0001 'A iv AH» I 4Y~r r»». v . r. rr rrtr » Y» rt"» I» »rr 4"4 I'JIi I I r t' Iw ~ u % ':-41.t 494»I'i I * KS I ti 4 I I ' I' v%t'vrI r T' Y4 Y 'r VI. 4'rr 4' A trrVrrrrv irrrrrr r "V rVrI»rr I rr»r V ~ tr United ChurchYates --McSiahon A quiet wedding took place on July 6 at the home of Mrs. Ed- mondson, Chilliwsck, when hcr eldest daughter hirs. Barbara hicMshon was united in marri- age to Mr. L S. Yates, only son of Mr. and Mrs. J, S. Yates of Hollyburn, B.C. The Rev. E. Manuel performed the ceremony. Given in marriage by her uncle hb'. S. A. Cawley, the bride looked very charming in 0 dress of floral chiffon with a hat to match. She carried 8 bouquet of butterflv roses and cams(iona. The matron of honor, Mrs. Earl Brett, wore a very becoming gown of blue georgette with a hat to match and she carried 8 bouquet of sweet peas mingled with fern. Mr. Roy Furnell supported the groom. The reception rooms were art- istically decorated in pink and white flowers and a large floral'ellhung from the centre of the archway under which the bride and groom received the congrat- ulations of the gaea(4k The bride's table was covered with a beautiful Irish lace cloth centred by 8 three-tiered wed- ding cake, embedded in tulle with silver vases containing sweet peas at the table corners. Later the bride and groom left amid showers of confetti and rice by motor to take a trip to Victoria and other Island points. Upon their return they will take up residence at S235 13th Ave., West Vancouver. Minister, E. A, Henry, D.D. Sunday, July 19th, 1931. Sunday School at 9:65 a. m. Public Worship 11 a.m. and 7:30 p. m. Dr. Henry will preach at both sem ices. Morning topic: "Following Christ." Evening topic: "What will a man give in exchange for his life r't 2:30 p. m. there will be 8 community service in the United Church auditorium in connection with the Jubilee of the Province of B. C. Notice will be found in another column. It is at the sug- gestion of the Reeve. Mrs. J. D. Donovan will sing. The program will be directed by Rev. A. Harding Priest of St. Stephen's. Rev. hfr. Humphreys of the Baptist Church will read the Scripture and Dr. Henry will give a short address. Special hymns will be sung and the "Last Post" will be played, it is expected, in remembrance of those who gave their lives in the Great IVar. It is not 8 denominational gath- ering but is for the community. IVe hope to have the I.O.D.E., the Canadian Legion, Girl Guides and Scouts and all other associ- ations in )Vest Vancouver. Dr. Henry will be out of his pulpit during August. Rev. F. W. Hardy, M.A., B.D., vice-prin- cipal of Columbian College, New Westminster, will be in charge of the services. I O.L. AGAIN WIN CUP Last Saturday, I O.L. No. 2990 for the second year in suc- cession won the much coveted silver cup for the best dressed and uniform lodge in the Orange parade at New Westminster. There were forty-eight lodges in the parade. The local lodge left their haB here at 8 s. m. headed by the Prince Edward Island Lodge's drum and fife band. IVhen passing the Memorial Arch a halt was made, and Right Worshipful Brother Harron de- posited a wreath there on behalf of the lodge. Last Sunday the members vis- ited Capilano View Cemetery, where the usual memorial ser- vice was held and the graves of deceased members decorated. The regular meeting of the lodge will be held in the Orange Hall next Tuesday at 8 p.m. Visiting members welcome. The Sunday School and Con- gregational picnic will be held on Thursday next, July 23rd. The boat will leave Ainbleside wharf at I:30 p. m. for Stanley Park. It is a basket picnic and all the families are asked to bring their own supplies. Lemonade will be furnished by the school. The return fare is 25 cents. Free tickets will be given to sll the scholars who are present next Sunday morning, except those who are sick and cannot come on Sunday. It is hoped the grown-ups will come„ It is the local half holiday. Make it 0 rally of all the homes. Invitation is given to join up with the Lawn Bowling. A num- ber have been availing them- selves of the privilege of this pastime. Any who care to assist with the small fee are urged to come now. The fee helps in the upkeep. The Hazel(on suspension bridge the higheest of its kind in B.C., will probably be finished this month. Established on North Shore 20 Years. (Lxdr hxxixtxst) HARRON BROS. 8( WILLIAMSON funeral lirertnrs Nor(h Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 1S4 Vancoiiver Pss'lors 66 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 J. C. McDonsld, comptroller of water rights, was informed by the council that they wished to file an objection to the Beck & Sanders'equest snd also to place on record that under no circumstances should water rights be given within the bounds of the municipality with- out the consent of the council. Dora Williams applied to the council asking for work to be done to the beach approach at the end of 29th Street. The council advised her that they re- gretted having no funds on hand which could be useii for this pur- pose. Margaret Bentley wrote the council re access to Lots 17 and 18, S.E.t/4 D. L. 1067. The work was approved st 8 cost not to exceed 842. West Van Nems Pxbkxbtd EtIts Friday dstistts xsd Editorial Office: iftb ssd sixties Drive (Next to HoUybnts P. O.) Phone West 363 afternoons or evenings MxU Address: P.O. Bo* 01, Htkte tm ILC. Pablixbtt F. F. LOVEGROVE Phone West 363 StslO 0 Ytst by tattler; $2.00 0 ytst by mxk. Nswxxtssdt 6t. pet ropy Zagawa the great Japanese leader, will 'speak in Wesley Church, Thurbday, 23rd July, at 3 p.m. W. C. T. U. The Vancouver District W. C. T. U., will hold their annual Basket Picnic near the Pavilion at Stanley Park on Monday, July 20th, at 12 noon. All members and friends of the West Vancou- ver Union are cordiaUy invited to the gathering'. THE WFST VAN NFWS BRITISH ISRAEL CANADIAN LFS11ON hiEMORIAL HALL NEXT BUNDAY 10 am.~bool fst ('kildtes. 8 p. m.--Sptsktti MR. PERCY KING )VEST VANCOUVER Christian Science Society CHURCH RDlplCE 20th and Etvstmalt, Hokrbxts Tbix Society lt 0 Btaotb of Tha Mother Church Tbs First Cbxtcb of Christ, Scientit\, is Boston Massachusetts. Sunday Setttttt 11.$0 ~ . m. Isd V.ss p.m. Subject, July 19th, "LIFE" Subject: "THE RETURN OF ISRAEI TO JEHOVAH" Mr. King broadcasts over CKWX every Wtdnetday at 9:30 p. sx Baptist Church Pastor, Rev. H. P. Humphreys, Residence, 1343 Heywood Ave. Phone West 262R Sunday, July 19th. 10 a. m.--Sunday School. Classes for slh 11 a. m.--Morning Worship. Pastor will preach. Topic: "Limiting God." Brief address to children 2'30 -- Community service in United Church, Diamond Jubilee of British Columbia'9 entering Confederation. Now thank we all our God With heart and hands and voices Who wondrous things hath done, In whom this world rejoices; Who from our mother's arm Hast led us on our way, With countless deeds of love And still is ours today. Sunday Scbool at 10.00 ~ . m. Testimony Meeting Wedamdxr ~1 8.16 p, m. St. Stephen's Church Rector: Rev. A. Harding Priest, B.A. Trinity 7 (July 19th). 8 a. m.--Holy Communion. 10 a.m.--Sunday School and Bible Class. 11:16 a.m.--Morning Prayer. 7:15 p.m.--Evensong. The preacher on Sunday even- ing and at Caulfeild on Sunday afternoon will be the Ven. Arch- deacon Heathcote. The annual Sunday School pic- nic will be held next IVednesday at Second Beach, Stanley Park, the West Vancouver ferry leav- ing Ambleside for 8 direct run to English Bay at 10 a.m. Children of the Sunday School will be carried free, fare for adults and other children being 25 cents. There will be a full program of sports on the playground in the afternoon. New parishioners es- pecially are invited to attend, 7:SO -- Evening worship. Topic: "The Rule of Grace." A cordial invitation to all. St. Anthony's Church Pastor: Rev. Father Carey Residence: 2558 Marine Drive. Saturday--10 s. m. Bible His- tory and Catechism Classes. 7:30 p. m.--Confessions. Sunday--8:45 a. m. Holy Mass, Benediction. Week Days--7:30 a. m. Holy Mass. The Summer School at Camp Artaban opened on Monday with an attendance of nearly eighty. In addition to the young people of the pansh who went up on Monday, Miss Drusilla Dawson joined the camp on Thursday. The raspberry social last Fri- day night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. X. Hodgson was a most enjoyable affair and the excellent musical program given was much appreciated by all who attended. The council wrote the North- ern Construction Co., who have the contract for the new water tunnel, and a reply was received to the ell'ect that, while they would not want any laborers for some little time, they would be glad to receive from the council the names of competent work- men who were capable of doing this class of work. Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Patterson snd family, 1483 Gordon Ave., have returned from 8 holiday at Half Moon Bay and Selma Park. 1771 - 1930 4 Khanksgiuing Seruite Ijjt'jt! 4 THE DIAMOND JUBILEE Of rhc Prop(ncc of British Columbia Wcs( Vancouver Vnifcd Church, 3uly 19th, fpsf It 1.30 p.m. "0 CANADA" COM)IEhlORATION OF THE 1'lONEERS AND EAkLY SkfTLERS HYMN--"0 God wf Bethel." COhlhlEMORATION OF THOSE WHOSE LIVE HAVE BEEN GIVEN IN THklk COUNTRY'B SEkvlCK On tbix day of Thanksgiving it is etpeciaky appropriate that we should keep UI remembrance tbo&e brave men snd women wbo have made the Supreme Sacridte in the xttvica of tbait country. Ws cannot more wottbkr commemorate their memory than in prayer that we, the Uvixg, may derive strength mtd eoutaga to hold last the ptlntip)ex of service and freedom for wbltb tbty died. (To be fokowed by 0 mlttuts of complete skencs)) HYMN--"0 Vaksnt keattx." SCR1PTURE READING--Psalm 103--The Rtt. H. P. Hsmpbttrx BOLO--Mtx. J. D. Dosutsn. PRAYERS--The Ret. A. Hxtdlxg Priest. HYMN--"Now Tbxak Wa AU Ost God." ADDRF418--Tht ker. E A. Htsty, D.l). DOXOLOGY GOD SAVE THE KING THE BENEDICTION July 17, 1931. Hollyburn Hall Cor 14th & Duchess LORD'8 DAY-- 10 a. m.~Sunday School, il s. m.--Worship a n 4 Breaking of Bread. 7:16 p. m.--Song Service 7:30 p. m.--ADDRESS Speakers SIR. CHAS. NICOL 'rUEsDAY-- I 8 p.m.--Prayer and Bible Study. Dr. Marjory McCubbin I DENTIST Hcotx: 0 s. m. to 8 p. m. Sxtutdarti 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Evenings snd Saturday hfttt. noons by appolntmtst only. Royal Bank Bukdlsg 1'htme West 448 ketldtxte Phoae Wtxt $9$. NURSING HOME (iiltx. M. K t.aCbxstt, R.N.) 204 . 24th Sttttt Saxi Nottk Vastouttt Rtaidtmtt Phone: Nnttk 1$66R C. J. Overinjtton PIONEER BARBER 14th and Marine Expert Work Phone West 135 Get the habit Have your bait xbxmpaatd trimmed and waved every two weeks xnd imu wkl alwapi look smart, if you have unexpected visitors or intitattone. Call Hiss Clay, late of the Vogue axd Dot- cxx Hairdressing Parlors, for appointments at the Gweytdoly Iv Beauty Shoppe PHONE WEST 111 1640 hlatine Drive vosav l MARY & PICKFORD km Tatjlori' I Kl aettwu DW4W Mary ax a KID again NS)VS Ci nir l if -- 1'ABLS'I gvtxitst 7 ~ Id 9. Mxtittt 8at. 2:30 DADDY LONG w. LEGS Janet Gaynot YOUNG 8 Thos. liicighsn Loscsii)t(E W hw4 K High Thoughts "I can assure you, said the philosopher, "that 8 good wom- an'0 thoughts rise above dresL"I "That's right," agreed the cynic. "She'9 probably thinking of a new hat."