West Van. News (West Vancouver), 31 Jul 1931, p. 3

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0001 IRI all khan ~42 4 I ii41 bbiq I I an. Afhc, only, I ISIR ton IER hair y. Ym oiitoa yocioi. Z md ro, for m ym )Pe ei Iii. IjG-- lky MODE is l Lffidr &is Ioi,+ Toddkff ,bsonuk rs ao @ si Oll'SC~ jj Ioi- gbS dSM Iz July 81 1931 THE WEST VAN NEWS Odorless Dry Cleaning and Dyeing Cioanod IP 2 fhfk I RPOENT SUITS TO ORDER $ 24.00 Ear StoppersBathing Caps 25 at 50c Bathing Belts 50c. For Sunburn Ozonal. Unguenrina and Cocaboner Mr. and Mrs. T. Gallilee of Hollyburn, were guests hat week at Loganita Lodge, Lummi Is- land. ~ a ~ Mrs. R. W. W. Raid and her sons Fdiward snd Doughm, who formerly resided in West Van- couver, arrived here on Sunday from San Diego, coming by mot- or in forty-six hours. They ex- pect to visit bere for 0 few days Messrs. George Hsy, W. R. Hamilton, and S. J. Nasmith have returned from 0 short launch trip up the coast. o \ \ Cyril Button of West Bay, gave a beach party to his friends on Wednesday evening.\ o ~ Mrs. D. MacN. Thomson and daughter Jean, 11th and Esqul- malt, are spending a holiday at Long Bay, Gambier Island, where they are the guests of Mrs. J. Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. Sicklemore and party of Vancouver, are guests at the Clachan Hotel\ o Mrs. Morris of Montana, who is on a motor trip to Vancouver and Vancouver Island, paid 0 short visit to Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Sewell, 1410 20th Street. Miss Steven of Vancouver Is staying at the Clachan. ~ ~ Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Wood and Harry Stewart-Moore have re- turned from California to spend the summer here.\ Rex Rhodes who formerly re- sided in West Vancouver. left on Tuesday to return to his home in Pent icton after a short visit here. ~ ~ The Misses J. Kimber snd M. Gentry who have arrived here from England, are guests at the Clachan hotel. Mrs. G. Eastman, Radcliife Avenue, is confined to her house through sickness. o \ a James and Michael Savory, Gordon Stemson, Arthur Ed- wards, and Billy Lang are camp- ing at Silver Creek near Hope, B. C. The regular meeting of LO.L. No. 2990 will take place next Tuesday at 8 p. m. in the Orange Hall. A nuinber of the members of the lodge spent Sunday at the Protestant Orphanage camp at Boundary Bay. hir. Milton and his sister Mrs. Partington with her children are expected back this week at their home, 16th and Waterfront, from a holiday st Cadboro Bay. ' ~ ~ hIrs. Edwards of Vancouver, has taken one of the Nightingale cottages at 25th and Haywood, and will move in at the beginning of August. ~ o A small bush fire broke out at I p. m. last hionday at Sherman. The fire brigade turned out and extinguished the blaze before any damage had been done. o ~ o hire. Sparrow, 24th and Mar. ine Drive, has rented her house to Mrs. Rothstein of Vancouver, for the month of August and is going to the west coast of Van- couver Island with her children. ~ \ o Mr. and hIrs. Charles Dona- hoe have sold their home at 25th and Bellevue and are moving to Kerrisdale tomorrow. Among the successful candi- dates at the recent Conservatory of Music examinations is Miss Roberts Rutter who passed her Junior and her Flementary Theory with honors. Miss Rob- erts ls a resident pupil of St. Anthony's College, but is spend- ing the summer with her mother and Miss Bayne at their home on Bellevue Avenue. o ~ ~ James Porter, R. H. Simmonds and H. G. Selwood will join the Wallis-Simmonds camp in Gari- baldi Park during August. o Miss Palmer of Vancouver, has moved into the Simpson house at 15th and Clyde for the sum- mer. ~ a \ Mr. and Mrs. Len Short and family, who motored here from Moose Jaw, were the guests this week of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Tite, 16th and Marine Drive. ~ o ~ Mrs. D. W. Graham, 2128 Bellevue, is spending 0 two weeks'oliday in Victoria. o C. L. Hilborn, 23rd and Belle- vue, is clearing a lot in prepara- tion for building 0 house at 26th and Ottawa. Mr. and Mrs. Madden of North Vancouver, have moved into a house at 23rd and Marine Drive for a short period. ~ ~ ~ Captain Garnham is having 0 house built at 24th and Bellevue. ~ o hfr. and Mrs. Gerrie and fam- ily of Vancouver,are occupying their house at 19th snd Marine Drive. o ~ At St. Ann's Convent in Vic- toria last Sunday, Sister Mary Rosalinda (Agnes Nylandh hav- ing taken her final obligations, was received into the Order of St. Ann, his Lordship Bishop Murray of Victoria officiating. ~ ~ ~ E. Busst, proprietor 'of the Handy Ann Shoppe, has taken 0 rest for a few weeks owing to inflamation of the shoulder, Pat- rons phoning their needs will have immediate attention. Busi- ness will be carried on as usuaL\ ~ ~ A very delightful recoption was given by Mrs. J. Dodd Allan at her home "Lorna Vista" on Tuesday afternoon in honor of her daughter-in-law Mrs. J. Eric Allan, who has returned from her honeymoon and is now stay- ing at "The Bainsmor," 1405 West 11th Avenue, Vancouver, and also to bid farewell to Mrs. Joubert Brunt, who leaves next week for London, England, en route for South Africa to visit her sons. The table was beauti- fully decorated with a Venetian lace table cloth with snow white tapers and centrepiece of pale blue hydrangeas. Those assist- ing at the urns were Mrs. E. B. McDermid, Mrs. Mackenzie Bow- ell, Mrs. R. Squires and hIrs. L. Trumble. Mrs. E. Davis and Mrs. James Russell served the ices. The serviteurs were Miss Jean Watson, Mrs. J. Eric Allan, Miss Laura Edmond, Miss Julie Pyne, Miss Rosa Marin, and Miss Jos- ephine Allan. ~ ~ \ Death of C. R. Goodwin's Mother Mrs. Mary A. Goodwin, mother of C. R. Goodwin, 21st and Ar- gyle, passed away on Tuesday at her home in Vancouver in her 82nd year. Her husband prede- ceased her. She is survived by three sons, James, Charles R„ snd William, as well as by one daughter, Mrs. J. B. Varsy of Toronto, Funeral services were held yesterday from St. Augus- tine's Church, Vancouver, Rev. Father Fallon officiatingnnd in- terment wss made in Ocean View Burial Park. ~ ~ ~ There is dancing every nlghi in the hall at Horseshoe Bay. Highac grade ouila our owu mate ~ 3o.eo and up ALTERATIONS and REPAIRS WE CALL AND DELIVER M. WILLIAMS 1568 Marine Drive I'hone IVest 20 Reft Phone IVest 286L WEST VII PHARMACT Tha Sioca 44 Socoae 1402 Siarina Deice Waco 21 Emocgoacy Phase Wmt 221 IAfiar P p.m.) FREEMAN'S GROCERY 2490 Marine Drive Phone West 162 Groceries and Fresh Fruits Confectionery, Tobaccos and Cigarettes Ice Cream and Soft Drinks WE DELIVER Stratton's BAKERY BREAD -- CARES Assorted Pastries-- Almond Varieties Buna - Rolls Scones Short Bread - Nut Bread Christening, Birthday, Wedding Cakes made at 1468 MARINE DRIVE Phone West 27 The Canadian Legion, West Vancouver Branch a Q SMOKER in the Legion Memorial Hall Thursday, Aug. 6th, at 8 p.m. Musical Programme ~ Boxing GORDON ROBSON Bacciaiac a SaaÃiac WEST VANCOUVER- Offica No. 1447 Rncina Dciva. Phoae Wast 4ILL VANCOUVER OPPICE- Suiia 010; 610 Hastings SS. W Phono Saymoar 4100. Rialley's Milk Guaranteed PURE JERSEY AOLLTBURNBarber Shop 16th a mneme BZPBRT SERVICE E. HARSH, Pcopciaiec10 quarts for $1" Following are relative food values of JERSEY MILK compared with other kinds. This will show you why the Jersey is away ahead of other breeds, why we, for ten years, have consistently sold Jersey Milk; still sell it, and, will always endeavor to. West Van Produce Co. Fresh Vegetables and Fruit Phone West 186 or 109 Prompt Delivery It's the Best It costs you no more, and remember RIDLEY'S JERSEY is away ahead of all other so-called Jersey Milk, we know, and if anyone reading this wishes proof we have it,--that the greatest milk value in Vancouver today is the milk coming out of the little milk plant in West Vancouver. So iido Total Soiido Pai Noi Pai Breed Pac Cent Pac Cent Par Cent Jersey ....................'4.87 6.19 9.68 Guernsey .............. 14.69 6.16 9.53 Durham ....,........... 13.38 4.05 9.33 Ayrshire ....'.......... 12.73 3.64 9.09 Holstein ................ 11.96 3.43 8.53 Hollyburn Garage 1503 iÃarine Drive General Auto Repairs Specializing in- Brake Lining and Battery Repairs. H. Davison ar Sogh Phone West 100 IVe also manufacture ICE -- at the plant, Half Price or phone RIDLEY WEST 456 for the driver to call. HOLT- The Glass Man l470 Marine Drive Phone Weoi 27 Broken Windows Replaced ASTBURY LUMBER CO. Lid. Handy Ann Shoppe Cor. Esplanade and Chesterfield NORTH VANCOUVER Phase West 30 2444-A Marine Drloa, Duadoraoa DON'T PASS-- Bggy Sherwin's Paints, etc. Nails, Screws, etc. Notions and Toys Tobacco 8- Cigarettes Stationery. DELIVERIES We carry one of tha most Complete Building Material Stocks an iha Comt QUALITY, SEP VICE, PRICE SECOND TO NONE Phone North 285 Night: North 1415-R Captain and Mrs. H. P. Skeet and family 21st and Fulton re- turned this week from a holiday spent in Victoria. Solomon had a thousand wives and wrote 1,005 lyrics. Our of- fice cynic wants to know what the five other grievances were. Correct this sentence: The driver drove his car slowly past the intersection, in order to avoid splashing pedestrians. Every married man has 0 grievance and so has his wife until she becomes a widow. It must be rather nice to be wealthy enough to speak in glow- ing terms of the blessings of pov erty. 'immi. A.B.C. PRINT and VOILE DRESSES COLORS GiiARANTEED Brooks'ry Goods and Men's WearThere's a great difference be-tween a stage actress and a fllmstar, states a critis, Yes, usually about three husbands. Is stealing a kiss grand larceny or just petting thievery'I 14th aud Marina Drive. Phone Weoi 144 Ezciuoioa Aganio Cuciicoai Silk Hose and Iinivccoai Sweaters abo Nocoiihm, Toya, School Suppiiao, Hemstitching o ~ ~ Local and Personal ~ For Swimming aa hnoa