West Van. News (West Vancouver), 12 Jun 1931, p. 5

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0001 105 attar, delbe listed cciipa. !y ay ,05 ,y,5 ,15 ,80 on h OE e June 12, 1931. PLANTS HIGH SCHOOL NOTES H. B. hiacLean of the Provin- cial Normal School, Vancouver, by letter to hirs. W. Reid, teach- er of Grade X, Commercial Class of the High School, noti- fied the following students that they were to be awarded the Ad- vanced Certificate for Penman- ship: Luella Peterson, Muriel Daw- 'son, Ella Roxburgh, Mny Cripps, 'Margaret Scabloom, Hazel Brea- ley, Lulu Ray, Nedra Boyd, Flora Carnage, Marjorie Murray, Muri. el Bell, Phyllis Johnson, Mary Yates. He commended the high order of the work submitted, which, he said, reflected great credit on the teacher. School Trustees Smith and Jackson as 0 delegation from the School Board waited on the council to present 5 plan of the proposed improvements at the Inglewood High School grounds. After discussion the plan wns filed for reference. The delega- tion undertook to give the coun- cil some idea of the work which would be required and the esti- mated cost of same. A new system for trying to make the students remember was being adopted in a village school and the teacher was ex- plaining it to her class. "For instance," she said, "sup- posing you wish to remember the name Bobby Burns. Just imagine in your mind's eye 5 policeman in flames." "That's all very well," said one bright scholar, "but how are you to remember whether it' Bobby Burns or Robert Brown- ing?" C. J. ARCHER, Real Estate, Insurance, Mortgages and Glen- eagles. 791 Dunsmuir Street. Seymour 6963M. H011yburn THEATRE THURS., FRL, 0 SATURDAY June II, 12, IS CHAIILES BICKFORD, RAGUEL TOIIRES ssd NILS ASTHER in "THE SEA BAT" MONh TUBS., A WEDNESDAY June 16, 16, 17. Cttii B. Dahiint't "MADAM SATAN" Open Every Fvtsisg- Mttistt every Saturday $ 1 Pays 5 Subscription to the llollyburu t'ublic Library to December 31, 1931 200 Books coming June 16. 1931. J COMMUNICATIONS Hnllyburn, B. C., June 9, 193L Editor West Van News. Sir:--A paragraph referring to West Vancouver appeared in last week's number of "The Un- employed Worker," a Vancouver publication to which many West Vancouver residents have ex- pressed objection. At 0 meeting of the West Vancouver branch of the Unem- ployed Workers Association held on June 8th, I was instructed by unanimous vote to entirely re- pudiate that article as untrue and unwarranted. Yours truly, HARRY GLEED. The fallowing is the paragraph in question: tbVEST VANCOUVER BOURGEOISIE KNOWS WHO'S WHO." "Ten dollars rent was the price asked for the Orange Hall in West Vancouver when the un- employed applied for it, altho the I.L.P. can have it for four dollars." "This prohibitive figure is an indication of the fear and hatred of the West Vancouver Bnbbitry of the militant organization of the workers. "West Van. has 0 reputation for being a residential area for retired Colonels, Civil Servants, Bankers, and similar riff-raff, with a sprinkling of the upper strata of the working class. "There are, however, a consid- erable. number of unemployed workers. In order to fight the cutting off of relief, they felt it was necessary to organize. Hence the need of 5 hall to hold a meet- ing. "The Independent Labor Par- ty is on n par with other bour- geois organizations in that sal- ubrious suburb. The unemployed without 5 guarantee of being perfectly innocuous, are barred from the halls. The bosses know their friends! "The unemployed workers in West Vancouver must not allow this discrimination to intimidate them. That is one of the things that can be expected. "Halls or no halls, the organ- ization must be built up, and mil- itant action taken to compel the Council to grant adequate relief. The fight will go on." "It is a curious fact," snye some entomologist, "that it is the female mosquito that tor- ments us." A bachelor says that it is not at all curious. Chocolate Sauce 2 squares chocolate, melted 1 cup boiling water Q cup syrup or sugar I tablespoon cornstarch mix- ed with 1 tablespoon cold water. Adff the boiling water to the sugar or syrup, then add gradu- ally to the melted chocolate, stirring all the time while add- ing. Heat to boiling point, add the cornstarch mixture and boil 6 minutes. Flavor with vanilla and serve hot or cold. Closing Out Sale Bedding Plants ...... 2 dozen for 25c Potted Plants...........from loc up Hanging Baskets................ from 75c up Everything must be sold within the next ten days. ROBINSON'S THE WEST VAN NEWS legion Notes i A general meetmg of the Can- adian Legion, West Vancouver branch, will be held in the Legion Memorial Hall next Wed- nesday, 17th June, at 8 p. m. I,FGION IV. A. The regular monthly meeting of the W. A. to the Canadian Legion was held in the Legion Memorial Hall on Monday, June 1st, at 2:16 o'lock, with the president, Mrs. Batchelor, in the chair and twenty-one members present. Mrs. Batchelor having attended the convention as dele- gate for this Branch gave a very interesting nnd instructive ad- dress and other business wss transacted. Mrs. Climie is kindly giving an outdoor bridge and whist tea nt her home, 1461 27th Street, on Thursday, the 18th Instant, at 2:16, which will be postponed if weather is unsuitable. THE BUIINING BUSH By Subadar I have to wear expensive glas- ses, and as 0 poor and struggling individual strongly object to having my eyesight blurred by the most recent efFusion adopted by the fair sex. The reference of course, is to the combination waist nnd trousers which are this summer strictly 0 ln mode. I hear 0 jack tar is responsible for the creation of these atroci- ties. He in a fit of what is vul- garly known as "the rats" took his white pants, and camouflaged them with all the different kinds of paint he could find. The Nav- al court gave him a month in "the brig," and ordered the pants thrown overboard, whence they drifted ashore and into the hands of a fashion designer. The latter made his fortune, nnd the Naval Court took two snorts of rum in order to settle their ruf- lied feelings. But the jack tar wns adjudged to have had enough liquor,so got nothing for his brain wave but "the jug." It's just too bad. A letter recently appeared in the press from two officers of the Indian Army somewhat dep- recating the importance of Col- onel Lawrence's work in the Palestine campaign. I wonder how far Allenby would have got in his advance had he had his left flank continually exposed to attacks from the Arabs, as would probably have been the case if Lawrence had not welded them into one fighting unit, a thing incidentally that nobody else had ever been able to do before. I do not wish to mini- mize for one moment the good work done by our forces in Pales tine, but at the same time I gravely doubt whether Allenby would agree with the stand taken by these Indian Army of- ficers, At any rate Lawrence put the wind up the Turks from Con- stantinople to Mecca, and he was the only officer who had 5 price put on hia head. While I am 0 journalist and not 5 soldier, this would appear to indicate they at any rate, put an extremely high valuation on his efForts. The immediate past-president of the Canadian Manufacturers'ssociation, speaking in Vancou- ver a few days ago, is reported to have said these words: "Canada needs to develop an export sense. We must sell tn South America what they want --not what we want to sell." The first export sense Canada needs to dev~elop is as regards the Sons of Freedom, and the sooner the better. Unfortunate- ly, however, if we had the hyp- notic power necessary to GIVE them away to the South Ameri. cans or anybody else, we could undoubtedly sell everything we didn't want and which nobody else wanted to the whole world. CLASSIFIED ADS meats is 2 nate yet word, misimtm bttilag ttgtitt ententes tB tlsssl Tht rale for CisstiSt4 Adrtttist 25 teste. Esttpt is tbt catt tf then Sess are paytbie strictly ia sdtsste. Remember Ciattiseet is ihe West WEBB'S SHOE BEPAIRS WBAN BEST--Dosdttstt Vts Newt gtt immediate rttaita LOST--Gobi Wrist Watch ea Dsthett between 15th and 17tk RtwataL Phone Watt 570L ROOM AND BOARD for bstisntNEW GARDENS CONSTRUCTED-- Originsi designs in garden decora- tions, lawns, Paths, Atttttk Rttk Gardens snd Pools, Landscape Gsr desisg aH btsochea Moderate pains. R. J. Kytt, residence phone West 69LS. maa. Phone West 172RI. FOR SALE--Esgiitb Pram. P&mt West 498Y. FOR SALE--New motte bsagsbaw, ftsr teems aed sock, iitepisce, foresee, earnest batemtst, wtaser- fai view. Iizs Etqoisaslt. 52950. Phone West ISSX. DRFaISMAKING tse RF'4OVATING --EspetiesteaL WttM gt ost by the dsy. Phtst West 280R. FERNS sad BEGONIAS -- Fesctal Designs atd Wadding Bteqstts, Landscaping, blsfsttstsce, Fence ssd Rock worii. Shrubs smi Fiesta supplied from own setsatita CspR- sso Ntttttiet. West 104R2. TRADE A Ctautmts't three Spate bicycle ftt ~ isdy'4 bicycle. Phone West SIIYI. TO RIUVT--Fttsitbtd Btststm stat HtHybtts Wbatf, Phoae West 37SL TO RENT -- Partly Furnished, Sve rooms, water in kitchts. Hsif sets fruit tint, 514.00. Near Marine Drive. Phone Desgist 651. IA)ST--Boston Ball Ptp, btinsit, abate months'ld, thottsghbres. Phone West 435R. YOlk SALE--Fsdt Radio, battery ttt, electrically equipped. Singer elec-tri portable sewing machine. Electric heater. Columbia gramo- phone. Cheap. Phone West 25L7. FOR SALE--The tM btsthosst, 2423 Bellevue Ave. Make ~ bid and take it. Phone or call 2420 BtRttoe Ave. West 316. FOUNDATION CEMENT WORK-- Landscaping snd Lswas laid. Rock walls, drains, septic tanks, fencing ssd itnd clearing, chimneys asd for snt cleaned and repaired. PL t T, Barsott, tetidcact phone Wa. 290R ALL THB BEST Brands of Cigars. Cigarettes snd Ttbsteot. Also Es- cbsiege Poker Bands snd Ctetoi cards Free. Ambittidt Tcs Rooms. Teacher's eutvtnke Some of the boys were taking but little interest in the lesson nnd the teacher became irritable. "William Smith," he demand- ed suddenly, "are you listening?" "Yes, sirl" "Then perhaps you can tell me where Nelson waa killed?" "Trafalgar Square," was the reply. "Indeed 1" ejaculated the teacher. "Then I suppose Wel- lington was killed at Waterloo Station?" "No, sir!" responded Williain; "that was Napoleon!" LATEST FOL'NDATION G A R- MENTS--Spireiis Office, 1259 Gtr- des Avesta. Phone Wnt 5791 LOST--Mttdsy.. 5th. fata Sherman P.o„ot between Mtthm Drive asd Sherman Station -- Rte head patte., ttittt bellied, toatlaiaisg menmtott eath, ssd ptetstt paptta Yisder can keep cash bet tetora parse snd contests. Phone West I 05R2. To RENT--4 Roomed Bsagtiow. Bath AR tonveaitntta 520.00 s month for one year or more. Phase Watt 292Y. FOR SALE--Bsslo. Sse toss, SSS.00. cost 595JN. Set at Atsbittide Tn Rooms. FOR SALE--Ost Witiatr Baby Car- riage. Good conditioa. 1106 Esplan- ade. EXPERIENCED PRACI'ICAL GAR- DENEB--Lawat mast, maintained, Wsikt, Recktriet, Ftsdsg. H. A. bniias, residence phone West 135Y. RADIO REPAIRS by Local Expert. Satisfaction gtstsstttd. Phone West 39. ROCKBRY AND ALPL4B PLANTS for sale from large ctutctioa. C. G. Barrow, Corner 24th snd Neisen. Phone West 93L2. FOR PLUMBINC REPAIRS -- Bts- idtsce Phase West 24IE. CANADIAN LECION Empitymcat Department. Handy mca for aii work Phone West 71Y. 5IARCELLE SHOP -- bitttriie. 68 casts; reset, 36c; Sager wave, 75e. Phone Mts. King, West S04. FOR PAINTING. KALSOMINLsIG-- Apply C. L Koaingt, Residence phoae West 394R. No need to use your hose on this SEED Ute your EYES asd Etta LQNsDALE NON. - TUES. - VVED. nein Eaesissa 7 ass 9 -- IO p,m SPECIAL MATINEE WED. 2ao GEO. HAY Established 1912 Real Estate and Insurance Notary PsbBt FIRE INSURANCE FOR RENT--Fataitbad tah Uafata- ishad Htstta. Money Ataiitb'.t ftt Mtttgtgts os "bitstta Homes" 1405 Marias Drive Office Phoae West 21 or Sey. ISN Residence Phone W. SSR tr W. 204K Bert Gisby Bill Thompson VANCOUVER CREOSOTING CO„LTD. NORTH VANCOUV1HL WEST VAN. OIPERIAL SERVICE STATION 14th and Marine Drive %VKST 444 Repairs of all kinds, Gaa, Oil, Tires, Accessories, Battery Charging, IVreckcr Service, Electric Hobtt, 1Vashing and Polishing. GREASING and SPRAYLaNG. 61.00 h rr. -- -„'I h a I h hr hh hhe h