0001 df =S'..'Ah:h).:.')) )dltS TC. SSX Circulating i yd 61.00 per year. A Weekly Newspaper the District of West Vaydcouvcr-- Ambleside, Hollybfdryd, Weston, DuyfdayrJYJg CypreSS Park, Caulfeild, Whytecliff, Eyf:. Newsstands 6c per Copy Vol. VI SIX PAGES HOLLYBURN P.O., WEST VANCOUVER. B.C., FRIDAY, JULY 31, 1931 No. 10 OR8 I 1 0, il li )ISL PSR uu tuu Ztgu riul, zvun Rav, ION1 Sop hiuuid~ mduvuve m uuttvd Svomeu'u uxslwv, md Vut dieu ths I )du ex uth ~us I, uui hah "du doS" imvv" Iu'eri 6+ m muw C tm(e 9 n 1is I.O.D.E. GARDEN I'ARTY JMATRICUI.ATION TO5IORROW EXA LOVERS OF SWI51611NG AND DIVINGMINdtTIONS The following students of the West Vancouver High School passed the recent Junior Matric- ulation Examinations: Geoifery J. Cornish, Harry H. A. David- son, Nelson C. Dorward, Gordon Edwards, Jane Elizabeth Ed- wards, Thomas W. Gibson, Ida G. Gleed, Barbara F. Hadwin, Harold Ian Hamilton, Jessie Hoyle, Margaret J. McLintock, Kenneth J. Nash, Agnes Mary O'Donnell, Eric R. Parker, Rob- ert F. Reid, William R. Smith, Alan W. Vaughan, Jack T. Watt, James Weir. Completed Junior Matricula- tion and Normal Entrance:-- Robert Fiddes. Passed with supplementals (in one subject only): Irene Gracey, Clayton Stewart. In ad- dition twelve students were granted partial standing. Most of these candidates should be Cooperation of members of the local Swimming Club brings you the greatest opportunity of your life to secure genuine, up-to-the- minute, scientific, technical training at the hands of s famous Coach--Mr. Cox--form- erly of the Montreal A.A.A., the New York Athletic Club, Colum- bia University of New York, the Vancouver, Crescent Beach, White Rock and New Westmin- ster Amateur Swimming Clubs and the University of B. C. The Duncan Lawson Chapter, I.O.D.E., Garden Party which is being held tomorrow (Satur- day), August 1st, promises to be one of very special interest to the residents of Vancouver city and the entire North Shore. The Firemen's Band of Van- couver is on the program for the afternoon, ss well as Country Dancing by the pupils of West Vancouver schools, directed by Qq Miss Ritchie, and in the evening'iss Margaret Murphy of North Vancouver will sing, a group of artists in native costume will entertain the guests, and our own School Band will supply the music. The fete will be opened at 3 o'lock and the guests will be re- ceived by the regent, Mrs. Ber- nard Hayes, Mrs. J. B. Leyland, as hostess, and the ex-regents, Mrs. Almas, Mrs. Lawson, Mrs. Morgan, Mrs. Wait and Mrs. Small. From then until nearly midnight the beautiful, gaily decorated and illuminated lawns of Crimsworth Dene, the home of Reeve and Mrs. J. B. Leyland, will be an ever changing scene of one jollification and entertain- ment succeeding another. The patronesses for the event include Mra J. W. Welsh, Mrs. J. C. Irons, Mrs. A, E. Munn, Mrs, Goodwin Johnston, Mrs. E. H. Bridgnvan, Mrs 'T. A. Spen- cer, Mrs. W. E. Newcombe, Mrs. E. A. Mahon, Mrs. Frederick Buscombe, Mrs. A, U. dePencier, Miss Matheson, R.N., Mrs. W. A. Adair, Mrs. R. S. Mego(fin, Mrs. T. E. Batchelor, Mrs, W. S. Woods and Mrs. Elkington. Mrs. W. B. Small, as general convener, assisted by a commit- tee of Mrs. A, E. Young, Mrs. J. B. Leyland, Mrs. P. C. Chapman, Mrs. Frank Dundas, Mrs. Pren- tice, Mrs. J. R. Patterson, Mrs. Jackson and Mrs. Bernard Hayes are planning many novel attrac- tions for the afternoon, among which will be clock golf, a Treas- ure Hunt, Housie-Housie, For- tune Telling, a Jazz Tea and Aunt Sally, while ice cream, soft drinks, candy, home 'cooking and afternoon tea will appeal to all. The daintily appointed tea table centered with summer blooms will be presided over by Mrs. U "Billingsby, Mrs. T. A. Spencer,Mrs. Frederick Buscombe, Miss Goddard, Mise Mathieson, Mrs. Bridgman and Mrs. Wood of North Vancouver, Mrs. Welsh Mrs. Batchelor and Mrs. A. S. Smith. Pony rides are also an inter- esting part of the afternoon pro- gram. In the evening interest will centre around the Swedish dane. ers, who will appear in costume, and Miss Margaret Murphy of North Vancouver. Special ar- rangements have been made for the ever-popular dancing on the lawn, and the bon-fire and com- munity singing will add greatly to an already captivating pro- gfslll. This garden party hss always been an outstanding event in the social life of West Vancouver, and the Duncan Lawson Chapter in their plans for this year, have anticipated an even greater suc- cess, than ever before. Clssues are now organizing for beginners at Hollyburn where free dressing accommodation is being provided by Mrs. Bossen- berry. Deep Water Swimmers at Dundsrsve. BARBARA SPARROW 8 years Who has secured 1st Class Hon- ors at the Elementary Exam- ination of the Toronto Con- servatory of Music. Last year she passed the Introductory Exam. with 1st Class Honors. She is a pupil of Mrs. Chas. Burbridge. Commencing almost immedi- ately a special forenoon training class for Style, Form and Com- petetive technique is being org- anized for Swimming and Diving members of the West Van. A.S.C. Membership in this class will secure daily instruction snd practice for one whole month for the price of a single individual private lesson--to wit 83.00. So if you swim, join the Club (Juniors 50c, Seniors 81.00 per year) and qualify for this class. BEGINNERS -- Place your name, address and telephone number on the list at the Holly- burn Boat House. DEEP)VATER SWIMMERS-- Sign up at the Fortune Cup Inn, Dundarave. For further information phone Miss Gwen Clay West 117. 1540 Marine Drive or phone Mr, Cox at 5Irs. A. )V. Brine, West 458L able to complete Junior Matricu- lation by writing the August Supplementary Examinations. Jessie Hoyle with a total of 644 on ten papers made the high est aggregate of marks; William R. Smith with a total of 617 on nine papers, or an average of 68.5i, made the highest aver- age, and Irene Gracey with 94Ti in English Composition made the highest individual mark. The class as a whole and the leaders all reached s highem standard than that of the previ- ous class. Of the West Vancouver priv- ate study candidates, Thomas Larnie completed Junior Matric- I,EGION NOTES The Canadian Legion, West Vancouver branch, will hold their regular meeting at 8 p. m. next Monday evening in the Le- gion Memorial Haik Every member who can do so is asked to be present. The Canadian legion, West Vancouver branch, is giving a smoker in the Legion Memorial Hall next Thursday, 6th August, at 8 p.m. An excellent musical program has been arranged and there will be in addition some boxing bouts. Tickets are avail- able from any of the members. ulation and Cicely Barbara Reid completed Junior Matriculation and Normal Entrance. The following former students of the West Vancouver High School who have been taking Grade XII at the King Edward High School passed Senior Mat- riculation: Glen McCulloch, Mar- garet Reid, Frances T. Webb. N.B.--Matriculation candidat- es who oifer two languages (French and Latin) write ten papers; those who oifer two sciences (Chemistry and Phy- sics) and but one language write nine papers. BOAT )VITH )VHOLE FAMII.Y S)VASIPED OFF POINT ATKINSON Mr. and Mrs. McKillop with their four children, while rowing round Point Atkinson to their home at Copper Cove, last Mon- day, had their boat capsized by the heavy seas. Luckily Law- rence and Alton Grafton, were engaged at the time in painting the lighthouse of which their father is the keeper, and, notic- ing the boat in diificulties, dashed out in their own boat. They arrived on the scene just as the McKillop boat turned over, and hauled the four children to safety, Mr. and hire. hicKillop hanging on to the gunwhale. A few moments after Mr. Grafton came to his sons'ssistance, and between them they succeeded in bringing ashore the victims of what might easily have been a fatal accident. SCOTTISH COUNTRY DANCE SOCIETY At a meeting of the West Van- couver, B. C., Scottish Country Dance Society held at the home of Mr. J. Nyland, the following members were appointed to the diiferent offices: Pres., Mr. W. S. Davie; vice-pres., Mrs. F. Rivers; secretary, Miss L. Davie; asst. secretary, hfiss L Thom- son; treasurer, Mra C. Stewart. Floor and Entertainment com- mitteei hiiss I. Grooms, Mr. C. Groome, Mr. R. Smith, Mr. J. Thomson. Pianist, ikIrs. G. Alexander. Organizer and iki. C., Mr. J. Nyland. DUNDARAVE-WESTON SWIM The Dundarave - )Veston 1000 yard swim was postponed from last Monday evening until 2:30 p.m. on August 2nd, owing to the roughness of the water. It has been decided to hold the event on the date mentioned in thc afternoon in the hope that the sea will be both warmer and calmer. The entries listed are: Jean Currie, Mary Franklin, Mary Currie, Bonnibel Barbour, Gwen Clay, Gerald Mason, Stan Stronge, Major Brewis, Hugh Montgomery. Entries may be phoned to West 117. vt"ERRIES SHOW OPERATING SURPLUS 84.091.51 The municipal ferries showed an operating surplus of 84,091.51 for the six months ending 80th June according to the interim report of the auditors submitted to the council on hionday night Passenger fares from the boats amounted to 842,010.87 as against an expenditure of 828; 435.18. Bus receipts were 89; 453.90 and expenditures 89,478- .86. The approximate charge for depreciation and debenture inter. est of 810,600 was not included in the above figurea DUNDARAVE - HOI.LYRURN SIVISI The Dundarave - Hollyburn swim for the Watt Challenge Trophy will take place on Wed- nesday, August 5th, at 7 p.m. All contestants are asked to be on Dundarave pier at 6:60 p.m. DUNDARAVE CASH GROCERY CHANGES HANDS J: lV. Cooper announces he has taken over the Dundarave Cash Grocery, where he has installed a full hne of groceries, tobaccos, cigarettes. confectionery, ice cream, and soft drinks, etc. J, W. Cooper hss had many years'xperience in the business in the Kootenays and the Oka- navvan an'olicits the patronage of West Vancouver residents. An advertisement relative to this appears in this issue. SCHOOl. BOARD NOTES Miss D. Ruck and Miss E. Hampson were appointed to the public schools stall'. Miss J. Cas- tell was appointed as Domestic Science teacher in place of Miss E, F, Davidge, resigned. Tender for supply of coal to schools was awarded io Ed Black and Alfred Searle. The action of the reeve in writing to the game commission. er asking that the whole of the District of West Vancouver be declared a closed area was ap- proved by the eounciL The councd authonsed an ex- penditure of not over 8100 for the improvement of Queen' Road between 11th and 12th Streets. COUNCIL NiOTES Dr. Bayfield and hiessrs. Jupp snd Morris were present at the council meeting in regard to the hazardous conditions existmg at the corner of 20th and Ingle- wood. It was decided that the engin- eer be instructed to make a sur- vey and bring in a report on the mattered, also to produce, if possible, any corvespondence re- lating to the situation as it al- ready exists, and that the councR ss a whole make an examination on the ground. Mr. Saunders came before the council regarding application for water rights with the intention of making clear that the whole of the circumstances were placed before the water authorities when his request wss made. He felt that subsequent correspond- ence from the water rights de- partment might be misconstrued and he wanted to assure the council that all his transactions had been made in good faith and openly. Captain C. J. Archer was pres- ent at the council meeting to speak to his letter re fixed as- sessment Gleneagles G o 1 f Course. After discussion appli- cant was informed that the mat- ter would be referred to the as- sessor. Mr. Burley came before the council regarding the condition of the road to the beach at 28th and Waterfront, passing close to his house. The matter was refer- red to the chairman of the board of works and the engineer with power to act. Mr. Chappell and another were present at the council to present a petition signed by 34 residents, asking that the road from Chap- pell's gas station to Caulfeild's Cove be put in shape. The matter wss referred to the chairman of the board of works and the engineer to bring in a report at the next meeting. Ray A. Fraser wrote the coun- cil re log cabin on D. L 1147. A copy of his letter was forwarded to Mr. Pogue for his remarks, and the writer advised that the matter is being taken up with the fovest oificer. Lennox and Fletcher wrote the council re Hollyburn Ski Camp lease. The writer was requested by letter to be piesent st the next regular meeting of the council on August 10th to dis- cuss this matter and to inform him that sny costs which may be incurred by the arrangements then made must be borne by his clients. The municipal solicitor wss also requested to be present at the same time. A letter of appreciation wss sent to Dr. Henry, pastor of the United Church in regard to the service held in connection with the Diamond Jubilee of B. C.'s joining Confederation and re- questing him to express the same sentiments to the assisting min- isters. The building inspector was in- structed by the council to advise Messrs, McKensie and Foster that their buildings at Sherman which are erected on public prop. erty must be removed.