0001 1931 Dz 'lro 'k$ !oziixt. Aihio. . Birch Iilcil 00 . fonz- Itc eed od exi. nt that doo for : w)h, ei 000 ropoccd 0 under I at the lor rcc'e cooi- ivc thug Fcidcnt- sir(fed esf ilol etio(rod coin0)t seer, hc to nlf thin ill 0 which io 000. 0000104 oepothf 0 ohjxci . Il t)nt thcf J odc eu'l, ii it vin piopeU Pflfe (G Bs June 19. 1931 THE WEST VAN NEWS COUNCH NOTES The Council went on record as expressing their admiration for the courageous action of Miss Margaret Currie in risking her awn life to preserve that of a boy who was in danger of drown ing near Dundarsve Pier, and ordered a copy of their resolu- tion sent to the Royal Canadian Extra Special Humane Society with their unan imous hope that the Society be- stow on her some token of its recognition of her bravery. ~ ~ The engineer reported on: l. A. E. Morris'omplaint re. Bellevue North of P.G.E. from 24th to 25th Streets. The necessary work wae ap- proved at a cost not to exceed $20, 2. Timber sidewalks East of 11th Street; Bellevue, 24th to 25th Streets; 22nd Street and grade path from Fulton to Jeff- erson for P 8 u 1 in e Johnson School; 23rd Street from Marine to Mathere; 25th Street from Methers to Nelson; 27th from Marine to Nelson; and grade path to Dundarave School. The engineer'e report wae ap- proved except in regard to 22nd from Marine to Fulton. Engine- er to report further on this par- ticular piece at the next meeting of the Council 3. Bituminous work required on unclassified roads. W. G. Wiltehire'0 complaint dependent upon settlement in regard to the general report. 4. Application of S. R. Gil- banke for access to D.L. 77 S.W4 Block 1. Balance except "A". Necessary work approved at a cost not to exceed $147.60. 5. Eagle Harbor Road, oiling. Mr. Smith's application. Work ordered done at 0 cost not to exceed $60. 6. (a.) Dundarave Pier. Re- modelling of bathhouse roof. The matter of new float wae left to the chairman of the parks and the engineer with power to act, and no action wae taken at the present time in regard to the bathhouse owing to the shortage of funds. The following matters were re- ferred by the Council to the en- gineer: 1. Doris Moore. Access to D.L. 1063, SAV.I/4, Lot 4. Referred to the engineer for report. 2 Lillie McCallum. Access to D. L. 582, Lot "F". Referred to the engineer for report 3. P. Philip, Provincial engineer. Unemployment Relief Act, 1930. The engineer to give a list of our tenders to the vari- ous fume for materials used in connection with the Water- works Bylaw No. 449 and Park improvements. 4. Mrs. Florence Sanders, and building inspector'e report thereon re. duplex shack on Lot 6, Block 19, D,L. 658 Ei/z. Engineer to report on the road improvement, applicant to be so advised and also re- quested to submit plan, when prepared, of the proposed house. QEPRGE E,WILL[$ lCKNT PIANO Co. THE BURNING BUSH By Subadar China is the oldest civilieation in the world, and it still believes in chopping off bandits'eads, ' and hanging them up in public for the benefit of the cheering multitude. There are many bandits in China. IVe, on the other hand, put our thugs and bandits behind prison walls for stated periods, where neither their heads nor their bodies are on view to the public. There are many such men loose in our civil- ieation, and their number is in- creasing. Our forefathers fol- lowed Chinese methods in hand- ling them and still the supply wae constant. So apparently in the words of the. old song, "what's the good of snyfing? Whoy, nuffin'. The truth, how- ever, probably is that, when 0 man, any man, reachee a certain state of starvation, he will steal in order to eat regardless of the punishment to follow. Our legis- lators might remember this just at the present time. IV. C. T. U The monthly meeting of the West Vancouver W.C.T.U. wae held at the home of Mre. G. Reid, 19th and Bellevue, on Thursday evening with the members of the 'Y'he guests of the evening. A very interesting part of the program wae the presentation of a life membership pin to Mre. Rush, who had been the first president of the West Vancouver )V.C.T.U4 and under whose able leadership the organization hae been directed and hae been suc- cessful in winning the Provincial Banner for the greatest increase in membership last year. Also it was largely due to Mrk Rush's energy and efforts that a 'Y'r- ganizations wae formed which hae proved to be a very large and active organization. The remain- der of the evening wae spent in contests and games, after which dainty refreshments were served. Hollyburn THEATRE Thursday, Friday aod Saturday LAWRENCE GkAY a BENNY RUBIN in "Children of Pleasure" (hiuxicxi pixy, partly in coior) STAN I.AUREL tk OLIVER HARDY io 44BLOTTO" Congo Ja22 (Musica) Cartoon) hioodxy. Toexdxy A Wodsowisy Norma Shearer in 'The Divorcee'lso CO!IIFI)Y, Eic. Japan in 1930 bought 6,000 B.C. Angora rabbits. The express companies have agreed to reduce carlot rates on B.C, fruits to the East. Gleneaglee Limited wrote the council regarding the Gleneagles water maine, They were advised that at the present time the Council were not assured of any surplus sufficient to provide for the work suggested but that they would be very glad to eee that any house built within a reasonable distance of the water mains was given service. "You do eo remind me of n telescope, Mr. Sims." "My appearance, do you mean '?" "Partly, but you'e so easily drawn out, seen through and shut up again." Like most Radio Stores we have decided to handle Electrlcai hppliancee owing to increasing demand. Iiefe are a Few Specials for Saturday and Monday Electrical Appliances 2 Burner Hot Plate, reg. $4.76 .........Special $3.95 Toaster (Turnover), reg. 3.26 ........-.........Special 1.96 Curling Irons, reg. 2.50..................Special 1.7fi Electric Clocks, reg. 7.50.......,......,..........Special 6.95 Electric Irons reg. 3.26 ........................Special 2.75 Rangette reg. 39.60 ......................Special 32.50 Wa(T)e Irons reg. 10.60.....Special 8.60 Radio and Accessories Fade in nice walnut cabinet, complete with speaker and batteries ............................................................ $22.00 DeForest Croeley, table model with speaker, batteries and aerial ...................,................................................ 20.00 Stewart Warner, table model with batteries, speaker and aerial...................................................................... 20 00 Atwater Kent, plugs into your light socket, complete with speaker ........................................................... 2S.OO Radiola 18, a very fine eet ............................................... 69.00 De Forest Crosley Console .............................................. 49.00 Philco Baby Grand ......................:.............................. 69.00 Majestic 20, latest model ............................................. 98.00 Rogers 641, latest model .................................................... 89.00 and many others at low prices. 0'xiew type Umbrella Aerial, complete ........................... $4.95 General Electric TUBES, No. 280, $1.90; No. 245, $ 1.90; No. 227, $1.70; No. 224, $2.80; No. 226, $1.75; No. 201A, $ 1.60. New Storage Batteries $5.95. B. Batteries, 45 volts, $3.95 Singer Electric Sewing Machines We have the very latest models. Trade in your old one ae part payment. Enquire how you can make money with our new Singer Sewing Machines, $S.OO down. Norge Refrigerator We have on display the very latest in household refriger- ators which cost less to buy and cost less to operate than ice. $ 10.00 down. %Vestinghouse Vacuum Cleaners This Vacuum Cleaner hae many new features that are on no other make, at new law prices. $5.00 down. Pianos and Gramophones We have some good bargains in new and used Pianos. Now is the time to get a cheap Orthophonic or Gramophone; McLagan, wae $225, now $25.00. Radio Service Our Service Car will bring all the latest equipment to test, your tubes or Radio. Can recharge your battery or rejuvinate your 201A tubes. Phone IVeet 692. CLASSIFIED ADS Illrsis ix 2 cmlix Prr word milllmeie bxrlsg trgllixt 000MICx, xk cixmi The rxio for Cixoxidxd Adrmiixe 25 cents. Exccpi is uw esse of chase dcdx are pxyxbir mrictly is mirxsca Rrmrmbrr Cixxxidxds is the West Vss News eri immediate rose)ca FOR RENT--Fxrsixhcd Hosxo. Aro Rooms, Sos Porch, fully madore. near wxicrrroxi. Phone West 121R. FOR SALE or FXCHANGE--Right room hooxo, 14ih Arc. West, City. Phone Owner. West 126K. To RENT--4 Roomed Bungalow, bath AB cosvceieeccx, 526.00 0 mooch for one ymr or more. Fboxe West 292Y. WANTED--kowhoxi xxiixbir for osi. board motor. Rust be cheap for exch, Phono West 42Y8. FOR RENT Wxirrfrosi hmxr, Alta- mont. Two open firrpiscrx. kitchen range, furnace, garage, 540. Phone R(irhie. Vi'ext 190RI. FOR SAI.E--Rorrrxibia wlrhrr hale. boggy, in goad condition. Phone Wert 26R2. WEBB'8 SHOR REPAIkS WEAB BEST--Dondxcxro, NEW GARDENS CONSTRUCTED-- Original designs ie garden dccors- . iioox, Lawns, Paths, Ariixtk Rock Gardens snd Pooh, Landscape Gxr. deeiog x)1 breaches Moderate price. R. J. Kyio, residence phone West 69L8. DRESSMAKING xxd RENOVATING --Experienced. Would go ooc by the dxy. Phone Woxi 280IL FERNS xod BEGONIAS -- I'uxorxi Designs xed W«ddiog Booqorix Landscaping, Ifxloirsxoco, Fence sxd Rack work Shrubs and Plants supplied from owe nurseries. Cxpii- xoo Nurseries. West 104R2. ROO!R AND BOARD for bsxiorxx mex. Phone West 172RI. FOUNDATION CLIENT WORK-- Landscaping sad Lawns laid. Rock walls, drains, septic isokx, fencing xnd land clearing, chimseyx ssd for xcex cleaned xod repaired. Pt . T, Bxrsoti, residence phone Wr.. 2901L ALL THE SPENT Brands of Cigars. Cigarettes xxd Tobaccos. Also Ex- change Poker Hands xod Consol cards Free. Ambioxidc Tcx Rooms. Wreath )Vented The boss wae very busy. He glanced with impatience at the visitor's card which the orice boy placed on the desk before him. "I can't eee him!" he snapped. "Go and tell him I'm out. But make it sound convincing I'm particularly anxious not to of- fend him." "Yee, eir," replied the boy. He walked thoughtfully over to the door. Then he turned. "Look here, eir," he added, "don't you think it might seem more con- vincing if I went to him smoking one of your best cigars?" This IVeek'0 Tall Story Once upon a time it wae so cold that even the birds remain- ed frozen solid in midmir--for the law of gravity wse frozen sti(I as well! A Quick Return "Did you tell that awful bore who called that I had gone to New York 0" "Yes, sir," said the new oifice boy. "I told him you had started this morning." "Good! What did he eayr" "He wished to know when you'd return, sir, and I told him I didn't think you would be back till after lunch." WANTED--For One Year. Iow rrsixi modern hoser, 2, 8 bedrooms. Wrxi oC 22nd. Box 11, West Vss News. F'R. SALE -- kxdio. Vfrxiinchooxo 99A; 9 iobo rloctrm. Cheep for exch. Phono West 686k. FOR RENT--Near Ferry Wharf, sko irwrr Axt, Call plumbing, drrpixcr, good riow, lawn; partly forsmbrd. Phone West 427L. Fok kENT -- Nrxr Dxsdxrxrc Piet. ~itrxctiva bosgxiow, foroixhrd or parity fareixbrd, newly drcorxcod, fok piombisg. Arepiscc, gxrsgr. Phone West 427L I.ATEST Fot!NDATION G A R- MENTS--Spirrks Office„1269 Gor- don Arosse. Phone Wrxt 079L ERPERIENCED PRACTICAL GAR- DENER--Lawns smde mxixisioid, Wsikx. Rookerie. Fosciog. H. A. Mikxx, rrxidrxco phone West 180Y. ROCKERY AND ALPINE PLANTS for sale from ixreo concciios. C. G. Barrow, Corner 24th snd Ncixoe. phone West 98L2. FOR PLUMBING REPAHIS -- Res- idence Phone West 241R. CA4IADIAxr LEGIoxt Emphrymrax Drpxrimrsi. Handy mos foc sk work Phono West 71Y. MARCELLE SHOP -- Mxrccua 50 mxix'eset, 860'inger ware 76c. Phone birx. King. Woxi 804. FOR PAINTING. KALSOMIFil:cc Appiy C. I Koningx, Rcxidcscx phone West 894R. GEO. HAY Established 1912 Real Estate and Insurance Noisry Pxbiic FIRE INSURA.'ICE Fok kENT--Fsrsixhrd xxd Uefers- ixhrd Hrsxex. Mosey Available for Morcgxgrs oe "Medora Homos" 1406 Racine Drive Office Phone Woxx 21 or Soy. 1200 Rexidesco Phono W. 82R or W. 804K Lemon Snow One and th~uarter cups water, 2 3 cup granulated sugar, lemon rind, 3 tablespoonfuls cornstarch, I 6 cup cold water. l.'6 cup lemon juice, the whites of two eggs; make a syrup of sugar, water and lemon rind; cook three minutes unto water boils; remove rind; mix corn- starch and cold water, add the syrup and cook untd thick and clear; remove to back of range, add lemon juice, fold in the beat- en whites, caok until egg sets. mould and chill, serve with cus- tard sauce. Delicious Sandwiches A loaf of bread cut into thin slices, 1-4 pound of boiled ham, I hard-boiled egg, 1-2 of a small bottle of olives, 1-2 can of sweet pimentos; put the ingredients through the grinder and grind finely; then mix with three tablespoonfuls mayonnaieedress. ing. He is not only idle who does nothing, but he is idle who might be better employed.--Socrates. New Zealand apples are pour- ing into Eastern Canada NORTH VANCOUVER VANCOUVER CREOSOTING CO„LTD. wr r. :="- ~ I 4 cxi 4 . ~ 0 ~ ' ~ ' «. ~ r ~ rr 4 ', % -w.- r ~ 4«.