0001 'TC. I Circulati ugin 31.00 per year. A Weekly Newspaper the District nf West Vancouver-- Ambleside, Hollyburn, Wettoyt, Dundaravc CypreSS Park, Caulfeild, 5'hytegliff, EtC.. Newsstsnds 6c per Copy 0RB i 0, lib l6IL 'RR f two milk; yolka, water 4 add tf ring amore to 8 I fee I ,"3II 0', tak Vol. VI SIX PAGES Floral Festival Very Successful L~ No. 4 I.O.D.E. PRFiIENTS iNEW INHALATOR A delegation of members of the Duncan Lawson Chapter, I. O. D. E., headed by the re- gent, Mrs. Helen R. Hayes, ap- peared before the Council in con- nection with the presentation of an inhalator to the Municipality. The regent, having read the ad- dress, presented it to the Reeve who replied that the CouncB heartily appreciated the splendid sentiments expressed snd he wished, on behalf of the mem- bers of the Council and the Citi- zens of West Vancouver to thank the order for this very useful and timely gift and for the ex- cellent spirit which had prompt- ed the action. The Council hsd decided to keep the inhalator in the police department where it would be available at any mo- ment and had also arranged that sB members of the force be in- structed in its use by bfr. Mur- phy of the North Vancouver Fire Brigade. In this connection it was also moved that a letter expressing the Council s appreciation be sent to the Duncan Lawson Chapter as an organization. /REEVE TAKING STEI'S TO PROVIDE RELIEF The following telegrams have passed between Reeve Leylsnd and the Provincial Government in reference to unemployment relief i VICTORIA, B.C., JUNE 11. J. B. LEYLAND, Reeve Municipality of West Vancouver, Senator Robertson and Domin ion Director of Unemployment Relief are expected to be in Vic- toria Monday, fifteenth instant in order inquire s sto Municipal requirements for unemployment rehef. Faihng your abihty to be represented kindly immediately forward me by Night Letter a note of the representations you wish made. P. PHILIP. MR. PAT PHILIP, PUBLIC WORKS DEPT., VICTORIA, B.C. Replying your wire suggest urging Dominion Government obtaining further Order in Coun- cil granting additional relief dis- tribution for balance of year pending any National or Provin- cial undertaking decided upon. Also suggest grant cover full labor cost instead of fifty per cent. To obtain last five thou- sand Government grant the : Municipality aperit ten thousand labor and ten thousand material for bridge, road and water pipe repairs meaning Municipality paid out twenty thousand to ob- tain five thousand grant. bIuni- cipality could possibly furnish equipment and material if Gov- ernment financed full cost labor. Large number unemployed in IVest Vancouver among resi- dents living in Municipality but previously working in city con- cerns. At most moderate rate of pay on relay shifts of ten days a month would require be- tween twenty-five thousand and thirty thousand to give tempor- ary relief to end of year. J.B.LEYLAND. HON. DR, S. F. TOLMIE, VICTORIA, B.C. Deeply appreciate efforts be- ing made by you to assist in solv ing unemployment problem and trust conference with Honorable G. Robertson will be satisfactory IVest Vancouver Council doing everything possible to assist un- employed previousLv working in city though problem most diffi- cult, In connection with Provinc- ial Public Works Department programme being considered strongly urge extension of Ma- rine Drive to Squamish, Garibot. di and Lilooet. Would suggest that monies expended from Pub. lic Treasury should return an in- vestment to province, and such a road, returning by Cariboo High way would prove one of finest circular scenic trips on continent and would return millions to this Province from Tourist traffic. IVest Vancouver solidly behind you in your splendid efforts to assist the unemployed and Coun- cil glad to cooperate with Gov- ernments to that end. REEVE J. B. LEYLAND. AIEXANDRA BOSE DAY The Duncan Lawson Chapter, I.O.D.E., are sponsoring the sale of Alexandra Roses on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of next week. Alexsndra Rose Day originated in England where the proceeds were used for chippled children's hospitals, but now it has spread to Canada and only one per cent of the proceeds goes to the chippled children's hospit- als in England, the other 99% being used for relief work in the district where they are sold. Realising that we are facing a winter where the need for relief will probably be very great, the Chapter decided to take this means of creating a Welfare Fund from which to draw when the need arises. It will be very fashionable to wear an Alexandra Rase on Wed nesday. June 24th. It will be your badge showing to your fel- low-men that you are interested in their welfare and willing to sacrifice a little that others may have a share of the necessities you enjoy. Remember that the world is moved, not only by the mighty shoves of its heroes, but by the aggregate of tiny pubes of every individual worker. So when you have the opportunity of buying an Alexandra Rose, please give -just ss- you can afford-knowing that every little bit added to what we'e got--makes just a little bit more. In supporting this Alexandra Rose Day you are not augment- ing the private funds of the Dun- can Lawson Chapter, but form- ing a fund for the use of the needy in your own district through the I.O.D.E. channels. Each year the Duncan Lawson Chapter publishes in the local newspaper a copy of their annual report and last year showed that f185.00 had been spent in Relief work, exclusive of clothes, food and rent, etc., given privately. Surely the Chapter's past rec- ord demands your respect and co-operation for the future. So let's all be wearing on Alex- andra Rose, Wednesday, June 24th--for the sake of others. Pyrethums, 6 blooms--1, Mrs. H. G. Selwood; 2, Mrs, A. H. Al- bin. Poppies, 6 blooms--I, Mrs. A. H. Albin; 2, Mrs. D. McDonald. Sweet William -- I, Mrs. E. Rhodes; 2, Mrs. N. Barrow. Carnations, 6 blooms-- I, Mrs. A. H. Albin; 2, Mrs. W. E. Davies. Any other variety--1, Mrs. N. Barrow; 2, W. J. Clifford. Annuals, 4 varieties--1, Mrs. A, H. Albin; 2, Mrs. P. T. Mas- terman. Perennials, 4 varieties--I, Mrs A. H. Albin; 2, Mrs. D. McDon- ald. Display Rock Plants--1, Mrs. D. McDonald; 2, Mrs. E. Rhodes. Bowl of Roses-- I, Mrs. Ed. Black. Bouquet of Sweet Peas -- I, Mrs. W. Tinney; 2, Mrs. Ed. Black. Bouquet of Flowers--1, Mrs. N. Barrow; 2, Miss E. Millard. Bowl of Nasturtiums--I, Mrs. H. Rehberger. Flowering Plant -- I, Miss Frame; 2, Mrs. H. G. Selwood. Foliage Plant--1, Mrs. D. B. Boyd; 2, Mrs H L Salter. Basket of Cut Flowers--I, Mrs. E. Rhodes 2, Mrs. S. Derrick: 3, Mrs. P. T. Masterman. NoviceClase ~ Bowl of Roses, 3 vsrieties-- 1, Mrs. W. McQuaker; 2, its. H. L. Salter, Perennials, 4 varieties--1, Miss E. Millard; 2, Mrs. H. L. Sslter. Collection Rock Plants -- I, Mrs. G. Herring; 2, Mrs. H. L. Salter. Best Gardens I, Miss M, Frame; 2, J. R. L. MacDaniels; 3, A. Chilton. Best Utility Garden I, D. McTavish; 2, J. Gillham; 3, Mrs. W. E. Sewell. Drawings of Pansies I, Pearl Robertson; 2, Betty EBiott; 8, Harry Petrie. Conventional Design I, Peggy Barker; 2, Stella Cromar Bruce; 8, Billy Barker. Girls'ivision Best Dressed Doll--I, Doreen Elgar. Bloomers--I, Muriel Stone- ham, 2, Madeline Cross 3, Ail- een Young. One-piece Colored Embroidery --1, Aileen Young; 2, Madeline Cross. Pyjamas -- 1, Eileen Small- woad; 2, Peggy Barker; 3, Dor- een Elgar. Girls'ash Dress--I, Muriel Stoneham; 2, Aileen Young. Whole Wheat Muifins--1, Mar- ian Blair; 2, Patricia Albin; 3, Doreen Elgar. Baking Powder Biscuits -- 1, Marian Blair; 2, Patricia Albin; 3, Sylvia Kyte. Drop Cakes--I, Patricia Al- bin; 2, Sylvia Kyte; 3, Marian Blair. Plain Cookies-- I, Patricia Al- bin; 2, Marian Blair; 8, Eileen Smsllwood. Apple Pie--I, Marian Blair 2, Patricia Albin. Layer Cake (iced) --I, Marian Blair; 2, Patricia Albin; 3, Dor- een Elgar. Boys'ivision Piece of Woodkork, under 15 years-- 1, Bill Hawkes; 2, Tom Rack. Pi«ee of Woodwork, 15 years and over--1, Harry Patrie; 2, Gordon hissterman. Piece of Woodwork, High School 2nd year--I, Max Len- nox; 2, Bill Mason. The eighth fioral festival put on by the West Vancouver Horti cultural and Agricultural Society in Dundarave Hall, last Satur- day was one of the most suc- cessful ever staged by the Soci- ety. While due to the very heavy rain there were not quite as many exhibits as last year, the standard of quality was extreme ly high. Reeve Leyland was present in the evening and gave a brief address, while Miss Frame gave a number of piano selections during the afternoon'nd evening. In the best garden competi- tion results were: first, Miss M. Frame, the Reeve's trophy, don- ated by Reeve J. B. Leyland; second, J. R. MacDaniels. Cous- cillor G, Elgar's trophy; third, A. Chilton, Pasquill's Rose Nur- sery special. Utility gardens: first, D. McTavish, B. C. Electric trophy; second, J. Gillham, Mc- Leod's Sash and Door special; third, W. E. Sewell, Councillor W. Dickenson's trophy. For six roses of distinctive variety, William J. Clifi'ord car- ried oif the J. J. Hanna trophy and also won the award for the best rose in the show. Mrs. D. M. McDonald won the J. Hadyn Young trophy. The full list of prhee winners is as follows: Small Fruits Currents, Black, 1 plate -- 2nd Mrs. A. H. Albin. Gooseberries, I plate--1, Mrs. W. Tinney; 2, Mrs. H. G. Sel- wood. Raspberries, I plate--I, Mrs. J. Reid; 2, H. Stephens. Strawberries, I plate--1, Mrs. W. Tinney; 2, Mrs. J. Reid. Vegetables Rhubarb, 6 stalks -- I, Mrs. W. Me@naker; 2, Mrs. W. E. Sewell. Peas in pod (12 pods) --1, Mrs. W. G. Wiltshire; 2, Mrs. A, H. Albin. NAObH CHAPTER GARDEiN PARTY A garden party and sale of work and home cooking wiB be held next Tuesday from 2 to 6 p.m., by the Naomi Chapter, O. E.S., at V. V. Vinson's residence, 14th and Gordon. LEGION NOTES At the meeting on Wednesday evening, nominations were held for president, Major B. H. Harri- son having resigned. The names of W. T. Atwood and H. B. Stev- ens were proposed. The Unemployed Assocmtion were given the use of the hall for one night a month for three months. TAG DAY 8 ELL SUPPORTED The tag day held here kist Saturday, June 13th, in aid of the Women's Auxiliary to the North Vancouver General Hos- pital, resulted in V%0.00 being raised to augment the supply of linen at the hospital A substantial part of this be- ing raised in IVest Vancouver under the convenership of Mrs. R. Donovan. Roses Shot Silk (fioral emblem)--+ 1, Mrs. P. E. Bill; 2, Mrs. W. E. Davies. Six Roses, distinctive varieties --I, W. J. Clifford; 2, Mrs. A. H. Albin. Six Roses, 3 varieties--I, W. J. Clitford 2, Mrs. A. H. Albin. Roses, 3, Red--I, K. A. Ray l 2, W. J. Cliiford. Roses, 3, Pink--1, W, J. Clif- ford; 2, K. A. Ray. Roses, 3, White--1, Mrs. G. Herring; 2, Mrs. A. H. Albin. Roses, 8, Yellow--I, Mrs. A. H. Albin. Roses, 3, any other variety-- 1, Rev. A. H. Priest; 2, Mrs. J. T. Watt. Moss Rose Buds--1, Mrs. L. RECITAL BY PUPILS OF MISS MARGARET MclNTYRE A recital will be given by the pupils of Miss hlargaret Mcin- tyre on Tuesday evening. 30th June, at 8:15 o'lock. in the Can- adian Legion Hall. The Students orchestra will also take part in the program. Tickets 25 cenis g SCHOOL BOARD NOTES A letter wss read from bliss H. Ritchie, submitting her resig- nation to take eifect the end of June. It was resolved that Miss Ritchie's resignation be accepted with regret. A letter was read from bliss V. V. Jackmen. submitting her resignation, effective the end of June. It was resolved that this be accepted with regret. Report was read from Princi- pal Mr. Davidson for the month of May. It was eaasotved that the Building Committee be asked to make a survey of the school buildings with a view to ascer- taining what work wao ecessaey in the way of repairs and renew- als, painting and kalsomining, and report to the next meeting. A letter was read from the Pubfic School Sports Commit- tee advising that a deficit of 311.70 had bees incurred in con- nection with the Annual Sports Day. It was resolved that this amount be met by the Board. UNEMI'LOYED TO HOLD hiEETING The National Unemployed Workers'ssociation are holding their regular business meeting at 8 p. m. next Tuesday in the Legion Memorial HalL New members cordially invited. ~ Burley; 2, Mrs. J. T. Watt. Collection Climbers--1, K. A~ Rsy; 2, Mrs. Ed. Black. Best ltose in Show--Wm. J. Cliiford. Collections Delphiniums, 6 spikes--1, Mrs. Ed. Black; 2, Mrs. D. McDonald. Iris, 6 spikes--1, Dr. Bayfield; 2, Mrs. N. Barrow. Peonies, 6 blooms--I, Mrs. G. Herring; 2, Mrs. A, H. Albin. Anturhiniums, 6 spikes -- I, Mrs, H. Millan; 2, Mrs. P. E. Bill. Campanulas, 6 spikes--1, Mrs. S. Derrick; 2, Mrs. A. H. Albin. Canterbury Bells, 6 spikes-- I, Mrs. J. T. Watt; 2, Mrs. Wm. Blair. I'ansles or Violss -- 1, Mrs. H. Rehberger 2, Mrs. G. W, Shep- herd. Piece of Woodwork, High School, 1st year--1, Frank Dow- ney; 2, Laurie Lefeaux; 3, Geo. Gray. Best Bird House by boy under 16 years--1, Jack McLeod; 2, John Bradley. Flower Section Boys and Girls under 16 years of age. Bouquet of Flowers. other than Roses and Sweet Peas -- 1, Eileen Hodgson; 2, Patricia Al- bin. Wild Flowers--1. Patricia Al- bin; 2, Billy Barker. TENNIS CLUB DANCE 1&on't forget the IVest Van- couver Tennis Club Dance to- night in the Inglewood Auditori- um! Dancing from 9 to 1 a.m. to the music of Freddy R«sa'rchestrafrom the Winter Gar- den, English Bay. A good time Is abjured to all who attend. HOLLYBURN P.O., WEST VANCOUVER, B.C., FRIDAY, JUNE 19, 1931