West Van. News (West Vancouver), 28 Aug 1931, p. 2

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0001 THE 1VEST VAN NFTVS Attgust 28, 1931. ttrtt rp r. vvv rr vrrr, ~ rrv V r rr L'~ t 5 rt i.rvt t -,mt t t "ter t'rt t :t-Vrt-O ~.ttvty-tert ~ t't'tt rt 9 rrt tr" ,a.- ~' r 4 Vrr rvrV V vvrrrrrrr vrtvrrt'V 'r~r .rrrrt 't rrrrkvrrr r %~ rrr~- rrrc " t'rrrr. rrvv. rrr; 'mrrrr rrv rtv . v rrv~ rtrvrrr vrr . rrr r 'r'vrr S CHO OLS BILTON HOUSE SCHOOL for BOYS 229- 29th Street Day Boys and Boarders Phone 1Vest 150Y2 For particulars, apply to K. B. FOYSTER, Master. FRAMAR MONTESSORI School for Young Chiidrtn ttHVTHM 4 FOLK DANG(NO INCLUD(1D Fxii tenn xtxrtx Tuesday Sept. 1st SPECIAL DANCIN0 CLASS For pupas 6 to 12 inttmtxt xt 4 p.m. Fridays Blasdell School rsth and Waterfront, Aitxmosx For Pxrtiauixrx k'bona MRS. W. D. I'RASER 1105 Etqetmxtt Terms ttxtonabte Fram KINDERGARTEN to GRADE 4 Fall Term R44)pent Tuesday. September 1st MISS EVA McBAIN Principal An Enlargement of s snapshot biAKES A NICE Giir C. J. Broderick Finisher 1421 Marine Dr. ST. PATRICIA SCHOOL For Girls IInd 1C indergarten Corner 20th and Haywood Autumn Term commences Tuesday, September 8. Principal--Miss J. Durbin Kindergarten to Special Courses'. High School hlusic, Art and French VANCOUVER SCHOOL OF EXPRESSION Principal: Blrs. J. P. Fergusson, F.T.C.L. Adjudicator, Gold Bledalist. STUDIO--Re-opens SEPT. 1st, 219 Empire Building, 603 Hastings Street, )Vest. Public Speaking, Vocal Training, Elocution, Singing Children's Dramatic Club. Also Senior Monthly Recital. Public RecitaL end of Season. telephone Seymour 8627 Students prepared for Trinity f'ollege, Eng. Elocution exanis Estsbiished aa North Shore 20 Years. (Lady Assistant) HARRON BROS. Bt WILLIAMSON gIIneraflItrertarik North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 65 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 West Van Nezvs Pebiixhed Ertxy Fxhixy Publisher F. F. LOVEGROVE Phone We61 363 Bet(ates ssd Editorial Ogicet 11th xed Marine Drive (Next to HoByburn P.O.) Phone West 363 afternoons ssd evenings Mall Addxtxxt P.O. Bos 61, Hdtybere, B.C. 01,00 4 year by carrier; 02.00 4 year by maiL Ncwxxtssds 54. per copy. 1VEST VAN. "Y" The meeting of the West Van- couver "Y" will be held in the home of Mrs. Brown, Marine Drive, West Bay, on September 8th, at 8 p.m. hire. Williscroft will address the meeting. All members are asked to pay their fees, if possible, which are due. All girls interested in temper- ance work are cordially invited to attend. SHAREHOLDERS OF BRIDGE 1VH.L MEET Directors of the Burrard Tun- nel & Bridge Co. at a meeting last Monday morning decided to call a meeting of shareholders to authorize issue of preference stock to raise funds for the te- placement of the 800-foot span of the Second Narrows bridge. North Vancouver City and North Vancouver District pro- pose to place by-laws for 8100r 000 before the ratepayers and West Vancouver will vote on 6 825,000 issue. The preference shares will cover th'ese contribu- tions. It Is expected that the meet- ing of shareholders will be held early in October as it must be advertised for four full weeks in advance. B. C. canned loganberries sre selling well on the British and eastern markets. The 1Vest Vancouver Branch of B. C. Scottish Country Dance Society LEARN To ~ANgE Correctly, Gracefully andHsrmoeiouety Applications will be received, for a limited number of members, to form 0 Class, in which Country Dances, Square Dances and Circle Dances will be revived and rehearsed. Classes will begin SATURDAY, OCN)BER 3, and con- tinue every Alternate Saturday during the season at the LEGION HALLt )Vest Vancouver. Information as to fees, etc., can be obtained by Phoning West 636L or 1Vest 53YI. 1VEST VANCOUVER Christian Science Society CHURCH Ei)IFICE 20th xsd Exon(matt, Hoiiybers Thi~ Society ix 4 Branch of The Mother Church The First Church of Christ, Scientist, In Boston, Massachusetts Sunday Services 11:00 a.m. snd 2:00 p.m. Subject 30th August, "CHRIST JESUS" Sunday School at 10:00 ~ .m. Testimony Meeting Wednesday at 8:15 p.m. St. Anthony's Church Pastor: Rev. Father Carey Residence: 2658 Marine Drive. Saturday--10 a. m. Bible His- tory and Catechism Classes. 7:30 p.m.--Confessions. Sunday--8:45 a.m. Holy Mass, Benediction. Week Days--7:30 a.m. Holy Mass. United Church Minister, E. A. Henry, D.D. Sunday, August 23rd, 1931. 9:55 a.m.--Sunday SchooL 11 a.m.--Public 1Vorship. Rev. Frank.Hardy will preach. Topic, "Jesus and His Friends." For the children, "Keeping God' Garden." 7:30 p.m.--Public Worship. Rev. Frank Hardy will preach. Topic, "The Literature of the Bible." The first meeting for the sea- son of the United Church W. A. will be held next Wednesday, September 2nd at 2:15 p.m., in the church hall. This is an especially important meeting, and all the nnhnbers are asked to keep this date in mind. Hostess- es are Mrs. George Baldwin and Mrs. 1V. Blair. St. Stephen's Church Rector: Rev. A Harding Priest B A. Trinity 13 (Aug. 30th.) 8 a.m.--Holy Communion. 10 a.m.--Children's Service. 11:15 a.m.--Morning Prayer. 7:15 p.m.--Evensong. Sunday will be the concluding day of the present rector's min- istry at St. Stephen's and he will take all services, including 6 Children's Service at 10 a.m. which will replace the usual Sun. dsy School hour. The Junior Boys'amp at Art- aban will break up tomorrow. At the recent Junior Girls'amp, Mise Joan Norris was leader in charge of the hut which carried off the 'camp championship. Boys and girls are reminded of the annual S. S. sports at Brockton Point, September 6th and 12th. Although St. Stephen'0 is not elgible for the Allan Cup, which they have won for five consecutive years on account of their growth beyond 6 Sunday School under 200, 0 strong team is being entered and should car- ry off many points. All Sunday School teachers who have text books belonging to the school are asked to turn them in not later than Sept. 6th. Baptist Church Pastor, Rev. H. P. Humphreys, Residence, 1343 Hsywood Ave. Phone West 252R Sunday August 30th 10 a.m.--Sunday School. 11 a.m.--Morning worship. 7:30 p.m.--Evening worship. Wednesday, 8 p, m. -- Prayer and praise. BRITISH ISRAEL CANADIAN I.EGION MEbtORIAL HALL NEXT SUNDAY 10 s. m~heot for Chudrem 0 0 m Speaker'R. PERCY KING Subject: "THE EXECUTION OY A l)LI'LRRED SENTLNCE'r. King broadcasts over CKWX every Wednesday at 0:20 p Itl. PRESENTATION TO REV. AND itlRS. HARDING PRIEST Hollyburn Hall Cor. 14th & Duchess LORD'S DAY-- 10 a. m.--Sunday SchooL 11 ~, m.--Worship a n d Breaking of Bread. 7 15 p DL--Song Service 7:30 p. m.--ADDltESS Speaker: iiIR BALI'H CARTLR TUESDAY-- 8 p.m.--Prayer and Bible Study. DT.Marjory MCCubbln I DENTIST At 0 farewell social given by his parishioners at 8 p.m. hion- day in the parish hall, which was crowded to overflowing, Rev. A. Harding Priest was presented with 6 valuable gold wrist watch, and Mrs. Priest with a dressing case and puree as tokens of the affection and esteem they had won for themselves among the members of the church during their stay in West Vancouver. Mr. Kendrick, people's warden, on behalf of the members of the pariah made the presentation to Mr. Priest, Mrs. E. J. Pearce, president of the W.A., making the presentation to Mrs. Priest, who was also presented with a bouquet by Miss Almas on be- half of the 1V.A. Mr. Kendrick in making the presentation, referred in glowing terms to the wonderful progress which had been made by the parish under the incumbency of Mr. Priest, and also to the gen- erosity of the latter and Mrs. Priest in donating the commun- ion table and church bell. Mr. Priest thanked the parish ioners on behalf of Mrs. Priest and himself, not only for the handsome gifts presented to them, but also for the kindly feeling and support which had been given him throughout his ministry at St. Stephen's. Both he and his wife left with sincere regret, and would never forget their friends in St. Stephen's. Reeve Leyland, who was pre- sent with the municipal council, spoke briefly, referring to the good work Mr. Priest had done among the young people and in the community at large. W. R. Hamilton, who repre- sented Dr. Henry and Ven. Arch- deacon Heathcote, also gave brief addresses. Vocal solos were rendered by Mrs. F. X. Hodgson, H. G. Mason and Tom Turner, and a recita- tion was given by Mrs. Hamil- ton Smith. Between numbers, those present sang community songs, and refreshments were served at the conclusion of the evening. F. Eatock acted as chairman and A. L. Grout and Miss Ethel Millard had charge of the program. DR. BANFIELD Sl'EAKS NEXT TUESDAY An outstanding figure in the religious field will be in West Vancouver next Thursday when the Rev. Dr. A. W. Banfield, F. R. G. S., will give an illustrated address in the United Church. As pioneer missionary, translat- or and traveller in 1Vest Africa Dr. Banfield has'spent over 25 useful years in the service of the British and Foreign Bible Society in West Africa and is now on a lecture tour throughout Canadn. The meeting is called for 8:16 p.m. Hours: 0 s. m. te 0 p. m. Saturdays: 10 s.m. to 1 p. m. Evenings aed Saturday After. noosx by sppointmest only, Royal Rank Betiding I'bose West 444 Rexidhnte I hone West FSL DR. G. D. H. SHALE DENTIST Hsy Sleek, 14th ssd hist(et Dr Oiiice Bourn 0 to 4 p.m. Evenings by appointment. Phoae West T2 NURSING HOME (btrx, M. E LxChxete, Rdt.) 244 - 24th Street East North Vsetoetet t(midtsee Pbeset North 1054R New bobs for new hats The new hats will de away with the straight beb. Hair must be arranged in 4 soft verty mttnnt os one tide of tbe head. Cail in snd axk biiss Clay about the new styles, at the ~ I G72)eyydolyFJ Beauty Shoppe 1540 Marina Drive For Appointments-- Phone West 111. -- LD Kgiiai. E-- DOROTHY MACKAILL and WARNER BAXTER 44TIselr Mad Moment" Short Subixttx NETTH, TitAVEi, CObiEDY Next Week GLORIA SWANSON is "INDISCREET" idttris STONE iitF'tB RICH i ~ "FATHER'S SON" "HI&OK OA)frd" asd "SKIPPY" tt11tw wttk atter B. C. sold 3,411,000 boxes of Q apples from the last crop year in ~ Britain. HANDY ANN SHOPPE Demixrstt Phoae Vrtst $9 DON'T PASS-Buy Exercise Books, Scribb(ert, Rulers, ink Pencils, Paints, Crayons Nibs, Pens. Compattex, Shon.hand Note Books Looteksf Rc6llt, Portfolios, Drawing Pads, Bkxtert. Adhesive Mending Tape. Etc, FREE with 25c order-Pencil. Bloner, Book Cover or Balloon. WE DELIVER