0001 ivc te RE rsxsf BA'l ;Nusck 383 lil xsk IMbi~ sf tbt etter July 24, 1931. THE WEST VAN NEWS THE BURiVIING BU9H By Subadar Sir Oliver Lodge is credited with saying that one af the next scientific discoveries will be of beings higher than man. That won't be sny discovery at all, for most of us know of men who Inake us thank God for dogs. And the worst of it is we can hardly publicly state these feBows are lower than dogs without getting up before the beak. Which is adding insult to injury. A tribe has been discovered in the interior of the Sahara who live in underground villages. Now, when occupied on a cold winter's day in trying to keep . the wind from permeating the rooms via the window frames and the outer doors, I have often pondered on the advantages of an underground dwelling. It might be on occasion 8 trifle stuffy, but that is preferable to a wind off the nearest glacier. As a matter of fact civilized man has ybt to devise anything so comfortable as the old cave of his forefathers. It was cool in the summer, warm in the winter and could only be burgled from the front end. In our modern houses one is liable to get 8 burg- lar in the back hair any old time. Of course, the cave had its smoke nuisance, but so has Vancouver. We are hard to satisfy. Most people throughout June were grousing away because they were getting inundated with rain. Metaphorically speaking, they sat down in their spare moments, on their haunches like wolves and howled for 8 spot of sun. The sunshine has come, lots of it, and they are gasping curses on the heat with their tongues hanging out. It's only another proof of the fact that, not only is it impossible to please all the people all the time, but that you can't please all of them at any time. That is probably the rea- son why governments some- times carry on as if there were no people. I note that Bernard Shaw has gone to Russia, where he 'hss been received with great glee. He is very fond of keeping in the spotlight, but why go to Russia when there are so many simpler ways of doing so in England? For instance, Bernard, why not walk down Piccadily arrayed in a topper and beach pyjamas, or go to the Tivoli dressed as an archbishop? What about shav- ing off the old beard and appear- ing without it? All these things you can do, Bernard, in perfect safety, and still keep the tongues wagging, but in Russia they may change their minds, and put the quietus for all time on YOUR tongue. And how dreadful that would hei qPOWER SUPPLIED TO TUNNEL UNDER FIRST NARROWS Electric power was made a- vailable this month to the gangs boring the new water-supply tunnel under the First Narrows and provision hss been made for a maximum load to meet the con- tractor's requirements. Officials of the light and pow- er department of the B. C. Elec- tric Railway Company report that the 34,000 volt circuit run- ning to Britannia Mines has been tapped at the Indian Reserve on the north shore and energy tak- en by a pole line to the scene of operations. The necessary trans- former equipment has ben in- stalled to step the current down to the proper voltage. Boring takes place simultane- ously on the Stanley Park side and electric power hss been pro- vided there by laying 8 submar- Ine cable across the Narrows, connected with the source of 8up- piy on the north side Settlers are flowing into the Pouce Coupe district. The population of B. C. sixty years ago was 40,000. Points for the Kitchen To relieve the smarting of a burn, dip It in water then sprinkle thickly with flour, so as to form a paste over it. This keeps out the sir and stops the smarting almost instantly. Put a teaspoonful of salt in each can of tomatoes as you seal them. This will insure their keeping. To remove fat from soup, dip a piece of clean tissue paper into the hot soup. The fat fiosting on the top will th$n be absorbed. This is much quicker and easier than skimming. In making Cake add one tea- spoonful of cornstarch to each cup of flour and you will always have light, fluffy cake. This is well worth trying. Before frying bacon cut off the rind, and dip each rasher in iiour, then fry or grill quickly. This prevents the fat from run- ning, and gives the bacon a bet- ter flavor. When baking apples fill the cores with honey and broken walnut meats. This makes a de- licious change from the sugat'illedcores. To poach eggs successfully, put a teaspoonful of vinegar in the water and keep the pan cov- ered. When jelly refuses to thicken put a grated carrot into a clean piece of cheese cloth and strain a few drops into the jelly pan. Then boil just a few seconds longer. Have your butcher slice the bacon thin, pack it in glass jars and seal tight. In this shape it will keep nicely until all used up, it is always ready for use, and there is no waste caused by mold forming on the outside. If your cream is too thin to whip add the unbeaten white of 8 fresh egg. You will have some excellent whipped cream. lfORLD CRLIIS Buy your Tkheix now for Wetiern Ccnsds' Grcsieti Exhibition I VANCOU VER AUGUST 22-29 /EVEN Xlodouc days cvcmmcti with oducutiouul fcxtuvcc cud thcinluu Outcr tciumcut cpcctudcc, rclcbcut- Iuu tho ckcicth cuuivovccvy of Bdtich folucubiu'c outcuucc iuto Coufctlcvctlou. A ROUND-THE-WORLD CRUISE (ov ecch culcltulcut f 82800) TWO PONTIAC COACIIES oud ~ HAIILEY DAVIDSON hIOTORCYCLE Xi cu away eb- sulutcly FREE) Only udtuuco ~clc tlckot holders cco ccixiblo to pocuclputo iu that erect ~ ward. Gct your tlckrtc uowi mb Io tilt t I tb CANADA VACICIC X bcbl~ v CANADA PA C I F I C EXHIBITION Lemon Pudding J 1 quart of boiling water6 tablespoons (heapingl corn starch &/4 cup granulated sugar Grated rind and juice of I lemon. Let this stand while you beat the whites of 2 eggs stiff, and sdd these to the cornstarch mix- ture. Now heat 8 cups milk in double boiler until it boils, and then add I/I cup white sugar, the yolks of 2 eggs, I heaping table- spoon cornstarch, I teaspoon vanilla. Let these 2 dishes stand until ice cold and serve putting part of the flrst mixture on dish with 8 large spoonful of the custard over it. St. Stephen's New Bell Dedicated The church bell, recently 80- cured from New Westminster, was heard for the first time last Sunday giving its call to worship, a bell tower having been erected during the week by Mr, Brace- well and others. At the morning service the brief ceremony of dedication was held and the rec- tor in his sermon gave a history of bells and their uses, urging that whenever the bell is heard it should be thought of as a new witness in the community to God and 8 call to His worship snd service. The hours at which the bell will be rung on Sundays are: 7:55 a. m. -7:58 a.m.; 9:56 a.m. - 10 a.m.; 10:66 a.m - 11 a.m.; 11:10 a.m. - 11:13 a.m.; 6:55~ p,m. - 7 p. m.; 7:10 p. m. - 7:13p m. California pears and Yakima peaches are on the Victoria mar- ket. COME! Dundarave Fifteenth Annual REGATTA & AQUATIC SPORTS Saturday, July 2,5th at 2 p.m. 0 REGATTA DANCE AT HIGH SCIIOOL AUDITORIUM, 0 fo 12 p.m Admission 50 cents "" ""."" EAGLE IlARBQR Boating, Fishing, Diving, Picnic Grounds, 2 Sandy Beaches Good Parking Space, Tees, Refreshments. 'u Standard Olympic Diving Boards; I, ii, 6, and 10 metres. C. F. SMITH, Proprietor HOLLYBUkV GIFT SHOP Fb C tb shop to Icut. Icccmmbic. FOU,'uD--Ou 18th Siccct. Cbiici'c Coat. Phone West 685K. FOk RENT--Cottcgc (2 bcdcomuc) close to ferry, $12 monthly. Pbouo West SSX. C. J. ARI:HER, Succiuiixieg ie West Vcucouvcv Real Ectutc. Iucuvuucc uud Loans, with City Oifice, 791 Duucmuiv St. Seymour 6952 - 4; West 226. TO RENT--Dccicubic Wctcvftcut Cot- tugc in attractive location. Fere. ichcd. Modcvu. $45 ycv month. John Luwcou, West 66. FOR BUILDERS SUPPLIES--Phcme Hubb Transfer, West 17. FOR DIIY EDGINGS--Phouc Hubb Tvcucfcv, West I'1. HOI,LYBURN GIFT SHOP B. C.-- Doable Guvcgo foc rent. UNFURNISHED HOUSP Three bcd rooms, sitting, dining Ioomx, elec- tr.'c range, tabs, furnace, gxruge, ucuv water. Rent $28. Phone West 864Y. FOR RENT--From September ict, furnished bungalow. Apply Burley, 28th cud Waterfront. West 169R2. FOR PAINTING. KALSOMINING- Apply C. L Kouiugx, kccidcucc phouc West 394R. FOR PLUMBING REPAIRS -- Rcc- idcucc Phone Wcct 2411k MARCELLE SHOP -- MOIccke. 50 cents; reset. Siic; linger wave, 75c. Phoae Mvc. King, West S04. FOR RENT -- Dcuiccblc buugciocc, covucr Iegicwood cud 23rd; 6 rooms uud sunroom; Huvdwocd Soovc; Ste- place I'ucemeut ccmcet Sooted, furnace, laundry tabs. Some fucu- ichiugx. References; $35. J. B. Mcc- Phxil, West 240-1 HO11yburn THEATRE Thundcy, Friday cud Suturduy NORAIA SHEARER MARIE DkESSLEk in "Let Us Be Gay" also "Tiger Rose" with Wcvucc Baxter. Lupc Vdcx, Tully yiccchcii cud Riu Tiu Tie. Monday, Tucxduy & Wednesday "Sweet Kitty Beiikirs" with Ciuudic Dell uud Erucxt Toc- cucc also Loose Ankles A comedy sensation with Ioccttc Young, Louise Fcxcudc cud many other fuuctccc. FOR RENT--Ict Scstcmbcv, 4 Icom houxc, tall piumbiug. Duvtiy Curn- icbcd, $22.50. Phone tt cct 825T. WILL PARTY who foxed bLck silt coat oe 18th Street Wednesday, kiucuy rctuvu to 1392 Duchess Ave- uuc. Rcwutd. BOOKS WA iTED-- Iu Goes Coedi- eou. Hokybecu Gift Shos B. C. EXCHANGE-- Five coom buugciow on 11th Avcuue Wect, Poiut Grey. euobctcucted view, for 4 or 6 toom modern buuguiow ie Wcct Vcuccu- vcv, Dullducuvc dcctfkt. Muuduud Rculty Co., 360 West Pcndcv, Tvmcty 4718. cvceiugx Soymocw 7937IL THE HOLLYBURN GIPT SHOP would like to interview u smart boy who wouM Oh!us otctcuk xboF wie dowc uud mckc bimccif gcucvxliy uccfui. MIIxt be houcct, Iciiubi\, uud able to g.vc Icfcvcuccc. TO RENT--tlodccu Cettxgc oe Wct cvfroeb Yearly tenant doc ivcck Phone Wect ISSLS. wkkirS SHOE REPAIRS WEAR BEST--Duuduvuvc. NEW GARDENS CONSTRUCTED Ovigiuui designs in gurdcu deccru- tiom, Lawns, Paths, Artistic Rock Gctdcux uud Pooix, Landscape Ger- dcuiug, uk bvcuchex. Ifodecutc pdccx. IL J. Kytc, residence phoae West 69LS. FOUNDATION CEVIENT WORK-- Landscaping uud Lawns iuicL Rock walla, drains, mpec tanks, feucieg ~ud Lud dcuciug, chimucyx uud fut turn cimcuui ODd mpehccL PI I T. Bcruott, Icxidcece phoae W, 290IL ALL THE BBST Bccudx of Cigxrc. Cigcccttcc cud Tobaccos. Ako Ex- change Poker Hands cud Consol cards Free. Ambicuidc Tcu Roomc. CANADIAN LEGION Employmcut Dcucrtmcet. Handy mcu for uii wovk. Phoae Wast 71Y. TO IV HOVI IT MAY CONCEILV The undersigned hereby uckeow ledges that any statements hc muy have medc detrimental to the chuc- uctcr of Mr. Blair Bcbcock or mme- bcrc of hic family are entirely without fceudctiou ced that hc publicly with- draws any uud uk Ouch xtutcueeutx. Dated at uccm tuucoevcr, B. C this 7th duy of July, AD. 193L FRED KING GEO. HAY Established 1912 Real Estate Rnd Insurance Noluvy Public FIRE LVSURAVCB FOR RENT--Fuceichcd cud Uefuru- cxbcd Houccu. Mosey Avcdxb.c foc Moctgugcc cu "kiodccu Homcc" 14lsi Muriee Drive Offuu Phoae West 21 or Scy. 1250 Rcxidcuce Phouc W. SSR or W. 204K Mr. and Mrs. Car Owner Rather than leave your car af the ferry park- Ing space, why nof leave it with B LL GROUT to have if put in shape Rt %Vest Van. Motors, The Shell Station DAY O'EST 268 iNIGHT Phuue uc Aud wo will pick your cuc up At tbe fern COMt'LRTE AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE Pviccx Ouomd Vrurk Guaranteed Spccixliciug lu Diern ieg Ihc cuctomcr VANCOUVER CREOSOTING CO., LTD. NORTH VANCOUVER CLASSIFIED ADS The cute foc ClcoxiScd Advertkmmoem ic 2 coute ecv woc4, miuimem 25 ccutc. Exccst iu thc case of thcuc huvieg rcgeiur uccouutx, uk duwd- Scd» crc ecycbk ctcictiy le udvcucc Rcmcmbcc Ciumisodo iu the Wmt Vce )icwc gct humcdixte Iccuilu. 'ur r u c ~ I t w ~