0001 m w m 'I r.- )4 v Ircr r rcrv: v r. r~A 'rW' V v w' m mjr' r ~ 't r' r ~ ' I 5 :rvvvp lrl'r ucm- 4~-'r 't'r 4" vr ~' ~ ~xr Xr r: 1 rxxf c *.t .I m'vrri ~ ~ r .rr ~'rr: «,i r rrvr r' rrrrrr. rr&ry -vrc m'r i r'r rrr -: rrvvrrrrrr r.vsrrr vvvv *'r r Smith 's Grocery THE RED AND WHITE STORES Ambleside tsm"'.-.d) M.,&.."Duudarave,"," „',""'.'. BEST F(X)D PRODUCI'6 Ncv made is Vancouver Mcycsscicc or Rciich Spccd 8 oa icr ................................. 22c I'I FFED WHEAT........ 2 pk)c. 25c Pt FFED RH:E, pht .............. 15c 51AZOI.A OIL.... 15 oc. Hs 25c Rcd R %id)c TOMATO JUIICE 2 usc isc LIME Ji'ICE, Nabob, 12 ox. bottle ......................... 25c CATSUP, Ayimcc, itcguicr vice .. 2 bottles ssc BREAD, Scccuc. 24 os loaves sc White, Brown or Sandwich 51ARBLE CAKE, Club Special, ecch . ............... .......... 45c Rcd Ik )vhnc sAI.MGN, II ibtins......... 2 for 85c Rcd R Whnc PEAIVUT BUTTER Fancy Jars ............--........ 20c FLV COIIB, Surccctch, 5 for iec ROBERTS'ETTER 1l? EATS Phone West 190 Government Inspected Meats No. I Grade only Specials for CASH Alberta No. 1 3 ibs?Oc Creamery Butter Pork Legs (fores) lb..... 13c Pork Butts, lb.............. 18e ! No. I HOTHOUSE TOMATOES 20c. lb. PR151E STFER BEEF Minced Steak.... 2 lbs. 25c Stewing Beef 2 lbs. 25c Boiling Beef, lb...... 10c Pot Roast, Ib............ 10c Blade Rib Roast, lb. 12c Round Bone Roast, lb.. 15c Rump Roast, lb..... 18c up Prime Rib Roast, lb.... 18c Rolled Rib Roast, lb. ................ 20c and 25c Sirloin Tip Roast, lb.. 25c BACON Sliced lb........ 35c, By the Piece, lb... 28c ! ONTARIO CHEESE 20c lb. LOCAL VEAI Stewing Veal, .... 2 lbs. 25c Oven Roast, ib ........ 18c up Cambridge Ssusages 2 lbs. 25c Pork Sausages, lb. 25c Pork A Tomato Saussges ..lb.. 25c Ayrshire Bacon, sliced lb .......................... 3 Oc DELICATESSEN Home Boiled Ham Baked Ham Roast I'ork, Bologna Welners, Veal Loaf and I.iver Sammgcfb SAUER KRAUT slorning and Afternoon Delivery to All Parts. Compliments Aii Arccxd "I desire no remuneration for this poem," remarked the long-haired poet, as hc driRcd isio the editorial ssscism, "I merely cubmn it as c compliment." "Then, my dear lcBcw, permit mc ic return the compliment," replied tbc editor, with true Jcurssiiciic courtccy. Rrd 8 White LOBSTFR, ! I ib Hs ....... ... .. .............. 22c 'AI Itc Hn ...... .... ... .... 1 sc CHH'KEN HADDIIL Nabob, 1 lb. Iic.............. 20c HERRING (in Tomato Sauce), Mccchcu' (Old Cucstcy) 1 )k us.... 16c SANDWICH BISCUITS, fresh cud crisp, pcr Ib ..... 25c Rcd fk White JELLY I'OWDERS 4 pktc. 18c SUGAR, IL C. Granulated, 10 lbs. 45c with other goods. limit 10 lbs. RUBBER JAR R1NGS Sccnuc, packet ......,......,...... 5c Pcrlcci Seal................ 2 pktc. 15c I'AROWAX, 1 Ib packet.... 14c Dcmccuc Brand SHORTENING, Gscrcc)ccd pccciy vegetable I lb. pcckctc........ 2 pktc. 25c A. E. Jackson wrote the Coun- cil asking for a light at 20th and Jefferson. Placed on the file. Kelowna district in 1930 ship- ped 150 tons of grapes. "Did you give anything up during Lent?" asked one mco of another. "Ycc," wcs the reply, uttered with c heavy sigh. rI gave up fifty dollars for s new Easter bonnet." The Bridegroom Followed The little man dashed along the platform as the train was moving out, and made for the last compartment, at the window of which a woman was waving her handkerchief. He was about to grasp the handle of the door when a porter pulled him back. vYou musn't board the train while it's moving," said the por- ter. "Besides, that compartment is engaged." "Engaged l" shouted the little man, dancing about in his rage, as he watched the train disap- pearing. "Of course it's en- gaged! I engaged it myself, and that's my wife at the window, o!I on her honeymoon!" An Englishman on c visit to the West decided to go hcrccmcck riding. The hccti«r who wcc tc attend him asked: "Dc you peeler an English saddle or s Wcctcrsl" "What's tbc d.gcccnccIr hc asked. "The Western saddle hcc s horn," replied the attendant. "I don't think I'l aced the horn," said the Englishman. "I don't intend tc ride in hcavy traffic." Why Pay More? BUILD NOW WHEN PRICES ARE LOW Lumber lor loxlS Garage including Boer ........ $25.00 50 Ft. Close Board Fence 6.00 Shiplcp from ................. 0.00 2x4 Common, cixcd........ 9.00 2x 8 tc 2x 12 common, ~ised ........................... 10.00 % x 8 Bungalow Siding, Cedar, shorts........... 7.00 1x2 -8 csd 4 D. D. Fir, pcc 100 lis. ft..............50 Cedar Lattice, pcr 100 iin. feet .......................26 4 in. Cicsc Gutter, any length, pcr iis. ft........08 No. 1 XXX Shingles ...... 2.60 Nc. 2 Shingles ....„..... 1.70 Wall Shingles ................ 1.26 SPECIALS 1xs sod 1x4 No. 1 Angle grain flooring ............ 628.00 24x24--2 Light Windows 2„00 sx10--4 Light Sash ... 1.00 iox12--4 Light Ssch ... 1.16 sx10--8 Light Sash..... 1.26 iox12--8 Light Ssch, . 1.40 Gyprcc Piccicc Board, Bsitdisg Paper, Fir Vcsccr csd sB Building Ms)crisis AMBLESIDE LUMBER CO. LTD. 16th csd Mccisc Drive Ph cc Wcci 158. After 5 p.m. cck for Gcrry Dent I'boss West 241R. Quality Food Sl6ecials Friday O'aturday, June 19 0'o THE WEST VAN NFWS J IAnrnsier--Jenklns A pretty wedding was held last Tuesday at St. Stephen'8 Church, the happy couple being Mr. Gerald Lancaster, son of Rev. E. Lancaster of Arrington, England, and Miss Dilys Jenklns, R.N., daughter of Mrs, Jenkins and the late Mr. Jenkins of Pontypryd, Wales. The bride, who is a recent graduate of St. Stephen'8 hospital, London, late- ly arrived from England The Rev. Harding Priest of- ficiated in the very beautiful but simple ceremony. The bride was dressed in 8 dress of lioral ch!!fon with hat to match and carried a bouquet of white heather snd sweetheart roses, looking 8 perfect picture as she went up the aisle on the arm of Mr. Bruce Newlands, who gave her away. Accompanying the bride was Miss Ivy Miles as bridesmaid, who looked charm- ing in a beautiful period dress of yellow crepe de chine with hat to match and carried a colonial bouquet of carnations and sweet- peas. Mrs. Miles, who wore a coffee- colored dress of lace and georg- ette, acted as matron of honor, and Mr. Bob Rhodes acted as best man. After signing the register the wedding party proceeded to the residence of Mrs. Miles, where s delightful wedding supper was served. During the reception Mise Ivy Miles sang some very delightful June 19. 1931 JEFFERIES'UPERIOR MEATS Government Inspected Only LAMB, BEEF, PORK. VEAL, E7c. COOKED MEATS OF Al.l. KINDS, DELICATESSEN (Two Stores for your service) HOLI.YBURN STORE AMBLIISIDE STORE West 3 West 303 West Vancouver Luinber Co. 15th and hlarine LI51ITED I'hone West 115 W. J. Turnbull, Manager, Residence Phone: West 368L SERVICE Everything for the Building. LU BER SASH DOORS ROOFING BUILDING PAPER Lamatco -- Gyproc -- I'laster Board Beaver Board -- Shingles solos. Only the Immed)ate friends of the bride and groom were present, including Mrs. Pender of Victoria, Mr. and Mrs. Flockhart and Mr. W. Hawkes. I SUY cxooDS IviADst 254 cA)uADA ~ L mes)'I ~ II"I ms cI 'mnI"I am~ c I II;uul s ~ I I mlle I x~ @,g@" JfthilLJ RIC OME CTS of the Bdtich y Compony to industries by oods wherever Iv itich Columbia as to the cloth mode, the B.C. article from 0 cods, the B.C. ~ ond then n development built of British viols. kcAi6 RVICEPUBLIC UTIUTY 55/ BRITISH COLUMBIA ELECTRIC RAILWAY CO. LTD. p 4