West Van. News (West Vancouver), 21 Aug 1931, p. 2

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0001 THE WEST VAN NEWS August 21, 1931 t Vh htrre ttr 'hH V tr htt r ht r o tt. Te t't t t't tdz 4 rmp ':~tlr uttr' ' t wkst t 4cattt' ht" *t 'tt "to- * *"r t' t r* Vr hrr V rvvrrr ht ~ r VVrr her rrVrrrrrrrrr~r ~ht r 'Vr,- Vrvr htrr rt"r SCHOOLS Hollyburn HallWEST VANCOUVER Christian Science Society BRITISH ISRAEL Cor. 14th & Duchess LORD'S DAY-- 10 a. m.--Sunday School. 11 a. m.--Worship a n d Breaking of Bread. 7;15 p. RL--Song Service 7:80 p. m.--ADDRESS Speaker: bin J. BRAY CANADIAN LEGION MBMORIAL HALL NEXT SUNDAY-- 10 o. m.~bool for Cblldtcu. 8 p. m.--Spcchcrt MR. PERCY KING BILTON HOUSE SCHOOL for BOYS FRAMAR MONTESSORI School foc Youse Chudtcu RHYTtlM o FOLK DANCING INCLUDED CHURCH EDIFICE 20th cud Ftmulmclt. Honybutu Thl~ Socitty lc ~ Branch of The blothct Church The First Church of Christ, Scientist. iu Boston, Momachusctts Sunday Services 11:80 u.m. oud 7'tso p.m. Subject 23rd August "MIND" 229- 29th Street Day Boys and Boarders Phone West 150Y2 For particulars, apply to IL B. FOYSTER, Master. Subject I "UNITED ISRAEL" I"cll totm starts Tucwlcy Sept. 1st SPECIAL DANCINR CLASS For pupuc 6 to 12 iuclucivc ~t 4 p m. Ftldcyc Mr. Klug btocdccctc over CKWX evert Wednesday ut 9:80 p. m. TUESDAY-- 8 p.m.--Prayer and Bible StudyFor Pctuoulotc Pbouo MRS. W. D. FRASER I'185 Ecquimclt LANE -- RITCHIE NUPTIALS Last Suturday afternoon in brilliant sunshine, an event of special interest to many in the municipality took place in the picturesque garden of 'The Glen," when amid beautiful sur- roundings and with a natural setting of woods and streams, the marriage was solemnized of Helen Christie, youngeet daugh- ter of Mr. and t&frs. D. C Rltchie, to Mr. Edwin Ivor Lane, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Lane of Nanai- mo. The ceremony was perform- ed by the Rev. Dr. E. A. Henry, In front of the summer house banked with 6 profusion of beau- tiful flowers and wedding bells. To the strains of the wedding march played by her brother, Mr D. C. Ritchie, the bride, look- ing lovely, entered the garden on the arm of her father. Her gown of white silk crepe chiffon with rhinestone trimming and orange blossoms, fell in graceful folds to her ankles, the shoulder being draped in shawl effect and caught at the back with a rhine- stone buckle. Her large white picture hat was also trimmed with clusters of orange blossoms, and she carried a beautiful sheaf of sweet peas caught with white heather. She was attended by Miss Clara Wilson, who wore a gown of maize flowered chiffon with hat to match, her flowers being a large sheaf of pale lav- ender asters. Mr. Joseph Lane supported his brother as grooms. man. Her four little nieces pre- ceded the bride, looking very sweet, two in pale green organdie and two in lavender organdie, and they all carried old fashion- ed nosegays of sweet peas. Two other nieces from Montreal acted as ushers., After the ceremony 6 recep- tion took place on the lawn. Reeve Leyland, in his usual hap- py manner, proposed the toast to the bride, which was replied to by the groom, while Dr. Henry gave the toast to the bride's mother. Mrs. Lane, mother of the groom,and Mrs. Burniston of North Vancouver, presided at the prettily appointed tea table which was centered by a hand- some four-tier wedding cake. Mrs. George Baldwin and Mrs. T. T. Dauphinee cut the ices and a bevy of the bride'0 young friends acted as serviteurs. The young couple left later for 6 honeymoon at Rainbow Lodge, Alta Lake, the bride wearing 6 dress of blue canton crepe with white coat and hat and sccessori es to match. On their return they will take up residence at 8068 Marine Drive. Sunday School at 10:00 ~.m. Testimony lgoctius Woduecdcy ut 8t15 p.m.BlaSdell School Sltb oud Wutorftoot, Aitomouu St Anthony s Church Terms tcccmtcble Df Mnfjory MCCubbln DENTIST Hours: 9 o. m. to 0 p. m. Sctutdcyct 10 ~ . m. to I p.m. Evculusc uud Sctutdcy After- aoouc by oppoiutmout only. Royal Book Bulldius I'bouc West 445 Rccidcuco I'bouc West 89K Pastor: Rev. Father Carey Residence: 2558 Marine Drive. Saturday--10 a. m. Bible His- tory and Catechism Classes. 7:30 p.m.--Confessions. Sunday--8:45 a.m, Holy Mass, Benediction. Week Days--7:30 S.m. Holy Mass. From KINDERGARTEN to GRADE 4 An Enlargement of ~ cllcpchot MAKES A NICE GIFT C. J. Broderick PhotoFiolchct 1421 Marine Dr. Fall Tetm Rc Optus Tumdcy, September 1st MISS EVA McBAIN Principal ST. PATRICIA SCHOOL DR. G. D. H. SEA LE DENTISTUnited ChurchFor Girls and Kindergarten Minister, E. A. Henry, D.D. Sunday, August 23rd, 1931. 9:65 a.m.--Sunday School. 11 a.m.--Public Worship Rev. Frank Hardy will preach. Topic, "Jesus and the Poor." 7:30 p.m.--Public Worship. Rev. Frank Hardy will preach. Topic, "The Everlasting Mercy." Fourth in the series of Spiritual Messages of Great Literature. Hcy Block, 14th cod Motluc Dt. Ofllco Hours 9 to 0 p.m. Evoulosc by cppolutmcut. Phone Woct 'l2Corner 20th and Haywood Autumn Term commences Tuesday, September 8. Principal--Miss J. Durbin Kindergarten to Special Courses: High School Music, Art and French NURSING HOME (Mtc M IL LcChcuco Rdd ) 204 24th Street Ecci North Vcucoutot l4eidoucc Phone: North 18SSR IVancouver Technical School Rev. A W. Banfield, M.A., B.D., of Nigeria, West Africa, will be in West Vancouver on Thursday evening, 3rd Septem- ber, to speak under the auspices of the British and Foreign Bible Society in Canada and New- foundland. Mr. Banfield is a dis- tinguished missionary who has done 6 great work not only as a missionary, but as a translat- or. He will be well worth listen- ing to. Keep the date free-- Thursday evening, September 3rd. Written application must be made to the Board in case of all boys who wish to attend the Vancouver Technical School in September next. For the school year 1931-1932 the Board is making allowance of half the annual fee of 3116.00, but written applications must be in the hands of the Board by Next Thursday, August 27th. H, B. GARLAND, Secretary .. New bobs for new hats The new hats wdl do away with the cttcizbt bob. Nuit must be uttuugcd in o soft curly cutlioc on one sids of the head. Call iu ood csk Misc Clay cbout the new stylus, at the Mrs. F. Knight-Hodge GffJeytdolyyJ Beauty Shoppg PRESBYTERIAN SUNDAY SCHOOL The Presbyterian Sunday School will be held next Sunday, August 23rd, at 2:30 p.m., in the Orange Hall. Presbyterian children and those not attending any Sunday School, welcome. 1540 bloriue Drive For Appolutmcuto- Phooo West 117. ~ NOW + St. Stephen's Church JOE E. BROWN I ~ ITop Speed'OBBY JONES lo GOdtp Established on North Shoto 20 Ycuto. (Lcdy AoMotuut) HARRON BROS. fk WILLIAMSON funeral 6irertars North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 184 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 Rector: Rev. A. Harding Priest, B.A. Trinity 12 (August 23). 8 a. m.--Holy Communion. 10 a. m.--Sunday School and Bible Class. 11:15 a.m.--Morning prayer. 7:15 p. DL--Evensong. There is a celebration of the Holy Communion at St. Francis'hurch,Caulfeild, on Sunday at 9 a.m. PRESBYTERIAN ASSEMBLY The annual Presbyterian As- sembly, which was held in Tor- onto, is over, and delegates have returned to their homes in vari- ous parts of the Dominion. The moderator in closing the Assem- bly drew attention to the great increase made by the Presbyter- ian Church as between the years 1925 and 1930. The increases given were as follows: ministers 144; elders, 1226; preaching sta- tions, 190; families, 13,940; members, 26,437; mission helds, 70. NEIVS COMEDY -j~.;;;;";.EP NEXT WEEK --Moc.--Toes.--Wcd "CRIMINAL CODE" Iu&ROTIIY MACKAILL WARNER BAXTER "SKIPPY" (Mmiue Scp. '10, 11, 12 This evening (Friday) there is the supper conference of the Sunday School staff in the Par- ish Hall at 6 o'lock. Visitors'ay at the Junior Boys'amp at Artaban will be next Thursday, Aug. 27th. The boat leaves the Union wharf at 9 S.m. The rector has been at Arta- ban from Monday to Thursday, serving as chaplain of the Junior Boys'amp. THE Baptist ChurchWest Van Nems Published Every Ftkloy Pastor, Rev. H. P. Humphreys, Residence, 1343 Heywood Ave. Phone West 252R Sunday, August 23rd, 10 a.m.--Sunday School. 11 a.m.--Morninif worship, 7:30 p.m--Evening worship. Wednesday 8 p.m. -- Prayer and praise. Miss Phyllis Neale, Miss Jean MacLaren, snd Douglas John- ston have been added to the cast of "The Thirteenth Chair." Re- hearsals are well under way and the play will be produced some- time during October in the Hol- lyburn Theatre. Wolfe Island in Beecher Bay is being auctioned off by the provincial government. C B. C. apple supplies on the prairie are limited. Publisher F. F. LOVEGROVE Phone West 363 Buoiuocc olui Editotiol Oglcct HANDY ANN SHOPPE Duudctctc I'houo Woot $9 17th csd Mctiuo Drive (Next to HoBybutu P.O.) Phone West 363 afternoons oud otcuiosu bloR Addtmet P.O. Box Sl, Hdlybutn, B.C. On Sunday evening there is the monthly A.Y.P.A. service to which all young people in the parish are specially invited and also sll Artaban campers. Jim Murray is attending the Junior Fire Warden's Camp at Alco near Haney. Some two hun dred junior fire wsrdens from the entire province sre in camp for two weeks, the outing being sponsored by the Canadian For- estry Association and the Hon. Nels Lougheed, Minister of Lands, st whose lumber camp the boys are housed. DON'T PASS-Buy NAILS SCREWS - HINGES ~ TACKS PAINTS TURPENTINE ~ LIGHT GLOBES - FUSES STAPLES . TENNIS BALLS WE DELIVER A heavy decrease fe likely In the salmon pack this year. B. C. grapes will be sold before Ontario is ready to ship. 91.00 a year by cottier; 82SD ~ year by moil. Nowcctoodc Sc. Pot copy. Will resume lessons in PIANOFORTE, VIOLIN & THEORY, September 10th. Violin Ensefnble and Theor) in Class each week will be arranged. Students successfully prepared for the Associated Board, R. A. M., and R. C. Iif., Toronto Conservatory of Musie. Also the B. C. Musical FestivaL 1332 Duchess Avenue, West Vancouver.