0001 ix ~v rvc r worn ~r oM rh l~" Smith 's Grocery THE RED AND WHITE STORES Duudarave,","-'„',"-'„'I" Amblesfde»mp" „',. "M".ciao'ot No. I- Lot No. 11-- PORK ib BEANS, Ayimcv. 2 tins Rvd R White GRAPE FRUIT 6 tins 49c cixc 2 .......,........................... Isc Lot No. 2-- SUGAR, IL G Cvauuiatcd 10 iba. 49c Lot No. S-- ' tiu Rcd a White Floor Wax, I tiu SHOE POLISH, Nugget both for ........,............ 49c Lot No. 4-- PEARL IVHITE NAPTHA SOAI'2 bare 49c Lot No. 5-- Rod a White SOCKEYE SALJION H'o ....................... 3 tins 49c Lot No. 6-- UREAIJ, Scvvuc, 6 24ma loaves 49c Lot Na 7-- CAiiES, Club, Suitaua, 2 lb. cake 49c Lot No. 8-- UL'TTER, Buttercup ..... 2 ibc. 49c Lot No. 9-- I ib. IiADANA TEA, 2 tall tins bHLK .................... 49c Lot Na 12-- I tins bIAC'8 BEST PEAS, Na 5 ov KADANA Cut Green BEANS 49c Lot No. 13-- 6 takeo WITCH HAZEL 6 Cakes Juiliuu CARUOI.IC SOAP .......-......-..........-.......... 49» Lot No. M- Rcd a tvhito JELLY POWDERS AU Bavovx ............... 12 pkto. 49c Lot No. 16-- AUSTRALIAN ORANGES, An Empire product, extra large aixc, doxou ......................... 49c Lot No. 16-- MARJIALADE, Murray'a 4 lb. tiu 49c Lot No. 17-- Rcd a White TOILET ROLLS, 6 for 49c Lot No. 13-- JIF SOAI'LAKES, 'Suds in a iigy'................. 3 pkto 49c 49c. Sale Friday O'aturday, July 31st tr Aug. 1st THE WEST VAN NEWS COUNCIL NOTES The council wrote the school board thanking them for the plan of the Inglewood School grounds, which they forwarded and to say that in the opinion of the council it was purely a matter for the board itself. The lan had been passed to the eng- neer vvho, if he had any sug- gestions would make them to the board direct. The letter of the building in- spector sent in reply to Dr. W. J. Curry'8 letter regarding his building on Lot 6, Block 5, D.L. 582 was approved by the council. The engineer reported on 1. 14th Street Wharf. Repair of crib bulk ioin head. Laid over for the return of the chairman of transportation. 2. 14th Street flume (S. Lam- bert'8 property). Flume ordered to be reconstructed at 8 cost not to exceed 845. The council granted H. P. Tea- roe permission to remove the dry poles on D.L. 816, Blocks I, 2, 3, El, E2, F and G. REGISTRATION OF THE UNEMPLOYED Chief Constable Squires was appointed by the council on Mon- day night as the ofl'icer in charge of th registration of unemployed persons in West Vancouver and was empowered to take all neces- sary declarations in connection therewith. July 81, 1981 JEFFERIES'UPERIOR MEATS LAMB, BEEF, PORK. VEAL, ETC. (Two Stores for your service) IIOLLYBURN STORE AMBLESIDE STORE West 3 1Vest 303 West Vancouver Lumber Co. 15th and iifarine LISIITED Phone West 116 W. J. Turnbull, Manager, Residence Phone: West $681. SERVICE LU BEE'6, Lamatco -- Gyproc -- I'laster Board Beaver Board -- Shingles d Highly Delighted osfy dog went to the Show and got two firsts and a second and was highly commended." "Well, my dog 'e stayed home and got two fights and 8 feed and was highly delighted." The Only Kind Champion Pest (to bored go professional): Now, I want youp advice. What kind of stre+ should I develop 7 Professional (unfeelingly) Paralytic. ~ I W IE COOKED MEATS OF Al.l. KINDS DELICATESSEN ) C w ' r~~vc r vo s'.lief. ".ov' c~u"vv'vo souc v tuv c'rdr -~.'r 'tu' 'v'~ v'v avv' v r ir ocr r ycV'rvr 'rerrvcrr vrrr o rrrrrr ,varrr rrvr rrr Lot No. 10-- 5 tins Rod It White SOUP, (Except chicken) .............. 49c ROBERTS'ETTER AIEATS Phone West 190 Government Inspected Meats No. I Grade only Specials for CASH ONLY ! Alberta Creamery No. I'UTTER 3 lbs. for 70c PRIJIE STEER BEEF Stewing Beef........ 2 lbs. 25c Minced Steak.. 2 lbs. 25c Boiling Beef, lb............. 9c Pot Roast, lb............... 10c Blade Rib Roast, lb. 12c Round Bone Oven Roastlb.................... 15c Prime Ribs, lb............ 18c Rump Roast, lb........ 18c u'p Local Spring Lamb Legs, lb................ 30c Shoulder Loin, lb. 19c I.OCAL VEAL Stewing, .... 2 lbs. 25c Oven Roast, lb. 18c and Zac Cambridge Sausage 2 lbs. 25c Mutton Sausage, lb 15c Pork Sausage, lb. 25c ! No. I New Zealand Butter 3 lbs. 90c. Bacon By the Piece, lb.. 28c Sliced, lb ................ 35e bfsny a man is in advance of his age--snd many 8 woman is several years behind hers. Lot No. 19-- 3 Pkic QUAKER CORN FLAKES 2 Pkta SHREDDED WHEAT AU fov.......... 49c Broadcast "You know," said the mischief- making caller, "when your hus- band says he's heing kept late at business, you'e no proof you know." "Oh, haven't I," replied the wife. "My husband happens to be a wireless announcer." YYhat a Find uAnd I suppose you can show me some testimonials?o said the lady of the house when inter- viewing 8 new maid. "I'm sorry, mum, but I'e gonean'eft 'em at 'ome. But I can assure you, mum, that in me lars'lace every mornin' was up at four, and I made me fire, put me kettle on, got the breakfast, and made all the beds before anyone else in the 'ouse was up." The News Why Pay More? BUILD NOW WHEN PRICES ARE LOW Lumber for Iox18 Garage including Boor .... 525.00 50 Ft. Close Board Fence 6.00 Shipiap from........ 9.00 2x4 Commou, aixod ...... 9.00 2 x 8 to 2x 12 common, cixcd ............................ 10.00 H x 8 Bungalow Siding. Cedar, shorts ...., ....... 8.00 Ix2 -3 aud 4 D. D. Fir. pcc 100 iin. ft..............50 Cedar Lattice, pcr 100 Iiu. feet ....................25 4 iu. Clear Gutter, any length, pcv Iiu. ft...., .08 No. I XXX Shingles ...... 2.26 No. 2 Shingles ..„.. 1.70 Wall Shingles ................. 1.26 SPECIAIJL 24x24--2 Light Windows 2„00 sxio--4 Light Sash .. 1.00 iox12--4 Light Such..„,... 1.16 Ix10--8 Light Sash . 1.26 Iox12--8 L&ght Sash ........ 1.40 Gypvoc Plaster Board, Buiidiug Paper, Fiv Veneer aud au Buildiug Material~ AMBLESIDE LUMBER CO. LTD. 18th aud Marine Drive I'bouc Waot 199. After 6 p.m. aak for Carry Dent Phone West 241R. ELECTRICITV IS C.HEAIS . USE "'T'REE LY cog'+" LOWEST ON THE CodkST 0 ~CIICO V AN CO UVE R enjoys the lowest domestic electric service rates on the Pacific Coast. Even the municipally-owned plants of Seattle, Tacoma and Los Angeles do not supply power to their customers at rates as low as those prevailing in Vancouver. (r=~ (- 6Houvcbold drudgery tv bciug bauivbcd from tbc boctc, tbo»bx to Voucouvcv't low elec- tric tcvvtcc octet. 'This gives Further proof to the B. C. Eloctric'5 policy of giving the best possible service at the lowest po6- sible cost. With an abundance of current at ex- tremoly low rates Vancouver house- holders can enjoy it6 conveniences in more ways than one. Electricity can do much in the home by relieving some of the tedious burdens. Use electricity freely for your cooking, heating and lighting. OdChknflfi n Transportation Power Gus 'v ~ ~ \ I BRITISH COLUMBIA ELECTRIC RAILIlgAY CO. LTD.