0001 i I August 14, 1931. THE WEST VAN NEWS , le IIR elec ibe Ililr Hf. rent E i )N I ss stefcfl effic sp cater Aeeh ilk W Ier + Odorless Dry Cleaning and Dyeing sUI I s I cleaned de 2 f6 A I REGENT SIIITs To GRDER Higboc grade colic ooc owo make 4 SROG ood op AI,TERATIONS ood REPAIRS WE CALL AND DELIVER Reek Phone Wemt 2861. Phone West 20 M. WILLIAMS 1568 hlarlne Dr(ve DUNDARAVE CASH GROCERY Corner 25th and Bellevue GROCEI(IES, TOBACCOS, CIGARETTES, CONFECTIONERY, ICE CREAM, SOFT DRINKS, We deliver Phone )Vest 7 Your patronage solicited @NEW 51EN'S AND BOYS'ORSESHOFBAY Fishing. Boallng, I.unches, Tees, Dinners, Picnic Grounds Dancing (Saturday Evenings) HOWARD RODGERS (Established 1914) I'hone ising Distance Whytecliff I. L. P. PICNIC Everybody Welcome GRAND PICNIC at Holly- burn, Sunday, August 16. Speakers: Aid. Barley Anderson, of North Vancouver and H. J. Turner, of Central Branch. Tea, Coffee and Ice Cream Free Come snd bring the family. BILTON HOUSE SCHOOL for BOYS 229-29th Street Day Boys and Boarders Phone West 150Y2 For particulars, apply to K. B. FOYSTER, Master. A new men's and boys'urn- ishing store is opened today st 1732 Marine Drive (the store formerly occupied by Smith's Grocery) by W. L. Ogden under the name of the W. L. Ogden Company. Mr. Ogden has s wide experience in the trade. After serving s regular apprenticeship in England and coming out to Canada, he joined the T. Eaton Co, in )Vina(peg, later joining the Hudson's Bay Co. In that city. With them he rose from salesman to buyer for several departments and was then trans- ferred to one of their Alberta stores as manager. For the last three years he has been buyer for boys'nd youths'urnish- ings with the David Spencer Co. in Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon S. Rob- ertson of Dundarave, entertain- ed last Saturday evening at an enjoyable hard-times party, when they were hosts to about twenty guests Everyone arriv- ed in appropriate costumes which caused amusement and the informal evening of games, contests and dancing which fol- lowed was thoroughly enjoyed by all. The party was held in the basement, which has just been completed and supper con- sisting of hot-dogs, cakes and coffee, was served at a long plank keble. Several skits put on by Ted Sewell, Paul Meyers and Gordon Robertson wound up the evening. QUALITY, SEP,VICE, PRICE SECOND TO NONE Phone North 285 Night: North 1415-R 10c Rldle '5 1 oc Pure Jersey Milk RICHER! Comes only from SLEEK, HEALTHY wen-fed cows--JERSEYS The richest milk producers in the world. It Is oow possible for you io provide your family with o richer, creamier, ood more heolthful milk without oddlog one cent to your present cost of living, Lei these facts (ood they are facto) sink io. No other dairy is Greater Vancouver handles better milk than RIDLEY'S. We are the only people handling PURE JERSEY MILK exclusively. Only Jersey herds in the heolthleet condition, housed under the most hygienic ood oooltory systems were chosen io provide ihlo better milk for your ioblee. IVhy boy loci milk T Why ioko chooceeT Why go oui- side of West Vancouver when West Voococvec offers ibo best produced ood the price TEN 4IUAIITS FOR A DOLLAR. 1 Oc»o»c ««cy Ioc1Vest 456 quart for delivery service quart * ASTBURY LUMBER CO. Lid. Cor. Esplanade and Chesterneld NORTH VANCOUVER We carry ooo of the most Complete Building Material Stocks on iho Coast. Local and Personal YOUR FILMSMrs. E. J. Taylor snd her daughter of Vancouver, are guests at the Fortune Cup Inn. ~ o ~ hirs. hisrk and children, 19th and hiarine Drive, are visiting in Victoria. ~ ~ ~ h(iss Ola McLesn and hiiss Freda Herrin have returned from a holiday at Jasper Park. ~ o \ Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Langley, who have been occupying a houseat 15th and Ottawa, have re- turned to Vancouver. ~ o e Mrs. J. Holden and daughter and Mrs. Dewar and daughter, all of New Westminster, are guests at the Clachan hotel. o ~ o Stuart Cameron, who has been visiting for some weeks in Ot- tawa, has returned to his homeat Caulfeild. o ~ Miss Lilies Davie, 15th and Fulton, left on Monday fora visit to her sister, Mrs. J. Mitchell of Long Bay, Gsmbier Island. C. H. Lawson of Vancouver, has moved into a house at 15th and Ottawa. o o ~ hir. and Mrs. A. Hampson, 15th and Fulton, have returned from a holiday at Portland and other coast cities. o Captain and Mrs. R. N. Taylor, who have been spending a short holiday at Comox, have returned to their home at Travers Ave. o Omar Bent of Vancouver has purchased a house st 22nd and Bellevue. ~ \ ~ Mrs. J. W. Scarfe with her two youngest children, who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Chas. E. Odium, left on Sunday for her home on the prairies. ~ o e A fire broke out at 2 p.m. Sunday in the cottage of hIr. Blair, 17th and Duchess. The fire brigade arrived quickly on the scene and put the fire out. Almost overcome by the smoke, Mr. Blair managed to crawl out of the building, but was revived in a few minutes by Dr. F. Stainsby and Constable Bell with the police inhalator. Consider- able damage was done to the cottage. Mrs. Stuart Cameron of Caul- feild, has as her guest her daugh- ter, Mrs. Alee. Riddell of Sidney, Vancouver Island. \ ~ Louis T. Green, 14th and Hey- wood, who is very ill in Shaugh- nessy Hospital, is about holding his own. o Miss hfargaret hicIntyre, 20th and Gordon, has returned from a short holiday trip to Vancou- ver Island, TM(ss Grace Cameron of Caul- feild, has left for a motor trip to Kelowna with her brother-in- law and sister, hfr. and Mrs. (Valter Kerr.\ \ ~ hir. and AIrs. Larry Dent of Edmonton, are the guests of his parents, hfr. and hIrs. )V. J. Dent, 2237 Gordon Ave. ~ ~ o N. D. Rose, who has been away since the spring at his farm at Bonanza in the Peace River country, has returned to his home at 14th and h(arine Drive. ~ o ~ Hollyburn Theatre Winning Program No. 519. Miss Joan Cumming returned to Vancouver on Friday from Caulfeild, where she has been spending a few days as the guest of Miss Noel Davidson. ~ ~ o Jack Schuberg, who delivers for Jefferies'eat Market at Ambleside, suffered a badly broken srm early on Monday evening, when he collided on his bicycle with an auto at the cor- ner of 14th and Marine Drive. He was taken to the North Van- couver General Hospital. He is 14 years old, and resides at 1324 Clyde Avenue. ~ o ~ Mr. Dogue, 13th and Duchess, has taken the Harris house at 22nd and Bellevue. e o Mrs. L. Burley, 28th snd Belle- vue, took out the little children of Mr. and Mrs. hIcBride last week for a ride in her boat. The youngsters were highly delight- ed when a good-sized sea trout leaped into the boat, where it was promptly pounced upon and captured. o o \ Mrs. R. W. Davies and daugh- ter Peggy, 1366 Inglewood Ave., left here on Monday for a visit to Prince Rupert and other northern pointw e o ~ Mr. and Mrs, Gerrie, who have been occupying their house at 19th and Marine Drive for the past month, have rturned to Vancouver. ~ 4 The fire brigade had hardly returned from the fire at Mr. Blair's cottage at 17th and Duch- ess on Sunday afternoon before they were called out again to extinguish a bush tire at Garrow Bay. They succeeded in putting this blaze out before any damage had been done to the adjacent houses. ~ o ~ Mr. and Mrs. Crisford and family, who have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Tite, 16th and Marine Drive, have returned to their home at Mortlach, Saskat- chewan. ~ o o Mr. and Mrs. D. Stuart snd Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Annard and son, who have been staying at the Clachan hotel, have returned to their homes in New )Vestmin- ster. Mrs. Nisbet and family of Vancouver, have moved into the )Vatson house at 25th and Kings Ave. \ o ~ Mr. and Mrs. W, F. Pochin have returned from a holiday to their home at 19th and hiarine Drive. ~ ~ e The West Vancouver Tennis Club gave a very enjoyable dance and bridge last Friday evening st the Fortune Cup Inn. ~ o o Mrs. D. hicN. Thomson and daughter, who have been visit- ing Mrs. J. Mitchell at Long Bay, Gambier Islad, returned on Sun- day evening to their home at 11th and Esquimalt. o Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Flagg and Mrs. Staple and son, all of Se- attle, are staying at the Clachan hoteL o o o L.O.L. No. 2990 will hold their next meeting on Tuesday, 18th instant, when arrangements will be made for their anniversary night m September. ~ o ~ Frank Draper, who has been a patient in Shaughnessy Hospl. tsl for several months, is recov- ering slowly, and was able to spend the week end at his home in Dundarave. ~ ~ o hfrs. A. B. Turnbull, who has been visiting in Edmonton, has returned to her home at 1319 Fulton Ave. She was accompani- ed by her son, W. B. Turnbull, who resides In Edmonton. ~re finished herc pcompdy. In before 8 o'dock in Ihc moreehelb ihcy are finiehed oi 5.30 p.m. WEST VAlt PMMACY Tbc Sioco of Soceho. 1442 Moeiso Drive West ZT Eeoeesescy Phoae Weoi 221 (After 9 p.m.) Stratton's BAKERY BREAD -- CAKES Assorted Pastries-- Almond Varieties Buna - Rolls Scones Short Bread ~ Nut Bread Christening, Birlhday, Wedding Cakes made at 1468 hIARLVE DRIVE Phone West 27 GORDON ROBSON Sorcloeoc A 'a'EST VANCOUVER Office No, 144'I Mochm Phone West 41XL VANCOUVER OFFICE- Sciio 618 610 Hastings St. W Phone Soymocc 4199. HOLLYRURN Barber Shop 16th a Monso EXPERT SERVICE E. IHARSH, Peopcweoc West Van Produce Co. Fresh Vegetables and Fruit Phone West 186 or 109 Prompt Delivery HOLT- The Class Man 1470 Marine Drive Phone VVcee 27 Broken Windows Replaced hiiss Mulcahy, 13th and Gor- don, has left to visit in Seattle. ~ ~ o Mrs. George I. MacLean, wife of the commissioner of the Yu- kon, left for her home in Daw- son last Thurmlay after a two- months'tay in Vancouver. hfrs. MacLean spent part of the time as the guest of her sister-in-law Mra Colin MacLean, 21st snd Marine Drive. ~ ~ nm Russell was granted by the council permission to cut wood on the North irx of D. L 805. ihIrs. Douglas W. Graham, 2128 Bellevue, returned on IVed- nesday from a holiday in Vic- toria. hlAYOR BRI DGhIAN DISCI'SSES RELIEF IVITH GOVERiNhlFNT hiayor Bndgman of horth Vancouver, was in Victoria this week to discuss public works matters snd unemployment re- lief In his municipality with members of the government. 14th ood iloeico lirieo. Exclcolvc Agesie Cocilcelll Silk H Novelties, Toys, School Sc Phoae Weoi 144 ooo oml Unlvecool Swooieco also pplieo, Homehmbisg LastCall- '"'"" "h, Hose $ 1&9 Brooks'ry Goods and Men'sWear