0001 A* 1 r:vr hr v r * r. r urr r tt~ 1 r« ctvtr rr t t t ~ t ~ trr! *w tir rue v tcp r'u., t ~ t't 4 wr t r r ~lrt r t ri-- t 's'\ r r* t t~rrrr rrrrr .r w. rr. «Vr rr rr rtrrrit v rrr.rrttr~ rr'rr rrr rtr rrr SUGAK Made iu 1L C„ 10 lbs. for 49c lttd 4 While PEANUT BUTTER Large gluts iut........................ 19c Rcd 4 White BAKING 1'01VDER blade iu lLC. 12 oL tiu SSc Royal Crown WASHING SODA, Pvt puckct ...........,............ Oc Rcd ik White COFFEE, pecked iu 1LC delicious aavut, 1 lb tiu ............... ................. Spc BUTPER- Gotdcu blvuduw ............ 2 lbs. 65c sleudowvulc ............. 2 lbs. 49c CAKE, Delicious Dutc Cake, 2 tbtt 25c Rcd 4 \Vhitc ILC SALhlON- Suckcyu .........-...... tall tiu 33c ILC. Pink ....... tall tiu 1st PACIFIC MlLK, 3 large tins SSc ROBERTS'ETTER MEATS Phone West 190 Government Inspected hieats No. I Grade on)y Cash Specials Come and get them Highland jqo. 1 Potatoes SATURDAY OiNLY 100lbs - - 65c. Local Spring Lamb Legs, lb...... 30c Shoulders, lb. 17c Stewing Lamb, 2 lbs. 25c No. I ALBERTA CREA51- ERY BUTTER,-- 25c per pound 3 lbs................. 70c CORN FED PORK Loins, lb..................... 24c Butts, lb................ 18c Legs, fore, lb....... 13c LOCAL VEAL Oven Roast, lb. 18c and 20c Stewing Veal.... 2 lbs. 25c No. I STEER BEEF Boiling Beef, lb......... 9c Pot Roast, lb ............ 10c Blade Rib Roast, lb.... 12c Round Bone Roast, lb. 15c Rump Roast. lb... 18c up Stewing Beef, .. 2 lbs 25c hiinced Steak........ 2 lbs. 25c ! NEW ZEAI.AND BUTTER 3 lbs.........,......... 90c ! Pork Sausage, lb. 25c Cambridge Sausage 2 lbs- 25c APRICOTS Per Crate ...... 51.10 SWIMhiERS DO WELL (Continued from Page I) protegces will hold 6 "parents'arty" to which everyone is in- vited and at which each tnember of each class will demonstrate something learned within the last few weeks. The meet will conclude with novelty relay con- tests all of which sre part of the system of technical training in- augurated st Dundarsve by Mr. Cox. Rtd 4 tvhitv TOMATOES, pecked iu 1LC., large tins ... 2 for 25c APRlCOTS. Puckvd iu 1.C. Sixu 2 iiu ...., ................... Ilc 'lEAT BALLS, Nutib Star, hludc iu iLC lutgc tiu........ Ssc GRAl'E FRUIT. Suukiut Sccdlcuu, 5 for 234 RGYAL cnowN soAp 6 bat carton Stc PEAS, Columbic, sieve 6, grown uud pucitvd in ILC., pct tiu 9c MAYONNAtstk Best Foods, made iu B. 1;.............. 8 cx 1st zsc 1 6 ea 1 ut ... ................ ........ Spc GlNGER SNAPS, sleds iu BC. 2 tbtt 25c Royal Crown CLEANSER, inudc In KC., pct packet...... 6c SYRUP, Roget'u Golden, made In lLC. 2 lb. tiu 1st Beef Broth 2 lbs. shank of beef or knuckle of veal 3 pints water Cut all the meat into small pieces, put in stew pan, add the water and allow to stand for an hour, then simmer 6 hours or more. Bring to boiling point and let boil for half sn hour. Strain snd set aside to cool. Remove fat before serving. Grain Foods In preparing any of the grain foods for a sick person, extra care should be taken that they are sufficiently well cooked, else the result may be hurtful. Of the laxative articles of diet, oat- meal is one of the most import- ant. It stands before all other grains in point of nutrition. Rice is also a very valuable art- icle of food in case of digestive derangement. "I say, Bill," said 3 bricklayer to his mate, "what's a cosmopolh tan?" "Well," wss the careful reply, "if there was a Russian Jew liv- ing in Scotland with an Italian wife smoking Turkish cigarettes at 0 French window in 6 room with a Persian carpet and a Ger- man band was playing "The dear little Shamrock," after a supper of Dutch cheese made into a )Velsh rabbit, you'd be quite safe in saying that chap wss a cos- mopolitan I" The News e Why Pay More? BUILD NOW WHEN PRICES ARE LOW Lumber for lox16 Garage iududiug Suet .......... 626.00 60 Ft. Close Board Fence 6.00 Shiplup fram.......,.. 9.00 2x4 Common, sized ...... 9.00 2 x 8 tu 2x 12 common,sized................. 10.00 x 6 Bungalow Siding, Cedar, chuttc .......... 8.00 lx2 -S uud 4 D. D. Flt, pct 100 liu. ft..60 Cedar Lattice, pct 100 liu. feet .............................25 4 in. Clear Gutter, any length, pct lin. ft...os Nu. 1 XXX Shingles .. 2.26 No. 2 Shingles ...... „. 130 Wall Shingles ....... 125 SPECIALE 24x24--2 Light Windows 2„00 8xlo--4 Light Sash ...... 1.00 loxlz--4 Light Sash...... 1.16 txle--8 Light Such ...... 1.25 lex12--8 Light Sash..... 1AO Gyptuc Plaster Board, Building Paper, Flt Veneer uud ull BuHdiug Mutctiulu AMBLESIDE LUMBER CO. LTD. 16th uud Mutiuc Drive 1'bouc West 199. After 5 p.m. uck fut Gutty Dent Phone Wcut 2411L Smith 's Grocery THE RED AND WHITE STORES Dun(IaraVe,", -;.,"'"„'.,',„", AmbleSi(Ie»»" 4 M".,'..." Quality Food Bargains Friday O'aturday, Aug. List VF 22,nd THE WEST VAN NEWS BAiVD CONCERT ON DUN HARA VE I'IER Dundarave pier was crowded on Sunday afternoon on the oc- casion of the band concert put on by the Salvation Army silver band. This organization, which is one of the finest of its kind on the coast, gave an excellent and varied program, which was much enjoyed by the many who attended. Reeve Leyland, who had arranged for the band to be present, gavft a brief address during the latter part of the con- cert. FAREYVEI.I, PARISH SOCIAL A social will be held next hfon- day evening at 7:45 o'lock to id farewell to Rev. and Mrs. A. arding Priest. All members of the parish are invited to be at St. Stephen's parish hall on that occasion, where the social will take place. There will be 0 short program of informal speeches and music, also community sing- ing. gEFFERIES'UPERIOR MEATS August 21. 1931. Government Inspected Only LAMB, BEEF, pQRK. VEAL ETc. COOKED MEATS OF ALL KINDS DELICATESSEN (Two Stores for your service) HOLLYBURN STORE AhIBLESIDE STORE West 3 West 303 West Vancouver Lumber Co. 15th and Marine I.IMITED I'hone West 115 W. J. Turnbull, hIanager, Resldcnce Phone: YVest 3681. SERVICE Everything for the Building. A VISIT TO GARIBALDI PARK By J. I'orter Some time ago Mr. J. C. Camp- bell, Director of Publicity to the National Parks Branch st Otta- wa, asked me to make s study of Garibaldi Park I consented, but not with the best grace. I sm glad now that I went; for I had the finest holiday of my life. Mr. Wallis, whose camp I joined, was most attentive to everything which could add to my comfort or economize my strength; and the party was a thoroughly con- genial one. I must make special acknow- ledgment of the kindness of two of my neighbors in West Van- couver. Mr. R. H. Simmonds ar- ranged for continuous escort for me, and placed his very thorough knowledge of the topography of the Park at my disposal. On the day I climbed the fearsome Black Tusk, 7,600 feet above sea- level, he took charge himself, and ssw me safely up and down the Chimney. When I went in to dinner that night, I was welcom- ed with three cheers. But they would have been more fitly be- stowed on ihIr. Simmonds and on 6 young lady, a fine mountaineer, who took my hand while I was crossing a narrow ridge of brok- en rock which leads to the sum- mit platform. The climbingof the Black Tusk is not much of a feat for many people, but with a man who has no head for steep places it gave rise to uncomfortable dreams. I wss fortunate enough to have hIr. Selwood during the second week. His extensive bot- anical knowledge and his person al guidance were indispensable to me. I had never taken the slight- est interest in flowers; and yet the floral beauty of the Park is one of its most striking features. Mr. Selwood gave up sll but one day of his week to the task of conducting me to special view- points; but the mountaineering spirit compelled him to have that one day of freedom on the heights. It was 6 new sensation to be made much of as the honorary president of the B. C. Mountain- eering Club. We hsd nearly sixty "Mountaineers" from Se- attle beside us during our first week; and the president, Dr. Ed- mond S. Meany, of the Depart- ment of History in the Univer- sity at Seattle, sent over 6 re- quest that his brother president should give 6 camp-fire address; I chose the subject, "Mountain- eering in West Cork." As Cork is the next county to that of his ancestors, Dr. Meany was not the person least interested I took the subject of "Student Days with H. G. Wells" for a second camp-fire address, after which I was invited to contribute 0 limerick to the camp collection. It took me fourteen hours to evolve one! I had a new experience which was rather puzzling, My firs Pisgah view of the Park from Panorama Ridge resulted In de- lmmalco -- Gyproc Beaver Board -- I'laster Board -- Shingles "My husband is awfully care- less," said Mrs. Newlywed. "He' always losing the buttons oif his clothes." "Perhaps, my dear," said Mrs. Oldwed "that is because they are not properly sewn on." "That's gust it. He's most slipshod with his sewing." spsiring bewilderment. But on that night and nine subsequent nights I awoke after about three hours'leep to find my brain tingling with ideas. It seemed as if the landscape features which I had examined during the day were establishing clear and vivid relations with all the landscapes I had ever seen or studied in photographs. I have read of parallel experiences under the inliuence of opium but there was neither opium nor alcohol in this case. If I could only have captured those visions of the night, I should have reached 6 degree of descriptive accuracy which will be forever impossible to me. There was one thing in which I was disappointed. The night sky had not the same brilliance as at Crater Lake in Oregon, even in the hours before sun- rise. But Garibaldi Park has so many advantages td)I its own, that it can well dispense with this one. Still, I was glad to get back to my den, with its piled-up books, and bed reading-desk, and other things not unlike those listed in 6 little poem of Henry Kirke White. Granger's Grocery Phone West 405 21st Street and Marine Dr. Cash Specials Friday, August 21st to Thursday, August 27. Kellogg's Corn Flakes 3 for 27c B. C. Granulated Sugar 10 lbs. 49c Brown Sugar........ 4 Ibtk 19c Hedlund'9 Meat Balls tin ............................. 25c Pastry Flour... 10 lbs. 39c Libby'0 Tomato Ketchup bottle ........................ 15c ! Malkin's Tea 39c lb. hIalkin's Coifee 42c lb. Pure Malt Vinegar, gal. 75c Pickling Spice.... 2 pkts. 17c~ Plum Jamr..... 4 lb. tin 42dZ,. Raspberry Jam, 4 lb. tin 49c Graham Wafers, pkt,. 15c Sandwich Biscuits, lb... 25c Red Arrow Soda Crackers Pkt ......................... I 7c ! NEW I'OTATOES 25 lb. sack .......... 25c Shamrock Lard.... 2 lbs. 25c Streaky Bacon (sliced) I b .. ... ....... 37c Back Bacon (sliced) lb. 3tJc Ontario Cheese, lb.. 21c Sliced Corned Beef, lb. 25c Ripe Tomatoes.... 6 lbs. 25c Apples ............... 6 lbs. 25c SCHOOL BOARD NOTES Councillor Elgar and Capt Vince attended the meeting and discussed the matter of trans- portation of school children from the east and west ends of the municipality on the municipal bus system. Pupils from points between Whytecliif and Sher- man are now being carried on the Pacific Stage and it was thought some arrangement might be made for one of the municipal buses to carry these children. The Board advised Mr. Elgsr that they would be very glad to make such an arrange- ment if the Ferry Department could handle these children, snd the Chairman expressed the ap- preciation of the Board at the co-operation shown by the Ferry Department at all times in con- nection with carrying children attending school from distant points within the municipality. I't wss &lecided that the Board would assume half the fees of boys attending the Vancouver Technical School for the year 1931-31, and the Secretary was directed to have 6 notice appear in the next issue of the West Vsn News advising that all boys who wished to attend the Tech- nical School must make applica- tion at once to the Board. I'NEST ALBERTA BUTTER 3 lbs...... 75c THESE Sl'ECIAI. PRICES GOOD FOR ONE )VEEK I ree I rotnpt Defi PHONE WEST 405A tagged halibut wss last Junefound to have travelled 1,666 miles in 865 days LU BER SASH DOORS ROOFING BUILDING PAPER