0001 A 4 4'i'r-- ic .i r rrv4 rr4 ~1 4 v' v44 i 4%4 4 i V.'i 4i iV 4' 4iri(04 ' 'p'r'N 44( 'i VWV4 i4 r( 4 'i (4 "47 +w4" ~ 4'C4 4' 4 4 '* "4 '4' 4" 4 4 4 ~ vrv '4rb rr ~ 'ri V r 'rrvrvV VVVmrrr rr 'rrr r 4 "r 4 rrvv'vv rrivy vrVvrr~rr rr Vr vrrrr "vrr 4V l vr Cflt(eytu'olcott Beuuty Shoppe 1040 Marine Drive II grey hair vo(vie( you, have I( (lated to Hs ax(ural (bade, bvt never experimas( with cheap dree. Have Miss Cixr'4 advice asd ros enlace bevximpia ii ix to hasp (0 your sx(eral xhsda xii(hou( ge(ting (he 4(ueciai red or black (hades. Wiad Biovsx a epee(el(y. For sppoisimenix PHONE WEST 117. (j DEATH OF R. W. HASI.Ahl Raymond W. Haslam, 2276 Heywood Ave., died last Tuesday after a very short illness in the North Vancouver General Hos- pital. The deceased, who was 43 years of age, was born in Eng- land, but came to this province twenty-one years ago. During the war he wss transport serg- eant in the 47th Battalion. He is survived by his widow and five young children. Funeral services were held at 2 p.m. today from St. Stephen's Church, Rev, A. Harding Priest officiating, and interment wss made in the Re- turned Soldiers'lot, Capilano View Cemetery. Harron Bros. and )Villiamson had charge of the funeral arrangements. Margaret Nightingale wrote the council re. bathhouse roof, Dundarave pier. She was inform- ed that the Council regret that owing to insufficient funds to meet the estimate required, no alterations could be made at the present time. The Board of School Trustees wrote the council sending a res- olution passed by them re. unem- ployment conditions in Canada. They were informed that the Council had already sent a mem- orandum to the Prime hiinister of the Province outlining their views in regard to the whole question of unemployment. ! EsisbSxhed on North Shore $0 Years. ! (Lsdr Axe(siss() IIARRON BROS. S( WILLIAMSON l j'uneral Iirertors Minister, E. A. Henry, DJ). Sundny, June 21st, 1931 Flower Sunday 11 S.m.--The morning service will be 0 flower service with the Sunday School and the congrega- tion combined. The school will meet at 10:30 to mark the books, present the offering and receive the papers. The Church will be appropiate- ly decorated and Dr, Henry will speak on "The hiessage of the Flowers." 7:30 p.m.--Dr. Henry will preach. Topic: "What hIust I Do To Be Saved?" The W.M.S, had its closing meeting until September last Tuesday. The season has been 0 successful one with a deep in- terest among many of our wo- men in the cause of their sisters throughout the world. L 0 0 t Tuesday hIrs. Geo. Baldwin gave 0 study from one of the chapters of the text book on Japan. The usual hour for prayer and Bible Study on )Vednesday even- ing from 8 to 9, led by Dr. Henry. The Tennis Court is now in shape and is open for play. It is hoped it will be a centre of Church interest. Fees may be paid to hiiss Ruth Blair, the treasurer of the Y.P.S. The fees are very light snd a goodly number linking up will help the work. There are some ball~ for sale in the Church office. On Sunday evening, June 28th, the Choir will present an evening of music with the sacred num- bers that were sung st the Festi- val. Sunday, July 5th, is appointed for the Summer Communion. Dr. Henry will be pleased to meet any who would like to become members in full communion. He will be in the study Monday and Wednesday evenings, or will be ready to meet any after any of the services. In connection with flowers next Sunday morning, if any of the girls and boys have gardens and will bring flowers to the Church, the ladies will have a separate table for them, snd their flowers will be sent to the children's ward in some hospital. Norih Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North IS4 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 West Van Net(js PsbHshed Every Friday Business ssd Ednorisi Office: 17th xxd bier(as Drive (Next Io Ho117bsrs P. O.) I'hone West 363 afternoons or evenings MsH Address( P.O. Box 01. HoSrbsrs, B.C. Publisher F. F. I.OVEGROVE Phone )vest 363 $ IBS 0 year br carrier; $E00 ~ year br mail. Nswmu(sds 04. Psr copy The Public Health Section of the Canadian Medical Associa- tion, which is meeting next week, ask that attention be call- ed to the public meeting in the Hotel Vancouver Tuesday, June 23rd, at 8 p.m. The speakers will be Dr. Doug- las Quick of New York, Dr. D, A. Stewart of Ninette Sanatorium, Manitoba, and Dr. F. D. Monroe of Regina, head of the Saskat- chewan Cancer Commission. They will speak on the preven- tion snd treatment of tubercu- losis and cancer. A picnic rally of the officials of the Vancouver Presbytery of the United Church is being held at Ocean Park on June 24th. Members of all Boards sre in- vited with their wives or hus- bands. The Church Bowling Green opens informally Tuesday, 23rd June, ladies snd gentlemen are invited, 7 to 9. Those who have bowls please bring them. Formal opening Saturday, 4th July. Rubber shoes must be worn on the green. Under the auspices of Duncan Lawson Chap(er I.O.D.E. Alexandra ROSE DAY Wednesday, June 24th, 1931 99 per cent. of proceeds (o be used in West Vsn. for wevare work. United Church THE WEST VAN NEWS WEST VANCOUVER Christian Science Society CHURCH EDIFICE seih ssd Esesimei(, Honybsrs This Ssc(aiy is ~ Branch of The Mo(her Church The First Church of Christ, Scient((L in Boston Mssmchseeihs Sunday Services 11.$0 e. m. ssd 7.$0 p. m. Subject, June 21st "IS T H E UNIVEIISE, INCI.UDING MAN. EVOI.VED BY, ATOhllC FORCE?" Seeder School si 10.00 ~. s4 Tesumosr Meaiisg Wednesday I ~I EIS P.m. St. Stephen's Church Rector: Rev. A. Harding Priest, B.A. Trinity 3 (June 21st). 8 a.m.--Holy Communion. 10 a.m.--Sunday School and Bible Class. 11:15 a.m.--hlorning Prayer. 7:15 p.m.--Evensong. Anth- em, "The )Vilderness" by Goes will be sung by the Cho(r both morning and evening, There is Divine Service on Sunday at 3 p.m. at St. Francis'hurch,Caulfield. Despite the rain, there was 0 large attendance of children and adults at the Flower Service last Sunday morning, The lesson was read by Harry Jones, the Junior Choir sang, and the rector gave an appropriate message. Follow- ing the presentation of the flow- ers, at the close of the service the flowers were distributed to the sick and others in the parish, many bouquets given to the I.O.D.E. for their city memorial service and the remainder placed at the Wsr hIemorial The annual Anglican Theolog- ical College Garden Party will be held on the college lawn Wednes- day, June 24th, from three to six o'lock. The final meeting of the Trail Rangers for the season will take the form of a bonfire and wiener roast at Altamont Park beach to- night (Friday) at 8 o'lock, wea- ther permittmg. In case of rain the boys will meet in the Parish Hall. Wednesday, July 22nd, is the date fixed for the annual Sunday School picnic at Second Beach, Stanley Park. The W. A, will meet Tuesday at 2:30 p.m. in the Parish Hall for their study hour. As this is the last meeting before the sum mer recess a large attendance of members is requested. Baptist Church Pastor, Rev. H. P. Humphreys, Residence 1343 Haywood Phone West 252R Sunday, June 21st, 1931. 10 a. m.--Sunday School. 11 a. m.--Morning Worship. Pastor will preach, topic, Ste- phen and Saul." Short address to children, 7:30 p.m.--Evening worship. Topic, "Jesus and Jonah." A cordial invitation to all. Wednesday, 8 p. m.--Prayer and praise meeting. Marshmallow Filling I cup sugar 1/3 cup milk ",0 lb. marshmsllows, cut into small pieces 21/0 tablespoons hot water I teaspoon vanilla Boil sugar and milk until soft. ball stage is reached. Melt marshmallows in 0 double boiler, add hot water and cook mixture until smooth, stirring continual- ly while adding milk and sugar mixture. Best until cool. BRITISH ISRAEL CANADIAN LEGION MEMORIAL HALL NEXT SUNDAY 10 am.~boo( for Chndres. 0 S. m,--Spesher( MR. PERCY KING Subject: Tllh DUTII h OF A PRIEST" Mr. King b(osdcssix over CKWX every Wednesday si 0 $0 p. m. St. Anthony's Church Pastor: Rev. Father Carey Itesidence: 2558 Marine Drive. Saturday--7:30 p.m., Confes- sions. Sunday--8:45 a.m., Holy Mass, sermon. 2:00 p.m., Sunday SchooL 3:00 p.m., Rosary, benediction. Week Days--7:30 a.m., Holy Mass. bbl'TLAT(&TAIIY CELEBRATION Saint Anthony, a native of Lisbon, Portugal, d i e d near Padua, Northern Italy, at the age of 36, on Friday, June 13, 1231. A special Septcentenary Commemoration of this happy event was observed, Sunday last, at St. Anthony's Church. The statue of the Saint, placed in a conspicuous position on the gospel side of the Church, was a thing of beauty, surrounded by magnificent floral decorations and multicolored lights, the whole enveloped in a delicately- toned light at the base of the statue. In the presence of His Excell- ency, Archbishop Duke, Coad- jutor-Archbishop of Vancouver. High Mass wss sung by the pastor. His Excellency, clad in pontifical robes, was assisted at the throne by Reverend Father Collins, C.S.R. The choir, under the baton of Mr. Nyland, rend- ered most efficiently the inspir- ing and devotional liturgical chart. After the gospel, Archbishop Duke congratulated the pastor and people. on the spiritual and material progress of the parish and then, in simple but telling phrases, outlined the life and virtues of the Saint, concluding with a fervent exhortation to imitate and practice these vir- tues. At noon, His Excellency, the clergy and members of the Church Committee were enter- ta.'ned to a delightful light lunch- eon at the home of Dr. Nash, 22nd and Marine. MAY DAY CO'IIMITI'EE The May Day Committee will meet at 8 p. m. next Tuesday in the Council Chamber to receive the audited report. All members are asked to attend. June 19. 19('ll, Hollyburn Hall Cor. 14th & Duchess LORD'S DAY-- 10 a. m.--Sunday School. 11 a. m.--Worship 0 n d Breaking of Bread. 7:15 p. m.--Song Service 7:30 p. m.--ADDRESS Speaker: hiR. H. D. ILAE 1VEDNESDAY-- 8 p.m.--Prayer and Bible Study. DI.Marjory McCubbin DENTIST Hours: 9 ~ . m. Ie 0 p. m. Saturdays. 10 ~ . m. Ie I p. m. Evenings and Saiurdxy Atter- sse(m by sppeisimxsi only. Royal Bank Building I'hexa West 440 Residence I'hose Wex( $0$. NURSING HOME (bi(s. hi. E. LsCbssce, R.N.) 704 ~ $ 4(h Sircei Esa( North Vsscoeve( Res(dance I'hose( North 1$$0R C. J. Overington PIONEER BARBER 14th and Marine Expert Work Phone West 135 I"ollowing the rehearsal for the wedding of Miss Brunt and Mr, Eric Allan which takes place this month at the Church of St.- Francis-in-the-Wood at Caul- field, an informal supper party took place st the West Bay home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Dodd Allan on Wednesday evening, 10th in- stant, when members of the bridal party were guests includ- ing Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Brunt, Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Allan, Miss Vere Brunt, Mr. Eric Allan, Miss Adele Herrmann, Mr. Jim Hend- erson, Mr. Deane Munsell and Miss Josephine Allan. The application of the Duncan Lswson Chapter, I.O.D.E., to hold on Alexandria Rose Dsy on 27th June( was granted by the Council. Subject to there being, as usual, no tagging on the ferries. CARD OF THANKS The Dun(an I.awxos Chap(er. I.O.D.P wish Io thank the Horticultural Society ssd ail others who dos- s(ed Sewers for the Memorial Service, last Sunday, at the I. O.D.F Soldiers'lot, Mountain View Cemetery. Just Imagine" ! Nlehuy 7 ssd 0 sx(. 4( eso ! LONSDALAJ ! PICTURES FOLLOW(NO \ ni('HARI( BART(IN(A(VMS lx "FIXOFR IVONT~S," 40(h,se(b,rrtb UNUIU(R Aiu Iss is '"I'Hh $1H.IBUNAINE," "s(b, se(b, Jub 14( -- ! 1930!-"'"'" ) 19801-- Just Imagine" What will they wear? Wbsi (viH (hey do? ! (ixr 444444(d ii(444 anil th(4(144 41 (4dxr--ALI. Rxnl(u(NI(--OUTUIO((TN--ANTI(JUATND- JUST (MAO(NE Oh--What s future this picture presents. A Comedy Riot packet with thrills--