0001 THF. WFST VAN NEWS August 14 19'll ~4 .44 ri'r 44 tv V'rrr 4 r 44wrrr r Ir 4" Ir V ot4V 't4 tot4t 4 VIVI I t It'r t r wervo c ~-t '"t't rw ~ tt r'* ~ t t r t ~ 'r.v lrr't cl"r.'rrr itr4 rvte IVI4rvvprv,. Vvrrr4rrr V'V\ r 4+rrv IvrItr ' Vrrrc r. BRITISH ISRAEL CANADIAN LEGION MEMORIAL BALL NEXT SUNDAY-- 10 o. m~hool Iot Chgdtoa. 3 p. mr Sptckctl MR. PERCY KING Subject: "GIOOD AND BAD FIGS Mt. King btoodcocic over CKWX story Wednesday at sl$0 p. m. WEST VANCOUVFR Christian Science Society Hollyburn HallANNOUNCEMENT Presbyterian Sunday School CHURCH EDIFICE Ielh cod Eoeolmon. Houyboto This Society lo o Branch of The Mother Church The Fltct Church of Chtlci, Scioollcl, io Boston, Moccochucotto Sunday Services lil$0 mm. osd 7:$0 p.m. Sub)ect 16th August "SOU Lo In the Orange Hall SUNDAY. AUGUST 16ih ol 2.30 p.m. Presbyterian children and those nol attending any Sunday School wekome. DUNCAN LAWSON CHAPTER LO.D.E. Moonlight Cruise FRIDAY, AUGUST 21st, 1931 Lcaw Amorccc Wl II cl Iac orr TICKETS SOC. Sunday School at 10:00 o.m. Testimony hlcotiog Wednesday at 0:16 p.m. St. Stephen's Church Rector: Rev. A, Harding Priest, B.A. Trinity 11 (August 16th). 8 a.m.--Holy Communion. 10 a. m.--Sunday School and Bible Class. 11:16 a.m.--Morning prayer. 7:15 p.m.--Evensong. There is Divine service at St. Francis'hurch, Caulfeild, at 3 p. m. on Sunday. Next Friday evening in the Parish Hall at 6 o'lock the an- nual supper conference of the teachers and ofFicers of the Sun- day School will be held to plan the autumn program snd make the necessary promotions and re- arrangements of classes. THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH RECIPES FOR INVALIDS Oatmeal Gruel I cup boiled oats 3 cups boiling water IQ teaspoon salt Cream or milk. Add salt to boiling water, sprinlde in the oats, stirring constantly. Cook for 2 hours. Strain and dilute with cream or milk. Rev. C. L. Cowan, B.D., Hamilton, Ont. The Presbyterian Church prides itself on its democracy, seen in the parity of the Presby- ters. It is governed by Sessions (local Church Elders), Presby- teries (the governing bodies of teaching and ruling Elders in equal numbers in given districts) Synods (practically the Minis- ters and representative Elders of the Provinces), General As- semblies (msde up of an equal number of ministers snd elders from the whole Church). The humblest member of the Presby- terian Church if he feel grieved has recourse to the highest gov- erning court, namely the General Assembly. Laymen, so-called, have equal rights with ministers in all courts, end have been keen in exercising them. It gives extreme satisfaction to recall that historic Presbyter- ianism has always stood for edu- cation. The story of the parish school is inseparably bound up with John Knox. Our standards are two--first the Bible, then the secondary standard, the Confession of Faith with the Longer and Shorter Catechisms, summing up what we believe the Bible teach- es. The Bible is first, and always First, in our Church. It is the "only rule to direct us..." The Westminster Confession of Faith needs no defence. The best minds in Christendom subjected every sentence to the most min- ute and discerning scrutiny. Through the long tense period of five years each Monday morn- ing the writers took a vow--VI do seriously promise snd vow, in the presence of God, that in this Assembly whereof I am a mem- ber, I will maintain nothing in point of doctrine, but what I be- lieve to be the word of God.o We most emphatically teach that "msn's chief end is to glori- fy God, and to enjoy Him for ever." Insofar as God can be defined we speak of Him as "a Spirit, in- finite, eternal and unchangeable in His being, wisdom, power, hol- iness, justice, goodness and truth." Our Church holds to the Sovereignty of God and the im- mutability of His decrees, that He created man in His own im- age, and that He is most holy snd wise in the governing of His creatures. Soft Custard 4 eggs Vo cup sugar I quart milk I teaspoon vanilla Beat the eggs and sugar to- gether. Scald the milk, then add some of the hot milk to the eggs and sugar. Pour into the re- maining milk. Put over a gentle heat stirring all the time until it creams to the spoon. Remove from the fire at once and cool. Add flavoring. There was a large attendance of Orangemen last Sunday night at St. Stephen'0 Church with not only the local lodge present but also the Royal Black Preceptory from the city. The brethren par- aded from the ferry to the church, headed by a fife and drum band. The rector preached an appropriate sermon on the present dsy following of Christ. The Girl Guides of West Vancou ver also paraded to the service. The Bore: "I have a cold or something in my head." His Friend: "It must be a cold." Be in Style Next Monday the Junior Girlscamp at Artsbsn will break up and the last of the camps, that for Junior Boys will go in. As usual, St. Stephen's will be well represented. Mr. Wilfred Hsw- kes will be one of the leaders and five boys are going, David Blox- hsm, Harry Phillips, Bob Tim- brell, Don Sherman snd Douglas Lycett. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Hayes snd Mrs. Sharp were visitors at Camp Artsban, Gambier Island, on Thursday where Wendell Hayes hss been one of the at- tendants at the Junior Girls'amp. Join one oF lhe Scieniific Swimming Classes Haffybuttk Dundatave or Wca Bsy. Phone the coach NR. COX c',o bfrs. Brine. West 458L Eotoblichod on North Shore 20 Years. (Lcdy Aocicloai) HARRON BROS.(k WILLIAMSON funerallOIrectnrs North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Si)rth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 184 St. Anthony's Church Pastor: Rev. Father Csrey Residence: 2568 Marine Drive. Saturday--10 a. m. Bible His- tory snd Catechism Classes. 7:30 p.m.--Confessions. Sunday--8:45 a.m. Holy Mass, Benediction. Week Days--7:30 a.m. Holy Mass. United ChurchWest Van Neurs Pobnobcd Every Friday Minister, E. A. Henry, D.D. Sunday, August 16, 1931. Sunday, August 9th, 1931. 9:55 a.m.--Sunday SchooL 11 a.m.--Public Worship. Rev. Frank Hardy will preach. Topic, 'The Gospel of Health." For the children, "Neighbors." 7:30 p.m.--Public Worship. Rev. Frank Hardy will preach. Topic, "Silas Marner," third in the series of spiritual messages of great literature. Publisher F. F. LOVEGROVE Phone Went 363 Mrs. bf. Johnson, 1420 Argyle, who has been quite ill for the last two weeks, is able to be a- round again. Booiocoo ood Ediiotlol Ogiccl 17th ood bloriso Drive (Next Io Honylmtn P. O.) Phone West 363 afternoons ond evenings MoB Addtcool P.O. Box 61, HoByboto, B.C. Orange Albumen stj cup water 2 oranges 1 egg white 2 teaspoons of sugar Boil the water, add the sugar and cool, then add the white of egg whkh has been beaten to orange juke. Add to water, strain snd serve cold. Mr, snd Mrs. J. A. Grant of Salt Lake City, Utah, have mot- ored here and are visiting with their mother, Mrs. E. A. Grant, at the home of Mr. Snd Mrs. Wm, Blair, 16th and Gordon Ave. 1.00 o root by colvlorl $2.00 o ylmt by moB. Ncwccisods 6c. pot copy. Cor 14th & Duchess LORD'9 DAY-- 10 s. m.--Sunday School. 11 s, m.--1Vorshlp a n d Breaking of Bread. 7:16 p. m.--Song Service 7:30 p. m.--ADDRESS Speaker: H. D. RAE TUESDAY- S p.m.--Prayer and Bible StudyBaptist Church Pastor, Rev. H. P. Humphreys, Residence, 1843 Heywood Ave. Phone West 252R Sunday, August 161IL 10 a.m.Sunday School. 11 a.m.--Morning worship. Pastor will preach, topic "See- ing the Invisible" Mrs Stagg will sing 7:30 p.m.--Evening worship. Topic, VAnd IVhy Not MeF" Mrs. Lashbrook will sing. Wednesday 8 p.m. -- Prayer snd praise. To sll who mourn snd need com- fort, To ell who sin and need s Savi- our, To sll who love God's word and delight to sing His praises, To all who need help in the dif- ficult days in which our lot is cast, This Church opens wide its doors and in the name of the Lord Jesus bids you welcome. Come with us and we will do you good. Horseshoe Bay Rev. H. P. Humphreys will conduct Divine service in the grounds of the Good Luck Inn next Sunday at 3 p.m. A cordial invitation is ex- tended to all campers and visit- ors at Whytecliff snd Horseshoe Bay. Mrs. Stsgg snd Mrs. Lsshbrook will sing. Dt.Marjory McCubbin DENTIST Moore: 9 o. m. Io 6 p. m. Saturdays; 10 ~ . m. Io I p. m. Evooiogc ood Soiotdoy ARct. noose by sppoloimoot only. Royal Bank Bondlog I'hoot West 446 Rccldtoco I'hoot Weri $93. NURSING HOME (Mto. M K I o('hooco R N ) 264 - 24ih Street Eoci North Voocootor Rcoidooco I'hoool North 1356R I Salt woloc ood coo wBI tahe away tho natural gloss from oot hoit ond give it ~ dty, leeched look, but o Genesca Oil Treatment will bring back the color sod at the same time cure your doo- d tog. Phono Miss Clay (loio of tbe Vogue aad Dotcoc Hoitdtccclog Potlol'c) Ri Weri 117. GFDendolyn Beauty Shoppe 1640 Manoo Dtlvo For Appointmcoto- Phone West 117. B. C. FIRES REPORTED SET BY CoblblUNISTS Shocked at the report that a disastrous forest fire near Oliver hsd been caused by a firebug, Attorney-General Pooley declar- ed that the government was ready and eager to pay a reward of 3500 to any person who sup- plied information leadirg to 0 conviction for incendiarism. Any persons who have knowledge of incendiarism should, as s public duty report it to the police or to fire wardens, Mr. Pooley said. According to information re- ceived by Mr Pooley's depart- ment in the last few days a num- ber of forest fires have been set in various parts of the province by Communist sgitatqrs, as a gesture against capitalism. A few, it is believed, have been cseused by settlers anxious to get work fighting them at the government's expense. It is almost impossible for the police to apprehend incedisries in s country like British Colum- bia, where distances are great and escape easy. But settlers in outlying districts have a better opportunity to observe the move- ment of suspicious strangers, snd it is to them that the gov- ernment appeals for co-operation in meeting this menace, Mr. Pooley said. ) liow Showing i The Fihn that is Different IDIRIGI BLE NEWS:: FABLES Ncrl Week RUTH CHATTERTON In "UNFAITHFUL" JOE E. BROWN In oTOP SPEED" PICTURES FOLLOWING ~o otcol CRIibf INAL CODE "THEIR MAD bfOMENT" "INDISCREET' THEATRL' SM L0NsDALC, Mother: Goodness I whatever'e all that noise 7 What's Bertie up to nowF l Tom: Up to his ears, Mummie 4' he's fallen into the water butt." HANDY ANN SHOPPE Phoae IVtot $9 PASS- BIby Ladles'od Goollcmoo'4 Hood- kotchlofc ................„.... Iec op D M C Fmbtoldoty Silk oo st Cotilconl Bowleg Snk 3 fot 20c Doodotovc DON' Ptiocccc Poi Holt Nets, D. M.......,.......,..... 3 for 25c I ox. Balls "Rlocco Wool" oo. 15c I ox. Skolsc "Potpie Hooihct" tach ....„............... 15c WE DELIVER rwrrivr r