West Van. News (West Vancouver), 14 Aug 1931, p. 6

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0001 v v. rrr k+ re r.r~ wc h~ w'r ~o a Ov 4 : a ~ .rv: vvo v ~m vy v v v Jr ra six uu ~ia'py JWo v '4 Xr 'r v wsv r ric v ~rrrv 'Xr rvrrr .r rrvv r"rrrrrrr rv ~rr 'r vm rrrrrrarrrvr rrrrrgrrrr ~rrrrr rAA Dundarave „„8 M.,i.. Quality Fo Friday ty Saturda Ambleside „'"'.-'"„'„," od Bargains y, Aug. 14th tr 15th 1'IL4'HARIJS, Pavkvd ia Ik C. tall iia .................„„....,..... 10v FLV 81VATTEiiS, Felt bouad wire .......-..--.---......,. 104 i FI.V COII.S .............. 6 for 6c GRAI'E FRUIT, Suakiai Seedless 5 for 2$4 JUMBO CARBOLIC SOAP 4 largo vakoa iso Rod a 1Vhiio TOMATO SOUP 5 iiaa 25c PRUNES, Nabob--Finest Saaia Clara--largo aixo, 2 lb. eavioa zsc CIIOCOLATE DELIGIIT, por lb.......... 25v WITCH IIASEL TOILET SOAP 2 oakva 114 , SLICED PINEAPPLFo Siagaporc Sixo 2 tia................. 6 fov sso CATSUP, Ayimer Large 12 oa. boiiio......... 14c Rvd a \Vbiiv TEA. por ik $9v Rvd e Whno CRUSHED PINE. API'LE, 9 ox. iia ........ 15c Rvd ik Wbiio EXTRACTS, 2 ox. bottle ............... 11c EONE1', "Rvidvii'o" Pure White Clover. Imvso 2M aho iia.. $8c I'EAiiL WHITE NAI'THA SOAP 6 bars 2$c Save tbo wvappava for Premiums. LAiiD, Swifi:a Siivvvioaf 1 IK cavtoa ............... 2 for 25c BREAD, Sovvua, $ 24ma. loaves 25c CA K E, Delicious Piavappio Layer 25c RUTTER- Golden Meadow ............ 2 lbs. 55v Moadowvaio ........... 2 lbs. 49c 1'ICKLES, Victory--Sweet Mixed or Sweet Mustard-- $0 oa, iar ...............,....,, 50v 12 ox. botuo ................ 25v COIIN FLAKES, Quaker 5 pkia. 25c 5VEST VANCOUVER CHORAL SOCIETY The West Vancouver Choral Society will hold their first prac- tice on hlonday, 14th September, in Dundarave Hall. Very inter- esting music, including the festi- val numbers for 1932, has been arranged for the season's work. The choir is to be brought up to the full strength of one hundred voices, and anyone of musical ability will be welcome. Any such desiring to join are asked to communicate with the execu- tive. A social evening will be given by the Society on Friday, 11th September, full particulars of which will appear in our next issue. ROBER f S'ETTER lllEriTS Phone West 190 People are Finding Oaat That what we say is true. Our hIeat is highest quality at lowest possible prices FOR CASH Join the ranks of discrimin- ating buyers and remember wive are not satisfivd until You ARE." Government Inspected hieats No. I Grade only Specials for CASH ONLY EXTRA SPECIAI. Tomatoes 5 lbs. for 25c Salmon, all alive, by the piece, Ib 15c ! BACON Sliced, I/1 lb. pkg. 15c ! Alberta Creamery No. I BUTTER 3 lbs. for 700 PRihIE STEER BEEF Stewing Beef..... 2 lbs. 25c Minced Steak... 2 lbs. 25c Boiling Beef, lb...... 9c Pot Roast, lb............... 100 Blade Rib Roast, lb. 12c Round Bone Oven Roast lb. . ............... I 5c Prime Ribs, lb............. 18c Rump Roast, lb...... 18c up Local Spring Lamb Shoulder, lb. 180 Legs, lb................. 30c Stewing 2 lbs. 25c ! Cambridge Sausage 2 lbs. 250 Pork Sausage, lb. 250 ! No. I New Zealand Butter 3 lbs. 90c. APRICOTS No. I )Ioorpark per crate $ 1.20 The council authorized the clerk to pay the LaFrance Fire Engine and Foamite Ltd. the sum of 350 in exchange for old equipment not handed over to them, and also to pay the first instalment on the fire truck, i.e. 3664. John Leavens--Application to the council for access to D.L. 1083, WJA, N.E.J/4. He was informed that the a- mount required to construct the road is such that his application cannot be considered st present, there being no provision for such an expenditure in this year's est- imates. The News a Why Pay More? BUILD NOW WHEN PRICES ARE LOW I.embox for 10x18 Garage including Soor ........... $26.00 50 Fi. Close Board Fence 6.00 Shipiap from ............. 9.00 2x4 Common, aixad........ 9.00 2x8 to 2x12 common, aisod ....................... 10.00 M x 8 Bungalow Siding, Cedar, shorts ................ 8.00 1x2 -6 aud 4 D. D. Fir, por 100 iis. f1..60 Cedar Lattice, per 100 iis. foot ...................................25 4 iu. Clear Gutter, any length. por iiu. 11......08 No. 1 XXX Shingles ... 2.26 No. 2 Shingles,....... 130 Wall Shiugiaa ...--... 1.26 SPECIALS 24x24--2 Light Windows 2„00 sx10--4 Light Sash ........ 1.00 iex12--4 Light Sash.... 1.16 9xlo--8 Light Sash ... 1.26 ioxiz--8 L&ght Sash .... 1.40 Gyproa Piaaiov Boank Building Paper, Fiv Voamv aad ail Buibbug Mafaria4 Chaff Passenger: "Are you going to wait here all day?" Bus Driver: "If you don't like it you can get out snd walk.o Passenger: "Oh, I'm not in such 8 hurry as that." AMBLESIDE LUMBER CO. LTD. 16ib aud Mariao Drive Phoae Wooi 199. Afiov 6 p.m. aak fov Gevvy Dent Phoae West 241R. Smith s Grocery THE RED AND WHITE STORES THE WEST VAN NEWS Cohihi VN ICATION Editor West Van News. Dear Sir: Kindly allow me space in your paper to make quite clear my action in opposing Water License of Beck and Saunders which was granted by Water Rights Dept. Vlctoma, B. C. I opposed application in first place as water would be taken olf Lane Allowance Municipal Land, and further stated that ap- plicants were within water ser- vice of the hiunicipality. In face of my objection, license vvas issu- ed without the Municipality be- ing notified. The matter had tobe further pursued by me with the result that on inspection of Gov- ernment Engineer, the Munici- pality was then notified and have refused their consent to appli- cation. The wholehearted support given by the Council of West Vancouver in opposing this ap- plication and further passing of a resolution to the Union of B. C. Municipalities so that the Gov- ernment will not issue, in the future, licenses in any Munici- pal ares without their consent, deserves very strong commenda- tion of their business-like meth- od in the handling of this altair, for this kind of Government ac- tion without justification, means loss of a considerable revenue in 8 maintained water service area. Yours very truly, G. N. CAVE August 14, 1931. I JEFF ERIES'UPERIOR MEATS Government Inspectqd Only LAMB, BEEF, PORK, VEAL, ETc. COOKED MEATS OF AI.L KINDS, DELICATESSEN (Two Stores for your service) I HOLLYBURN STORE AIIBI E'ill)b STOEP 1Vest 3 West 303 West Vancouver Lumber Co. 15th and Marine LISIITED Phone Ivest 115 W. J. Turnbull, hlanager, Residence Phone: VVest 368L SERVICE Everything for the Building. LU BEE SASH DOORS ROOFING BUILDING PAPER I44matco -- Gyproc -- I'laster liourd Beaver Ikmrd -- Shingles I'ayment Where Due A countryman found 8 florin lying in the road. He picked it Doctor: "You owe your recov- up, when a man near by shouted ery entirely to your wife's care." "Hi, that's my haifwrown." Patient: 'Thank you for tell- "Just my luck!" said the yokel ingme,doctor. Ishallnowmake as he handed it over. "I shall out the cheque to my wife." have to owe you sixpence." Axes are I HEI amour eledric lills TATISTICS issued by the Citizens Research Institute, Toronto, applied to reliable population Iigures, show the averageVancouver household in twelve months in 1928-29, the latest period for which Iigures are available, paid out in muni- cipal, provincial and Dominion taxes, visible and invisible, no less than $627.86. For the same period, the average electric service bill inVancouver homes was $20.40. In other words, taxes cost 31 times the cost of electric service in Vancouver. Electric service is one of the smallest items on the household budget. m ~ ~ ~ 5 ~ ~ vv xx BRITISH COLUMBIA ELECTRIC RAILWAY CO.