0001 %" th~ ttt» Vtc rrv . o 'hrt tr \A t» »r h ~ t'" V t ~t"~ 'F o' tttti witovtrv ct 't t tttV'-"-ftkt '~ tt tr 't%t ~ t « 'rt't't tt ' » tw . t"'»'t't ~ * trr t r~ ~ ~: ~ . %r 't7n I 'v 4'. 'r g r ' 'prrrrr r rrr. rrrr»rw»wrt »»»rr rr»v r'tv trrr v to Birthday Party Mrs. H. P. Davidson, 28th and Waterfront, entertained at 8 very enjoyable party last Friday afternoon in honor of the 10th birthday of her daughter Con- stance. The table decorations were in pink with pink tapers in sflver sconces, the birthday cake being in the centre. The children spent the afternoon in games on the lavcn, for which prizes were given, favors being distributed to the young guests later. A- mong those present were: Mar- jorie O'Donnell, Joan and Dor- othy Sherman, Patty Weeden, Doreen Addy, Lily hlartyn, Mar- garet Mchiillan, Evelyn McGow- an, Mary Thompson, Joan and Barbara Sparrow, Hilary Graves. Ilollyburu Public Librarp NEW BOOKS RECEIVED Vt ORD OF HONOUR„Scppct EIGHT PANES OF GLASS .......--....... Simpson CHALLENGE, Jooo Sutherland ROMANTIC PRINCE..Soboioxi CHARITY'S CHOSES ....... .. .. . ..... Roby Aytcc ANYBODY'S PEARLS, Forinct COUNT LUCKNER'S AD- VENTURES......... Thomas COMING OF BILL, Wodchootc BESIDE THE BONNIE BRIER BUSH ................ McLotcs TOWN OF TO)IBAREI„Locks WISDOI!f'S DAUGHTER, Hoggori WILLING HORSE,. Ios Hoy ood others United Church Minister, E. A. Henry, DJX Sunday, July 26th, 1931. 9:56 a.m.--Sunday School. lla.m.--Public Worship. Dr. Henry will preach, topic, "The Optimistic Vision." 7:30 p.m.--Public Worship. Dr. Henry will preach, topic, "Wheie Art Thou 7" This concludes the series of Sunday evening talks on Great Bible Questions. The first part of the evening service will be the unveiling of the Church "Honor Roll" in memory of the men of the Great War who were directly or indir- ectly associated with any of the units which have become the United Church of Canada. Mrs. John Lawson will unveil the Roll. The beautiful Roll of Honor which udll be unveiled on Sun- day evening is the work of Mr Bert Chisholm and the frame is presented by Mr. A. D. Chisholm the father of the artist. The United appreciates this generous contribution. Next Sunday will be the last conducted by Dr. Henry until the first of September. During August Rev. F. W. Hardy, M.Av B.D» vice principal of Columbian College, New Westminster, will preach. Amid all the circumstances that make difficult church work on this coast especially during summer, we earnestly solicit the fmancial support and personal at- tendance of those who are at home. Tourist and summer campers are welcome to our fel- lowship. The week will taste sweeter to those who remember God snd His day. Draper's HOME BAKERY Try our Meat Pica, I'ruii Pica and Sausage )4&IIs, also take some Cookies, Lunch snd Parker House Rolls for your picnic. Home mode bread otdcrt taken AU made on the premises. Mrs. A. L. Fenninus 2476 Marine Drive Phone West 366 A large number are taking ad- vantage of the new bowling green. It is a delightful past- time and makes 8 sociable centre. Both men and women are attend- ing, the green is in good shape for a first year, and all who are there are voting it a success. The fee is small and is used for up- keep. While it is constructed by the men'f the United Church, it is desired to make it 8 community factor. Etiobiiobtd oa Notib Shore 20 Ycoto. (Lody Acoitiosi) IIARRON BROS. a( WILLIAMSON gunerailIirtrtars North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 56 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 I. L. P. The Legion hall was nicely filled by the members and pros- pective members of the newly formed branch of the Independ- ent Labor Party. Comrade Winch, Provincial Organizer, addressed the meet- ing ss also did Comrade Haw- thorne of the Central Branch. Their timely remarks were well received judging by the numerous questions asked of both lecturers. The enthusiasm of the mem- bers augers well for the future. There is no doubt that the I. L. P. has 8 mission. It is filling 8 desire which thoughtful mem- bers of the community have ex- pressed from time to time and that is to be able to place their vote where it will do the most gixxl. Anyone wishing to join are asked to please phone H. G. King, West 344R, for particulars. West Van Neojs PobUohcd Etcty Ftidoy dociocoo csd Fdiiorioi Officct 17ib ood Mcrisc Drive (Ncxi io HoUybors P O.) l'hone )vest 363 afternoons or evenings hioo Addrcoot P.O. Box $ 1, HoUybots, B.C. Pobiiobtr F. F. IDVEGROVE Phone West 363 5IAO o yeas by carrier; 52.00 o year by mail. Ncwooiosdo 5c. por copy B. C. Fisheries yield over 820,- 000,000 0 year. B. C. has over 6000 miles of railway. DUNCAN LAWSON CHAPTER I.O.D.E. Garden Party Ai the home of Reeve and Mrc. J. 8. Lcyland SATURDAY, August 1st Afictsooo 8 io 0 p.m. Etooioz--Dance oxd Eoiotioiomcai from 8.80 Admission---Adults 25c. Children Iac. THF, WRST VAN NEWS WEST VANCOUVER Chriatian Science Society CHURCH EDIFICE seib osd Eoeeimoik HoUyboto This Socitiy io ~ Branch of The Mother Church Tho First Church of Chtioi, Sciteiiti, io Boston Moccochottiic. Sunday Sttvicot 11.80 o. m. ood 7.80 p. m. Subject July 26th "TRUTIF'unday Scbool oi 10.00 o. oc Totiimosy )looimg Wodotodoy at 8.15 p.m. St. Stephen's Church Rector: Rev. A. Harding Priest, B.A. Trinity 8 (July 26th). 8 a.m.--Holy Communion. 10 a.m.--Sunday School and Bible Class. 11:15 a.m.--hiorning prayer. 7:15 p.m.--Evensong. Visitors'ay at the Senior Girls'amp at Artaban will be held next Thursday. Under ideal weather conditions and with a very large attendance of both children and parents the annual Sunday School picnic was held on Wednesday at Second Beach, English Bay. Many will- ing helpers looked after the needs of the boys and girls at lunch and supper and full advan- tage was taken of the play- ground equipment and bathing pools, while the crew of Ferry No. 6 rendered courteous and ef- ficient service in transporting the large crowd vis the Rowing Club float in Coal Harbor. In the afternoon 8 full program of sports was held with keen com- petition in the various events. The results and officials fol- low: Boys under 6--1, Junior For- ster; 2, Douglas Hookhsm; 3, Alan Edwards. Girls under 6--1, Eileen Black; 2, Marguerite Powell; 3, Peggy Thomson. Boys under 8--1, Walter Fin- lay; 2, Bobby Mitten 3, Roy Knight. Girls under 8--1, Valerie Smith; 2, Betty Howard; 3, Peggy Price. Boys under 10-- I, Corman Wallace; 2, Douglas Mitten; 3, Bobby Mitten, Girls under 10--1, Joan Sher- man; 2, Dorothy. Sayers; 3, Moira 1Vallsce. Boys under 12--1, Bob Tim- brell; 2, Leslie Pearce; 3, Billie Dickenson. Girls under 12--1, Patricia Weeden; 2, Bubbles Bernard; 8, Claire Richardson. Boys under 14--1, Bob Tim- brell; 2, Lloyd Wallace 3, Harry King. Girls under 14--1, Mary Mur- ray; 2, Betty Gourlay; 3, Phyllis Howard. Boys 3-legged Race--1, Jim Murray snd Chas. Miles; 2, Lloyd Wallace and Bob Brine; 3, Norman Sister snd Harry King. Girls 8-legged Race--1 Morva Batchelor and Margaret Wris- berg; 2, Eileen Dent snd Mabel Phillips; 3, Mary Murray and Betty Gourlay. Boys Open joo yards--1, Jim Murray; 2, Chas. Miles; 3, Nor- man Fance. Girls Open 100 yards--1, Ern- estine Weeden; 2, Betty Gour- lay; 8, Josephine Allan. Boys'heelbarrow Race-- 1, Jim Bloxharn and Harry Phil- lips 2, Jim Murray and Charles Miles; 8, Dick Brine and Lloyd Wallace. Girls'eanut Race -- 1, Pat- ricia Weeden; 2, Joan Sparrow; 3, Mary Murray. Parent Teacher Peanut Race-- 1, Mrs. Mitten; 2, Mrs. Hardy. Boys Class Relay Race -- I, Mr. Hayes Class (Bob Timbrell, Lloyd Wallace, Leslie Pierce snd Oliver Burbridge). SRrTISH ISRAEL CANADIAN I.yiGION MEMORIAI HALL NEXT SUNDAY-- 10 o. m.--Scbool fot Chodtto. 8 p. m.--Sptoktt: hIR. PERCY KING Subject: "JUDAH AND TllE JEWS" hit. Kixg btoodcotio over CKWX every Wednesday oi size m m, Baptist Church Pastor, Rev. H. P. klumphreys, Residence, 1343 Heywood Ave. Phone West 262R Sunday, July 26th. 10 a.m.--Sunday School. Classes for alk 11 s.m.--Morning worship. Pastor will preach, topic. "The Hands of Jesus." Mrs. Stagg of Vancouver, will sing. A brief message to the child- ren. 7:30 p. m.--Evening worship. Topic, "The Guilt and the Cleanzing.o A cordial invitation to all On Saturday, July 25th, the Sunday School Picnic will be held at Second Beach. Boat leaves Ambleside pier at 10:30 sharp. Wul all scholars be there at 10 a.m. Horseshoe Bay Rev. H. P. Humphreys will (D V.) conduct public worship at the Good Luck Inn, Horseshoe Bay next Sunday afternoon at 3 o'lock, and every Sunday till the end of August. Mrs. Stagg of Vancouver has kindly con- sented to smg. A cordial invitation to all. St. Anthony's Church Pastor: Rev Father Carey Residence: 2558 Marine Drive. Saturday--10 a. m. Bible His- tory and Catechism Classes. 7:30 p. m.--Confessions. Sunday~:45 a. m. Holy Maes, Benediction. Week Days--7 30 a m Hol) Mass. B. C, produces more wealth per capita from primary indus- tries than any other province in Canada. 2nd, Capt. Lovegrove's Class, (Chas. Miles, Harry Phillips, Jim Bloxham). 3rd, Junior Bible Class--Nor- man Fance, Arthur Hookham, Bert Albin and Norman Sister. Girls Class Relay Race -- 1, Mrs Wallace's Class (Betty Gourlay, Doreen Bernard Peggy Barker, Phyllis Howard);2nd, Mrs. Hay's Class (Morva Batch- elor, Margaret Wrisberg, Mabel Phillips); 3rd, Mrs. Kendrick's Class (Mary Murray, Ernestine Weeden, Josephine Allan). Boys'road Jump, under 13-- 1, Bob Timbrell, 13 ft. 2 in.; 2, L)oyd Wa)lace; 3, Leslie Pearce. Girls Broad Jump--I, Joseph- ine Allan 2 Mary Murray 3 Audrey Richardson. Boys Broad Jump, Open -- 1, Jim Murray, 16 ft 10 in.; 2, Norman Fence 8, Charles Miles. Girls'igh Jump--I, Mary Mur- ray; 2, Josephine Allan; 3, Aud- rey Richardson. Boys under 13, High Jump-- I, Bob Timbrell; 2, Gerald Hook- ham' Lloyil Wallace Boys'igh Jump, Open -- 1, Jim Murray, 6 ft.; 2, Norman Fance; 8, Charles Miles. Officials: Starter--Mr. Cornish. Clerk of the Course -- Mr. Priest. Judges -- Messrs. Burbridge, Thompson and Johnson, Steward--Mrs. Hardy. Recorder--bliss Norris I'resenter of Prizes--Mesdam- es Pesrce, Brown and Jetferles. July 24, 1931. Hollyburn Hall Cor. 14th & Duchess LORD'S DAY-- 10 a. m.--Sunday School. I I a. m.-- )Vorship a n d Breaking of Bread. 7:16 p. m.--Song Service 7:30 p. m.--ADDRESS Speaker: 8IR, LASH BROOK TUESDAY-- 8 p.m.--Prayer and Bible Study. Df Marjory McCubbln I DENTIST Hours: 0 o. m. io 0 p.m. Soiotdoyo: 10 o. m. io I p.m. Ectoixgt ond Soiotdoy Aller- xoonc by appointment only. Royoi Boo)i Booding I'host West 440 Rooldcoro I'boot Wcoi 202. NURSING HOME l (Mro. M. R I.orhooct, R.N.) 254 - 24ih Sittti Ecol North Vancouver Rttidoocc I'hone: Notih 1850R C. J. Overington P ION EER BAR BE R 14th and hlarine Expert Work I'hone West 135 Get the habit Hove your hair chompootd . 'rimmcd cod waved every iwo weeks ood yoo will always look smart, if you hove unexpected visitors or ioviiciioos. Call hiicc Clay, late of the Vogue ood Dot- cot Ho:rdrtccixg Parlors, for appointments at the GIUendolyn Beauty Shoppe I'HONE WEST 117. 1540 hiorixo Drive Something Different A diner complained to the manager of a restaurant about 8 waiter. I m glad to hear It, was the manager's response. "Glad F'sked the amaze+ customer. "Yes; it's a relief to hear 8 complaint that isn't about the TODAY i-- THOMAS MEIGHAN IN "Young Sinners" FOX NEWS CohIRDY and CARTOON (Silly Symphony) Next Week CRlMINAL CODE MEN ot t»c SKY LogsostE gju i (I