0001 THE WEST VAN NEWS July 3, 1931. ~pr Crrv ,r:vr hr "rr c s C prY'r s cr~ v rr vd "'I lp'prrl cs r'vc ~ C I r ca I %P 'CIP 1 Hc C" C I C C C"c ~ ~ Kr Pic'c' I:-'rr ~ . Cm . IIrs %C rr 'r J. ' r~,c« .'5-,r r C r'crrr rcrrc ' rprr. r ~Yrrrrrr rr rrr rrmrrrrrrU 1 rrrr c'.~r prrr cv pr rrr r ROBERTS'ETTER MEATS Phone West 190 Government Inspected Meats No. I Grade only Specials for CASH ! Hot House Tomatoes 15c lb. ONTARio CHEESE 20c lb. Alberta Creamery. No. I BUTTER 3 lbs. for 70c PRL1IE STEER BEEF Deep Sirloin, lb............ 23c Sirloin Tip, lb........ 25c Pump Roast, lb.......... 18c Round Bone Oven Roastlb.. 15c Blade Rib Roast, lb. -- 12 I/is Boiling Beef, lb............. Ioc Rolled Rib Roast, lb. 20c and 25c Minced Steak.... 2 lbs. 25c Lean Stewing Beef, 3 lbs. 25c ! Prime Beef Dripping 3 IIRL 25c. Clam Chowder 25 clams 6 potatoes I onion I 8 lb. finely cut pork 2 teaspoons salt 11 8 teaspoon pepper I quart milk Chop hard part of clams. Slice potatoes and onion then put pork into kettle and cook a short time, add potatoes, onion, seasoning and juice of clams. Cook 2tp(J hours; then add clams. Boil 15 minutes and just be- fore serving add hot milk. The small company of club members were crackling jokes. "Can anyone tell me the dif- ference between a Scotsman and a cocoanutv" asked one of the company. After a while, and as there was no answer forthcoming, the speaker decided to supply the answer. "IVOII," he said, "you can get a drink out of a cocoanut, but--" "Excuse me," put in one of the others, "but I happen to be a Scotsman. 1vould you like a drink?" "Delighted, thanks," replied the joker readily enough. "Then go out and buy yourself a cocoanut, laddie," smiled the Scot. The News Eggs! Eggs! Eggs! Pullet Extras 2 dozen 35c I.OCAI. VEAL Stewing Veal,... 2 lbs. 25c Oven Roast, lb. 18c and Zilc Cambridge Sausages 2 lbs. 25c Pork Sausages, lb....... 25e Ayrshire Bacon, sliced lb .......................... . 30c RACON By the Piece, lb... 28c Sliced, lb.. 30c - 35c hiorning and Afternoon Delivery to All I'arts. l Btxv Cosxmm BSADK SN CANADA &C l'I m;I 'Im " 11, ' Paul 'I wsI~ 'III ~ Is ~ IP m IIII x~ I Proud Parent (to his soo): I "I make yoo s very liberal ~Ilowsoos, aad yoo shoaM tril io save soias- thing oat of it." "I do, father. I'e already saved about 2JN0 cigarette coupons." Why Pay More? BUILD NOW WHEN PRICES ARE LOW Lumber for Ioxls Garage incloding Boor ............ 526.00 60 Ft. Close Board Fence 6.00 Shiplap from ............ 9.00 2x4 Common, sixod..... 9.00 2x 6 to 2x 12 cornmeal sited ................, .... 10.00 % x S Bungalow Siding, Cedar, shorts ........ 1.00 lx2 -6 aad 4 D. D. Fir, pvr 100 lio. ft.........so Cedar Lattice, psr 100 lin. feet ...................25 4 ia. Clear Gutter, any length, por lin. ft.....08 No. I XXX Shingles ..... 2.25 No. 2 Shingles .... 1.10 Wali Shingles .... 126 SPECI A LS 24x24--J Light Windows 2,.00 Sxio--i Light Sash ........ 1.00 lexis--4 Light Sash ... 1.16 Sxlo--6 Light Sash 1.26 Iox 1 2--8 Light Sash ........ 1.40 Gypros Plaster Board, Bolldisg I'spar, Fii Vossov asd aH Balldisg Malsrials AMBLESIDE LUMBER CO. LTD. isth asd Marine Drive Phoae West 199. Aftsr 6 p.m. Osk for Gsrry Dent Phoae Wast 241IL Smith 's Grocery THE RED AND WHITE STORES Dundarave,",",'„".,"'"„'„',„", Ambleside „",„"„".,'..." Quality Food Bargains Friday O'aturday, Ju«& & 4 l(EI.LOGO'S BRAN FLAKES or GRAPE I'RUIT, Saskisl, Seedless Pvp, per packet.........., .......... Ilc ' for Ssc L("VCH TONGUE, Aasiralisa, GHERKINS, Victory, Sweet large 12 os. tis............. Ssv hlidxsl. 12 ss. battle ......., 29s .'IIEhIBA, fav Jsms asd Jellies, ! ASSORTED IIISCUITS, Christie's Fruit I vviia. psr packet....... 15v Small packsis.................... 5c HEINZ CATSUI', PASTIIT FIJIUR, Ie lb. sack $1c Largo 14 os. bottle............ Sic I ILCHARDS. Snowcap, TEA or COFFEE ... S lbs. $ 1.80 I IK tine..........,...... 2 fov 19c lfoasy Saving Value l --.I'i Ib tins...................... 2 Ioi lhc DATE CAKE, Club Special, ) CH SPATE, Serv-as, yi IK packet isc I li lbs..................... Ssv BROO!HS, (I Whisk FREE with .'IESTLE'S .'IHLK, tall tins, I osvh Bream) ......................... 65O 2 for Ssc CREAM OF WHEAT, pvr pkt. Sic LEMON, I.IJIE or OR(NGE I'EARL IVHITE NAPTHA SOAP JL'ICE, Nabob, 12 os. botta 25O 6 bars 2$C ('HOCOLATE hlALTED hllLK I ln'SOAP FLAKFII, large Pkts lrv Serve either Hst OC Cold, I ll.ITCH HAZEL TOILET SOAP Bopdoa's I lb. tia......... 52c ' cakes I lc hve also carry Cooked Bleats, Ham, Bacon, Sausage, and Fresh Fruits and Vegetables HOLI.YBURN SCHOOL (Continued from Page i! and Forbes hlcDonsld (hiedical Cert !!!cate) . Helena Clegg eligible, but two not allowed. DIVISION VII. Proficiency--Dorothy Messln- ger. Deportment--hiary Clemente. Regularity and Punctuality-- Beatrice Spanks and Fied Davles DIVISION VIII. Proficiency--Enid Clement. Deportment--George Sakuari. Punctuality and Regularity-- Robert MacAdam and William Jenvey. DIVISION IX. Proiiciency--Takeshi Katooka Deportment -- Louise hIessin- ger. Punctuality and Regularity-- Billy Hill. DIVISION X. Proficiency--Betty Copeland. Deportment--Margaret Payne Punctuality and Regularity-- Evan MacDougall. When anyone steals your um- brella it's a sure sign of rain. It matters little what the average man thinks, just so he doesn't out loud. Only a fool will pay twice for the same experience. The wise man has his doubts, but only the fool is positive. JEFFERlES'UPERIOR MEATS Government Inspected O»y LAMB, BEEF, PORK, VEAL, ETc COOKED MEATS OF AI.L KINDS, DEI.ICATESSEN II (Two Stores for your service) HOLLYBURN STORE AhlBLESIDE STORE West 3 tvest 303 West Vancouver Lumber Co. 15th and Marine I.lhiITED Phone West 115 W. J. Turnbull, Manager, Residence Phone: West 368L SERVICE Everything for the Building. LU BER SASH DOORS ROOFING BUILDING PAPER Lamatco -- Gyproc -- Plasier Board Beaver Board -- Shingles Not Quite Right drawing-room he rushed up to Eustace had been taking a her with outstretched hand, good deal of trouble over dress- "I beg s thousand pardons for ing himself for the reception coming late!" he exclaimed. which a fashionable hostess was His hostess put on her most giving that evening. As s result gracious look. he was more than half an hour "My dear sir," she replied, "no late. apologies are needed. You can On being shown into the lady's never come too late." W HEN you use littlecurrent this summer you may wonder why you are charged a minimum amount. 'The reason is that certain "overhead" costs go on whether you use current or not. 'The meter must be read, the books kept, the bills delivered, the power plant kept in readiness, the lines maintained... all of which costs go on irrespective of the current you use. 'The minimum charge is the fairest way to charge each user the cost of his service. If no minimum charge were made, someone else would be paying for the cost of serving those who did not pay the minimum. Uy.t'.Ngcfifi G \ ~ C OPP BRITISH COLUMBIA ELECTRIC RAILWAY CO. LTD. I'N FAIRNESS TO ALL m I it ~ a d