0001 July 24, 1931. THE WEST VAN NEWS sl, id ig I ,J, pl f. stz a R sscf tuf luk nlul Mba Sts , fct sl is the it sbtll '" I 6: ih I) Odorless Dry Cleaning and Dyeing SUITS 'I Cleaned ds ~ ct ct I RRORNT SUITS TO ORB RR nnemuys . sud $ l 00 ( $ X4 OoCO~TS j Pcsmsd Righsc grado suits suc uuu msks Sss.es snd up AI TRRATIOlta snd REPAIRS WE CALL AND DEL)VER I'hone West 20 M. WILLIAMS 1568 lliarlne Drive Res. Phone West 2861, FREEMAN'S GROCERY 2490 h,iarine Drive Phone West )62 Groceries olid Fresh Fruits Confectionery, Tobaccos and Cigarettes Icc Cream and Soft Drinks WE DELIVER A. 51. STEPHEN HAS NE)V BOOK OF I'OE)iIS PUBLISHED A. M. Stephen, 2271 Heywood Ave., noted poet and novelist, has published a book of his latest poems. The volume, originally accepted by J. M. Dent A Sons Ltd. for publication, was delayed so long in the making that Mr. Stephens decided to have the book issued in Vancouver. It is more or less of a pioneer venture in book-making, which has prov- ed very successful. Paper, bind- ing, printing are all the very best that our city can produce. It is a beautiful book, in every sense of the word, besides being hand- made, strong and substantial. It may be the beginning of publi- cation of books by British Col- eimbian authors in their ownprovince. The book, entitled, "Brown Earth and Bunch Grass," con- tains a generous selection of Mr. Stephen's lyrical work, written in recent years. Many poems, al- ready favorites with the public, such as "Vancouver," "Stam- pede,u "Kitsilano," are included. It is probably representative of his best work, and will go fsr towards increasing his fame as a poet. The poems, as s whole, are distinctively Canadian, written in a language which is familiar to our ears, snd they reflect the moods caught from scenery with which we are familiar. But there is a universal quality which gives them a high place in literature. Those interested in the work of our own native writers and in the development of poetry in Canada, cannot afford tobe with- out this volume. We quote the opinion of two well-known and authoritative critics in regard to Mr. Stephen's work. "He is one of our major poets. The fervent and unqualified en- thusiasm comes only on the second or third reading, and then grows. This, I think, is al- ways the way with really first rank verse."--Charles G. D. Roberts. "The poet's individuality of emotion and experience is strong enough to impress itself in com- petition with all predecessors. Furthermore, his wide range of allusions, his use of the whole cultural heritage of the race as a source of imagery snd symbol- ism, unites him with the best poets of our time." -- Lionel Stephenson, Ph. D., University of California. The edition is limited. Each volume is autographed. Those who wish to procure a copy of "Brown Earth and Bunch Grass" should send an order to the author, Mr. A. M. Stephen, at Hollyburn P.O. The volume, bound in silk cloth may be had for 62.50, bound in solid morocco for $5.00. ASTBURY LUMBER CO. Ltd. Cor. Esplanade and Chesterfield NORTH VANCOUVER Ws carry one of tbs must Complete Building Material Stocks on lhs Coast. Ridley's Milk SIORE THAN 50"/s higher grade than the minimum demand of the Provincial Government. Produced from CsOVERNMENT INSPECTE)) HERDS; BOTTLED UNDER THE VERY BEST OF CONDITIONS. This milk has no superior in all of Van- couver. We know of no better value izx)sy than Ridley'8 Pure Jersey Milk at 10c. per quart. PHONE Rll)I,EY, WEST 456 for ICE or hliLK. t QUALITY, SEP VICE, PRICE SECOND TO NONE ~ Phone North 285 Night: North 1415-R Local and Personal You'l Need These VNOURNTIN E, CARBON OIL, Mr. Allison is having a new house built at 1257 Marine Drive. s \ ~ Mr. and Mrs, R. F. Crisford and daughters Dorothy and Ger- trude of Norilach, Saskatche- wan, are the guests of Mr. snd Mrs. Joseph Tits, 16th snd Mar- ine Drive. ~ ~ ~ Messrs. George Hay, W. R. Hamilton and S. J. Nasmith left here on Monday for a launch trip up the coast. They expect to be away about two weeks. ~ s ~ T. L, Simpson of Vancouver has taken the Johnson house at 21st snd Marine Drive for the month of August. ~ ~ As a result of the summer weather last Sunday there was considerable travel to West Van- couver on the part of city resi- dents. The ferries during the day carried 3,528 passengers, and were particularly busy in the afternoon and evening. ~ ~ ~ Mr. and Mrs. Henry Goddard of Vancouver, sre spending the summer months with Mr. God- dard's sister, Mrs. H. L. Salter, 1179 Marine Drive. Mrs. God- dard has been very ill for the past seven months. ~ s \ Bert Webster of the Winnipeg Schools'eaching staff, is spend- ing the summer with his aunt, Mrs. Christie, 1177 Marine Drive having motored out here from Winnipeg. s ~ Miss McBain and her brother have taken the Bulkley house at 25th and Bellevue.\ ~ ~ Dr. Pierce Selwood of Prince- ton University, is visiting his mother and brothers at their home, 23rd and Lawson. ~ s \ 'eeve and Mrs. J. B. Lay)and have kindly lent their beautiful garden at Crimsworth . Dane, 28th and Waterfront, for the Garden Party to be held by the Duncan Lawson Chapter, I.O.D. E., on Saturday, August 1st.s Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Boyd, 2660 Bellevue, left on Monday for Long Beach, California.s s Rev. F. A. Ramsey of Victoria, spent Tuesday in West Vancou- ver. Mrs. Florence Bossznsn and her two daughters, Miss Eleanor Lennox, Bert Bowman snd Earl Phillips have returned from a holiday ab Cultus Lake. Mrs. A. J. Marling, 17th and Marine Drive, is leasing Monday night for a trip up North Mr. and hire, C. N. Haney, who with their daughter Eleanor are spending the summer at West Bay, have had as their guest, their niece, Miss Dorothy Ye)land, for the past two weeks.s ~ Mrs. A. M. We))er, 17th and Marine Drive, who hss been up the Coast for some time, expects to return here about the middle of August. ~ ' ~ Miss Cail Boyd is visiting with relatives at Be))ingham, Wash- ington. s Charlie Chapman won the bronze medallion for life saving last Saturday. He is the third member of the lVest Vancouver Swimming Club who has quali- fied this year for the medallion. ~ ~ ~ Miss Mildred Somerville, chief operator of the B. C. Telephone Co. here, is on her annual va- cation. ~ ~ The Misses Kilby of Caulfeild, are the guests of Dr.and Nrs. Burnett at Buccaneer Bay, ~ ~ ~ Mrs. F. Rrandon and Nrs. J. C, Tait of Vancouver, have been guests at the Fortune Cup Inn for the psst week. F. Williamson, who wss seri- ously injured ln the late spring while on the ferry staff, has suf- ficiently recovered to leave the hospital and is now staying with Nr. and Mrs. Raid, Marine Drive, at Ambleside. s ~ s William Thorne of Vancouver, is a guest st the Clachsn hotel. ~ ~ Nr. and Nrs. Hobbs of Shaugh- nessy Heights, have moved into the Sellers house on Radcliffe Avenue. Mrs. David Porter with her son and daughter motored here last week to spend a few days with her relatives Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Hamilton, 19th and Wat- erfront, and Mr. and Mrs. A. IL Macleod, 17th and Duchess. Mrs. Hamilton returned with them for s two months'isit to Mr. and Mrs. Porter in Calgary. Both Mrs. Hamilton and Mrs. Macleod are sisters of Mr. Porter. ~ ~ ~ Mrs. J. M. Strstton snd her daughter, with Miss Betty Mac- kay expect to leave Scotland on 22nd August on their return trip here. hfiss &V)nnie Bowman, 1027 Duchess, has returned to her duties in Smith's Grocery at Ambleside from her annual va- cation. s s Mrs. G. Dorman, 2337 Bellevue Avenue, is making good progress at St. Pau)'6 Hospital, where she recently underwent an operation. On her recovery she and her children expect to accompany hfr. Dorman to Nanaimo, where they wil) reside in future. s Miss Constance Devine of Van- couver is the guest of Miss Hazel Stratton, 1468 Marine Drive.\ s ~ Dr. and Mrs. W. J. Curry and family of Vancouver, moved last Tuesday into their summer home at Cypress Park Mrs. T. Sorensen and daugh- ter Hazel, spent the latter part of last week in Seattle. Stuart Cameron of Caulfeild, left on Monday for a trip to Ot- tawa. \ Miss Hilda Wi)son, 2367 Mar- ine Drive, is in Seattle attending a special musical course being conducted there in the Cornish School by Sig)amund Stojowski of New York. s \ \ Vyvysn--Emerton-Court The wedding took place last Wednesday at St. Stephen's Church of hfr. Frank Vyvyan, East Beach, to hiiss Phyllis Emerton-Court. Rev. A. Harding Priest ofFiciated at the ceremony. 4 s ~ Mrs. H. Binning and family, 2548 Lawson Avenue, and Mrs. H. Wilson and family, 13th and Gorden, are spending a holiday at Sechelt. ~ ~ Miss Betty and Miss Graeme Robert Smith, who have been visiting Miss Peggy Thomas at Caulfeild, have left for Bucc- aneer Bsy, where with Miss Jeannie Alexander and Miss Betty Blackwell they will be the guests of hIiss hfargot Bodwell.\ s T. )V. Davie of North Vancou- ver, won the Chevrolet car raf- fled under the auspices of the Victorian Order of Nurses st the Lonsdsle Theatre on Monday COCARI TTRR, fm'unburst Bathing Caps 25 af 50c And uuc speedy dsllcscy ts sn putts of ths district WEST Vll FHARMACT The Stare sf Scccke. 14SZ Idscins Deice West gf Essccgsucy Phsns West ZZI (Ance 6 p.m.l Stratton's BAKERY BREAD CAKES Assorted Pastries-- Almond Varieties Buna . Rolls Scones Short Bread - Nut Bread Christening, Birthday, Wedding Cakes made at 1468 hlARLVE DRIVE Phone West 27 GORDON ROBSOiV Ssccistsc R Ssudtsc 'iv EST VANCOUVEB- Office Nu. 1447 )fucine Dcirs. Pbsns West 4OR VANCOUVEB OFFICE-- suite sis; 610 Hustings st. w Phsns Seymour 41SS. AOLLYSURN Barber Shop 16th a Ascbss EXPERT SERVICE E. IdABSR. Prspcsstsc BURRARD FUiVERAL CHAPEL S. D. Vi'RITE, Rgr. Distincnss Puscrsl Scrubs Lady Amustsnt Zxe Zcd St. E I'bssc .iscth SZS West Van Froduce Co. Fresh Vegetables and Fruit Phone West 186 or 109 Prompt Delivery Hollyburn Garage 160S hIarine Drive Ceneral Auto Repairs Specializing in- Brake Lining and Battery Reps)ra H. Davison Cr Son Phone %est 100 HOLT- The Class Man )470 Msfuse Drive Phone Yen 27 Broken Windotvs Replaced PHOTO Finishing C. J. BRODKRICK 1421 Marine Dr. Vp-to-date Men's Furnishings Arrow Sport Shirts $ 1.9S Brooks'ry Goods and Men's Wear 14th snd )lsrins Dcics Phoae ts'cst 144 Ezcluslvs Agents Csctlcslli Silk )loss snd Univscssl Susstccs also Nsvsltiss, Toys, Scbool Suppliss, Rsmstltchlng