0001 l ~r ~ a- Ck wrrucvr VEM v r rvw pru ' wru ..r p. 1 ~ &ir p r'l l r"~ %u'r:&aru 4 l -r llrrf ~ '. lr'. ~ r% Pic "-'r* P'4 .«L r r w're '- ' cwyrrrr / r'crrrrrrruV,r rrr rr errr~V CC r'V ircr July 17, 1931. op N Cilsr Egpa~, q(b 8P1 Po Mls T To gaoPPAI DAPIK hyj SL S A. J. M A a Li N 4- . P. O. Bpczl( 22'y PHONE) WEST 22A. According to the papers it is proposed to give a man or wom- an three years In gaol for strol- ling round as Adam and Eve did in the Garden of Eden. This pro- posed edict, while primarily dir- ected against B,C.'0 biggest nuis- ances, also provides the same nalty for any who try to emu- ate the sprightly Doukabor in a lesser degree. It seems to me, however, that such an original way of drawing attention to one's presence in this wicked world should draw an original punishment. Therefore instead of the gaol term, I wouldst suggest it be enacted as follows: "Any evilly disposed person or persons committing crime as aforesaid be arrayed in the garments of their crime and duly and very tightly tied to 0 beehive, which shall forthwith be knocked over. And it shall be competent for the said person or persons to bite the bees, there being no doubt of the competence of the said insects to do the same." The people of Seattle, using the recall, have voted their mayor out of oifice before his term was over. According to re- ports he took his medicine like a man, and beat it out of his office at the gallop. There would be a very joyous time had, I fear, in many cities in Canada, were the recall in vogue in this country. I have yet to hear any council praised. Rather is it thc habit of the citizenry to choke with suppressed as well as com- pressed wrath on all occasions when civic doings are discussed. The recall in our cities would, I am sure, result in all bylaws be- ing phrased "the council, its suc- cessors and assigns hereby, etcwn and it would be mainly a case of successors. FOR SERVICEFOR QUALITY FOrgOur Lumber, Lath 'EverythIHa Shhagless Sash and Door «'oo4 «Tthe home"Requirements Call in and see us at 279 East Esplanade NORTH 110 or Phone Seynlour 2406 MFN REGARDLFiIS OF COWT MEN'8 ARROW SHIRTS, SOX. EtCr -- HATCHWAY UNDERWEAR WOODS UNDFRWEAR SATURDAY and MONDAY RECOIID CONSTRUCTION FORCE ON TRANS- CANADA JOB Thirteen construction gsngs- the most the B. C. Telephone Company has ever had on 0 tall line construction job--are now at work, building the trans-Can- ada telephone line through Brit- ish Columbia. One hundred and seventy-five men are employed on the single undertaking. They are working at various points between the coast and Crow's Nest Station on the Alberta boundary, where the B. C. Telephone Company's portion of the work win end. At present one gang is work-. ing between Hope and Othello: another between Princeton and Hedley; one between Hedley and Keremeos; one is just complet- ing the pole work between Kere- meos and Princeton; and another is working between Osoyoos and Bridesville. Four gangs are working in conjunction with each other between Midway and Cast)cger, and likewise four more are working between Koo- tenay Landing and Crow's Nest. In addition to the construction forces mentioned above, '.P.R. gangs will also engage in the work, arrangements having been made for the railway company to set the poles along its tracks be- tween Othello and Princeton and between Nelson and Sirdar, tele- phone gangs to string the cir- cuits later. Four parties of engineers, headed by A. H. Lemmon, chief engineer, are still in the interior doing.the surveying work. It is expected that their task which has necessitated a walk of some 2,040 miles in the course of stak- ing and chaining activities, will be completed about the middle of July. The BURRARD LAUNDRYGARDENS and GARDENING Llnnoo I'or I'cop)0 Who Are I'articular Agent for SWAN BROS., DRY CI,EANERS THIRD ST. aad S'75 DA VIDS North Vancouver Phone North 1810. West Van. Representative F. RIVERS Phone IVest 4101. By MINA G. HUYT, Landscape Architect 0 suutu lu Lausucup4s u. l c Aruwnuu sraud 1 Luusrunw Anl icun rr oui~WS. PS M N Cnuul La~pl Swrnw um colors harmonize as do nearly all the sweet peas and snapdrag- ons as well as the pansies. A friend of ours who is always experimenting with various things in the garden was having difficulty with his Eaters dying oif with rot this year. He tried out various disinfectants on dif- ferent aster plants and found that Semesan gave him the best results. This is a disinfectant which is used quite extensively for disinfecting bulbs, potatoes, etcw before planting. IVhile discussing Eaters we might say that well rolled man- ure is the best fertilizer to use for them. It should, if possible, be dug into the soil several weeks before planting. A light sprinkling of commercial garden fertilizer thoroughly mixed in the soil at planting time will also be of assistance. Ivhen gathering such fiowers as eaters, daisies, corn flowers, correopsis, etc, do not try to place them in a bunch with the heads even, but let them be as uneven as they naturally will be if no attempt is made to place them evenly. After you have all you wish in the bunch, cut ofl'he bottom of the stems evenly. This will greatly simplify your problem of arrangement when you place them in the container. The perforated centers for fiovrer bowls are a great help in arranging flowers of this type. They allow the blooms to spread out so as to give a cool airy ef- fect much the same as the flow- ers do in their natural setting. On the matter of color com- binations the same rules apply as in the other farms of art. A combination of reds in which there is a preponderance of purple do not go well togeth- er, whik a combination of cerise, pink, and white make a lovely picture. Color problems are usually simplified by using flowers of a single variety. All the nasturti- FURNACE and SHEET METAL REPAIRS AmblesiESe sheet Metalworks LAURIE SPECK. Plopllctoi 1456 Marine Drive I'hone West 4371.2 NOTE--Tae rn will courN lt u pl slur io ~ sw uuuu cu l rul s tau s d u Iu n 4 rubluul The u uunuul uauuld 5 udd essed iu ia vn ls cul uf tb Edit . The uu nl uppuur lu uu rullr Iruur ul li u p»ouul pip 4 d rn& ~ 4wpwL ~dl- ~ua u rrlup auulo bu rv4uwL K.W. Savory Another man is reported to have been drowned trying to swim Niagara Falls. It is about. time the many exhibitions of idiocy which daily litter our newspapers were put a stop to the worst of them being, of course, trans-oceanic flights. The latter are useless any way you like to take them, and the reports of them monotonous. The latter always chroniclethesame old line of spluttering engines, of snort- ing a blind passage through fogs, forced landings, bunged up feed pipes, etc. If, in order to become air-minded we have got first to go mad cheering lunatics who have cheated death because the devil couldn't be bothered with them, the game is not worth the candle. We ought to jeer instead of cheer when these gentry des- cend out of the skies and they will then use their skill in useful flying instead of giving their tal ents to exhibitions of senseless bravado. 1443 Marine Drive AmblesldePLANS FOR IVRITERS'ONVENTION IN AUGUST ARE PREPARED Plans for the fifth annual con- vention of the League of West- ern Writers, to be held in Van- couver from August 5 to 9, were discussed at 0 recent meeting of the Vancouver chapter. Addres- ses were delivered by A. Stephen, president of Vancouver chapter and international secre- tary of the organization, and William Freman Hough, presi- dent of Seattle chapter. Sessions of the forthcoming convention will be attended by writers from fourteen western states and provinces. An elabor- ate program has been prepared. V LARGE INCREASE IN WEST VAN. TELEPHONES I'hone West 340 Evenings, West 143There were 58 more telephonesin operation here on 1st June than on 1st January this year, the totals being 982 the first day of 1931 as against 1040 on 1st ultimo. The percentage of in- crease worked out at 6.0, the highest in the province with the exception of Balfour, which had an increase of 16.4. In this con- nection, however, it should be pointed out that at this latter place there were in operation only 10 telephones on 1st Janu- ary, 1930, 13 on 1st January, 1931, and 15 on the first of last month. Sannie Transportation Co„ Limited PASSENGER SCHEDULE 1931 Real Estate Finance and Insurance BEAUTY HINTS Be sure that your face, arms and neck are thoroughly cleansed before going to bed. Accumulat. ed dust and impurities, if allow- ed to remain over night, will clog the pores and result eventu- ally in a dull, coarsened skin. First remove every bit of make-up, using cold cream for this purpose. Then wash your face thoroughly with warm wat- er. Most girls prefer not to use soap on their faces, but soap and warm water sre needed when washing your neck and arms. Use a flesh brush now and then. No matter how tired you are, take time for this important duty every night. The clear flushed face reflected by your mirror next morning will amply repay you, In the morning, dash cold water on your face. If your skin is dry, rub it with a goad cold cream. If your skin is inclined to be s)uggish, 0 flesh brush will bring the blood to the surface. B)ackheads may be removed by softening the spot with warm water or cold cream. Cover the fingertip with sterile gauze and gently press the blackhead out. Touch the spot with alcohol or peroxide. Pimples which have come to 0 head should be opened. Steri- lize the needle in boiling water. Do not "fuse" with your face. Do not be continually picking at minute blemishes or pimples which have nat come to a head. Keep your skin clean and give Nature a chance. FUEL VERNON FEED STORE BRIDGE HASTE Big Feat in Twenty Hours In orderly haste, a new bridge 174 feet long by about 22 feet wide. built of concrete slabs of a total weight of over 400 tons to carry the main line of the L. N.E.R. over the new underloop line which is being constructed, was erected immediately south of Northallerton Station between the hours of Saturday night and Sunday evening. The main line track was closed for about 20 hours, and in that time the contractors, Messrs. Logan and Hemingway, of Don- caster, had to remove a tempor- ary understructure which had acted during the past six months for a bridge, consisting of 95 tons of timber and 85 tone of iron girders; put in 500 tons of ballast; make a new bridge of concrete firm and strong; and relay the main up and down lines. Several studeltt engineers in this country from all parts of the world were interested spec- tators of the operations. Taken from an English news- paper. We have nothing to say, --Editor. COUNCIL TO CONSIDER CANAI PLANBowen Island-Horseshoe Bay FERRY A. C, Searle, Phone West 9 Fuel Feed Fertilizers and Building Supplies A resolution passed by the North Vancouver District Coun- cil at its last meeting urging the Dominion Government to immed- iately undertake construction of the Second Narrows canal, or some similar project, as an un- employment relief measure, was sent to the North Vancouver City Council for endorsation last Monday night. Egcctiro Jaly 1st lo Sept. 7th. Fares 25 Cents DAILY Lancing Loaring BOWEN HORSESHOE ISLAND BAY OMO A.M. Isile A.M. lzl20 P. M. Izll5 P. M. 2MO 4 les 0MO 7 lse Size slip SUNDAYS and HOLIDAYS Lcarlag Leaping BOWEN HORSESHOB ISLANin BAY ODO A.M. Isles A.M. 1140 " IzdlO Noon 140 P.M. zlso P.M. 200 2:00 siss 4 iss 5 lss 5 lss 5715 7 l15 Oils 0:15 0MO Special Trips lo any part ol Howe Sonnd by acpsagsnicnL I'bono Bowca lslsn& The first complete soil survey in B. C. has been made in Peach. land. HORSESHOE BAY Fishing, Boating, Lunches, Tens, Dinners, Picnic ('rounds Dancing (Saturday Evenings) HOIVARD RODGERS (Established 1914) I'hone Idpng Distance Whytecli(f NORTH SHORE TAX RLCEIPTS LARGER Tax collections in the city and District of North Vancouver up to July 13 amounted to 8166,420. This is sn increase of 86686 over the corresponding period of 1930. Up to the beginning of the month city collections totalled 864,000, as compared with 844,- 000 received in the correspond- ing period last year. 'fax sales will take place on September 8. Too Lurid Lovesick Youth (giving de scription of missing sweethearU uiier eyes are like diamonds, her nose like that of Venus, her mouth like a rosebud, teeth like pearls,snd her hair--ah--like the glowing dawn lu Country Constable: uHar, And what's she like to look at, sir 7" A new automatic stoker, at- tachable to any furnace, is being made in Vancouver. The loganberry crop will be probably under the first esti- mate. THE WEST VAN NEWS NORTH VANCOUVER SAWMILLS LIMITED ~ ~