0001 1803 8 Vios 0, lative Irkh 'e 2 43 te e lRE Eeet 9 efs ssd Ies O'flb 2~«usa 68160 132810 0!0?JHG DT If SA July 81, )931. Granger's Grocery Phone West 405 21st Street and hiarine Dr, CASH SPECIALS Friday July 31st to Thursday, August 6th. B. C. Granulated Sugar, 10 lbs. 49c Malkins or Nabob Tealb.......... 41c iMalkins or Nabob Coffee lb............................ 42c Icing Sugar........ 8 lbs. 23c Brown Sugar .... 4 lbs. 19c I"INEST CREAMERY BIITTER 3 lbs. 75c Crisco, 3 lb. tin......... 72c CofFee (fresh ground). 29c Bread Flour, 24 lb sack 69c B. & K. Pastry Flour, 10 lbs. 37c Cooked Ham, lb, .......... 45c Stfqmky Bacon (sliced) lb. 35c Back Bacon (sliced), lb. 39c Shamrock Lard... 2 lbs. 25c Carillon Cheese, 1/2 lb. pkt................., 19c NEW SEASOiV JAM STRA1VBERRY RASPBERRY BLACK CURRANT 4 lb. Tin ................ 49c Fruit Jar Rings, 2 dox. 15c Parowax, pkt ...........,.... 15c Certo, bottle .............. 29c THESE SPFCIAI. PRICES GOOD FOR ONE WEEK Free -- I'rompt Delivery PHONE WEST 405 Caramel Pudding 8 tablespoons corn starch I pint milk I tablespoon butter lf/2 cups brown sugar I teaspoon vanilla Nuts Blend cornstarch with a little cold milk. Put butter and brown sugar into 8 pan and stir well until melted and quite brown, then'dd the scalded milk and stir in cornstarch. Remove from fire, beat well and add vanilla and chopped nuts. Pour into glass dishes. When cool decorate with whipped cream, put through a piping bag, and chopped walnuts. Burnt almonds may be used if esired. Chocolate Cake I/8 cup butter I cup sugar 2 eggs lt/2 cups flour I teaspoon soda ,t2 tablespoons cocoa a'de cup sour milk '/4 teaspoon salt Cream butter and sugar; add well beaten eggs, and beat again till light. Sift together flour, salt, soda and cocoa. Add to first mixture alternately with sour milk. Bake in greased pan 80 to 40 minutes in moderate oven. Nut Bread 4 cups flour 4 teaspoons baking powder I teaspoon salt I cup sugar I cup walnuts (broken, not chopped) 2 cups milk I egg Sift together iiour, salt and baking powder. Add sugar and walnuts, then add well beaten egg and milk. Beat all together till smooth. Put into well greas- ed pans and let rise for Ig an hour, then bake In a moderate oven for I hour. It's her beauty that makes a man keep his eyes on 8 woman, but it's his faults that make a wife keep her eyes on him. THE WEST VAN NEWS WORLI CRQIS j)uy your Tickets aow fof Western Csnsds'8 Greatest Exhibition I VANCOUVER AUGUST 2X.29 EVEN xlqriqqq dqyqS... crammed with educational fqqtqxqq «qd tbriinqg qqtqx- Iaiqmqqt xpqcixqlm, qqiqbrqt- iqg the xixuaib qqqimmqpy qf B«uqh Coiqmbix'x qnipxqqq into Cqqfqdqrxtiqq. A ROUND-THE-WORLD CRUISE (qr aqb equi qi qt of 82ao) TWO PONT1AC COACHES q qd q HARLEY DAVIDSON biOTOiiCYCLE given qrqy qb- qniqiqiy FREE! Oqiy xdqqqqc ~ ie tiqkat holders xrq qdgibiq to pxxuqipxts iq this great ~ wx«L 4'et your tickets qqwi Ks«qx«qual f«tb CANADA PACIFIC S SISIIK« v CANADA PA C I F I C EXHIBITION IOO West Van. under 15 (Gordon Robson Challenge Trophy): I, Hugh Montgomery; 2, Smiler Mills. Diving, I metre board, Girls of West Van. under 15 (Troughton & Barrow Trophy): 1, ihIargaret Currie; 2, Mary Franklin. 60 yards, Ladies of West Van- couver (Morgan Trophy): I, Iyilma Donaldson; 2, Margaret Currie. Time 33 2/5 sec. 60 yards, Men's Open (Dun- darave Regatta Committee Chal- lenge Trophy): I, Sid Miller, Vancouver (Y.hi.C.A.); 2, Sid Summers (V.A.S.C.). Time 27 I/6 sec. B. C. Championship Diving, I and 3 metre boards, Ladies'pen I, Mollie Edwards; 2, Doris Parkes (V.A.S.C.); 3, Agnes Martin (V.A.S.C.). 200 yards, 4 Ladies'elay, Open to all alfiiiated clubs. One team from each club (V. V. Vin- son Challenge Trophy): I, Cres- cent S. C.; 2, V.A.S.C. 200 yards, 4 Men's Relay, open to all affiliated club& One team from each club: I, V.A.S.C. 2, Crescent S. C. The regatta was followed in the evening by a dance in the Ingle- wood auditorium, which was largely attended. And He Paid "Excuse me," said the police- man, "but ) ou have exceeded thespeed limit over 8 measured piece of road." 'Tve done nothing of the sort," retorted the motorist. "and besides--" "Wefl, sir, if you don't believe me, you can ask the sergeant, as it was him who took the time. He's over by the pigsty yonder." «I wouldn't trouble him for worlds," was the acid reply, "I'd sooner pay flve flnes than disturb the sergeant at his meals." Another Reminder Club Bore: "That reminds me of an experience of mine in May, eighteen-eighty-seven." Resourceful Victim: "By Jove, excuse me, that remins me. I forgot to ring Mayfair one-elght- eight-seven lq / DUNDARAVE REGATTA DRAIVS I.ARGE CROWD The iifteenth annual Dundar- aver regatta last Saturday was favored with ideal summer weather, and the pier and scow anchored there for the occasion were crowded throughout the long and interesting program. Reeve Leyland opened the regat- ta with a brief'address, and Mrs. Leyland presented the prlxes at the conclusion of the program. Mollie Edwards'ictory for the third year running in the B. C.Ladies'iving Championship was very popular, the judges'n- nouncement drawing rounds of applause. Eddie Hornsby of the West Vancouver Swimming Club, made a great showing in the Canadian diving championship, 3 metre board, coming second. A. Stott, the winner, who hails from Victoria, was last year sec- ond in the British Empire diving championship. An interesting feature was the presentation by Reeve Leyland of 8 silver cup to Margaret Cur- rie of the West Vahcouver Swimming Club, for her bravery in saving Allan Turvey from drowning on 27th May oil'un- darave pier. The cup was pre- sented by "The Swimmer," the ofFicial organ of amateur swim- ming in Canada. "The water wedding" staged by members of the Royal Life Saving Society caused consider- able merriment, and two other features were a life saving dem- onstration by the latter, and a demonstration in the resuscit- tating of the apparently drowned including the use of the inhal- ator, by 0 class of boys under Dr. Vance. Those taking part were Arthur Edwards, Pat Dou- et, Gordon Masterman, Max Len- nox, Ed Partridge, Bill Lang and Gordon Stemson. The winners were as follows: I--60 yards, boys of West Vancouver, under 14, (C. Ross Tate Trophy): I, W. Hislop; 2, Donald Sharman. Time 37 I/6 sec. 2.--50 yards, girls of West Vancouver, under 14 (Colonel K. W. Savory Trophy): I, Mary Franklin; 2, Betty Cole. Time 36 sec. 8.--50 yards, boys of West Vancouver, under 16 (Gisby Cup): I, Gerald Mason; 2, Maur- ice Anderson. Time 80 sec. 4.--100 yards, men of West Vancouver (B. P. O. E. North Shore Lodge No. 43 Challenge Trophy): I, Stan Stronge; 2,Charles Chapman. Time 40 sec. 5.--25 yards, boys of West Vancouver, under 12: I, Jim Love; 2, Russell Goodalk 6.--25 yards, girls of )Vest Vancouver, under 12: I, Marion Currie; 2, Dorothy Sherman, Time 20 3/5 sec. 7.--50 yards, Ladies'pen: 1,Dot Ercleston (Crescent); 2, Agnes Martin (V.A.S.C.). Time 32 I/6 sec. 8.--Canadian Championship Diving, 3 metre board, Men'8 Open (B. C. Electric Railway Challenge Trophy): I, Art Stott; 2, Eddie Hornsby 3, Ernest Peden (Victoria). 50 yards, girls of West Van- couver, under 16 (J, B. Leyland Challenge Trophy): I, Margaret Currie; 2, Wilma Donaldson. Time 84 sec. 200 yards, Men's Open: I, Geo. Burrows (V.A.S.C.); 2, Denny Walker (Victoria). Time 2.17 2!5 200 yards, Ladles'pen: I, Agnes Martin (V.A.S.C.): 2, Irene Lamb (Crescent). Time 2.69 I/6. 100 yards, Boys'elay, West Van. Public Schools ('iVest Van. F«T. A. Challenge Trophy): I, Pauline Johnson (Ed. PartrMge, Hugh Montgomery, Gordon Mas. termon, Jim hlurray); 2, Holly- burn). Time 1.09 I/6. 100 yards, Girls'elay, West Vsn. Public Schools (IVest Van. F.-T. A, Challenge Trophy): I, Pauline Johnson (Edith Whyte, Murlel McLeoik Margaret Cur- rie, hiarjorie Rivers). Time 1.08. 2, Hollyburn. Diving, I metre board, Boys of CLASSIFIED ADS mqxis is 2 mqtq pqe wm& miaimqm imriqg regular xeeqqxtq, sii efssd- Tbq rate fqr Cixxxised Advertise 26 cqqtx. Except ia ibe esse of Ibqqq Sqdq are payable strktiy ia sdrxqeq. R mcmb Pa~smiqum Wae Vsa News gei imm«iiqtq pqsqiiq. WEBB'8 SHOE RBPAIRS WEAR BEST--Dsxdsmrq. 1'OR RENT--September i xi yearly tenant, fqqp room cottage, weu furnished, lqii pixmbiqg, wxtqe leone. Phone Seymour 8770 bqlqes 8 p.m. FOR RRNT~xqlfqud; well fqpsish- qd bqxgsiqw, garage, month of September, 836. Phone West 119L3 FOR RAWLEIGH'S ARTiCLES-- Phone West 39. NEW GARDENS CONSTRUCTED- Opigixai designs ia gxpdea deeqes- txqls, Lslnql Pxibx, ApeixiK Rqqk Gspdqxs sxd Pools, Immhapq Gar- dening, xii bmachca Mqdqexiq Piece. R. J. Kyeq, residence phoae ese 69L8. FOUNDAT1ON CK111LVT WORK- Lqsdscspiag xxd Lawns iqid. Rock waiix, dpsiss. septic isxhs, fqariag ~xd land cieqeiag, ehuaqqys sad fqp aces eisxa«i sad repair«L Pt I T. Bxrqvii, residqqcq phoae Ws . 2901k BOOKS WANTED-- Ix good cqqdi- tiqq for library, also mxgxxisqs. Apply Bqx 10, West Vxq News. FOR RENT--Cottage, 6 rooms, eiqqq tq park. beach xqd feery. Phoae iyest 36K. ALL THE BEST Brands of Clgxe+, Clgspettqx xqd Tobsmqs. Aisq Ex- change Poker Hands xqd Coasoi axds Peee. Ambiqside Ta Roam« WANTED--Mqiher's Hqip. Sleep qqt. Phone West 267Y. TO REVT--Dairsbiq Wsiqrleqxi Cqe- ixge in attractive iqcsiion. Furn- ished. Modern. 846 pqr month. John Lxwson, West 66. CANADIAN LEG1ON Employ«at Dqpqremab Handy mqq for sii wql'k. Phoae ipqse 71Y, FOR BUiLDERS'UPPLIES--Phone Hqbb Transfer, West 17. TO iVHOM IT MAY CONCERN Tbq undersigned hereby acknow- ledges ihst any stxiemqais be msy have made detrimental iq ebq char- ~cter of Mp. Bixip Babcock or mem- bers of bis family xps qaiimiy wiibqqt fqxqdxtion sxd that he pubndy with- draws xay xqd sii such sisiqlqqxelx Dated at West Vancouver, B. C this 7th dxy of July, A.D. 1931. FRED KING POR DiiY EDGINGS--Phoae Hqbb Transfer, West 17. FOR PAINTLVG, KALSOMiNING Apply C. L. Kqaixgx, Residence phone West 894R. FOR PLUMBLiG REPAIRS -- Rqq. idexce Phone West 2411k MARCELLE SHOP -- !Bxrcciiq, $0 cents; reset, 86e; anger wave, 76c. Phone Mrs. King, West 804. FOR RENT -- Dqqiexbiq bungalow. corner ixgiewqod qnd 23rd; 6 roams xxd sunroom; Hardwood Soqrs; apq- place Pasemext cement floored, fqrxxcq, isqndpy tubs. Some furn- ishings. References; 336. J R. Mse- Pbxii, West 240-L. GEO. HAY Established 1912 Real Estate and Insurance Nqtxry Pqbnc FIRE 1NSURANCB FOR RENT--Fqraixbed sad Uafxeq- ixbqd Hqqsea. bioqqy Arxiixbiq for Mqeegxgqs qq "Mqdqex Homes" 1406 Mqpiaq Drive Oflice Phone West 21 m'qy. 1200 Residence Pbqqs W. 82R or W. 204K The DBTerence She was annoyed to see her husband gazing admiringly at a pretty mannequin "Henry " she exclaimed, "You never look at me like that." "No" said he "but then you never look like that yourself." In reply to the teacher's ques- tion, "Which is the national flower of England sq the class answered in unison: "Roses, miss." "Very good " said the teacher "Now, what is the national flow- er of France?" "Lilies, miss," piped the class. "Excellent," said the teacher, "Now, which is Spain'8 national flower?" There was 8 long pause, then littk Tommy Smart, making up his mind to have a pot shot guess, volunteered the answer: "Bulrushes, miss!" The Reply Courteous The new vicar had preached his first sermon, and a critical member of the church, an ex- ceedingly fat man, wayhdd the parson after service. "Not 0 bad beginning, sir," he said, patronisingp; "a bit too scientific and modern, perhays, but quite fair. Remember, par- son, you must feed the sheep. feed the sheep." The vicar surveyed his bulky critic and replied,'hiy dear man, it's exercise you need, not food." Extravagance Farmer Hodge: "I'e bought a borometer, hlarie, to teU when it's going to rain." hfrs. Hodge: "WPB, I neverl What do you suppose Providence has given you the rheumstisen fore" The Economist Jones (to defaulting partner) ."If I give you enough rope, you will hang yourself." Partner: "No, I shan'. I shaB sell it." VANCOUVER CREOSOTING CO„LTD. NORTH VANCOUVER ANNOUNCEMENT J. W. COOPER has taken over the DUNDARAVE CASH GROCERY Corner 26th and Bellevue GROCERIES, TOBACCOS, CIGARETTES. COiVFECTIONERY, ICE CREAM„SOFT DRINKS, Etc. We deliver Phone West 7 Your patronage solicited