0001 Jw tarorr r 'rr. 4 44'rr4w wrr cmr w 4r I rrwv w re 4 r w'rr 4r44 P \4 *4/» '44 24 w r4 'SrP4 ~ '. Ihr I z'4x 4v44I'r 'vr rr,rrI'rrr'. r4wr rerrr v".r rr5w rcr -" ph rrrr~ Irr -r zrrr 'Vrr Smith 's Grocery THE RED AND WHITE STORES Dundarave,","-"..,"'"„'.,',„". Ambleside „'"-'„"„',„," Quality Food Bargains Friday O'aturday, June &+ & &7 SHREDDED WHEAT. per pkt. 1st ROYA&. Cko)hN SOAI', f'ACIFIC MILK, tall tins, 3 tins 33c 8 bsz carton 23 SHAKER SA&.T, Regal Save the wrzppem for useful gifts 2&b. car&os ..................... &ec; JIF Sos&"I.AKES. 'Suds In s BREAD, Serves. (24mz iozv1%) isc CAKE, Club, Dark Fruit 2 Rz cake ... ..... .... ... 50c S&.ICED I'EACHES, Rozeuz, (Asztrziizz) large No. 2&'1 nw ... .... ............. .. 25& SUNK&ST ORANGES-- Iigy/ large pk&z .... „... &sc JU1hiiu) CA&&BOL&c SOA&', 4 czkzz &hc STRA&i'BERRY JAh&. Nabob, New Reavow' I'zxk, 4 lb. tin 504 CA)&PING SUGGESTIONS "OTTED MEATS, St. frere, Smsu dozes 234 5&AYONNA&SE, Best Fmxfz,16 oa. Izr.................,. 44c Red &h )&hue FLOOR WAX, FELIX GINGER ALF 13 ptzts 1 ib tin -- --. 354 dmcx -- - 'Si if PORK a BEANSI Ayimer, Also -- Oiires, &'&eh&ex, Lime Juice. Orange Juice, etc. CORNED SERI", Fray Beziox qUAKER CRACKS&.S, per pkt. &4», 1 Rt tis ....................... 15& VVe also carry the finest Ham, Bacon Cooked hfeats, Sausage, Eflfls. Etc. Helpful Hints ROBERTS'ETTER lN EATS Phone West 190 Covernment Inspected Meats No. 1 Grade only Specials for CASH ! Hot House Tomatoes 2 lbs. 35c. I.EG YOUNG I.OCAL LAhIB lb.. 35c ! Alberta Creamery No. I BUTTER 3 lbs. for 70c PRIME STEER BEEF Deep Sirloin, lb.. 23c sirloin Tip, lb.......... 25c Rump Rc,tst, lb ......... 180 Prime P.iii Roast. lb..... 1«c Round Bone Oven Roast lb. 15c Blade Rib Roast, lb .. 12'/zc Boiling Beef, lb......... 10c Rolled Rib Roast, lb. ................ 20c and 25c Minced Steak.... 2 lbs. 25c Lean Stewing Beef, 2 lbs. 25c ! Prime Beef Dripping 3 lbs. 25c. PORK Legs (fores) lb....... 13c Butts, lb........ 18c Eggs! Eggs! Eggs! Pullet Extras 2 dozen 39c LOCAL VEAL Stewing Veal, .... 2 lbs. 25c Oven Roast, lb. 18c snd 20c Cambridge Sausages 2 lbs. 25c Pork Sausages, lb........ 25c Ayrshire Bacon, sliced lb ........ .................. 30c BACON By the I'iece, lb.. 28c Sliced, lb. 30c . 35c Morning and Afternoon Delivery fo All Parts. Rains in the interior have helped the strawberry and vega table crops. Glass-covered containers are best for butter as they keep it fresh and sweet. The glass is non-absorbing snd is easily cleaned. To destroy the odor of smoke, put a basin of water in a room, leave overnight and keep the window slightly open. The air will be quite sweet by morning. Grease stains on leather msy be removed by applying benzine or pure turpentine, Wash the spots afterwards with the well beaten white of an egg or a good" leather reviver. A tablespoon of white viregar added to the water when rinsing white silk frocks or hose will help greatly to keep the pure color. If shelves are necessary. in your kitchen, have them placed low enough to be within easy reach. Then useless things will not be placed there and allowed to remain. If the fat for frying becomes hot before you are quite ready for it, drop a piece of dry bread into it. It will prevent the fat from burning. Hardened paint brushes will become soft again if boiled in vinegar. Why Pay More? BUILD NOW WHEN PRICES ARE LOW Lumber for IoziS Garage including floor ............ 626.00 60 Ft. Close Board Fence 6.00 Shipisp from ...,...... 9.00 2x4 Common, sixed..... 9.00 2 x 8 to 2 z12 common, sized ................ 10.00 % x 8 Bungalow Siding, Cedar, shorts ....,.......... 7.00 1x2 -3 zsd 4 D. D. Fir, per 100 Iin. ft..............60 Cedar Lattice, pez 100 Iin. feet .......,..................., .25 4 in. Clear Gutter, any length. per iin. ft....08 Nm I XXX Shingles .,„.. 2.60 Na 2 Shingles ............. 130 Wall Shingles ............. L25 SPECIALS Iz3 sed 1z4 Na. 1 Angle grain Scoring ................ 628.00 24x24--2 Light Windows 2„00 sxis--4 Light Sash ........ 1.00 fox12--1 Light Sash ... 1.16 fxie--8 Light Sash ... 1.26 10x12--8 L&ght Sash ...... 1.40 Gyproc Plaster Board, Building I'aper, Fir Veneer zxd sR Bxiidisg Materials AMBLESIDE LUMBER CO. LTD 15th ssd Marine Drive Phoae West 199. Alter 6 p.m. zzk foz Gerry Dent Phone West 241R. THh WEST VAN NEWS 4w) 1 Cypress Falls One of West Vancouver'4 beauty spots. DR. TELFOIID'S LECTURE Dr. Lyle Telford addressed 8 capacity audience at the Orange Hall on Thursday, June 18th, on "The Present Crisis and the Way Out." T. FL W. Russell was in the chair. The first speaker was E. Winch, Parliamentary candidate elected for Burnaby,and he spoke very convincingly on the ethics and principles of Socialism. Dr. Telford in his well known eloquent style spoke very feel- ingly concerning the present fin- ancial 2nd industrial crisis. He condemned the capitalistic sys- tem in no uncertain terms, ask- ing if anybody could find 8 reas- onable excuse for a condition in which large numbers of the people are on the verge of starv- ation in 8 land of plenty 7 The way out he asserted wss to change the system so that the means of production would be owned by the people, so that pro- duction would be for use and not for private profit. He asked for questions and criticism. A few questions were asked and ans- wered but no criticism was of- fered. A resolution was moved from the floor that a branch of the Independent Labor Party be formed and 8 committee was appointed for that purpose. The collection was so generous that after paying expenses 8 bal. ance was handed to Dr. Telford to help financ his Wednesday evening broadcasts. Silver Cake 2/3 cup butter 2 cups fine sugar Wh)tes of s&x eggs 2 teaspoons baking powder 4 cups flour I/4 teaspoon salt 3/I cup milk I teaspoon almond extract Cream butter and sugar; sift flour, baking powder snd salt 8 times; add gradually to creamed butter and sugar; then the milk, almond extract, snd lastly the stiffly beaten whites. Best well and bake in 0 moderate oven. Further Du&look--Dry The family were at supper when the vicar called, so mother hsd to slide the bottle under the table, "Good evening," she said, "It' stormy tonight." "Yes," replied the vicar "no doubt we shall get some more hail." "I don't think you will," re- marked little Willie, "mother has just put it under the table." I - II, II: I. JEFFERIES'UPERlQR MEATS LAMB, BEEF, PORK, VEAL, ETc. COOKED hlEATS OF Al.l. KINDS, DEI.ICATESSEN (Two Stores for your service) I $ HOLLYHURN STORE AXIHLESII)E STORE West 3 West 303 West Vancouver Lumber Co. !5&h and hfarine I.I XIITED Phone West 115 W. J. Turnbull, h!anager. Residence I'hone: West 3681 SERVICE Everything for ihe Building. LU BER,9 SASH DOORS ROOFING BUILDING PAPER Immatco -- Gyproc -- I'luster Board Beaver Board -- Shingles RECITAL BY I'Ul'HS OF hHHS MARGAIIET MclNTYRE. A recital will be given at 8:15 o'lock next Tuesday even- ing, 30th instant, by the pupils of Miss Margaret Mclntyre in the Leigon hlemorisl Hall. Miss Gertrude Thompson, s pupil of Mrs. Colin MscLean, will be assisting vocalist. The follow- ing is the program: PROGRAM ORCHESTRA--Andante Rw&iglozo ....................................................Theme ! 1st Vioiins: Nancy Rudolph, Mzr!erie Murray, Rome Willows, Beatrice Hodgzon, Charlie Miles. 2nd Vioiins: Irene Grzcey, Mary Murray, Ernest Har- rison, Tom Turner, Ted Shegield. 'Cello: Alan hfcIntyze. PIANO-- f On the Uplands................................ Butler ) Sailor Dance ..Dunk&i& BRENDA WICKING VIOLIN--Serenade .............................................................. Ziichez CHARLIE MILES PIANO-- f Pzeiude ............................................ Stezndaie-Bennett I May-Night ....................................... Paimgren HAZEL BREALEY VIOLIN--Slumber Song .....................--..--.--.............---..-. Czzze JESSIE DAVIES (Certiscste B. C. Musical Festival) PIANO-- Etude in D.......................................................... Heiier Ecosssize in B Minor................................ Beethoven GERALDINE JOHNSON PIANO--Polliwog ................ MURIEL VIGAR VIOLIN--Tsrsnteiie ................................................. . Dvzdis MARJORIE MURRAY id] PIANO-- Melody ........................................ ......... Taylor Ls Bourbonnaize Couperin PATTY WEEDEN PIANO-- f Study in C Minor ..................,......... I Scherxetto . RUTH WILLIAh&S VIOLIN DUET-- f Szdnezz................„.............,.... Pastorale .................................................. Godzrd BEATRICE HODGSON snd IRENE GRACEY (Certiscatez B. C. Musical Festive&) 1 PIANO--Goblin's Frolic ...............,................................ Heiiar qiz GORDON VINCE SONGS-- f Slumber Boat ................................................. Geyser Shepherds snd hfzidenz .........................................Lotti ~ GERTRUDE THOMPSON (Pupil of Mrs. Colin Me&Less) PIANO-- Minuet................................................................... Beethoven Scotch Poem ................................................. MeooweR BEATRICE HODGSON IPVIOLIN-- f Es Berceau ................... ........ Szzr t Irish Lilt IRENE GRACEY ] PIANO--Prelude, Op. 28, Noe. 6 znd 7) .............. ........Chopin I PEGGY GLEN VIOLIN--Solitude ............ .. Devsux TED SUP%FIELD PIANO--Polish Chivalry PEGGY DAVIES VIOLIN--Larghetto A Allegro (Senate in D) ........................... Hzndv& BEATRICE HODGSON (Silver hfedsiiist, B.C. Musical Festive&) ORCIIESTRA-- ( Czsdie Song ...,...................................... Hsumr I Trsumbiid ................... „...................... Vos Bios 4 How the weeks fiy when you'e Habit 5 8 cable. Daily we $ finding money for the payroll. weave each strand until we can' Some men wifl take sn awful break it. lot of abuse to keep frozn paying To dodge difficulties is to lose )I. their bills. the power of decision. You sre justified in hoping for Look within for happiness; ' the beat if you'e paid for it in troubles wfil come without being I advance. looked for. Thompson He)ier Grant i MACLEAN'S ORANGE PEKOE TEA - "The Pick of the Pack",