0001 August 21, 1931 THE WEST VAN NEWS tbihl 444 hdy bbih I)a ttiz e 4 LE IIIl )ttta I hats tvty Hair 4tott Ikhxl 4Ritt Ie4at I &Pf 4 wt 11't. IWN ,'ed IznHSI ,EI- K Vtd- ,ODE" 64HL Tga ether» 2by ihc Iei46 IN PAIN7S sfs Odorless Dry Cleaning and Dyeing SUITS ) Cleaned dt2 thth I REGENT SUiTS TO ORDER Higher grade suits our owo make 026.00 sod up ALTERATIONS xnd REPAIRS WE CALL AND DELIVER Phone West 20 M. WILLIAMS 1568 Mar)ne Drive Res. Phone IVest 286L DUNDARAVE CASH GROCERY Corner 25th and Bellevue GROCERIES, TOBACCOS, CIGARETTES, CONFECTIONERY, ICE CREAM, SOFT DRINKS, We deliver Phone West 7 Your patronage solicited L.O.L. No. 2990 The above lodge held its regu- lar meeting in the Orange Hall last Tuesday when there was a good turn out of members. One brother from the east was re- ceived into membership and two applications were received for membership. Arrangements sre in hand for an anniversary night to be held at the end of September. During the week end a num- ber of members paid s visit to the Orphanage Camp at Boun- dary Bay, and last Saturday the members of the Order put on a picnic and sports for the little ones. There are eighty-seven at camp and visitors are welcome at any time. AIRS. F. KNIGHT-HODGE TO OPEN FAI.I. TER.'ll Mrs. F. Knight-Hodge wfil open the fall term on September 10th, on which date she will re- sume giving lessons in piano- forte, violin, and theory. Violin ensemble and theory in classes each week will be arranged. Mrs. Knight-Hodge has suc- cessfully prepared pupils for the ;,Assoc)a(ed Board, R.A.M. & R..M, Toronto Conservatory ofz usic, also the B. C. Musical FestivaL FIRE ON BI ACK 51OUNTAIN On Sunday afternoon a bush fire broke out on Black Mountain above Horseshoe Bay, burning through old burn at, an altitude of 3000 feet. The cause of the blaze is unknown. Forestry of- ficials watched the fire, but it was almost impossible to light it owing to its position. The smoke cloud came over Hollyburn Ridge and was visible all over West Vancouver so far we have not been able to ascertain whether it is still burning. Last Sunday evening a Van- couver auto went over the bank on Marine Drive at a point just east of Kew Beach. The two oc- cupants received a numbe or cuts but otherwise escap6d serious in- jury. 4 ~ ~ Miss Clara Wilson entertained at a delightful lavender shower on Saturday afternoon, August 8th, at her home at 2367 Marine Drive, in honor of Miss Helen Ritchie. Among the invited guests were Miss Helen Ritchie, Miss Ethel Millard, Mrs J. E. Condon, Mrs. E. G. Edgar, Mrs. E. Denton, Mrs. K. Clarke, Mrs. S. Trust, Mrs. Crighton, the Kitty and Hilda Wilson and Mrs. Clara Wilson. Miss Betty Humphreys of Portland, Oregon, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. A, J. R)dley, Caul- feild. ~ v 1 hire. H. Gleed, 16th and Law- son, last week was in Mill Bay visiting her son, who is making excellent progress in the solari- um there. Ridley'8 Pure Jersey Milk RICHER! Comes only from SLEEK, HEALTHY well-fed cows--JERSEYS The richest milk producers In the world. It is now possible tor you to provide your family with a richer, creamier, sod more hex)thfut milk without adding one cent to your present cost of living. Let these facts (and they are tactx) sink ie. No other dairy in Greater Vancouver handles better mHk than RIDLEY'S. We are the only people handling PURE JERSEY )t)LK exrlusivelr. Only Jersey herds in the hex)thlest cond)t)on, housed under the most hygienic and sanitary systems were chosen to provide this better otilk for your tables. Why buy )uat mukt Why take chances 1 Why go out- ~Ida of West Vancouver when West Vancouver ogers the best produced and tha price TEN QUARTS FOR A DOLLAR. g IQC»o«atstxr g OeIVest 456 qXIRE2 for delivery service quart ASTBURY LUMBER CO. L4I. Cor. Esplanade Rnd Chesterfield NORTH VANCOVVER We carry one of the most Complete Building Material Stocks on the Coast. QUALITY, SEP,VICE, PRICE SECOND TO NONE Phone North 285 Night: North 1415-R Local and Personal ( 19C Buys One 25c bar of Jersey as ilk, Jersey Nut or Jersey Plain Chocolate Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Smith snd family, 20th and Heywood, have returned from a holiday at Qual icum Beach. ~ v ~ Tom Davison motored here from Edmonton and is the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs H. Davison, 1745 Inglewood Ave. ~ ~ ~ Charles Chapman, Kings Ave., ran second last Saturday in the B.C. 120 yards hurdles champion- ship, which was held at Hastings Park. v Mr. snd Mrs. Hugh MscLean and daughter Elsie of Los Angel- es, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Colin MacLean, 20th and Marine Drive, last week end. Mr. hisc- Lean is 0 nephew of Mr. Colin Mac idun. \ Mr. and ¹s. L. Burley and Mr. snd Mrs. L. Kyle have left for a cruise around the gulf islands. ~ ~ Mr snd Mrs. Wilson, who have been spending a six weeks'oli- day at West Bay, have returned to their home in Point Grey. v ~ v Captain Neil MscNeil of Van- couver, has taken s suite in the Fortune Cup Inn. ~ v ~ Miss Horton of England, and Mr. snd Mrs. Morgan of North Vancouver, are guests at the Clachan hotel.\ v ~ Miss Doris Taylor of the B. C. Telephone staif here hss return- ed from her annual vacation. ~ ~ ~ J. Cooper, who motored here from Toronto, has taken a suite at the Fortune Cup Inn for the winter. ~ v v Mr. and Mrs. G. Dorman and family, 2337 Bellevue, kft here on Monday for Nanaimo, where Mr Dorman is manual training instructor in the schools. v Mrs. J. M. Stratton, 1468 Mar- ine Drive, who hss been on a visit to Scotland, has left there on her journey here. v \ v Oscar Britton, 23rd and Jef- ferson, had the misfortune last Friday to have a large timber fall on his foot, tearing some of the ligaments ap well as break- ing his ankle. He was taken to the North Vancouver General Hospital and is now at his home. ~ \ v Mrs. Neale and daughter and Mrs. Dryden, all of Vancouver, are staying at the Clachan hotel ~ ~ v Miss Mary McDonald, loth and Fulton, has returned from 0 holiday, which she spent in Vernon, B. C. Mr. and Mrs. Warren of Ker- risdale, spent the week end at the Fortune Cup Inn. Mrs. J. L. Davidson entertain- ed at luncheon last Friday at her home in Caulfeild. v ~ ~ Mr. and Mrs. E. Dansye of Vancouver, have leased the house of Mr. and Mrs. I"rank Adams, Caulfeild, for the winter months. x v ~ After covering approximately 6400 miles in two weeks, to at- tend the D.O.K.K. Convention at Cincinnati, Ohio, Aubrey Clarke has returned to West Vancouver. Through the medium of broad- casts over Station W.L.W., Cin- cinnati, and other stations, Van- couver was given splendid pub- licity by the D.O.K.K. Qusrtette. Mr. Clarke conveys the best wishes of Miss Anne Ritchie of Chicago to her many friends in West Vancouver. ~ ~ ~ Iiirs. Sharps of Vancouver, is a guest at the Clschan hotel. ~ ~ The auto of J. G. Sentance, 1342 Duchess, was stolen on Wednesday night, the 12th in- stant, and was later found upside down and badly wrecked at Sherman. The party or parties responsible have so far not been located, but it is thought that following the accident they es- caped by water, as 0 boat and oars are missing from the Sher- man cannery. ~ v v Mrs W. M. Jackmen, 22nd and Palmerston, accompanied by her sister, Miss G. V. Leonard, has returned from Victoria, where she has been visiting her daugh- ter, Mrs. A. I Stevenson. ~ ~ v Mr. and Mrs Martin, who have been occupying a house st 30th snd Bellevue, left here last Sat- urday to return to Vancouver. WEST VAlf PliARMACY The Store of Service. 1402 Hxrtee Drtve West 22 Eacrgesvr Phase West 221 (After 0 p.a.) Stratton'S BAKERY BREAD -- CAKES Assorted Pastries-- Almond Varieties Buna . Rolls Scones Short Bread - Nut Bread Christening, Birthday, Wedding Cakes made st 1468 MARINE DRIVE Phone IVest 27 Mr and Mrs A J Addy of 2226 Bellevue, gave a very en- joyable musical evening last Tuesday. The guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Hobson, Miss Doris Hambly, Mr. snd Mrs. J. E. Dur- bin and Miss Joan Durbin, Miss Margaret hicIntyre, Mrs. Colin MacLean, bfr. W. W. Knight. ~ v v Mr. snd Mrs. J. R. MacPhail of 2303 Ingkwood, have taken up residence at Douglas Lodge, Van- couver. ~ ~ A social evening will be held in the North Vancouver Club Rooms, corner of Lonsdale and Esplanade on Friday, September 4th, by the Vancouver North Federal Liberal Association, in honor of Mr. A. E. Munn, M.P., who has just returned from Ot- tawa. Several prominent speak- ers will be present. v W. Gentleman of the munici- pal hall staff, hss returned from bis annual vacation. v v ~ The Misses Kilby, who have been the guests of Mrs. Wilkin- son-Brighouse at Brighouse, have returned to their home at Caulfeild. v v ~ W. H. Sanders is having s new home built st West Bay. v Mr. and Mrs. A. Houghton, 2992 Marine Drive, left on Sun- day for a two weeks'oliday up the coast. ~ ~ Miss Lorna Thomson of the Hollyburn Post O(f)ce staif, left on Saturday for her annual vaca- tion. part of which she is spend- ing at Gambier Island.\ v ~ Miss A. D. Collie of Vancouver is having a new residence erect- ed on Park Lane at 30th Ave. ~ v v G M. Gemmifi of the West Vancouver Pharmacy, accomp- anied by Kenneth Nash, motored yesterday to Merritt, B. C. They expect to return early next week. Miss Grace Cameron of Csul- feild, has returned from a trip to Kelowna. \ v v K. V. Lopatecki of Caulfeild, has taken the Procter house in Altamont for the winter. Mr. snd Mrs. Pattullo, who have been occupying the Ellis house on 31st Street, during the summer, have moved back to Vancouver. Dr. Pierce Selwood is leaving here at the end of this week to return to Princeton University. GORDON ROBSON Saatetxv R thdtcnee WEST VANCOUVEB-- Officv No. 1441 )ferine Drtvs P)xxa West 402. VANCOUVER OFFICE-- saite 010; 610 Hastings st. w Phone Seymour 4100. HOLLYBURN Baal ber Shpp 16th d Hxrtae EXPERT SERVICE E. )4ARSH, Proprietcn. West Vau Produce Co. Fresh Vegetables and pku)t Phone IVest 186 or 109 Prompt Delivery HOLT- The Glass Mau )470 Marine Drive Phone VVett 27 All kinds of Class Work HORSESHOE BAY Fishing, Boating, Lunches, Tees, D)nnerth Ptcntc Grounds Dancing (Saturday Evenings) HOWARD RODGERS (Established 1914) Phone Long Distance Wh) lccfig Oe the Job "1 wax takes in lxxt night," said tha first footpal "Get puahxd 1 axkat tha teeaah "No," la the seotste) answer. "Think 1 desk know the cops better than that) It wax this wart 1 held up a gur sad took his leather asd ticker away from him and first thine I knew he wax talking sheet how dangerous etp werlt wsx ssd bow 1 ought to provide tor the tetere, sed, blow me, if he didn't get we to sign an appneatios for lite iaxtwaaes xad give him au the aoaap I had cenectvd dtwing the evening as 4 firet pareaat See Our Window for End of Seaaoa Speciafa Brooks'ry Goods and Men's Wear 14th axd hfxrtta Drtve. Place theet 144 Exc)uaivs Agenta Cortke01 Silh Rose asd Usiverxal Sweaters also Novelties, Toys, School Supp)isa, Haeatitehisg PV v a rw : -"1 ~ ah