0001 F S,) q ETc. Circulating t'n $1.00 per year. A Weekly Newspaper the District of West Vancouver-A nsbleside, Hollyburn, Weston, Dundarave Cypress Park, Caulfeild, Whytecliff, Etc. N~mtands 5 Imr ~y V BI V I S[X PAGES HOLI.YBURN I'.O., WEST VANCOUVER. B.C., FRIDAY, JULY 3. I931 No. 6 37082 'Co,,„.; gailli "1!L PAPER XTYRP„ ioy even. Ist&rois o pop!I e fohov. hade 'ildsi ...1ldki .Baauaaaa I Tbaspm .gallar .... saint 1 gdlar -"l Rane ] iotgvaog'ies io "~ rhsgill." „tkoothm ) 'gfk" BAND NEIVS The West Vancouver School band is to be kept busy during the holidays. On Sunday, July 5th, 'it will play at Hollyburn Pier from 3 to 4:30. On Wed- nesday the band has been invited to play at a garden party at the home of Mrs. Church, Shaugh- nessy Heights. On Thursday, July 16, it will assist at the Legion W. A, party to be held at the home of hfrs. Hsmpson. Other concerts will be arranged during the summer. Two rehearsals a week will be held during the holidays and it is very important that everyone attend. COMING EVENTS 16th July -- Garden Party by Legion W. A. with the assist. ance of other West Vancouver organizations on Mrs. Hamp- son's grounds, 20th and Ful- ton, in aid of the Miss Silk Fund. jl" I Cane I CHARLES RIDLEY BADI Y INJURED IN TRUCK ACCIDENT Charles Ridley of A. J. Ridley and Sons was seriously injured last Sunday when his milk truck slipped into the ditch near 16th and hfathers. He was standing on tbe footboard at. tbe. time with another driving, and, when the truck went oif the road; wan rolled between the body of the vehicle and the side of the bank. He was taken to the North Van- couver General Hospital, where dt was discovered his pelvis had been broken in several places. He is now making as good progress as can be expected. RECITAL BY MISS hlclNTYRE'S PUPILS 1VELL ATTENDED A large number of parents and friends filled the Legion Mem- orial Hall last Wednesday even- ing on the occasion of the recital given by the pupils of Miss Mar- garet McIntyre. The program was a varied one, and the young artists, both in piano and violin, delighted the audience with their playing, which was of a finished quality and characterized by ex- cellent technique and light and shade effects. The numbers put on by the students'rchestra were remarkably good. Miss Gertrude Thompson, the assist- ing soloist, who is a pupil of Mrs, Colin MacLean, gave two vocal solos in a very happy and pleasing manner, which were well received by the audience. At the conclusion of the program Miss Mclntyre was presented with two beautiful bouquets from her pupils, a number of whom had been made happy by gifts of flowers earlier in the evening. HOME OIL Ol'ICIAI 9 ARE HOSTS TO NORTH SHORE DEALERS North Shore dealers in Home Oil prmlucts were guests of of- ficials of Home Oil Distributors Limited Friday evening in the K. P. Hell. H. G. Fowler, general manager of the company, spoke briefly on "Economy and Gallonage," and Frank C. Anders, superintendent'f sales promotion and mainten- ance, chose for the topic of his brief address, "Prosperity and ~ You." G. H, hiorden presided. )VEST VANCOUVFR HIGH SCHOOl bPAULIVE JOHNSON SCHOOI Rolls of Honor Div. 1, Deportment -- Ernes- tine Weeden. Regularity--Dorothy Dickin- son, Bill Hawkes, Gordon Mast- erman, Harry Phillips, Robert Ward, Madeline Eccleston, Gert- rude Thompson. Division 2A, Deportment--Al- ton Grafton. Regularity--Joyce Dickinson, Frank Hodgson, Fred Master- man, Edwaril Sheifield, Edith White. Division 2B Proiiciency- John Gordon-Moe, Deportment -- Margaret Bar- ker. Regularity--Ralph Burbridge, Nora Dent, Betty Gourlay, Bob- by Robson, Aubrey Shellard. Division 3, Proficiency--Pat- ricia Wallace. Deportment--Doreen Bernard. Regularity-- Pixie Reid, Lea- l ie Shellard, Douglas Shellard, Donald Sharman, Helen Shef- field, Audrey Todd, Gordon Ritz. Division 4, Proficiency, Grade VH--Jack Macleod, Via Ver- schoyle 1fartin Deportment--Jack Ritz. Regularity -- Walter Parker. Roberts Dawson, Milton Ward, Thor Rafner, Evelyn McGowan. Division 5, Proficiency--Bren da Wicking. Deportment--Hazel Sangster. Regularity --, Dorothy Shar- man, Harry Parker, Joan Thomp- son, Jack Mastennan, Peggy Anderson, Ronald Hawkes. Division 6, Proficiency--Paul Jagger. Deportment--Muriel Shellard, Attendance -- Kenneth Shel- lard, Kenneth Gordon-Moe, Helen Wrisberg, Robert Kendrick, Pet- er Greer, Margaret McMillan. Division 7, Proficiency--Pam- ela Little. Deportment--Charles Forster, Regularity--Will Nicol, James Anderson, Jessie Wrisberg, Rob- ert Sheffield, Margaret Curry, Rhoda Hoffman„ Division 8, Proficiency~oan Luke. Deportment--Paulene Greer. Regularity -- George Allison, Robert Curry, hfargaret Hilborn, Alia Rahy, Gloria Stamatis, Norma IVare. Division 9, Proficiency--Alan Frederick Ritz. Deportment -- Frank Parker Eccleston. Regularity -- Betty Doreen Thompson, Ronald Bone. I Legioa Notes A general meeting of the Can- adian Legion, West Vancouver branch, will be held in the Legi- on Memorial Hall next Monday'vening,6th July, at 8 p.m. A- mong the business coming before the meeting will be the electiou of a new president rendered nec- essary by the retirement of Major B. H. Harrison, Every member is requested to make a special point of being present. Grade XI students writing Junior Matriculation: -- Arm- strong, Bonita M.; Clemente, William Robert; Cornish, Geof- frey J.; Davidson, Harry; Dor- chester, Joan; Dorward, N.; Ed- wards, Gordon; Edwards, Jane Elizabeth; Gibson, Thomas Gleed, Ida; Gracey, Irene; Had- win, Barbara F.; Hamilton, Har old Ian; Harrison, Rupert A.; Hoyle, Jessie; Long, Joe G.; Mc- Lintock, Margaret; Nash, Ber- nar&l; Nash, Kenneth J.; O'Don- nell. Agnes Mary; Parker, Eric Reid, Robert; Savory, Elizabeth M.; Smith, Wm. Roy; Stewart, Clayton; Thompson, Grace; Vaughan, Alan W.; Watt, Jack T.: Weir, James; Curtis, Joan Marion. Writing partial or completing Junior Matriculation:-- Fiddes, Robert; Irish, Wingett; Lightly, Thomas H.; Page, Edith Con- stance; Lettner, Stanley; Reid, Barbara; Larnie, Thomas; Hutchison, Jean. The following students have had perfect attendance during the year 1930-31: Grade XI--Bonita Armstrong, Geoffery Cornish, Allan Dickin- son, Tom Gibson, Jessie Hoyle, Robert Reid, Alan Vaughan, Jack Watt, Constance Page. Tom Gibson and Robert Reid have had perfect attendance throughout their High School course. Grade X.-- William Atwood, Alex. Baxter, Bob. Crawford, Evelyn Dickinson, Elmore Hum- phreys, Vera Johncox, Jack Mer- cer. Grade X, Commercial -- Win- gett Irish. Grade IX A--Ronald Irish. Grade IX B--Ian Elgar, Fran- ces Johncox, Alan MacPhail, Geo. Reid, Jim Stevens, Norman Wil- lington. Grade IX, Commercial--Mar- jorie Vernon. GRADE X--COMMERCIAL Honor I'romotion To Grade XI Commercial in alphabetical order. Brealey, Hazel; Cripps, May; Ray, Lulu. With Examinations in certain subjects. Gamage, Flora; Seabloom, Margaret. Promoted by Examination In order of hferit. King, Agnes; Pyne, Julie; Rox- burgh, Ella; McCrum, Irene; Peterson, Luella; Boyd, Nedra. Promoted Conditionally Hodwle, Muriel; Dawson, Mur- iel; Johnson, Phyllis; Bell, hIur- iel: Murray, hfarjorie; Sander- son, Clementine. SPECIAL COMMERCIAL Completed Special Course in order of merit. Irish, Wingett; Reid, Barbara; Grafton, Lawrence. Passed conditionally. Stewart, Donald. GRADE IX COhlMERCIAI I'ass List Honor I'romotlons Grand, Frances; Hutchison, Jean; Ritz, Helen; Strong, Norah Honor Promotion Writing certain subjects in June. Anderson, Maurice; Busst, Massie; Smith, Lucy; Vernon, Marjorie. I'assed Royd, Gail; Currie, Jean; Sheifield, Jack; Tearoe, 1Valter. Passed Conditionally Cullin, Doris; Corbett, Florrie; Donaldson, Wylma; Eddington, Mary; MacLeod, Iwone. RUILDING PERMITS $19,850 During the month just ended 11 building permits were Leaned of a total value of $ 19,850, made up of 10 permits for dwellings amounting to $19,700 and I per- mit for an addition, value $150. In view of the general depres- sion it is interesting to note that the total value of building per- mits issued in West Vancouver for the six months ending 30th June, 1931, are $ 10,435 in excess of the figures for the same period last year. Particulars are as fol- lows: Building permits for six months ending 30th June, 1931, $ 102,925. Builoiug pei mits for six months ending 30th June 1930, $92,490. Gain over corrmponding six months for 1930, $ 10,435. ~HOI.LYBURN SCHOOL DIVISION I. Honor Roll Pupds Proficiency--Betty Elliott. Deportment--Evelyn Meuse. Punctuality and Regularity-- Waiter Pearson, Olive Childs. John Clegg, Doreen Childs, Jean Duncan, Charles Miles. DIVISION IL Proficiency--Ruth Williams, Deportment--hlay Armstrong Regularity and Punctuality-- Gordon Jones and Alex. Mac- Aulay. DiVISION HI. Proficiency--Agnes Gray. Deportment--Ruth Nelson. Regularity and Punctuality-- Peggy Davies. Margaret Dickin- son, Jean Hill, Ian Rush, Jim hfacDonald, Alan Fraser. DIVISION IV. Proficiency--Susan McLintock Deportment--Peggy Napier. Regularity and Punctuality-- Helen Booth, Audrey Burkhart, Rilly Dickinson, Cliiford Hill, Donald Howieson, Stanley James, Jack Kearns, Edward Meglaugh- lin. Lila Reynolda, Douglas 1Vatt, Kenneth McNair. DIVISION V. Proficiency -- Charlotte hfc- Dougall. Deportment--hluriel lteynolds Regularity and Punctuality- hlitsuko Okada, Iona Kerrison, Mary Thomson, Eric Schuberg. DIVISION VI. Proficaency--Helena Clegg. Deportment--Beryl Traish. Regularity aild I'unctuality- Audrey Corlan, Jessie Device, Kathleen Davies, TedaLv Clegg, Doreen Kerley, Desmond Elgar, Hiroshi Kataoka, Margaret Bill (Continued on Page 6) Trustee Mr. Russell distribut- ed the Rolls of Honor and Special Prizes to the pupils of Pauline Johnson School on Tuesday. The pupils were assembled in the yard with their teachers and were addressed by the Trustee, ex-Trustee Jackmen and the Principal. PRESENTATION TO MISS BITCH IE At the closing exercises of Pauline Johnson School a very pleasing incident occurred when two girls, Betty Barker and Msdeline Eccleston, presented to Miss Ritchie a beautiful mantel clock from the folk-dancing class in appreciation of her eiforts in this phase of the school activi- ties. R. P. Bloiver's application on behalf of a client to subdivide Lot 1, Block E, east part D. L. 775, into a north and south half was approved by the counciL COUNCIL NOTES The council made a grm 1 $25 to the Salvation Anny, a representative of whom was present to aok for the usual grant towards social service work. The Lynnmour and District Sports Association wrote in ref- erence to a grant for their sports. The council stated that ow- ing to no provision haadng been made, they were not in a posi- tion to accede to the club's re- quest. They trusted, however, that their field day on July 11th would be a success. James Clark made application to the council to cut timber on D.L. r 13. His request was grant- ed. L. 0, L. I O Ia pao 2990 wdl hold then meeting next Tuesday at 8 p.m. in the Orange Hall, when the cer tificate of a brother from Ed monton will be balloted on. Final arrangements will also be made in connection with the 12th July cekbration in New Westminster. On the latter date the lodge will open at i a.m. and the parade will start from the Orange Hall here at 8 a.m. headed by the Orange Band. tafiVEST VANCOUVER hlliSICAL CLI B At a meeting of the executive held recently programs for the coming season were planned and a very interesting schedule may be expected by West Vancouver music lovers. The opening program is to be devoted to Grand Opera and many well known and some not so familiar airs will be heard. One recital is to be devoted to music of the British Isles, ooe to German or Prussian «omposers and possibly one to light opera. The recitals as usual will take place on the first Friday of each month in the Legion Hall. GIRI DROWNED AT HOI I YBLRN Emma Oscar, 14, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Oscar, Bowser avenue, Capibano, was drowned at Hollyburn wharf at 3 i45 p.m. Wednesday. Police state that the girl dived with the intention of ascertaining how long she could remain under water. She failed to appear for several minutes and was uncon- scious when taken from the water. Dr. A. C. iVash and Dr. Dor- othy hiiller were called and, with Constables G. W. Shepherd and Charles Hailstone and three members of the Swimming Club worked on the girl for more than three hours with a pulmotor, but their efforts failed. An emerg- ency cafi was sent to North Van- couver Fire Hall for an addition- .al supply of oxygen and Fire Chief Murphy also rendered as- sistance. Dr. Harold Dyer, coroner, re- ports having investigated and believes death was due to a heart condition. It is unlikely, he stat- ed, an inquest will be held. The body was removed to Harron Bros. da Williamson's undertak- ing rooms. Deceased is survived by her parents, two meters and a broth- er. Another sister died suddenly three years ago while boarding a North Vancouver ferry.