0001 !9 ld i?ail ddf. bia& fissh fsfffg !)fe July 8, 1931. Ho11yburn THEATRE Tbuvvdsy, Friday aod Saturday WINNIR LIGHTNRH In "The Life of the Party" io leobeicoiov. Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday NARIS DRFSSLER WALLACE BEERY -- io-- 'Min and B111'lso Rin-Tin-Tin io "THE hiAN HUNTER" HOLI.YBURN SCHOOL j The following pupils were pre- sented with Cards of Merit for their work during the school year ending June 30. Honor Rolls are granted--one to the pupil of each division who holds first rank in Proficiency, one to the pupil who holds first rank in Deportment, and one to the pupil or to each pupil, who makes the best showmg during the year in Punctuality and Reg- ularity. Included in the list are the three Class Leaders making the highest marks in the June examinations. Division 1--Betty Elliott, Kent McCu)loch, Walter Pearson. Division 2; 8B--Ruth Williams, Eric Hoyle, Kathleen Love. Division 2 7A--Anne Clegg, Frances Jenvey, Doreen Elgar. Division 3; Grade 7B--Agnes Gray, Harold Johnson, Peggy Whipple. Division 3; Grade 6A--Elaine Kissick, Freda Rush, Alan Fraser. Division 4; Grade 6B--Doris Lashbrook, Edward Meglaughlin. Douglas Watt. Division 4; Grade 5B--Susan McLintock, Billy Dickinson, Don- ald Howieson. Division 5; Grade 5A--Char- tolle McDougall, Natalie Ratclif?, Norma Holliday. Division 6; Grade 4A--Audrey Corlan, Helena Clegg, Hiroshi Kataoka. Division 6; Grade 4B--Mar- garet Allen, Michael Parson, Richard Wilson. Division 7; Grade 3A--Dor- othy Messinger, Robert Willis, Douglas NcCartney. Division 8; Grade 3B--Jean McLeod, Moira McLeod, Dick Tanner, Division 7; Grade 2A--Norma 0 Minions, Enid Clement, HarriottMagoun. Division 9; Grade 2B--Take- shi Katooka, Mary Wilson, Mar- garet Willis. Division 9; Grade 1A--Louise Messinger, Jean de Gamage. Division 10 Grade 1A- (Divided Grade, see Div. 9)-- Betty Ccpeland, Davin Bill, (tie for 3rd place). Division 10; Grade IB--Mar- garet Payne, John Imwson, Freila Jenvey. HIGH SCHOOl. NiOTES Mr, James lt, Mitchell has been appointed assistant examiner for Matriculation Examinations. He left for Victoria on Wednesday and will spend several days at the capital. Nrs. Raid, commercial teach- er, is taking a summer school course at U.B.C. The Matriculation Fxamina- tions were completed on Tues- day. A total of 42 candidates wrote Departmental Examina- tions at the local High School. Reg. Hamilton of the Pauline Johnson School was in charge, with Mrs. Gemmill as assistant supervisor. A number of candidates wrote the High School Entrance Ex- aminations. Miss iMcSweyn of the High School staff was super- visor. Honor Promotion Atwood, Wm., Baxter, Alex., Leyland, Josie, Mason, Wm., Mercer, Jack. Honor Promotion (with completion of June Sup- plementals) Allwork, Barbara, Armstrong, Gordon, Brown, James, Craw- ford. Bob, Cummings, Marjorie, Forresf,er, Douglas, Johncox, Vera. Promoted Bloxham, Phyllis, Fraser, Mary, Kearns, Nancy, Kyte, John, Lindsay, Dorothy, Lloyd, Ethel, Lopatecki, Kenneth, Over- ington, Alice, Thackeray, I'aul, Timbrell, Tom, Watt, George, Young, Hattie, Baldwin, Chas. Conditional Promotion Andrews, Molly, Blair, Marian, Garrett, Jeanne, Humphreys, El- more, Lennox, Max, I.ettner, Jean, Stater, Norman. DIVISION III Honor Promotion Jones, Harry, Kendrick, John, Eager, Eleanor, McLintock, Wal- ter, i&faeon, Gerald, Saunders, hfargaret, Smallwood, Iris. Honor Promotion (with Supplemental examina- tions in June, 1931) Gray, David, Paton, Marjorie, Lefeaux, Laurence. Promoted by Examination Boshier, Ida, Hill, Marjorie, Crawford, Marjorie, Hodgson, Kathleen, Body, Eileen, Downey, Frank, Grieve, Tom, Lloyd, Jean- ne, MacNeil, Anna. Conditional Promotion Boshier, Dorothy, Bradshaw, Mary, Lettner, Mildred, Vickery, Efi'ie, Marsh, Carolyn, Wrfsberg, Margaret, Thomson, Wiffred, Irish, Ronald. GRADE 9B Honor Promotion Shirlaw, Irene, Long, Tom, Lopatecki, Eugene. I'romoted by Examination MacNair, Douglas. Barr, Bev- erley, Gamage, Barbara, Stone- man, Muriel, MacPhail, Alan, Elgar, Ian, Grif?iths, Thelma, Reid, George. I'romoted ConditionaBy Johncox, Frances, Allan, Ida, Young, Aileen, Phillips, Mabel, Willington, Norman. THE WEST VAN NEWS '~EXAMINATION RESUI.TS Royal College of!Ilusic and Royal Academy of 3!usic Intermediate Crade f)istinctfon- Hodgson, Beatrice, violin, Miss Margaret Mclntyre. Pass- Elliott, Betty, Mrs. Knight Hodge. Higher Division Distinction- Hodgson Beatrice'iss Mar- garet Mcintyre. Honorable Nention- Nash, Gertrude M.; Mrs. F. Knight Hodge. Williams, Ruth; Miss Margar- et Mclntyre. Pass-- Marsh, Carolyn; Mrs. J. E. Durbin. Hardman, Margaret; Mrs. F. Knight Hodge. lxlwer Division Honorable Mentios- Babcock, Burnice; Mrs. F. Knight Hodge. Whipple, Peggie; Mrs. F. Knight Hodge. Johnson, Geraldine; Miss Mar- garet McIntyre. Pass-- Cross, Madeline; Mrs. F. Knight Hodge. hicLennan, Pearl; Miss Mar- garet McIntyre. Elementary Division Honorable Mention- Addy, Doreen, Mrs. J. E. Dur- bin. Ajello, Julian; Nrs. J. E. Dur- bin. McMillan, Margaret Mrs. J. E. Durbin. Kinlock, Jean; Mrs. F. Knight Hodge. Willows, Rome (idolin); Miss Margaret McIntyre. Weeden, Patricia; Miss iMar- garet McIntyre. Pass-- Wyatt, Barbara; Mrs J. E. Durbin. Primary Division Honorable Mention- McCullough, Nuriel; Mrs. F. Knight Hodge. Pass-- Greenwood, Dorothy; Mrs. F. Knight Hodge. Preliminary Division Herring, Blossom; Mrs. F. Knight Hodge. Rudiments of Music Elliott, Betty; Mrs. F. Knight Hodge„ The annual presentation of certificates will take place as usual on Wednesday, September 30th, afternoon and evening in the Ball Room of the Hotel Van- couver. The apple crop will probably be 25;6 short of the 1930 crop. The 25 lb. potato sack is be- coming very popular. They Know Better If wives only knew what stenographers think of their husbands, they would quit wor- rying. ~.0 %~ |i-vwvv. I, IFuteIn 0 certain newspaper of?ice they have on the staff 0 clever caricaturist.~ One day the editor passed 0cutting remark about his work, whereupon the artist drew a lib- ellous picture of the editor, which later fell into his victim' hands. He sent for the perpetra- tor, and holding up the drawing, said, angrily: "Are you respon- sible for this'" "Not at all," replied the artist, blandly, "your parents are." One of the M/cvi Vancouver Schooh It Is never safe to look into the future with eyes of fear, Wife: I was terribly embar- rassed at the dance, Your hand- kerchief hung out from under your coat sll evening. Nubby: Well, set your mind at ease, honey. That wasn't my handkerchief--it was only my shfrLIA!L Making lt Easy for Dsd Tell me the truth now, Eric. Who did your home exercises T Father. Quite alone T No, I helped him with it, So Happy "And is your daughter 'appily married?" "Yes, rather. 'Er husband is scared to death of her." Many spoil much good work for the lack of a little more. Loganberries promise to be plentiful. CLASSIFIED ADS eats is 2 vesls pvr worl, misimsm bsvisg rvgslav sccessle, sa dsssi-The rate for ClsvdAed Advvvtkmm 25 vvmls. Except Is lbe case of lbase A~ svv psychic mvidfy ls sdvssve. Remember CismiSeds is Ibe Wvvl Vss News gvl immediate vcssaa LOST--Tuesday Evening from 24lb Ave. ssd Kmgv. yvssg male val, iixbl gvsy with dark msvkisgs. Phone, Urv, West 3SX. WANTED--Stove, bsvisvvv ov part- nership ie West Vancouver. Psvlic- s!avv lo Wiiiismv, c/o West Vss News. WEBB'S SHOE REPAIRS WEAR BEST --Dsodsvsvv NEW GARDENS CONSTRUCfED- Original des!Aim in garden decers- I!oss, Lawov, Pslbs, Artistic Rock Gardens sod Pools, Landscape Gsr- deoieg, 08 Iwsecbcv. Moderate prices. R. J. Kyle, revidvoce phone West 69L2, FOUNDATION CEMENT WORK- Lsodscsping sed Lawns laid. RacE walls dvaiov svpl'c lao!is feedag ssd land clearing, chimneys sod fsr vcvs cleaned ssd vcpsirmL Pt i T. Bsraott reek!voce phone Wv 290R. Ai.i. THE BEST Brands of Cigsvv. Cigarettes sed Tobaccos Also Ex change Poker Hands sod Consol cards Free, Amb!elide Tva Rooms. FOR RENT--Comfortable snd Fall& Modern. Agreeable !ovation. Al- lrsclive sppvsrssce. Large living room with Arepiace. Reception sed Kitchen Avvl Aoor. Three goad bvd. rooms. First class plumbing. Gar- age. Excvneel basement. A real good house. 610 a month lo careful tenant, C. J. Avcbvv, 791 Daevmuir Sl., Seymour 5953, West 226. What An Appetite! Her father was looking very stern. "You'e far too extravagant, Doris," he said. "What do you want five pounds for now?" "A new evening frock," she re- plied. "Evening frock!" he exclaim- ed. "But, good gracious, girl, I bought you 0 new evening frock only last week. What's happened to that?" Her eyes filled with tears. "It's gone, father," she said. "I put it away in the cupboard and a horrible moth ate it." Know Thy Home "Has anything happened while I have been out?" "No, ma'm. except that the door you are leaning against has been repainted." Suspicious Sheep Suspicious Old Lady: Is that real wool on those sheepT Farmer: Why certainly, mad- am. Suspicious Old Lady: I'l bet it's half cotton. SNAP--Bvsslifsl view Isi. 60s 132. North side of Mstbvvv bvlwves 23rd avid 24lb. Oil sppvv Icvvi bile nell, 5'160. Terms lo snit. Phone Wvsl 96LR LOST--410 Tsvvdsy, bise vsamvavd ~vboo1 pie; Lslis inscription, be- tween buv, bask, sod municipal halL Phone West 20SRL LOST--Tse Sweater bviwvea Kvitb Reed ssd Cspiisso vmselcry. Piesvv phone West 340L LOST--Smsa Misk Fsv vw Wvdsvs- dsy, between Dssdsvsve asd Ambic- ~ide. Phone Wvvl 239Y. LOST--Smsa Fernale Bmtow Bell. Iigbl bviiidiv, vvvy svvvmm, Rvvmmh Phone West 19R. ROCKERY Av!D ALPINE PLAVfs for sale from isrgc coavclios. C. G. Barrow, Corner 24lb sed Neisoa. Phone West 9SL2. FOR I'LUMBING REPAIRS -- Res- idence Phoae West 241K. CANADIAN LEGION EmpIoysvvsl Department. Hssdy mvs for 00 work Phone West 'IIY MARCELLE SHOP -- MsvceRm 50 cents'evel, 26c Anger wave, '15c. Phone Mrv. King. West 304. I"OR PAINTLVG, KALSOMIN1NG- Apply C. L. Kosmgs, ResMesce phoae IV eel 2948. GEO. HA.Y Established 1912 Real Estate and Insurance Notary Public FIRE LNSURANCE FOR RENT--Fsrsisbvd asd Usfevs- isked Hmmva. Money Avaiisbiv for Movtgsgvs os "Modevs Homes" 1405 Marine Drive Office Pboes Weel 21 or Svy. 1260 Residence Phoae W. 32R or W. 204K Painting and Kalsomining The Scbad Board m vaiimg for tenders oe Psmlmg asd Kaivomuueg is the Honybuvn School snd Pseiise Johnson An- ovx. SpvciAcstioss may be ob- laievd from the Secvvlsry, Wmvt 4 27L Teedevs lo be in by IVvdees day, July Slb, 1931. The lowest or any tender ool necessarily acceplmh H. B. GARLAND, Secretary, Board of Sebmd Trvwteea COAL TENDER VANCOUVER CREOSOTING CO„LTD. NORTH VANCOUVER Tenders are invited for the supply of 180 tons of scow run coal, Vancouver Island or Alberta, to be delivered to the schools of West Vancouver, 130 tons before August 31st, 1931, and 60 tons between that time and May 31st, 1932. All tenders to be in not later than 5 p.m. Wednesday, July 8th, 1931. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. H. B. GARLAND, Secretary, Board of School Trustees, P.O. Box 231, Hollyburn, B. C. ~ v v , hyrJI 'vr h wrr h h