0001 I Iggl i TC, Isa A Weekly Newspaper Circulatingiu tho District of West Vancouver--AmbleJide, Hollyburn, Wefron, Duyfdaraef, sl 00 I y~ Cyprus'ss Park, Caulfeild, Whytecliff, Etc. Newsstsnds 6c pei Copy Vol. VI HOLLYBURN P.O., WEST VANCOUVER, B.C., FRIDAY, AUGUST 21, 1931 No. 13 0. ill NIL PER a gona eked it Ihcstag ie yokd 'I shag e." Data Given by Reeve Leyland to Sir Alexander Gibb on Inlet Crossing West Vancouver is sn exclus- 1925 ten and one-quarter million ively residential district with a people, and four million three permanent population of approx- hundred thousand cars have imately eight thousand. How- crossed the Second Narrows ever, owing to the natural beauty Bridge:--In 1929 five and one- of the district, visitors and tour- half million people and a million ists from Vancouver City and and one-quarter vehicles crossed outlying points come to West the Inlet via the bridge and fer- Vancouver by thousands, visit- ries ing the beaches and other re- 3. It isareasonablehopethat sorts in summer time, and hik- s bridge of a permanent nature, ing and snowshoeing over Holly- and satisfying all requirements, burn Mountain Ridge in winter. may be constructed across Bur- West Vancouver owns 62,500 rard Inlet,givingencouragement shares in the Bridge Company, for fuller development on both and because of the construction Shores to industrial, residential of the Bridge, the Municipality snd tourist interests. has been responsible is the last 4. If, because of financial or six years for an investment of other reasons, it is impossible $577,000.00 in the re-surfacing for the Government at this time widening and extension of the to bring about an ultimate solu- Marine Drive from the Capilano tion of a crossing or crossings of River to Whytecliif. the Inlet, it seems essential that While no official figures are they should render financial as- available, it has been estimated sistance for construction of a that at least sixty per cent of temporary structure immediate- the motor traffic crossing the ly in order that business inter- Second Narrows Bridge in the ests may receive reasonable pro. summer months is bound for taction, and that the North West Vancouver. The close re- Shore Municipalities, who are lationship between the Bridge mostly concerned, may be re- and the Municipality of West lieved of s financial predicament Vancouver is therefore clearly which has become intolerable. demonstrated. The construction of the Bridge. I. L. P. NOTES and the Marine Drive has induc- ed property holders to build The picnic heM at Hollyburn many homes in West Vancouver, last Sunday was an unqualified and large sums have been invest- success Contingents came from ed in the development of ambiti- Vancouver snd North Vancou- ous summer resorts, catering to ver Comrades Anderson and tourists and general motor tref- Turner addressed the gathering fic from points outside the Muni- snd gave their audience some cipality. Since the Second Nar- new thoughts over which to piin- rows Bridge span was knocked de„. It was gratifying to the out, business concerns, both committee to be told by disint- lsrge and small, have found their crested persons how well the sources of revenue sadly dimin- event was organized, but the pic- ished and it has indeed been dif- nic was only made possible by ficult, and in many eases im- the generosity of those merch- possible, for them to pay taxes ants who kindly contributed don- cresting a very anxious position ations in kind. for the Municipal oificisls who Don't forget the meeting to- are responsible for financial ad- night in the Legion Memorial ministration. at Hall. st 8 0'clock. EverybodyIt is practically assured that the West Vancouver Marine ~ Drive is, st an early da e, o be SIR ALEXANDER GIBEfu the extend& i 'EAVES FOR OTI'AWASound and Squsmish to the Gari- baldi Park ares, ultimately con- necting with the Cariboo High- Sir Alexander Gibb, noted way at Lillooet. This project, to- British harbor authority, who gether with completion of the has been making an inspection highway to Powell River, by fer- of British Columbia ports in con ry connection from Whytecliif, nection with a national survey, will undoubtedly double the nor- left last Monday for Ottawa via mal trans-inlet motor traific. the C.P.R. Sir Alexander arriv- Even with the use of extra ed from Victoria at noon today ferries, it has been impossible to and visited the North Shore this satisfactorily handle even one- afternoon. fifth of the normal trafFic, and He spent the week-end in Vic- in the winter months, rainy and toris inspecting harbor facilities foggy weather may create a haz- there. His report on Vancouver ard in this regard. harbor will not be made known until his return to the capital, it ledge of shipping or engineering problems would not venture to suggest the type of bridge or bridges that might be suitable across s harbor so extended n f h IV A t th C d However, in view of the facts Legion will related, It is quite evident that the 31st instant„when the first attention may be drawn to the anniversary tea will be held.Further particulars will be an-following points: 1. West Vancouver has as- nounced later. sumed heavy financial burdens All members of the W. A. have In the construction of a costly been cordially Invited to atteml Marine Drive snd other public an executive meeting to be held u ies.tillt'i the Legion Hall, New West- 2. Approximately 35,000 people minster, on Monday, 4th ns,i t, sre living permanently in the at I o'lock, which promises to three Municinalitiesof theNorth be very interesting. Much im- Shore, snd thousands of visitors portent business will be discuss- cross the Inlet every year. Since EST VAN. S%1MhlERS DO WEI.I. AT POOL INAUGURATION Stan Strongc Fourth in Championship BRIDGE COhll'ANY SUBhi ITS REPORT H. C. E. Anderson's resolution requesting that Burrard Inlet Tunnel ik Bridge Co. furnish a comprehensive statement on Sec- ond Narrows Bridge hss resulted in each member of the North Vancouver City Council receiv- ing an eleven-page report cover- ing the situation. Although the report was not dealt with by the council all members have perused it snd Aid. Anderson, Monday night, stated that there are several items mentioned on which he de- sires further information and this data will be provided. First seven pages of the report cover "s gist of pertinent events in chronological order." Three a- greements which the company has with various concerns are covered in another section. Under the heading "disburse- ments," October I, 1930, to July 31, 1931, are shown $9993 for claims, $10,605 for wages and salaries, $3389 for ticket liabil- ity to the public, $2784 for valid ation, $2427 for legal fees and $24,424 for rPacific Gatherer" claim. Total of expenditures be- tween October I, 1930, and July 31, 1931, is $107,074. Considerable attention is given in the report in explanation of tho-mtaP. -perse-..nol since thr bridge ceased operating and con- cluding paragraphs deal with rumors abroad regarding extent of stsiF and which Manager Percy Ward states "seem to im- ply there is something of a sec- ret or doubtful nature in con- nection with the work at the bridge." The manager concludes his re. port with the following state. ment: "If the work that has been done were not receiving active attention, the company would soon be in the hands of the re- ceiver and a $2,000,000 asset would be lost to ratepsyers. En- tirely apart from liabilities of the company arising from ac- cidents and adverse legal decis- ion of the Privy Council, the depreciation of the company's property is approximately $ 5000 a month. "Not only will this sum con- tinue to be a dead loss bach month to ratepayers until the bridge is again revenue-produc- ing, but it will be very material- ly increased if the property is neglected." An extensive list of public works recommended to be per- formed in North Vancouver I'erl- eral riding as part of the Ottawa government's relief work pro- gram will be sent to Ottawa by Mr. A. E. Munn, Liberal member for the district. The list was prepared at s meeting convened Friday night by Mr. hiunn, and attended by both Conservative and Liberal party leaders of the district. The largest single item which Mr. Munn suggests should be performed is completion of the P.G E. Railway from Ivhytecliif to Squamish. Other suggested works are: 'Extension of Marine Drive, Whytecliif to Pemberton, propos ed by Reeve Leyland, who tried without success to have this placed at the head of the list in- stead of the P.G.E. completion. Completion of several sections of road in connection with Powell River highway; construction of a road to connect Lonsdale with Capilano direct; extension of Dollarton Highway, Deep Cove to Woodlands; reconstruction of Hollyburn wharf; reconstruction of that section of Marine Drive known as Robson Road, between the District of North Vancouver and the West Vancouver bound- aryi cri .I 4 'f a new pestofice- at Hollyburn and s number of minor works in the northern sec- tion of the riding The proposed works, it is stat- ed, were chosen, firstly, in view of their importance to develop- ment of the district, and second ly, for the amount of relief work they would provide. Members of Mr Coxs tech nical satimming classes, repre- senting the W.V.A.S.C. and Pan- dora playground of which Miss Molly Edwards is director, did well at the great Kitsilano Pool opening meet last Saturday aft- ernoon. Swimming in the seven mile Sun endurance contest from Pt. Atkinson to Kitsilano, hIsjor R. D. Brewis, of West Bay, in spite of being struck in the side by an oar early in the race, finished a game 7th, with hfisa Gwen Clay, diminutive Swimming Club sec- retary, close behind in 8th place. Swimming for Pandora; Juni- or swimmers, Jean and higt. Currie, hiary Franklin snd Wil- ma Donaldson, ran away with the 200 metre relay contest for playground girls'eams winning by almost 40 yards in 2.42, com- ing within 4 seconds of the best time made by the winning Cres- cent A.S.C. team in the Senior Women's contest. Eddie Hornsby, W.VA.S.Cv took the major diving event of the day while Mgt. Currie scored third place in the women's event. Swimming the fastest 50 metres of their careers, Maurice Anderson and GeraM hfason Pandora boys take third place in the Playground boys team race. Competing in the Senior Men' 220 yard Championship of Can- ada, Stan Stronge was the vic- tim of unfortunate circumstanc- es. Getting the high+ strung contestants away to a ragged start, the starter tried to recall the men by means of s small whistle. Five out of the eight men continued along the course while everyone looked helplessly on, Burrows heard the whistle and stopped immediately he struck the water. but Stan Stronge and two other competi- tors, fighting every inch of the way in a thrilling but useless contest, swam for 120 yards or more before inembers of the aud- ience finally succeeded in stop- ping them. Even with the short rest al- lowed after this fiasco these men were somewhat winded and fat- igued. George Burrows, fresh and in fine condition therefore, hsd ht tie trouble in takmg first place in the comparatively fast time of 3:37 with Stan Witty of Victoria second, and Jack Jacquet'of the V.A-S,C., third. Swimming sligh toward the right Stan Strong became entangled in the ropes marking oif the south side of the Short Course. Ftghtmg gamely every inch of the wsy. however. under conditions likely to discourage many a more ex- perienced competitor, Stan came s close fourth. Stan is now busy with hfr. Cox in mastering an improved stroke--a difficult and tedious task for any swiirmer- but Coach Cox says, "Stan has proved that he has the right stuff and if we master the com- bination improvement, I suggest for him, West Van. will have an upend-coming representative that it will take a real swimmer to beat any distance from 100 yards up to possibly a mile." Next Saturday afternoon, August 29th, at 2:30 p. m., hfr. Cox and his IVest Vancouver IContinued on Page 6) A. Y. P. A. SERVICE Next Sunday evening there will be a special service at St. Stephen's Church for all present and past members of the A.Y.P. A. and also for Camp Artaban members. TENNIS CLUB TO GIVE DANCE 'Ihe Ivest Vancouver Temus Club is giving a dance at 9 p.m. on Friday, 4th September, in the Orange Hall. Tickets, gentlemen 75 cents, ladies, 50 cents. At this dance the prixes will be presented for the recent ten- nis tournament and also to the winners in the junior tourna- ment, which is at present in pro- gress. The club has had a most sllc- essful season,and it is expected that there will be a large attend- ance of members and friends at the dance. The new ferry service between Gabriola Island and Nansimo was inaugurated on 14th inst. t 4 ~ „ st a HORSESHOE BAY MEETING SUGGESTS iegt RELIEF WOItKS