West Van. News (West Vancouver), 19 Jun 1931, p. 4

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0001 THE WFST VAN NFWS June )9, )931 Ar. rr r~eoraserroear rr r ~rv . rrars a I l~ s P ~ .c' o+c N-ea: s c Vah S s'e& s ~ &o' I 'os sheer s* c -c'c c ss e s," '%e r '- e r r c rr r* 'r r«rrrre~r r vr, ~ rrrrr: rrr . rrrrrrrrc r'rr ~ rrr"rr er rc r«r NORTH VANCOUVER SAWMILLS LIMITED FOR QUALITY FOR SERVICE FOr yOur Lumber, Lath Everyth)ng Shingles Sash and Door in wood forthe home'equirements Cali in and see us at 2,79 East Esplanade NORTH 110 or Phone Seymour 2406 GARDENS and GARDENING By NINA G. BUTT, Landscape Architect ~eats la boa& ~h ~ u. ol c A rh scbtad ot &oadsc o Acct &tact edCr~a. Meabce N Iha I & adccNN S r tc . Fresh horse manure is consid- ered to be the best material to use in growing mushrooms. Some grot&ere prefer to have straw mixed in while others pre- fer to use it without. We believe that either is satisfactory if properly prepared before placing in the beds. After securing a sufficient quantity of the manure put it in a pile and if it is at all dry wet it thoroughly and let it heat up. As soon as it starts to steam, turn it over and tramp it down until it fonna a solid mass. Let it again stand until it heats, turn it again, water it well if it is dry and tramp it dowm Repeat this operation ss often as it is nec- essary to keep the pile from burning, thus destroying its use- fulness for the purpose for which it is intended. If the manure be- gins to get too hot, spread it out for an hour or so until it cools, then pile it in a heap again. If at the second or third turning of the manure about one quarter of its bulk of good garden loam is added, the tendency to burn is greatly lessened. After the manure has been turned several times snd the temperature of the pile is not likely to go above 130 degrees, it is ready for the beds. These may be about 10 inches deep and as long and wide as you wish. It is, of course, as well not to make the beds too wide for conven- ience in planting and picking. After the framework for the beds have been made, place s lay- er of the fresh, moist hot manure in them and tramp it down well until there is about a depth of five inches. Place a )a& er of the prepared manure on top of this and tramp down well. This layer should bring the material to within about an inch of the top of the ten inch boards. If desired the beds msy be camped entirely composed of the prepared manure, but of course this will require more work than using part fresh man- FUEL VERNON FEED STORE A. C. Searle, Phone West 9 Fuel, Feed, Fertilizers and Building Supplies ure. The temperature of the pre- pared manure at the time it is placed in th«beds shoukl, under no circumstances, be over 115 degrees and no spawn should be placed in them until the temper- ature has fallen to at least 100 degrees and preferably 90 de- grees. The care and spawning of the beds will be discussed next week. NOTS--Th cltsc atu ceasld it ~ alm ce te s c coact&sac oacr led Iha deed a Ia tl I col~. The aeectl~ sbeald be dd essed to tbe h c Io care ol tbe Editor. Tbo ~es c cd&I Noae lo aa o la loca co It ~ a no I alt N d ~ Iced ~ stmaal, ~ell ddsc scd a clods sho Id b oclesM. COUNCH. NOTES F. Buscombe wrote the Coun- cil re inhalator at Caulfeild pre- sented by him. A letter of thanks was sent him in which he was informed that the members of the police force were being trained in the use of the appar- atus snd that they would willing- ly respond immediately to any call which might be made upon them. ~ e ~ H. McKinnon, Fisherman's Bsy Improvement Association, wrote the Council in reference to the float at Fisherman's Bay. He wss advised that the matter of the loose portion was already in hand, but that no action could be taken at the present time in regard to the float being placed nearer the present path. o In connection with Water Li- cense No. 668 for the D.L. 658, Et&k, Block 19, Lot 6, concerning which the Comptrolled of Water Rights had written the inquirer, he was informed that the engine eer would be.glad to cooperate with the district water engineer for the Vancouver Water Dis- trict when he visits West Van- couver. In connection with the same property the engineer was instructed to approve of the plan showing the proposed sub- division of the lot mentioned in- to north and south valves. a The Hollyburn Pacific Ski Club wrote regarding s grant. They were advised the Council very much regret that owing to no provision having been made for any such contingency, nothing could be done in the matter. They would, however, like to con- gratulate the club on the very fine showing it has already made. NOTICE RATEPAYERS are hereby reminded that the Non-Penalty period for the payment of Taxes expires on June 30th, AND THAT THE MUNICIPALITY IS CObI FELLED BY LAW to add Ten per cent (10%) thereto on July 1st, if the Current Taxes are not then paid. CORPORATION OI'HE DISTRICT OF WEST VANCOUVER The IIURRARD LAUNDRY tdNSed For I'cop)a Who Are I'articular Agent for 81VAN BIIOS„ DRY CLEANERS T«&KD ST. as4 ST. DA V&DS North Vancouver Phone North 1810. West Van. Representative F. RIVERS I'hone West 4101. FURNACE and SHEET METAL REPAIRS Ambleside'heet Metal lVorks &AUR&E SPECK, Prost&ate& 1456 Marine Drive Phone West 437L2 K.W. Savory 1443 Manne Drive Ambleside Phone West 340 Evenings, West 143 Real Estate Finance and Insurance A delegation of three consist- ing of the following: Dr. Atkin- son, Mr. Shepherd and Mr. Birch appeared before the Council as representing a committee form- ed to promote the interests and health of high school and uni- versity students, to request that the council grant permission for Dr. Atkinson's property: Wt/g, D. L. S. )V. 1094, to be used ss a camping ground. It wss proposed to bring the young people under evangelistic teaching and at the same time provide outdoor rec- reation and sports and the corn- mittce would like to have th~ Council's sympathetic considera- tion. The delegation were advised that the land indicated wss not suitable for the purpose required but that, if they would consult with the Municipal Engineer, he would be only too glad to sug- gest to them other locations in municipally owned lands which they might be prepared to con- sider. They could rest assured of the whole-hearted sympathy of the Council with the object they hsd in view. ~ ~ ~ ; f J. Leavens wrote the Council re. Lot G, Block 4, D.L. 815 E, 50 acres. He was informed that the,~ matter of tax sale lands was+ ", under revision snd that if it was decided later to sell the property he would be advised accordingly. %VeSt Van MOtOrS 1451 Afar)ne Drive &ay WeSt 2.68 Night Mr. snd M&d. Csr Owner: Bring your Csr Troubles to Bill Grout snd rett assured both you snd your csr will be treated right. Atk any of our present customers. They know. GENERAL REPA)RS BATTERY CHARGING GREASING TIRES ACCESSORIES SHELL PRODUCTS I.O.D.E. bl)SS ADE).E HEIIRSIAib'N ENTEltTAINS AT SPIIRAWAY The regular monthly meeting of the Duncan La&veen Chapter To cross over to the North I.O.D.E. was held st the home Shore and spend sn afternoon at of Mrs. A. E, Young, on Monday, "Spurawsy,a home of btr. and June 8th with s large percent- Mrs. George Herrmann, was the age of the members present. pleasure of many guests I s s I After the routine business the Saturday afteinoon, when bliss meeting discussed plans for the Adelle ))errmann gave a tea for summer's activities an&I it was Miss Vere Brunt, whose mar- decided to accept Mr. D. B. Hsr riage to Mr. Erie Allan takes rison's kind offer of his garden place next week. bliss Herr- and hold a Garden Bridge there mann, who will be bliss Brunt's on Wednesday, July 8th, with bridesmaid, was wearing s net Mrs. A, G. Eastman as convenor. frock, Kate Greenaway fashion The Annual Garden Party will with its very high waistline, be held again this year in the short puff sleeves, and long skirt s a m e beautiful surroundings with even hemline. The guest that made it such a success last of honor was wearing georgette year, through the kind courtesy in the palest pink shade, her of Reeve and Mrs. Lay)and. This costume having a short bolero is slated for the beginning of jacket and full flaring skirt. August and Mrs. Small will be A lustre bow) filled with pink in charge of all arrangements. sweetpeas and de)phinium spikes The Inhalator Committee re- centered the tea taMe, flanked ported that the Telephone Bridge by three blanched candelabra inwas a great success socially and pink glass to match the bowl, snd financially and that plans were holding pink tapers. In the roomsbeing formulated for a bioon- snd loggia looking out on the light Cruise during the summer pool were the same flowers, with to raise further funds for the rhododendrons, Spanish iris andinhalator. Through the kindness peonies Mrs. J, p. Brunt and of the Reeve and Council the In- Mrs J, Dodd Allan presided athalator has been purchased and the urns, and serving were Miss is now at the Municipal Hall Nan Thomas, Miss EdytheDunn, ready for use. It was formally biiss Kathleen )toss, hire. Archie presented to the bfunicipality at Seymour and Miss Aileen Pal)en. the Council meeting on the 15th Ices were cut by Mrs. Graham by the committee composed of Ferguson. the Regent, Secretary-Treasurer Other inv)ted guests were Mrs.snd a representative from the Rodcri&k peep, bird. Hugh Rus-Inhalator Committee. The Coun- seB Mrs. Leonard Du Moulin,cil are arranging that the police Mrs, Richard Shaw, Mrs. Ken-shall be fully instructed in the neth Mair, Mrs. Claude Effinger,use of the inhalator and resi- Mrs. Jack McLallen, Mrs. Carrdents are asked to remember, in L„meden, Mrs. Donovan Allen,case of an accident where it may birs. H. H. Boucher, Mrs. Haroldbe of use, to phone W. 46 and I Jones, Mrs. Gerald WiLson, Misswill be on hand at once. Jean Faulkner, Miss JosephineThe Chapter wss represented Mackin, Miss Harriet Bowel),at the biemorial Service in Miss grace Hutchinson, M)saMountain View Cemetery, on Eleanor gillies, Miss Louise andSunday, June 14th, taking many bites Isobel Laidlaw, Miss Mamiebeauti fu I fl the graves of war veterans. A visit was also made and flowers . Miss Margaret and Miss Paul- taken to West Vancouver men '" Craig, Miss Pamela Farqu- in the Shaughnessy bii))tery har, bI)ss Beth Grubbe. Miss Hospital. Margaret Henderson, Miss SR)lie It was reported that Miss Si)k, Carter, Miss Frances McPhillips, nursing sister, whom the Order iss Alice Gospel, Miss Esther hss been assisting for some time, Eddy, Miss Margaret McFarlane, is now very ill and a further do. Miss Frances McDonald, Miss nation was voted for her comfort Stephanie Hespeler, Miss Betty In view of the lack of employ- Sou)thee, Miss Gwen Thomas, ment now and probable increase s sry Griffin. in relief cases this winter, the bliss Mary Coyle, Miss Madge Chapter has requested permis- and Miss Barbara Rankin Miss sion to hold an Alexandria Rose»rg)n)a Lefurgey, Miss Ksther- Tsg Day on Wednesday, June ine Ireland, Miss Shirley Fraser, 24th. 99% of the proceeds from Miss Dorothy and Miss bisrjorie the sale of these roses will go Bowen, Miss Barbara Lecky directly to the relief of distress Miss Audrey Buell, Miss Peggy in our own Municipality. and Miss Betsy Spohn, Miss The Chapter welcomed as Mar)oncoote,Miss Kayand Miss their guests for the afternoon, Peggy Rosf, bfiss Bernice Drum- Dr. snd Mrs. King Brown and mond, Miss Li)~t Green, Miss Miss Mathieson, of the Shaugh He)ca McDonald, Miss Virginia nessy Military HospitaL Dr. Eaton, Miss Ksthleen and Miss Brown, gave s very enlightening Marjorie Allan, Miss Owen and interesting address on the Berry snd Miss Constance Knox. work in connection with the hos- pital and left the members with The Vancouver retail milk an increased desire to help allevi price is lowest of any large Cana- ate the suffering and loneliness dian cities. of the veterans there. Delightful refreshments were served by the The salmon pack last year was hostess and committee and after the )srgest on record. singing the National Anthem the meeting adjourned for the The Council sent a letter to summer recess. Mr. Cleveland of the Greater Vancouver Water Board saying F. W. Welsh wrote the Council they would appreciate it if, when re. D,L. 817, Lot, 24. His check the board is undertaking its was returned and he wss inform- work on the North Shore in con- ed that the matter of tsxe sale nection with the tunnel now be- )ands wss under revision and ing driven, they could find it pos. that if it was decided later to sell sible to employ a few of the local the property, he would be ad- residents of )Vest Vancouver. vised accordingly. Should the board find itself able The resolution of Mayor L. D. to do so, the names of efficient Taylor submitted by him to the men would be gladly supplied by Unemployment Conference held the Engineering Department. in Vancouver on Friday, 5th June, was indorsed by the Coun- cil and a memorandum setting forth the local conditions was forwarded with the endorsation, The Council ss a whole went on record ss approving the ac- tion of the Reeve in connection with the memorandum to Mayor Taylor and the wires to P. Philip, Deputy Minister of Public Works and the Hon. S. F. Tolmie, in re- gard to the unemployment situa- tion discussed st the conference held In Victoria on 16th June.