0001 911 July 17, 1931. THF, WEST VAN NFWS hb tc id 'csi 9 r Bal 'AY sl ) 144 ccibb)rc 1 dllbc B,bsrl COUNCIL NOTES Miss McCallum and George Bell were present st the council meeting regarding the former's application for access to snd water service for Block "F", D.L. 682. Miss McCallum stated that she wss prepared to psy for the opening up of a road to her prop. arty and had already obtained a tender for the work. If she could be assured of water service she would proceed with the open- ing of the road at once. It was decided that so long as she provided access to her own property the council would provide water service on the usual percentage basis. T. K. Lightly, inspector of fisheries, attended the council meeting re the stocking of Eagle Lake with trout. After discus- sion he was informed that the council would prefer not to grant his request because to do so so might be detrimental to the watershed. Lennox and Fletcher wrote the council regarding the ski camp lease at Hollyburn Ridge. They were advised that, before going into the question of the renewal of the lease the council would be glad to receive the last annual statement of the a(fairs of their clients and also to have an archi- tect's plan of the building they proposed to erect. Mrs. D. Thomas asked the council that brushing be done nt 7th Street. She was informed that the council did not expect to have workmen working in that vicinity for some considerable time yet, but, should the neces- sity arise for their being in the vicinity, her request would be kept in mind. The reeve directed the atten- tion of the members of the coun- cil to a civic thanksgiving ser- vice to be held in the United Church on Sunday 19th July, in connection with the Diamond Jubilee of the province of B.C.'s joining confederate snd re- quested that all members, if pos- sible, would attend. RE%ALL SALE of Summer Toilet Goods ,.„„RH„1 Cent Sale Prices NEW I.INES and NEW DESIGNS LESAGE DRUG STORE Phone West 323 We Deliver 1403 Marine Drive Dispensing Our Specialty DUNDARAVE REGATTA Under the auspices of The West Vancouver Amateur Swimming Club Dundarave I'ier--West Vancouver, B. C. July 25th, 1931. (Sanctioned by C.A.S.A. and the B. C. Section C.A.S.A.) 1. 60 yards--Boys of West Vancouver, undei'4. 2. 60 yards--Girls of West Vancouver, under 14. 3. 60 yards--Boys of West Vancouver, under 16. 4. 100 yards--Men of West Vancouver. 5. 26 yards--Boys of West Vancouver, under 12, 6. 25 yards--Girls of West Vancouver, under 12. 7. 60 yards--Ladies, Open. 8. 200 yards--Free Style, Men'5, Open. 9. 200 yards--Free Style, Ladies, Open. 10. 50 yards--Free Style, Girls of West Vancouver, under 16 11. 100 yards--Relay, Boys; West Vancouver Public Schools. 12. 100 yards--Relay, Girls; West Vancouver Public Schools. 13. Diving, 1 Metre Board; Boys of West Vancouver under 15 14. Diving, I Metre Board; Girls of West Vancouver unrler 15 15. 60 yards, Free Style--Ladies of West Vancouver. 16. 50 yards, Free Style--Men, Open. 17. Diving, 1 & 3 Metre Board--Ladies B. C. Championship 18. Diving, 3 hfetre Board--Men's Canadian Championship. 19. 200 yards Relay, 4 Ladies--Open to sll a(filiated Clubs-- 1 Team each Club, 20. 200 yards Relay, 4 Men~pen to all a(filiated Clubs-- 1 Team each Club. The engineer reported on: 1. Captain H. G. Ware's ap- plication. Opening of Lawson from 23rd east to the open road. Applicant to be informed that the council regret having no funds available for this purpose at the present time, 2. Miss Kilby's application. Steps at Caulfeild, No action. 3. P, Philip, Unemployment Relief Act, H. Brown's applica- tion re Park Road; F. C. Moon, Shack on D. L. 659-2-12 and Crescent Road; Mrs. Wil! isms application, beach access st 29th Street; Mrs. Huggins'omplaint, water supply, 27th and Mathers; refiooring of bridges, Marine Drive; old water license on God- mann Creek, Sherman hVater- works. Valve openng ceremony and connection with G. V. W. District Supply, also Cypress Feeder intake; S. E, Lambert's fiume; Dundarnve Regatta fiost. COME! Dundarave Fifteenth Annual REGATTA & AQUATIC SPORTS Saturday, July? 5th Hollyburn THEATRE Thursday, Friday aud Saturday JOHN BARRY!11ORE at 2 p.m. REGATTA DANCE AT IIIGH SCIIOOL AUDITORIUihf, 9 to I2 p.m. Admission 50 cents in Moby Dick """""" EACLE HARSpR Boating, Fishing, Diving, Picnic Grounds, 2 Sandy Beaches, Good Parking Space, Teas, Refreshments. Monday, Tuaaday a Waduaaday NEW MOON ELIGIBILITY: All Competitors must be Amateurs snd mem- mers of afFiliated clubs, and must carry C.A.S.A. registration cards. This is not necessary for the school girls, and boys, races. ENTRY FEE of 60c for each B. C. Championship event and 61.00 for Canadian Diving Championship. No entry fee for school girls, or boys, races. ENTRIES for ALL events must be in the hands of L, C, Reid, 219 Stock Exchange Building, Vancouver, B. C., not later than 5 pm. Wednesday, the 22nd day of July, 1931. Forms may be obtained from the above or from Gwendolyn Beauty Parlor or Mrs. G. Vance. Beer, Old Vintagel Proof Positive "Rastus," said the doctor, eye- Prospective Tenant: "If the ing his nigger orderly sternly, house has been recently occupied when he reported one morning how is it that sB those windows looking pale and ill, "Rsstus, are so badly smnshedf" you'e been drinking." House Agent (resourcefully): "No, snh, 'deed I haven'. "1Vell, sir, my partner is 0 very 'Deed, I only had dern two bottles conscientious msn, snd he will ob beer." insist on demonstrating to every "Which two bottles of beer," inquirer that this house is only asked the doctor. a stone's throw from the sta- "Dem two that was in your tion." tent," sighed Rastus, "Dey was labelled 'Cognac.' Did He? Long-sufFering customer to Over 130 cars of B. C. vege- head waiter: "As a matter of tables have been shipped bl the interest, did the waiter who took.e prairies. my order leave any family 7" FOR RENT--August, sicaly fatniabad fully mudctu ~ ix teams, sn alaattk. garage, 1405 Iuglawaad. Phase West 047R at High. 6400. BOATS FOR SALE -- Ayyly Oliver, 16th sud Waterfront. HaBybuta. To RENT--Daaitabk Waiatftaui Cui. Cage in stitaativa Iocauatx Fmu- lahcd. Madatu. 846 yar muuik John Lawaau, West sa HIGH SCHOOL GIRL Wauia Work during holidays. Pbaua West 208L. FOR RFNT--Cottage. 5 taama, caa- vauiaui ia ferry. 811 a month. Phone West 85X. LOST--Large sized fax cattkt, white with black ears aad black apuia Answers ca "Bak" Reward. Phone North 902L8. FOUND--Mau'4 Wtiai Watch. Phase West 106. Fok BUILDERS'UPPLl~berm Hubb Ttauafat, West 17. FOR RENT--Faut-taum caiiaga, data iu ferry. Apply 1415 Madua Drive. FOR DRY EDGINGS--Phase Hubb Ttauafat, West 17. FOR SALE--Electric Rangalia, 2- rings aud oven, nearly new. Phone West 119L8, HIGH SCHOOL GIRL Waaha Work for holidays. Pbaua West 498L WSBBS SHOR REPAIRS WEAR BEST--Duadatata. NEW GARDENS CONSTRUCI'ED- Otlgblai daalgrm iu gutdall dacata- uaua, Lawns, paths, Atimtk Rack Gardens sad Pools, Landscape Gat dauisg, an branches. Madatsia ytiaaa. R J. Kyia, taaidasca phoae Wcai 69L8. FOUNDATION CEMENT WORK Laudaaapiag aud Lawsa laid. Back wuBa, dtaimu septic tanks, faadag aud land dcstiag, ahimuaya aad fut acta abmuml uud ttpaltmL PL s T. Batsaci taaidauca yhusa Wz 2901k ALL THB BEST Btasda af Cigars. Cigarettes aud Tabutaaa. Also Ex- ahauga Poker Hands aad Cuaaal cards Ptaa. Amblaaida Taa Rauaas. CANADIAN LEGION Empiaymass Dapattmant. Handy man for all work Pboua West 71Y. WANTED Iutatmadmta ~ Grade Taachat for Waac Vaucuavat Pablic Schuala, also Dumaatk Sciauza Tcutb- at. Applkatiaua iu be in by Waduaa- day, July 22ud, mutkad "Applicatiau," apd addtataud Scatvisty, Bux 281, Hallybatu P.o. No tauvaaaiug. COAL MUST SELI Waterfront ytapatty, Amblaaida. Four room huaaa rented uc 886, also chtaa-mam hauaa rented at 880, with futuiiuta, twa gamgaa. Phuua Seymour $775 before aix. Tenders wnl be tacaivtd by the Waai Vancouver Bautd of School Ttaaicaa aa follows: 120 tons Imay casl 54 tons slack at paa caal Delivery as fuRawa: 80 tons (64 tons lamp aud 24 tons aladc at paa) iu be delivered before August 81st, 1921, aud the tamaiudat as tauuitwl before May 81st, 1982. (quota aaputaialy aa alack aud yaa coal ) Tenders Ca be iu by 5 00 p m. Thursday, July 28ttL The lowest ut any tender uat uacaa- aatily accepted. H. B. GARLAND, Saataiuty, P.o. Bux, 281, HaRybatu P.o. Foll PAINTING, KALSOIRINING- Apply C. L Kuuiuga, Raaidauca phoae Waac 894K. FOR PLUMBING REPAIRS -- Raa- idauca Phone West 241R. MARCELLE SHOP -- MattaBa 50 cents; reset, 85a; iiugat wava, 76a. Phone Mta. King, West 804. It was company field-training. The captain saw a young recruit trying to cook his breakfast with an amateurish fire. Going to him he showed him how to make a quick-cooking fire. "Look at the time you'e wasting," he said. "When I was in the Himalayas I often had to hunt my breakfast. I used to go about two miles in the jungle, shoot my food, skin or pluck it, then cook and eat it, and return to the camp in under half~-hour." Then he added, "Of course, you'e heard of the Himalayas?" "Yes, sir," replied the young soldier, "snd I'e heard of Anani- as." GEO. HA.Y Established 1912 Real Estate and Insurance Notary Pabna FIRE LNSCILhNCE FOR RENT--Futaiabtd asd Uufatu- Mussy Atailabla for iÃatigagta au "Madata Mamas" 1406 Matins Drive Office Phono West 21 at Say. 1260 Raaidauca Phone W. 22R ar W. 204K Eagle Harbor and Fisherman's Cove VANCOUVER CREOSOTING CO„LTD. NORTH VANCOUVER CLASSIFIED ADS Tha tais for Claaalgad Adtatdaamauia ia 2 zasta pat wutd, misimum 25 casts. Rxtayi ia iba case af Chase batiag casuist aacauuta, aa daaab Sada ata parable attlcily llt ud'tauca, Ramambat Claaaigada is Chu Waac Vau News gai Immadiatu taaalta. Standard Olympic Diving Boards; I, 8, 6, and 10 metres. C. F. SMITH, Proprietor. ADOLI HE IILNJOU