0001 1631 I August 14, 1931. Granger's GXOCery I'hone tycst 405 21st Street and Marine Dr. AM Uby llaw IRI 19c Cash Specials Friday, August 14th to Thursday, August 20th Jap Rice (No. 1) 4 lbs. 19c Pink Salmon (tall tins) 2 for 19c Best Food Mayonnaise 8 oz. ................... . I 9c Carton Salt............ 2 for 19c Jelly Powders...... 4 for 19c Norwegian Sardines 2 tins 19c Fruit Jar Rings.. 3 doz. 19c Bartlett Pears, tin...... 19c tyax Paper Rolls.. 3 for 19c Pork & Beans (18 oz. tin) 2 for 19c III I) ~ ~ I IR ,Y FINEST CREAIVIERY BUTFEII 3 lbs. .............. 75c Streaky Bacon (sliced) lb................................. 39c Back Bacon (sliced) lb. 39c Sliced Corned Beef, lb. 25c Ontario Cheese, lb. 21c Kraft Cheese, lb.... 35c ! BURNS',ARD and BAKEASY. 2 lbs. 25c 98 ills L rp 4 43 te nd 0 l RE N syd i ~ COUNCIL NOTES The council left to the atten- tion of the r eve and clerk the matter of a letter of greeting on behalf of the council to hia Hon- or, Lieutenant-Governor John Wm. Fordham Johnson. J. Howard'8 application to tho council to cut wood. Writer to be asked to give the legal description of the property on which he wishes to cut. The council ordered the follow- ing street lights installed by the B. C. Electric Rly. Co.: six on Keith Road east of 8th Street, at points to be agreed upon, be- tween the municipal engineer and the B. C. Electric Railway Company. THE BURNING BUSH By Subadar Last Tuesday and Wednesday nights amateur astronomers were asked to be on the look-out for showers of meteors. I re- nigged, because the flrst and only time I tried the experiment I finished in the hands of the police. On that occasion also there was some such swarming expected, snd I sat up in my "digs"--for the benefit of Can- adians that does not mean py- jamas--to watch the show. At 2 s. m. I walked out in rubber shoes bang into the arms of 8 policeman, who mistook me for a burglar. The English bobby is notoriously unsympathetic to any evil-doer, and I had some ex- plaining to do, believe me, to escape landing before the beak. Once of that kind of thing is quite enough, B. & K. Pastry Flour 10 lbs. 37c Bread Flour....„,. 7 lbs. 25c Gran. Sugar...... 10 lbs. 49c Colfee (fresh ground) lb. 29c Orange Marmalade, 4 ib, tin i................... 43c Sandwich Biscuits, lb. 230 In old London a branch is be- ing established of some 'strange'astern cult who believe they will live to be centuries old. I say 'strange'dvisedly, for how any- one could want to live for cent- uries at the rate modern life is revolving passes my small und- erstanding entirely. It's one thing to park oneself before the village pump with a bumper of the old and bold and let the centuries slowly roll away, but it's an entirely different matter to fight for three meals and somewhere to sleep in the mod- ern tide rip of crazed humans. When the deuces are wild and there are no limits, I don't stay long, and three score-yearsaind- ten is quite enough, thank you, for yours truly. They are having 8 devil of a time balancing the budget in England, and we all remember that Mr. Jones had much the same experience until he passed the buck to us, thereby keeping himself ever green in our mem- ories, as they say on the tomb- stones. I feel very sympathetic with all these fellows, because they are so green at the game. Now I never knew 8 time when the old budget looked like bal- ancing, but it's astonishing how one gets used to it. They won' worry either with a few years'xperience. In the meantime, brother, don't you think that professionals like you and me would make much better chan- cellors of the exchequer than these oificials? At any rate, we might then be able to balance our personal budgets. THESE SPECIAL PRICES GOOD FOR ONE WEEK Free -- Prompt Delivery PHONE WEST 405 Just So She (thoughtfully): Why do so many women rest their chins on their hands when they are thinking? The Brute: To keep their mouths shut so that they won' disturb themselves. Long and Short of It. ~ First Golfer (concluding fish- ing story): AAnd he was about as long as that last drive of yours." Second Golfer: "Oh, I ssy, really?" First Golfer: "So I threw him back." BURRARD FUNERAL CHAPEL B. D. WHITE, Mgr. Dioiiaciilo Puxoroi Service Lody Assistant Sze trd Bi. K Phoae North 828 HOLLYBURN GARAGE 1503 Marine Drive 3 out of 4 Cars have defective brakes or other equipment. Is Yours Amongst these? May we check up on it? H. DAVISON & SON Phone West 100 ANNOUNCEMENT DR. G. D. H. SEALE Has opened a Dental ONIee in the HAY BI.OCK, Corner 14th and Marine Drive Oifice Hours: -- 9 to 6 p.m. Evenings by appointment. Phone )Vest 72 THE WEST VAN NEWS WORLD CRIIIS Buy your Tickets now for Western Csnsde'8 Greetest Exhibition I VAN COU VER AUGUST XX-X9 KVKN gioliouo doyoS orommod wilh oduoolioooi Cooluloo ood lbdiiiog color Xxinlnenl APOOIOCIOO, Coirhrxl Ios silo Ailliolil oohilolloty of Bliiilil Columbic'o ootraooo iolo Coafodclolioo. A ROUND-THE-WORLD CRUISE (or oolb oqufvoleat of 82000) TWO PONTIAC COAI.;IIKS ood ~ BARLEY DAVIDSON hIOTOR(:YCLE d ra owoy ob ~oioloiy FRKEI Only odlooco ~oio ticket holders olo odgibio lo porlicipolo io lhio grool award. Gol youl lickolo nowi Ma F tnxa I tx CANADA PACIFIC mxlMIM4 v CANADA PA C I F I C EXHIBITION B. C. ELECTRIC PLANS LARGE DEVELOPSIENT ON VANCOUVER ISLAND Plans for a hydro-electric de- velopment of 157,000 horsepow- er at the Campbell River site on Vancouver Island were fi)ed with the pixivincial water board at Victoria last month by the B. C. Electric Railway Company, the project calling for the construc- tion of three large power plants which will harness virtually the entire fiow of Campbell River from Buttle Lake to the sea, an operating head of 650 feet. As the first step in the pro- gram 8 plant at Elk Falls with an initial capacity of 16,000 horsepower would be built, the damming of Buttle Lake being first accomplished by a tempor- ary dam some 10 feet high to hold the lake permanently at its present high water level. Event- ually a concrete dam would be built to impound the water a short distance upstream at Irene Pool. )Vith this higher head the ultimate capacity of the Elk Falls slant would be 93,500 horsepower with 71,000 horsepower continuous supply at all times. A second plant would be locat- ed at Trout Pool nearer the sea, with an ultimate capacity of 18,- 000 horsepower and 14,000 horsepower continuous supply. Further up the stream near its intake on Lower Campbell Falls, the third plant would be built. It is proposed to construct a div- ersion tunnel about a mile long to carry the water across what is now a big hend in the river to the power plant which would generate 45,600 horsepower with 34,200 horsepower continuous supply. Thus the total development would provide for an ultimate capacity of 157,000 horsepower or 119,200 horsepower continu- ously. This is almost twice the volume which oi?icial reports had indicated was obtainable from the river. The B. C. Elec- tric plan is thus considered high- ly efficient from the standpoint of total output. POR RAWLEIGH'8 ARTICLES- Phoao West 29, TO RENT--Dooiroblo Wxiorfroei Cot- tage In attractive location. Para- ixhcd. Modorm 646 por month. John Lawxon, Wmt 66. FOR PAINTING, KALSOMIAING- Appiy C. I Koaiagx, Residence phoae West 894R. FOR PLUMBING REPAIRS -- Boo- idooco Phoae West 241R. MARCELLE SHOP -- MxrcoU4 60 cents; reset, 86c; iiagor wove, 76c. Phone MI4 King, West 204. LOBT--Boiwoea ferry cad 18th BL Gold brooch wdth oval Iopox, oM koopooke. RowarlL Phone West 468L FOR RENT--8 Room Couoge, Fora- ixbod, goad iocoiioe. Phoae West 61R. PURNIBHED MODERN SUITE- HeoiolL Waterfront, 2 minutes from bes at West Boy. Garage. Phono West 464. WANTED--Toiioroox, oao who can press dresses proCorrod. Woci Vxo. Cieoaerx. Phone West 181. FOR RENT--Three room cottage, oa bos route. Phone West 418L FOR SALE--826 Rooimoro Mxiilcox for 610. Phone West 82X, 1668 Iagiewood Aveaec. STONE MASON xad Brick Wolk- Phone E. Palmer, Copiiaoo. North 811 R2. FOR RENT~ room modern hoolc on Waiorflost. Apply J. McGowxa, Phoae West 182L2. LOST--Three bathing suits oa Mer- ino Drive botwooa North ead West Vancouver, Taesdxy evening. Finder please phone West 881R, FOR SALE--Good Heater, gsl.ssi Medicine Cabinet xod Kitchen Table, 82.00; Dining Boom Seiio 826.00. Phone West 4471 WEBB'S SHOE REPAIRS WEAR BEST--Doadorxve. SPECIAL--Good Fir Wood. Store ioagibx. 87.00 yer conL Phone West 17. FOR RFWT~ Yearly Lease Coer room cottage, large iiropiece, poa- «iiod bviag room, dcctrh roxgc, fall plambixg, Lot ioox140, dose to West Boy Hooch, Coerib boese west of Roddigo on Merino Drive, front. ~go on boih sitooio. O'OR BALE-- A1mooi eow. 8-piece Wolaai Baixh bedroom suite, 81001 Also crcom aad brows deioh xide- boord. oxteacioa table sad focr chairs. 880. Phoae EUioti 1208L IJ)ST--Eagnoh Bob-Ioii Sheep Doe. Piro months otL Phono West 288HZ FOUND--Top of Vrxhl Ererxhxrp poa ot Whyiodiif Part. Phono North 62 FOUNDATIOA CEMENT WORK- Loadxcxpieg oad lawns laid. Root wa04 dtxleo mpnc ioxkx, feoclag ~xd land deorieg, cbimaoyx oxd Col mox ciexaod xad ropohmL Fi. I T, Boraoii, residence phoae WA 290R. ALL THE BEST Brxado of Cigars, Cigarettes xad Toboccoa Also Ex- change Poker Hands aad Consol cords Free. Ambiccide Tex Rooma STROhiG BOY WAhiTS WORK of any kind. Phone Wmt 104LI. GEO. HAY Established 1912 Real Estate and Insurance Notary PeMio FIRE LIVSURANCE FOR RENT--Paraixhod ead Uafera- iohod Rococo. Mosey Available for hiorigogoo oa "Modora Homoo" 1406 hiArias Drive OCfleo Phone West 21 or Soy. 1280 Residence Phmm W. 82R or W. 204X VANCOUVER CREOSOTIFG CO., LTD. NORTH VANCOUVER Yofd Can Save One Dollaf If you pay your telephone bill by the 18th of the month B. C. TELEPHONE COMPANY CLASSIFIED ADS Tbc rois for Cioooigo4 Adroriicomoaio io 2 coats por «old. miaimom 26 cooio. Bxcopt ie iho oooo of these having Iccalxr occooaic, AU dood- atdo Ato poyobio oiriciiy hl od'Fmwc. Remember Cloooigodo io the Warl Vxa News gci immodi~Io Ioooitx.