0001 rsr ~g'rrr, r rrr r r re v vrr~ u rr" %A~rr tv'rr rrs t t 't vutrt v 't t u t I u A~vu tutusw ~ rru ti K tt Itv t u w'4 Nt V wtt ' t, l ' x 9wut' t tubr t»it'Kr I r .C rue1z r% tw r' ~ * vru' 'rrr '.rr tr " r z'rrrw 'c'r rrr~r 'r v rrthuv «rrr'rrrr rrrrtv rrt Wvr rr V'mith 's Grocery THE RED AND WHITE STORES Dundarave,",""',""„'.,',„", Ambleside „,"„.'„',: "„"„',„," CORN FL.4KES, (tusker, 8 pkiu. 25c SUTTER, Finest quukiy, 2 Ibtz Tsc BEkkv SUGAR.. 2 IK curios 174 keg a ll bku OLIVES- Iiusuu ........................ 20 um 28u Stugud ................... Bua 25c Plain ................... 6 ua Ihc kuskki'u BLUE ......... 6 pkiu. 25c BREAD. Surzuu 5 iurgu 24 ux Iuuvuu............. 284 White, Brews or Suudwicb ORANGE or LEMON JUICE Nabob......, ., Iz ux. buuu 25c I of each ......... 2 butkuu 454 LiliB JUICE COkDIAL Gruusbum'4 ... 26 uz. butue zhc PEACHES, Ruueku (Auzirukuu) 25s Rud st 'White SOUPS, pur iiu Isc iCLUB CAKE, Special, Sukuuu uu6 Cherry, uppruz. 2 Ibu-.. Sec ku4 R Wbku SAI.MON. W ib. Uuu ....... 2 fur 254 I'ICKMS, Viciury Brand. Iz uz iur ................. 254 Sweet--Sweet or Sour Cbuw Ss kud R White CIIOCOLATE BARS, Pixie hnik, Nul uud Fruit, Aimuud .......... 0 bars 254 hi A k88 hi A I.LO l'V S, I'u it eruuu'u I~rgu packet ................ I su CERTO--Don't fvrgut Certu (ur Canning--Struwburrtsu will be ready iu ~ few duyu--Gut your Cestu NOTVI SODAS, Cbrluuu'4, Family size........ pusket Isc Rud R lVbke BRE4D FIAIUR, 24 IK uuzk ..................... 75c FLY TOX. 8 uz. bottle........... 564 16 uz. buulu ........... 65c SHAKER SAI.T, Regal .. 104 SUGAR, IL C. Grauuiutud Is lbs. 47c ROBF. ILATS') F.TTE14 31 EATS Phone West 190 Government Inspected thleats No I Grade only Specials for CASH Alberta No. I 3 lbs 70c Creamery Butter Pork Legs (fores) lb. 13c Pork Butts, lb................ 18c ! No. I HOTHOUSE TOhIATOES 20c. lb. PRIhIE STEER BEEF Minced Steak.. 2 lbs. 25c Stewing Beef 2 lbs. 25c Boiling Beef, lb............ 10c Pot Roast, ib .............. 10c Blade Rib Roast, lb... 12c Round Bone Roast, lb.. ISc Rump Roast, lb... 18c up Prime Rib Roast, lb.... 18c Rolled Rib Roast, lb. 20c and 25c Sirloin Tip Roast, lb.... 25c BACON Sliced lb............ 35c, By the Piece, lb ... 28c ! ONTARIO CHEESE 20c lb. LOCAL VEAL Stewing Veal, 2 lbs. 25c Oven Roast, lb...... 18c up Cambridge Sausages 2 lbs. 25c Pork Sausages, lb......... 250 Pork gs Tomato Saussges ..lb........... 25&c Ayrshire Bacon, sliced lb ............................ 30c DEI.ICATESSEN Home Boiled Ham Baked Ham Roast Pork, Bologna Weiners, Veal Loaf and Liver Sausages. SAUER KRAUT hiorning and Afternoon Delivery to All Parts. hiilk Frosting 2 cups sugar 2/3 cup milk I/» tablespoon butter I teaspoon vanilla Boil first 3 ingredients to soft- bsll stage. Remove from fire, let stand about 8 minutes and best until creamy. Add vanilla. BAND NEIVS The members of the West Vancouver School Band wish to thank the merchants and busi- ness men of Ambleside for their support in connection with the hfay Day festivities. Cooking Acid FruiLs Acid fruits, such as gooseber- ries, plums, cranberries and rhu- barb, require an unlimlited a- mount of sugar, much of which can be saved by stirring in, be- fore sweetening, a little soda, say, one-half a teaspoonful, to a quart of fruit. Orange or Lemon Filling I/2 cup sugar 2 tablespoons ilour I egg, slightly beaten Grated rind Vx orange I/6 cup orange juice I teaspoon lemon juice Mix sugar and flour; add other ingredients in order given. Cook 20 minutes in a double boiler, stirring constantly until thick- ened. Cool before spreading. Cream Filling Bt cup sugar I/3 cup flour I teaspoon salt 2 eggs 2 cups scalded milk I teaspoon vanilla hiix dry ingredients; add eggs slightly beaten, and pour in gradually the scalded milk. Cook 15 minutes in double boiler, stir- ring constantly until thickened. Cool and flavor. Why Pay More? BUILD NOW WHEN PRICES ARE LOW Lumber for Iox18 Gurugu Iueludiug floor .......... 826.00 50 FS. Close Board Fence 5.00 Sbipiup from...... 9.00 2z4 Common, uixe0......... 9.00 2z6 tu 2x 12 common, uixud ............................. 10.00 Vt x 8 Bungalow Siding, Cedar, shorts ................ 7.00 ix2 -2 uud 4 D. D. Fir, pur 100 Iiu. ft......,.....60 Cedar Lutiiee, pur 100 Iiu. fset ....................25 4 in. Clear Gutter, any length, pur Iiu. ft.... '06 Nu. I XXX Shingles ...... 2.60 Nu. 2 Shingles ..... l.'70 Wall Shingles ............... AS BPECIALS Ixs uud Ixi Nu. I Angle grain Suuriug ...,........... 828.00 24x24--2 Light Windows 2,.00 Bxio--4 Light Suzb ........ 1.00 iex12--4 Light Suub ...„1.15 Bxio--6 Light Suxb ... 1.25 Ioxi2--6 Light Sash ....... 1.40 Gypruc Piuuier Board. Bukdiug Paper, Fir Vuueur uud uk Building Materials AMBLESIDE LUMBER CO. LTD. Istb uud Muriuu Drive Phone Wuui Iss. Alter 5 p.m, usk for Gerry Dent Phoae West 24IR. Quality Food Specials Friday O'aturday, Juue &2 eF && THE WEST VAN NFWS 'I H I ItROHl.bhi OF ItNEthntI.OYihIEiss T The Fditor. tVest Van News. Dear Sir:--In IVest Vancouver we have a large number of or. ganizatlons, the latest to be add- ed to the hst is «n Unemploy- ment Workers'ssociation. Comparatively few people seem to realize the amazing changes that have taken place affecting the lives of millions of workers the world over. I want to mention a few facts tq show you how the introduction of machinery into our modern methods of production has con- tributed to this problem. For instance, a girl with mod- racy of trade unionists were textile mill working an 8-hour day can turn out as much yarn as an army of 45,000 with spin- ning wheels 160 years ago A few years ago the aristoc- racy of trade unionsists were glass blowers, their wages were twice that of the so-called high paid union mechanic. They had a month's holiday each year, lived well and gave their children a good education. A machine operated by one took the place of 550, with the up-to-date im- provements its output is now probably more than doubled. The machine produces but does not consume. In i,he boot and shoe industry 100 machines take the place of 26,000 men. The next time you shave think of this. One man can now turn out 32,000 razor blades in the same time needed for 500 in 1913. The machine is relentless, it doesn't even spare the low paid pick and shovel man. Hundreds of displaced men will stand and watcn an air machine digging or a machine shovel operated by only one man. Their job is gone forever. The machine does not even spare the brain-worker. The bank clerk no longer adds up columns of figures. The ma- chine has demonstrated its sup- eriority over his brain. It does not tire nor make mistakes and its capabilities are not merely limited to adding. What need is there for a thousand University Professors to be giving similar lectures to a thousand different classes when the best one could do the whole job with the aid of a machine and no extra effort to himself I One could go on indefinitely quoting these examples, which only goes to show that the ma- chine hss clearly demonstrated its ability to abundantly produce all the material necessities and luxuries of life. Is other words, it can abolish poverty. But strange to say instead of abolish ing, it creates it. The reason is obvious. The machinery of pro- duction is private property and only run for profit. The issue must be clear to all honest think ing people regardless of their previous political opinions. Shall we continue the machine private property plus demoralization, or shall we have it publicly owned and operated for use and happi- ness? Yours truly, T. E. W. RUSSELL. I'IANO RECITAI. VERY SUCCESSFUI. The piano recital on Friday evening given by the pupils of Mrs. Clara TVilson in the Orange Hall, was a very successful af- fair, and was much enjoyed by the parents and friends of the children who were present. The young artists displayed considerable technique and ac- curacy in their playing, and it was evident to all that they were happy at the piano. The assist- ing artist was Miss Irene Gracey, violin pupil of Miss Margaret Mcintyre, who gave 8 delightful violin solo. She was presented with a bouquet at the conclusion of her performance. June 12, 1931 West Vancouver Lumber Co. 15th and Marine LIMITED Phone IVest 116 W. J. Turnbull, hianager, Residence Phone: TVest 368L SERVICE Everything for the Building. LU SER SASH DOORS ROOFING BUILDING PAPER Lamatco -- Gyproc -- Plaster Board Beaver Board -- Shingles COUNCIL STATES THEIR CASE FOR RELIEF (Continued from Page I) mount spent for labor. In other words, in order that we might obtain a grant of 52500 from the Federal Government and an equal amount from the Provinci- al Government, the taxpayers of IVest Vancouver were called upon to provide 320,000 of labor and material. Should the Gov- ernment adopt this same method of contributing relief in the future, many Municipalities with modest revenues would be unable to take advantage of the contributions offered. "In conclusion, the Council are of the opinion that the extent of unemployment in Canada today demands that immediate action for relief be taken, and that the plain facts be brought before the Honorable Prime Ministers and Ministers of Labor in Ottawa and Victoma. "Should the existing condi- tions continue, the Council is of the opinion that not only will the morale of our Canadian citizens be seriously affected, but that the outlook for our young men and women looking forward to a business career, will indeed be very discouraging." Custard Sauce One pint milk, yolks of two eggs, 1-4 cup sugar, salt, 1-2 teaspoonful vanilla; scald milk: mix sugar, salt and beaten yolks, add milk slmvly; cook over water until eggs set; strain and add vanilla; cool. For lemon custard sauce, cook thin shavings of rind of one lemon in milk; remove when straining. These recipes serve 6 to 8 people. The beautiful rain during Lhe past Few days will certainly help our garden seed BUT Tbiu SEED will grow on yuu while yuu look at it on the screen at LoNSDALE MON . TUES - WED next Special Matinee Wed 2-30 l You Can SaveOne»'-: 'ollar If you pay your telephone bill by the 18th of the month 8. C. TELEPHONE COM IXANY JEFFERIES'UPERIOR MEATS Government Inspected Only LAMB, BEEF, PORK, VEAL, ETc. COOKFD MEATS OF AI.L KINDS, DEI.ICATESSEN ~4 {Two Stores for your service) HOI LYlkUIIN STORI A61B(.FSIDE S rORE IVeat 3 West 303