUME TEACHING Miss Margaret Mclntyre, 951 20th Street, will resume giving lessons in violin and piano on Tuesday, September 8th. Stud- ents are prepared for the As- sociated Board examinations, if desired. Miss McIntyre's pupils won six medals and nine certificates in the Victoria and B. C. Musie Festivals. 2 NRS. CLARA WILSON AND MISS HILDA WILSON TO START FALI, TERAI Mrs. Clara Wilson and Miss Hilda Wilson, 23G7 Marine Drive, have resumed teaching for the fall term. Pupils are received for piano and theory, and are pre- pared for the examinations of the Associated Board, Toronto Conservatory of Music, and the R.C. Music Festival. LE LEARN TO DANCE The West Vancouver branch of the B. C. Scottish Country Dance Society is starting a class on Saturday, 3rd October, and on every alternate Saturday thereafter during the season at the Legion Memorial Hall. In- struction will be given in coun- try dances, square dances, and circle dances, which will be re- vived and rehearsed. Applica- tions will be received for a lim- ited number of members, and in- formation as to fees, etc., can be obtained by phoning West G3GL or West 53YI. JL) s Tens of thousands of B. C. broom handles are being shipped to the old country. IIMR I Pilchards are running well oil'he west coast. BURRARD FUNERAL CHAPEL B, D. WHITE, Mgr. Diotiuctivo Funeral Service Lady Assis(out $29--srd St. E Phouo North $2$ Eoir ~ mft The Council authorized an ex- penditure of not over 685 for the purchase of a mowing machine.ik Rho I n %V.&L. OGDEN CO. Men's and Boys'urnishings Exclusively Boys'chool Apparel, Sweaters 98c to $2.95 ea. lou III. lac R;dley 3 Pure Jersey Milk KAILL I ~ RICHER! Comes only from SLEEK, HEALTHY well-fed cows--JERSEYS ! The richest milk producers in the world. It is uow possible for you to provide your family with u richer, creamier, oud more healthful milk without adding one cent to your (TER [aa ~ proooot cost of living. Loi these facts (oud they are facts) sink in. No other dairy in Greater Vancouver handles better milk than RIDLEY'S. We are the only people handling PURE JERSEY MILK exclusively. Only Jersey herds in the healthiest condition, housed under the most hygienic oud oouhory systems were chosen to provide this better milk for your iobioo. Why buy just mukT Why take choucooT Wby go out- side of West Voucouvor when West Vouoouvor ogoro the best produced ~ud the price TEN QUARTS FOR A DOLLAR. NSON g Oe»ouo «Ofoy g Die1Vest 45ep quart for delivery service quart EICE SO)i" .,~& ASTBURY LUMBER CO. Ltd. Cor. Esplanade Rnd Chesterfield NORTH VANCOUVER Wo carry ouo of the most Complete Building Material Stocks on the Coast. QUALITY, SER VICE. PRICE SECOND TO NONE Phone North 285 Night: North 1415-R Local and Personal Mrs. H. B. Stevens, who has hfr, and hire. E. J. Baker of School Supplies Kerrfsdsie were guests at the Fortune Cup Inn over the week end. o o Mrs. J. D. Hardy, 2104 Gordon Ave., is so far the leader in the Ambleside Fishing Competition with a 9 lb. salmon. Others in the competition with weight of fish caught are: Mr. Bellaire, Holly- burn, 81/ lbs.; J. Wilson, City, 8 lbs.; Mr. NcCulloch, Hollyburn, ST/I lbm; M. Townsend, Chilh- wack, Si/2 lbs.; C. Stephenson, Hollyburn S lbs. o o o Rev. J. Barker with his wife and daughter, who has been holidaying at )Vest Bay, left bere on IVednesdsy to return to their home in Sunnydale, IVashington. Mr and Mrs J H Patterson and family 1473 Marine Drive left on Wednesday for a motor trip up the Cariboo highway. ~ ~ ~ Mr. and Mrs. Graham Woods of North Vancouver have moved into the Legge bungalow at 27th and Palmerston. o o o A Vancouver girl was thrown off a surf board last week st Horseshoe Bay, coming into vio- lent collision with a rowboat. Her elbow and side were badly hurt.\ * o Miss Amy Lowe of Vancou- ver, is a guest at the Fortune Cup Inn. ~ ~ Mr. and Mrs. Stuart have re- turned from a holiday in Vic- toria, to their home at 17th and Marine Drive. o o ~ John Bell who delivers for Jefferies'eat Market st Am bleside collided with a wood truck yesterday morning and was knocked oif his bicycle at 16th and Marine Drive. He was badly shaken up, snd the bicycle uvecked. A farewell party was given at the home of Mrs. H. L. Salter. 1179 Marine Drive, for hfr. Bert IVebster and his father, who are returning to Winnipeg after a three weeks'isit to Mr. Web- ster's aunt, Mrs. Henry Christie, 1177 Marine Drive. The evening was spent in games and music. Refreshments were served, the guests being waited upon by "Queen Peggy" IVinnie Gibson, Hertha Lath-Paulsen and Doreen Riley. Among those present were Airs. Christie, hir. and AIrs. Tom Wells, Nr. and hfrs. Fred Coates, Mrs. Gibson, hiiss hfcEwan, hfre. Barker, Mr. A Lath-Paulsen, hir. Charles Willington, AIiss Willing- ton, Peggie and Billie Barker, Eddie and Eric Coates, Bevsn hIcNeilh \ ~ A launch said to be owned in Vancouver, burned and sank off Caulfeild on Sunday evening, the three occupants being taken oif safely by other launches after they had attempted to escape in their own dinghy.\ ~ ~ AIrs. F. Knight-Hedge, 1332 Duchess Avenue, and daughter Gwendoline, are spending a va- cation at Harrison Hot Springs. ~ \ o The Council advised the pur- chase of an Atlas compressor engine size oo" for No. 5 ferry, st a cost not to exceed 3366 and decided that the proposed ex- penditure on the wharf be post- poned to the beginning of 1932, if possible, been in hospital, returned on Monday to her home st 2Gth and Mathers. ~ ~ Mrs. John Tapley and daugh- ter Nonie of Newark, New Jer- sey, are visiting Nrs. Tspley's sister, Mrs. William Dirkinson, 14th Street. o ~ Mrs. C. W. Addison of Van- couver, has moved into a house at 2303 Ingjewood Avenue. ~ o Mr. and Mrs. T. Sorensen of Shaughnessy Heights, are at their summer home at IVest Bay. ~ ~ ~ Guy Desmond and his brother. 26th and Marine Drive, have rented a house at 16th and Wat- erfront. o Miss Smith of Victoria and hfr. and Mrs. George Anderson of North Vancouver, are staying for a few days at the Clachan hotel. Mrs. J. B. Leavens has moved from 1450 Inglewood Ave., Into a house at 14th and hfathers. ~ o ~ Miss Phyllis Bell of the B. C. Telephone staff here, is on her annual vacation. o Mr. and Mrs. J. Dodd Allan have returned from a trip to California to their home at Rad- cliffe Avenue. ~ o o Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Froud and family, 1231 Marine Drive, left here on Tuesday for a holiday trip to the south, going by motor ~ o AIrs. W. H. Green and family, 16th Street, have returned from a holiday at Selma Park. ~ o Nr. uud hfrs. Mackeuzie and son of Vancouver, are guests at the Clachan hoteL ~ o o Mrs. Charles Graham of Liver- pool, England, is the guest of her son and daughter-in-law, Captain and Mrs. D. W. Graham, 2128 Bellevue. ~ ~ ~ Miss Kathleen Yates, R. N., 16th and Marine Drive, returned last week after enjoying a holi- day visiting friends in Penticton, B.C. Mr. and AIrs. F. P. Powell, 23rd and Bellevue, have taken the Barris house at 25th and Lawson/ ~ ~ ~ Miss Margaret IVilson and Miss Laura Lane of New West- minster, returned last week from a six weeks'otor trip to the Canadian Rockies, Yellowstone National Park, Salt Lake City, and California. o Mr. and hfrs. David Blair of Burnaby, are staying at the Clachan hotel. ~ ~ Mr. and AIrs. H. L. McPherson and family of Vancouver„have taken the Wallace house at Sher- man. For High School and PubSc School Siudsnm. Suy early vvhjje stock u congdme. WEST VAll PIARNACY Tbo Sfom of Soovtoa 1492 sioriuo Drive Wimi 27 Emorgouoy Phouo West $21 (Afior 9 p.m.) Stratton'S BAKERY BREAD CAKES Chocolate Cake, Bar Leaf Runs - Ro8s Scones Nut Bread - Shortbread Christening, Birthday, Wedding Cakes ASSORTED PASTRIES Almond Vorieuex ! made at 1468 AIARINE DRIVE Phone West 27--or Call GORDON ROBSOhi Barrister a SoBonoo WEST VANCOUVER- Offioo No. 1447 Nor(no Drive. Phone Woot 40k VANCOUVER OFFICF Suite SIS; 910 Hastings St. W Phone Seymour 4199. HOLLYBURN Barber Shop 12th a bf m» BXPBRT SERVICB E. MARSH. Proprietor West Van Produce Co. Fresh Vegetables and Fruit Phone West 186 or 109 Prompt Delivery HOLT- The Glass Nan 1470 Morme Dnve Phone VVoxf 27 All kinds of Glass Work HORSESHOE BAY Fishing, Boating, Lunches, Tees, Dinners, Picnic Grounds Dancing (Saturday Evenings) HOIVARD RODGERS (Established 1914) Phone Long Distance IVh) tecli3'eptember is the best month Io Prepare End SOIV YOUR LAWN George Bernie GARDENER i 476 Marine Drive ~ ~ Commencing next Sunday, August 30th, the West Van Pharmacy and the Lesage Drug Store will close at 9 p.m. every evening except Saturday, u hen they will r'main rpon until 10 p.m. ~ o Nrs. M. Atkinson. who has been visiting Mrs. Allan Taylor, 21st and Bellevue has returned to her home in North Vancouver. ~ o ~ Dundarave Iutdies'hoir The Dundarave Ladies Choir will open their season's work with a social evening for mem- bers and their friends next Tues. day, September 1st at 8 p.m. at the Legion Memorial Halh The social will be preceded by a meet- ing of the executive at 7:30 p.m. B. C. lufnber dealers are ad- vised to nurse the old country market in preparation for Im- perial preference, even by seoing at cost. EVERYTHLIG IN School Supplies and Boys'urnishings Brooks'ry Goods and Men's Wear 14th oud Moriuo Dr(ra Phoae Woot 144 Exciuoivo Agouio Coriiooui Suk Hooo oud Uuivorooi Suooioro also Novouioo, Toys, Sohooi Supplies, Homotitch(ug