West Van. News (West Vancouver), 21 Aug 1931, p. 4

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0001 THE WEST VAN NEWS August 21, 1931 h"4 h cV44,V.»'»N 4 hovel;hv I .4»v 4 v hh»v»d ~hV»V 4 oa'~o a «;Ic '«I ~o 'ra Judo ' ~ c'V"o v o c "'a wa &clc'V V'I' 'a r'. IV5Ivvv» VVrr'V v - ~ iv;:r.v . VVV vvv Vcavv.rvvcv VVPVV IVC VV vva VrrvIV 'VVVV VV WVVO 'O VVv VVVVVvvrv »vvvvavv A »V VVV 'VV r. By hllNA G. BUTT, Landscape Architect How srs your brakes ssd tires for your trip I Play sale bsfaro you sisri! Bill can supply Raybestos Brake Service Firestone Tire Service Any msohsoicsi trouble roctisstt Ail Polis ssd Labor Guaranteed Shell Pgoducts We specialize jn Pjsssjng dte customer G~/DENING I,IEUTENANT-GOVEltNOR y'EST VAN. TENNISACKNOWLEDGES Cr.l'iu TOURNAMENT CONGRATULATIONS Ladies'ingles The following is a copy of the Second Round letter of congratulation sent by Miss F. Achurch beat Miss V. the reeve on behalf of the coun- Johncox, 6-4, 13-11. cil and himself to the Lieutenant bliss E. Brine beat Miss J. Ley- Chrysanthemums are becom- first bud which appears is called Governor, also s copy of the 1st- land 6-2, 6-3. ing a distinct favm te with many the crown bud. On the normally t r's reply: Miss D. Cleathero beat Miss P. large flowered varieties this bud Beddard, 6W, 6-4, 6-2. usually produces the largest August 12th, 1931. Miss hi. Brand beat Miss O. Les- Provide a distinct attncuon n Bower. Practically as soon as the To His Honour, ter, 2-6, 6-1, 7-5. the garden in the fall when most crown bud aPPears branches John IViaiam Fordham John- Third Round of the other Plants have ceased ~tart sProuting out from the gon Miss J. Dorchester beat Miss F. their bloominfi However, t s axis of the topmost leaves. These I ieut-Governor of Achurch, 6-2, 6-4. sure oneself of getting the most should be removed if it ls desired Semi-Finals enjoyment out of these late fall to have the crown bud produce Victoria, B. C. Miss D. Cleathero beat Miss 5'i. fiowers a little extra care shoukl the largest flower. In the case of Your Honour: Brand, 7-5, 6-3. be given to them now. As the the ordinary garden variety of Your proclamation wherein Miss E. Brine beat Miss J. Dor-present time is perhaps the t™e chrysanthemum however, the His Excellency, Cap«jn the chester, 6-1, IL .when the soil is jjkejy to. be crown bud is quite often useless R; ht Ho bl'h E I I Men's Singles d extra water should be given g onora e e ar o and the surface of the soil shouM odu " at Bessborough, Governor-General Second Round be thoroughly worked over to I h b h l the Dominion of Canada, has IL O. Eccleston beat R. Girard, rovide a hea mulch eave t e rane es an remove been Pleased to aPPoint you to 6 2, 9-7.provide a heavy mule . the crown bud. If only one clue- the very high ofi'ice of Lieuten- IV. Durrand beat P. Brine, 6-1, Extra fertilizer should also be ter of fiowers are wanted, leave ant-Governor of the province of 6-1. applied at this time in liquid only one branch, if more are British Columbia,received offici J, Grisedsle beat H. Priest, 4-6, form, alternating with liquid wanted, leave more branches. al attention of the West Vancou- 6-2, 6-2. manure, nitrate of soda and sul- Practically all varieties of ver Council at their regular Semi-Finals phate of ammonia. In applying chrysanthemum plants do much meeting on Monday, August 10th S. W. Eby beat J. Grisedale, 6-1, the fertilizer it is much better better if staked to Prevent the I sm requested by the Mem- 63 4-6 7-5.to aPPly a fairly liberal quantity fall rains from beating them berg of ihe Cou«ncjj io extend to W. Durrand beat H. O. Eccleston each week rather than a little down- This is Partjcularly true you their very sincere greetin 6-3 6-2 6-3each day. It is also much better if many buds are left on the and to assure you of their con- Mixed Doubles e so o g y w P ants. The blooms become tinued loyalty as a worthy rep- Second Roundwater ore apph'jng t e iqui hcavy with moisture and break resentative of His Majesty King Miss J. Dorchester & S. W. Eiiyfertilizer. As soon as the color down the plant. starts to h in th bud di George V. In expressing, on be- beat Miss P. Leckie & P. Brine s rs osowin e us is- half of the Council, sincere a COntinue the appliCatiOnS Of fer- NOTE--Tbo»tt r Viue td lt ~ al O e C unC', SinCere ap- tilizer. to» o tloaa c»c alas too~a d a preciation of the distinguished Miss D. C. Cleathero & J. Grlse- honor that has been conferred dale beat Miss P. Beddard & If you desire to produce large tho»tt la caro ol tb Edit . Tho upon yourself and upon the W. Durrand, 64, 6-8.specimenilowersitwillbenares- »c r»»»taw '»a»«r "»a «province of British Columbia, Miss A. Woolgar & H. O. Eccle-It ~ oorcaoal alr lc doolrad ~ atawaahsary tO debud the Plant. The .oll-add cd» laoachoatdboa~m msy I be Permitted to add my eton beat, Miss Davis & T. personal congratulations and Davis, 6-8, 6-0. Cole--Burton Tomato Catsup also those of the citizens of West Semi-Finals On Thursday evening, August O k . Vancouver whom the Council Miss J. Dorchester & S. W. Ebv 13, at St. Thomas'hurch, Chil- oni b I t th i ll d have the honor to represent. beat Miss D. Clesthero & J.liwack, the marriage was solem- then put through colander. Add I have the honor to be, Sir, Grisedale, 6-4, 2-6, 6-3. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. JosePh ih ounce gin er 1 o bl k 'Si A' B LEYLAND Miss A. Woolgsr & H. C. Eccle- mund IVifiing Cole of Sacramen- P PP 'nces salt, 4 ounces Reeve. Men's Doubles to, Caleformnia. His Grace Arch- I uart cider mne ar mustard 1 pound sugar (brown) Semi-Finals bushop A. U. de Pencier officiat- 18th August, 1931. G. Gray & p. Brine beat, H. PriestAt Government House, '& T Crtckmsy, 64, 6-4, 2-6, Holdom, rector of St. Thomas. Victorza B C 6.4 The choir, of which the bride Corn Relish Dear Mr. Reeve, H. O. Eccleston & B. McKeen hss been a member for many One dozen corn (evergreen or His Honor, J. W. Fordham beat W. Durrand & J. Grise- @ears, was in full attendance, sweet corn), 1 small cabbage, 2 Johnson, has requested me to dale, 64, 6-4, 2-6, 8-6, 7-5. during the signing of the regis- large red PePPers, V4 pound mus- acknowledge the receipt of your Ladies'oubles ter singing the bridal music from «rd 8 Pints white vinegar, 8 letter of the 12th instant and to Second Round "Ruth." Mr Osborne Schmitt of «Ps granulated sugar, r(. cuP convey to you and through you Miss A. Woolgsr & Miss D. Gill- San Francisco, supported the salt, 2 tablespoons celery seed. to the Members of your Council ham beat Miss J. Dorchester groom and the ushers were hfr. Boil 3o minn«s and can hot. his most appreciative thanks for & Miss P. Leckie, 6-4, 4-6, 6-4. Osborne Richmond and Mr. the kind messages of congratula- Semi-Finals Hugh Brimacombe. Chow Chow tion and greetings extended to Miss B. Walton & Miss IIL Brand The attractive bride, given in One bushel green tomatoes, 2 him upon his appointment as beat Miss A. Woolgsr & Miss marriage by her father, wore a dozen onions, 2 cups salt. Chop Lieutenant-Governor of this D. Gillham, 6-2, 8-6. lovely gown of soft ivory satin finely and let stand overnight. Province. Miss E. Brine & hfjss P. Beddard fashioned on close-fitting lines, Drain and boil in weak vinegar His Honor will be grateful if Beat Miss D. Cleathero & Miss with a fiaring skirt extending 2 hours, then drain again. Make you will convey to your Council O. Laster, 6-1, 7-5. into a train. Her veil of Brussels a syrup of 8pounds brown sugar, and to the citizens of West Van- S. W. Eby won the men' lace, the one worn by her mother 2 tablespoons each of cloves, cin- couver his appreciation of their singles championship, defeating and her two sisters at their mar- namon, and allspice, 1 teaspoon kindly thought and to ssy that W. Durrand in the final score of riages, wss held on either side black pepper, Q teaspoon cay- hetruststohaveanopportunity 6-3, 7-9, 6-3, 6-2. The ladies with orange blossoms, and her enne pepper, 8 quarts vinegar. in the early future of meeting singles title went to Miss E. flowers, Ophelia roses and lily of Let boil, then pour over the to- you and them in person. Brine through a victory hover the valley, were arranged in s matoes. Yours faithfully Miss D. Cleathero, 6-1, 6-3. shower bouquet. Her two at- (Signed) A M D FAIRBAIRN In the men's doubles H O tendants, Mrs. John Lidster, French Pickles yale Secre«ry Ecclestone snd Bert McKeen won 21st and Esquimslt, sister of the Two quarts cucumbers, 1 quart I«ye J B Le I d 'rom Gordon Gray and P. Brine, bride, as matron of honor, and onions, 1 small head of cabbage, Munjcjpa'I Hau 6-3, 4-6, 9-7, 2-6, 9-7. Miss E. Miss Betty Richmond as brides- 1 small head of caulifiower 2 West Vancouve~ B O Brine snd Miss P. Beddard beat maid, were gowned alike in bunches of celery. Add green Miss B. Watson and Miss M. frocks of crePe neola fiowered PePPerstotaste. Cutallin small Brand, 6-3,7-5, in the ladies'ou- in tones of green, yellow and pieces, but do not chop finely. bles final while Eby carried oifNEW BUSES ADDED orange with which they wore Sprinkle with salt, let stand 2 TO FEEDER LINE9 a second crown by winning the bandeaux of velvet caught with hours, then drain. Scald in equal mixed final with Miss J. Dor- French fiowers. Lovely she fs of parts'inegar and water, and One of the two new 81-pa& chester against Miss D. Giilham peach and golden gladioli form- then remove from this. Make a ganger st~set car tyPe buses and Gordon Gray 13-11 4-6 6-2. ed their bouquets. paste of 2 cups sugar, 5 table ordered by the B. C. Electric Following the reception the spoons mustard, 1 cup fiour, Q Rsi ay ComPany to augment The council ordered the sum bride and groom left by motor gallon vinegar. Boil this until it the feed«»nes « its city trans- of $3,500 transferred from the for Craig Lodge, where the comes to a paste, snd then pour P rtation sys«m arriy« in Van- Ferry Account to the General couver on Saturday, July 18, Account. oneymoon wi span . and goes into service immediate- ly, according to B. C. Electric Albert IVhyte's letter address- YO~g Fjshmg~ (Paul Sykes) ojfjcj»s . ed to the munjcj ai eng»ee»eThe new equipment is of the small building on right of way ius re uisr cs5s durjn lhe latest design in Pay as you enter Nelson Street. I Its H ttjfcltn flu~ blood ~jtn tyPe buses, fitted with air A coPy of Mr. Whyte's let tter Hay~ fogy Tecdoyclcd hc hopes Nl give bcttef~ssusfscoon lhsn eyer brakes and treadle steP, and ordered sent to H .Thorpe asking ms have ihe continued prjyjjc c of our Powered by a six cylinder motor that the building be removed. of English manufacture. The patronage. body is upholstered in luxurious C.M.S. Guild 1931 Agreement. fashion and was made by the The council went on record ss Canada Car snd Foundry Com- willing to renew the agreement~eStVan MOtOrS (Bill Grout) p y of Mo t but only on the same basis aslast year, gioiiy ! Phone 74st 268 Msol "He's an awfully loving msu."Gsriis: VHow do you kuowla Shutting Him Up Mssl "Oh, I overheard him saying ~orna of the sweetest ihiugs io soma Mother (to son who ls ham- cuuuiug iittis spotted blocks ho wss mering away at a tin bath): playing with.a "What sre you making that noise for 7" One hundred and seventy-eight Son: "To keep baby quiet,o pre-emptions have been issued Mother: "Where is baby7" in July in the Peace River. Son: "Under the bath." Hollyburn THEATRE Thursday Friday oud Bsiurdsy August Ze, Zi, Zs A Connecticut Yankee at the Court of King Arthur Monday, Tuesday A Wsdussdsy Augtwt Zi, ZS, ZS The Princess and the Plumber with CHAIILEB g*RRELL A real good COMEDY I C. J. Overington PIONEER BARBER 14th and liiarlne Expert IVork I'hone West 135 The BURRARD LAUNDRY httottad For People 'Who Are Particular Agent for SWAN BROS„ DRY CLEANERS THIRD ST. osd ST. DATIDS North Vancouver Phone North 1810. West Van. Representative F. RIVERS Phone IVest 410L FURNACE and SHEET METAL REPAIRS Ambleside Sheet Metalworks LAURIE SPECK. Proprisior 1456 Marine Drive Phone West 437L2 K.W.Savory " 1443 Marine Drive Ambleside Phone West 340 Evenings, IVest 143 Real Estate Finance and ~ Insurance FUEL VERNON FEED STORE A. C. Searle, Phone West 9 Fuel, Feed, Fertilizers and Building Supplies