0001 July )7, 1931. THE WEST VAN NEWS ,sk I. isst xisd Miss gss- , 1st ( i'i I tzixs Ies 8 S x I, ).„ 6 f-I Je ~~'k(e)de( Odorless Dry Cleaning and Dyeing SUITS I Cissned As ~ n et I REOF.'NT SUITS TO ORDER Dill'99ES I snd Q] 00 )S ~ ppI'OATS Pressed Highec grade suit~ eur esn make sages snd up AGJERATIONR snd REPAIRS WE CALL AND DELIVER Res. Phone West 286LM. WILLIAMS 1668 Marine Drive Phone West 20 FREEMAN'S GROCERY 2490 Marine Drive Phone West 162 Groceries and Fresh Fruits Confectionery, Tobaccos and Cigarettes Ice Cream and Soft Drinks WE DELIVER NORTH SHORE COUNCIL TO CALL FOR PAVING BIDS North Vancouver City Council authorized City Engineer George S. Hence to cali for tenders for paving of the Third Street cut- o(I which links in 0 straight line Keith Road and Third Street and obviates two right-angle turns on the main highway to West Vancouver. Mr. Hence reported that grading has already been started and as soon as that is completed, tenders for the pav- ing will be called. The job will cost about 33000 and the council has stipulated that residents will be employed as far as possibk. H. A. STONE RETURNING FROM ENGLAND H. A. Stone of Caulfeild, who sailed from the old country last Friday, is bringing with him four pictures, which have been presented to the new Vancouver Art Gallery. Mr, Stone is ex- pected to arrive here shortly. Through suggestion of his daughter, Mrs. Irene Goodchild of Whytecli(f, Claude Cardon of Whitstable hss presented an oil, "Autumn Sunshine," to Mr. Stone for permanent collection of the gallery. In addition to "Sussex Landscape," canvas of A. Foord Hughes, which was pre- sented through Vancouver Sus- sex Fellowship, a water color, "Rye in Winter," by I. M. Mete- yard, has also been given to Mr. Stone through the same agency. One of the best pictures Mr. Stone is bringing back is also 0 gift from s "very good friend of the gallery," Mr. Stone writes. While names of artist and donor are not given, it is noted that this will be one of the important gifts to the gallery. Membership in the Art Gallery Association is increasing rapidly and, since there is 0 limit to the number of charter members, those intending to join this group are asked to send their names to Founders'ommittee, 1410 Royal Bank Building, as soon as possible. List will close shortly after Mr. Stone's return. LENFAGLES COURSF IS MUCH IMPROVED Several improvements have been made recently to the golf course at Glenesgles. The No. 6 fairway has been lengthened, with a new green and sand traps. Bunkers have been added to No. 6, the famous ravine hole which has proved 0 graveyard for many players. The fourth has been made more tricky through the building of bunkers, while 0 new green and traps have been added on the first fairway. Improvements to the layout include the private beach which has been set aside especially for patrons of the course, floats and diving board making it particu- larly attractive after a round of golf. Trails have been cut over the mountain for the use of members of any party not inter- ested in golfing. What He Needed An old man was brought be- fore a magistrate on a charge of assault. During the proceedings he was asked if he wanted 0 lawyer to defend him. "No, no, your honor," he re- plied. "I don't want no lawyer; but I certainly would like a couple of good witnesses if you can get 'em." Teacher: '%'ill)e suppose you have five marbles and Johnny says 'I will give you fiv more.'ow many will you have then altogether?" Willie: "Just five, miss. He' only be kidding. You don't know Johnny ss well as I do." Ridley's Milk )HORE THAN 50% higher grade than the minimum dement) of the Provincial Government. Produced from GOVFRN)IIENT INSI'ECTED HERDS; BOTT(.ED UNDER THE VERY BEST OF CONDIT)ONS. This milk has no superior in all of Van- couver. We know of no better value today than Ridley'3 Pure Jersey Milk at loc. per quart. PHONE R(DLEY, WEST 456 for ICE or MILK. ASTBURY LUMBER CO. Lid. Cor. Esplanade Rnd Chesterfield NORTH VANCOUVER We carry ene e( the moat Complete Building Material Stocks on the Coast. QUALITY, SEP VICE, PRICE SECOND TO NONE Phone North 2SS Night: North 1415-R Local and Personal Razor Free Gold Plated Gillette Rszor Free with ten blades. Mrs. J. R. L. MacDaniel, 1483 Duchess Aves left here on Sun- day for a trip to the old country, ~ ~ ~ Mrs. F. R. Adams of Caulfei)d, hss ss her guest Miss P. Furlong of Shawnigan, Vancouver Island. ~ ~ Miss Made)inc Purdon and Mrs. Herbert Edwards of Van- couver, are moving this week to Horseshoe Bay, where they will spend the summer. e s Last Monday night at Dundar- ave Pier Miss Gwen Clay and Les. Smith each won the bronze made)ion of the Royal Life Sav- ing Society. e ~ ~ Mr. and Mrs. S. Clark of Van- couver, have rented Mrs. H. W. Archer's house at 11th and Duchess. ~ ~ ~ Mrs. A. Goyet of Woodland, California, is the guest of Mrs. D. MacN. Thomson, 1142 Esqui- malt. ~ \ Mrs. J. Dodd Allan entertain ed at 0 luncheon last week at her home, "Lorna Vista," Rad- cliife Ave., in honor of her daughter-in-law, Mrs. J. Eric Allan, who is now residing in Vancouver. ~ 's Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Burbridge and family, 2309 Marine Drive. are leaving here at the end of the month to spend August on the West Coasst of Vancouver Island. ' e Mr. snd Mrs. Reid, 19th and Bellevue, who are on a motor trip in the east, are visiting relatives in Ontario. e Mrs. Alfred Dickinson of the First Narrows Lighthouse, left on Wednesday to visit friends in Victoria and Seattk. Mr. and Mrs. Graham Woods of North Vancouver, have taken Mr. Legge's bungalow at 27th and Palmerston. s e ~ Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Find)ay snd family of Vancouver, are guests at the Fortune Cup Inn. e e Mr. and Mrs. Wallace and family have moved from 25th and Haywood into 0 house at 25th and Nelson Ave. The West Vancouver Amateur Swimming Club gave 0 display of life-saving on Monday at Dundarave pier. ~ e ~ Mrs. T. W. Good and her sons of Vancouver, are staying at the Fortune Cup Inn. Mrs. H. W. Archer, 1129 Duch- ess Avenue, has moved to Powell River for an indefinit period.\ ~ \ No. 1 Company of the West Vancouver Girl Guides, who have been in camp for ten days at Davis Bay, returned here on Sunday evening. ~ ~ e Miss Ola McLean, 21st snd Bellevue, left .here on Sunday night to spend a holiday in Jas- per Park. e e e Rev. H. E. Horton of Vancou- ver, has taken Mrs. Mathew's house on Procter Avenue.s \ ~ Mrs. G. E, Stover has taken Mrs. C. E. Burbridge's house at 2309 Marine Drive for the month of August. ~ ~ ~ E. Lane will be st Holly- burn School next Thursday morning, 23rd July, at 10 o'lock to meet any of the pupils who would like to make a place on the school relay team for the coming regatta.\ s ~ Mr. and Mrs. Watson and fam- ily, who have been spending the last few months at their house at 25th and Inglewood, left here last Friday to return to Denver, Colorado. The Lions'ate Chapter, I.O. D. E., held thlir annual summer outing last Monday st the Fort- une Cup Inn. Following supper the remainder of the evening wss given up to dancing.\ e Miss Msy Trott of Smith's Grocery, has returned from spending her annual vacation at her home in Chilliwack. s ~ ~ Mrs. Morrison of Vancouver, has moved into the Johnson house at 2092 Marine Drive. e s e Mrs. Peck of Minneapolis, Is the guest of her son and daugh- ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Roder- ick Peck, of Caulfeild. ~ ~ Miss Eileen Montgomery hss returned to Dundarave from New)ands, B.C., where she hss been teaching for the last year. ~ v e Miss Winnie Brealey of the municipal hall stafl, who is on her annual vacation, is holiday- ing at Keat'0 Island. Mr and Mrs. Roch of Vancou- ver, have moved into a house at 25th and Marine Drive. c e Mrs John Kenny of Pasadena is the guest of her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. A. MacAulay, 17th and Esquimalt. s ~ ~ Miss Doris Cullin, 1541 Esqui- malt, has returned here after spending a week's holiday at Se- chelt. Blades are 85c for 10 WEST Vj0 PMMCY The Steve ee Sesvke, 1402 Msfhm Deice West 27 Esscsgcscy phoae West 221 (After 0 p.m.) Stratton's BAKERY BREAD -- CAKES Assorted Psstries- Almond Varieties Runs - Rolls Scones Short Bread - Nut Bread Christening, Birthday, Wedding Cakes made at 146. IARINE DRIVE Phone West 27 GORDON ROBSON Bssvistec 0 Selidtsc WEST VANCOUVER- Oerics Ne, 1447 Merino Drive. Phone Wast 402. VANCOUVER OFFICE-- Suite 010; 610 Hastings St. W Phone Seynmnr 4100.MISS MARGARET JOHNSTON IN ACCIDENT Miss Margaret Johnston, 17th and Bellevue, was the victim of a serious accident last Tuesday afternoon, when the boy who was carrying her to the water for 0 swim slipt and fell on Hol- lyburn pier, with the result that the small bone of one of her hip joints was badly fractured, She was taken to the North Vancou- ver General Hospital, where she is making as good progress as can be expected. HOLLVBURN Barber Shop 16th A Msxhm BXPERT SBRVICE F MARSH, Pscpcietcc BURRARD FUNERAL CHAPEL R D. WHITE. Mgv. Dieunctivs Fsncssi Sesviss~ Assistsnt 22~cd St. R Phene Nssth 626 SOSIE FISHING West Van Produce Co.5(r. Hyams, former proprietorof the Hollyburn Boathouse, who is now holidaying in West Van- couver, caught a 25 lb. halibut o(f Hollyburn pier on Wednesday 8th instant. Last Sunday fish- ing in the same waters, he landed a beautiful 32IQ )b. spring sal- mon. This last fish was caught on 0 16 lb. test silk line with s No. 2 Victoria spoon,and kept Mr. Hyams busy for two hours before he succeeded in landing it. Fresh Vegetables and Fruit Phone West 186 or 109 Prompt Delivery Hollyburn Garage (503 5(arine Drive General Auto Repairs Spec(a))z)ng in- Brake Lining and Battery Repairs. H. Davison CF Son Phone West 100 I. O. D. E. ANNUAL GARDEN PARTY The Duncan Lawson Chapter, I.O.D.E., are holding their annu- al Garden Party on Saturday, August the flrst, in the beautiful beach garden of Reeve snd Mrs. J. B. Ley)and. Last year, from the time the Sea Scouts arrived in the afternoon until the last spark of the huge bonfire had died, every momnt was filled with absolute enjoyment. This year the committee under the convenership of Mrs. %V. B. Small, is planning even greater surprises, more fun, and more elaborate entertainment than last year. This Garden Party is therefore destined to be one of the greatest social and gala events in West Vancouver dur- ing the summer. HOLT- The Glass Man )470 Marine Drive Phone West 27 Broken %(ndows Replaced Hot Stuifl "Did you give your husband the mustard plaster I ordered ™ eYes, doctor, but he says could he have a bit o'read or some. thing with the next one--it was terribly hot eating it alone." BeMing~rticelli Hose Discontinued lines--Chiffon Rnd Heavy Service S(.39 Brooks'ry Goods and Men's Wear isth snd Mssine Drive. Phoae West Ite Exciusive Agents Cestkelli Silt Hose snd Univcsssl Susstevs slee Neveitiee, Toys, School Supplies, Hemstitching