0001 01, A Weekly Newspaper Circulati nty in the District of West Vancouf)cr-Ambleside, Holiyburn, Wcston, Dundara7)g $ 1.00 per year. Cypress Park, Caulfeild, Whytecltff; Etc. Newsstsnds 5c per Copy 0 ni of flnne I in sees IIE3 inner O niece fieel oeuef ef in r fls ntns fffln ente4 )fz ed- efeon eerie) i(lie FRIDAY, AUGUST 14. 1931 ~ No. 12 hz,: LCOUNCIL NOTES C, B. Patt rson of Whytecli(7 come before the council to ask permission to open his miniature golf course at Horseshoe Bay on Sundays He was informed thatthe council had no power togrant his request. Clyde H. Reynolds--timber onLots 2 to 12 of the S E t/4 D L 1065. His request was grantedsubject to (a) Sale of Property. (b) A time limit of sixmonths for the removal of allthe firewood cut and the clearing up of all the debns. (c) This permission being notassignable, and the roads beingleft is as good condition as atpresent. (d) No standing timber to becut. (e) That the wood is for per-sonal use. (f) That this right granted isnot an exclusive right. P. D. McKenzie--Building on road allowance, Sandy Cove. The council requested Mr. Mc- Kenzie to remove his buildingnot later than Saturday, October 31st. STAN STRONGE TO ENTER CHAhIPIONSHIP West Van. Swimmers Training for Paol Inauguration Meet at Kitsilano Followers of swimming will have the pleasure of seeing local swimmers of both sexes in action at the big Kitsilano Pool inaug- uration meet on Saturday, Aug. 15th at 2i30 p m. In the diving events West Van. A.S.C. will be represented by Miss Molly Edwards, Ladies'. C champion Eddie Horsby B. C. Men's title holder, snd hiaurice Anderson, graceful young junior fancy diver. The local club will be repre- sented also in the great open water endurance contest fram Point Atkinson to the side of the new pool in the person of Miss Gwen Clay, the club's popular young secretary and distance swimmer. Swimming on playground teams will be juniors Maurice Anderson and Gerald Mason snd among the girls Jean and Mar- garet Currie, Mary Franklin and Wilma Donaldson. The most exciting event of the day however will be the 200 metres Canadian National Swim- ming championship for men in which Stan Stronge wiII com- pete for the first time in history umier the banner of the losel club in a national swimming event. Stan has been working faith- fully under Coach Cox. he is in the pink of condition, his form and speed are improving day by day, his heart is in the right place and he will go out Satur- day prepared to swim the race of his life--as to the result--well who knows--but on Saturday every West Van fan will be pull- ing for Stan in this the biggest event of his swimming career. Reeve Leylsnd has arranged for the Salvation Army Silver Band, one of the finest musical organizations on the coast, to give s band concert next Sun- day aft»moon, 16th instant, on Dundarave pier. The concert will start at 2:46 p.m. and will last until 4:15 p.m. It is hoped that a large number of our residents will be on the pier to hear this concert. The following is the program: 0, Canada March--American Commander Selection--Rejoice. Hvmn Tune--Rimington Air Varie--Canaan Patrol--The Army's Coming. Selection--Adoration Meditation--Remember Me. Selection--American Melodies. March--Maple Leaf. God Save the King. Bandmaster: A. E. Tutte. As will be noted in another part of this issue, the council last hfonday night deferred action in putting the $25,000 bridge by-law for thirty days after a very thorough discussion of all the circumstances. Their resolution is in essence the amendment which Reeve Leyland put at the recent joint meet- ing of the three North Shore councils,snd for which lie failed to get a seconder. In the first place it must be remembered that the Ottawa authorities have so far not refused the proposed $200,000 loan, but they have let it be known they are considering the desir- ability of putting in a lift span instead of a fixe span, the same having been recommended to them by an engineer sent here recently. Secondly, Sir Alexander Gibb, one of the greatest engineer- ing authorities in the world, has been specially retained by 3 Ottawa to investigate conditions in all Canadian harbors, andhe is now here in Vancouver to study our harbor. It is only natural, therefore, to suppose--though we do not know--that whatever recommendations he may make will be most seriously considered by the federal authorities. Consequently, the action taken by our council seems to us to be the only wise course. There is little question that, if Sir Alexander Gibb favors a fixed span, Ottawa will at once advance the $200,000 as pro- posed. But, of course, should we already have voted the money ourselves, they have plenty of other places especially in these times for their funds. In the event, however, of his giving it as his opinion that a lift span is necessary, we should be very surprised if Ottawa did not abide by his decision. And thirty days gives ample time for his report to reach Ottawf and be acted upon there. A still stronger reason for delay is the fact that the at- titude of the insurance, companies towards a fixed span is not yet known. It would seem the height of folly to us to put up $25,000 for a span which may be knocked down next morning, unless adequate insurance is assured in ease of accidents. This question of insurance will also be known in thirty days. We still maintain, however, that lines of contact mines, placed one on each side of every channel under the bridge, would be the cheapest and most effective guarantee against accidents. The last accident to the Second Narrows span was the worst disaster which ever struck the North Shore, and the continual delays are slowly but surely bankrupting every business on this side of the Inlet. Still thirty days at this date are not of so much importance now that summer is over, The federal authorities, however, must be made to realise --and now is the time to drive it home--that the Second Nar- i'ows Bridge has got to be ready for traffic next spring. Under their permission and supervision a Second Narrows bridge was erected,and that bridge is chiefly responsible for 35,000 people living on this shore. It matters not what other bridge or bridges are constructed there or elsewhere, the Second Narrows bridge must be put back in shape to handle traffic until such time as a new bridge or bridges are erected. Then it may be ready for demolition. Until then its continued daily uze is the only certain guarantee of there remaining any appreciable population on this shore, or of bankruptcy not being the eventual fate of all its business men. INTEREST IN Mr. Forbes, proprietor of the SCIENTIFIC SWihihilNG West Bay boat house. Scores of CLASSES INCREASES onlookers were provided with an opportunity to see a scientific New hlembers Come All the Way swimming lesson administered From North Vancouver to tiny pupils for the first time, Public interest in the technical ing the various fioating and giid- many themselves afterward try- training being given to W ing and diving exercises withVancouver Swimming by Mr. varying degrees of success.Cax, former University of B. C. West Vancouver A,S,C, mernand Montreal A. A"~"g bere and advanced swimmersand diring coach, is distinctly meet daily at Dundarave at 10on the increa~. Memb rship in a.m. Beginners at Hollyburnthe classes is growing, among boat house, Tuesday, Thursdaysenior as well as junior aquatic and Saturday afternoon snd atenthusiasts. New members hav- West Bay Monday, Wednesdaying signed uP since last issue in- and Friday at 3.30 at Mr. Forbeselude Major R. D. Brewis, a boat houseformer noted English distance swimmer; Wilma Donaldson, I. L. P. NOTESe .Kenneth Douet, Mrs. Jack And- erson, Robin Baker, Mrs. Pear- A good attendance of thesen, Leslie Bolney of North Van branch was held at the Legioncouver, and Stan Stronge, West Hali last Friday night. It wasVan. A.S.C. crack swimmer. de»hied to hold s picnic at Holly- The improvement in speed and burn on Sunday, the 16th, at all round proficiency already which Aid. Anderson of North gained by some members of the Vancouver, and H. J. Turner will group, seems astonishing to be the speakers. those unfamiliar with modern Tea, coffee, ice cream free. methods, All the committees reported Every member of all beginners progress. classes is already swimming and The branch is now 64 strong all but two have learned to diva and members joining at every from one or other of the rafts. meeting. Come and join up andSpecial classes for beginners let your vote count. and improvers were inaugurated on )Vednesday st West Bay A $200,000 poultry plant is to through the kind cooperation of be erected In New Westminster. COUNCIL DEFERS PUTTING $25,000 BRIDGE BY-LAW FOR THIRTY DAYS The $25,000 money by-law, which is West Vancouver's share of the money to be raised for the replacement of the Second Nar- rows bridge span, came up be- fore the council at their meeting last Monday evening. Aft i .ib» matter had b»en very thoroughly discussed, the following resolution was passed: "That if the Burrard Inlet Tun- nel and Bridge Co. does not re- ceive reasonable assurance with- in 30 days that the Government is prepared to loan $200,000 as originally proposed, the by-law for $25,000 for the reconstruc- tion of the Second Narrows bridge be prepared, subject, how- ever, to assurance being received of adequate insurance at reason- able rates." Carried. Councillor Dickinson dissenting on the ground that he believed the by-law should be immediately prepared, and that the delay of 30 days was unnec- essary, Hugh McKinnon, Fisherman' Bay Improvement Association- Cl»aring boulevard and smooth- ing surface of read. He was informed by the coun- cil that the work had already been approved but on account of more pressing business pre- venting, could not be attended to at the present time. J. C. hfcDonald, comptroller Water Rights, Bessie Gorlech's application. The writer was informed that the council much appreciated the advice sent them in this ease, and that they were opposed to the application as this particular area would shortly be incfudeeL in the municipal water area. WEST. VAN. TENNIS CLUB FINALS The finsls of the West Van- couver Tennk Club tournament will be played during the week- end and an invitation is extended by the club to all interested to watch the games. The schedule of play is as follows: Satuevfay. August 15th- Ladies'oubles 2:15 Mixed Doubles 3 i30 Ladies'ingles 5i00 Sunday- Men's Doubles 11 i00 hIen's Singles 4:00 The engineer reported on: 1. Improvement of corner 20th and Inglewoad. Th» matter of proceeding with the work was laid over till the next regular meeting of the council, and the question of ob- struction of vision at the north east corner be referred to the reeve to interview Mr. Downing. 2. Cedar tree obstructing sc- eeen to Lot 20, Block 34, D. L 430. Mrs. Mottishaw's applica- tion. Work approved at a cost not to exceed $12.60. 3. Trees at Gleneagles. A. W. Wyllie's application. Permission asked for by Mr. Wyllie granted. 4. L. Burky's application re 28th Street, Bellevue to beach. Work to be done at a cost not to exceed $SI. 5. Petition, Mr. Chappell and others re Dale Road at Caulfeild. Nec»ssary work approved st a cost not to exceed $80. 6. Expenditure of $45 for the removal of the rock at the ent- rance to Forest Lane approved. 7. Brothers Creek Intake-- Cost of constructing a concrete screen bore would be between $90 and $100. Approved August Srd and now confirmed. 8. 14th Street IVharf, V An amount not to exec»d $S70 authorked expended on the por- tion of the wharf which lies to the east of the office. yhIUNICIPAL IVORKSIEN TO BE RETIRED The council passed the follow- ing resolution at their meeting on Monday night: "Robert Milton Husband, Mor- gan Benson hicTaggart, Charles Smith, and Henry McArthur, having considerably passed the ag» at which they are entitled to apply for superannuation, be retired from the service under the provisions of subsection "A," section 44 of the Superannuation Act No. 247, 1928; such retiea- ment to date from the first dav of January 1932, and further, that the clerk so notify the Sup- erannuation Commissioner and request that their superannua- tion allowance be dated as from the first day of January, 1932." Dundarave Ladies Choir The Dundarave Ladies'hoir will hold their picnic at Holly- burn on Saturday at SiSO p.m. instead of at Eagle Harbor as previously announced. hiOONLIGHT CRIIISE The Duncan Lawson Chapter, I,O.D.E., are giving a moonlight cruise next Friday, August 21st, Ferry No. 6 will leave Ambleside Dock at 7:SO p. m., and, after calling at Vancouver at 8 o'lock. will proceed up the Inlet. There will be music, and with the moon at the full a most enjoyable evening is assured to all who at- tend. Be sure to come and take the beautiful cruise up the Inkt before the summer draws to a close. VFIFTY hIODERV TRAFFIC SIGNS FOR MARINE DRIVE Fifty steel radiant traffic radiant signs have been purchas. ed by the Council for $200. These will replace iron stop signs at intersections of side streets snd Marine Drive. Iron traffic mark- ers proved unsatisfactory to motorists, due to narrowness of roads converging on Marine Drive. New signs, which consist of a large square of steel, will be placed at the side of the road, 49,931 bushels of apricots is the estimated crap this year in B. C. 'I'ol. VI SIX PAGES HOLLYBURN P.O., WEST VANCOUVER. B.C., BRIDGE BY-LAW DEFERRED FOR THIRTY DAYS SUNDAY BAND CONCERT