0001 Vra 'tt v r'v ~ r rrvvt ' rrv rrv vr v v ~ s'r N s" ~ r p Oco c" 'sv ~4 a rts oi s c ~ . t c ls ' c ~ 4 s" ccsc'c o quoi br ' c o c o.~ ac c e's' . t o r rr i rrevv 'Tv ~'r c rzv1'r v rrr'p 'rr o V vrrrrcv vrvovr vr vv rr" rrr NORTH VANCOUVER SAWNILLS LIMITED FOR QUALITY FOR SERVICE For your Lumber, Lath E ythi a Shingles, Sash and Door the home"Regtggtrements Call in and see us at 2,79 East Esplanade NORTH 110 or Phone Seymour 2406 GARDENS and GARDENING By MINA G. BUTT, Landscape Architect ou ~ le la I ~ yhs u. I c Awdcaa scheal ol Ladccay Archlte tuse aad c ~l ~ . Nraboc Nat4au hued c pe soc 4o. Quite recently we were asked about the grolving of mushrooms from an amateur's standpoint. While the person asking the question did not reside in )Vest Vancouver, it is quite possible that there are some of my read- ers interested in the growing of mushrooms for their own use and enjoyment. Our own personal experience in raising this table delicacy was not a very fortunate one in a way. Several years ago the man of the house decided to produce his own supply in preference to paying a dollar a pound for the store variety. After successful- Lv going through the various stages of securing the right fer- tilizer, soil, and spawn,,and mak- ing the beds, the time of har- vesting the crop arrived. Through some unknown man- ner the bed produced more than mushrooms and not knowing one variety of mushroom from an- other or mushrooms from cer- tain varieties of toadstools, it proved to be an elimination con- test with the toadstools almost winning. The man of the house spent several days in bed under the doctor's care. Since that time he has been quite content to buy those produced by people who know their mushrooms. However, our experience should not deter others from having the pleasure of producing their own supply. We quote it merely to indicate the advisability of be- coming famiTiar with the edible varieties produced from the spawn purchased from the stores handling it. There are several good boooks and government bul- C. J. ARCHER, Real Estate, Insurance, Mortgages and Glen- eagles. 791 Dunsmuir Street. Seymour 5953-4. FUEL letins which may be purchased or they msy be consulted at the larger public libraries. The government bulletins are, we believe, free or at least only a very nominal charge is made. A careful reading of this liter- ature will enable the amateur to recognize the edible varieties as well as provide him with the necessary directions for produc- ing mushrooms either for home consumption or marketing pur- poses. In the event that some readers of the News are contem- plating the growing of mush- rooms this fall and are not in a position to consult the books at the library or are unable to pur- chase books on the subject our next week's article will give the necessary directions to follow. On our journeys around the various sections of the country Ive usually pick up a rock of some sort for the rockery. A couple of weeks ago we made a trip to Yakima and on our return we picked up a piece of lava rock about a foot square. This lava rock as you perhaps know, is full of holes about a half inch in diameter. Upon our arrival at home we placed the rock in a temporary location in the rock- ery to await more time for choos- ing a permanent location. Last evening we decided on a location and upon picking up the rock found that practically every hole in it was full of earwigs. A kettle of boiling water was soon secured and used on them. The rock will now be used for this purpose and )nore secured as soon as possible. The beauty of them is that they may be placed around the garden and particu- larly in the rockery and not look out of place as do some of the home-made traps. NOTE--The r It III coosld It ~ pl acute to ~ q tlo weyWP lh yrdea la th4 rd a. Tl e lu etio ~ eh Id be dd coed te tb it I e ~ ol the Edits . TherWn~lae lpl us ll ~ p ~I Ply lc d I ed ~ e4tayub ~ u-~ ~ ea loye cho Id be ~ c4eech VERNON FEED STORE A. C. Searle, Phone )Vest 9 Fuel, Feed, Fertilizers and Building Supplies Reason Oifice Boy: "Sorry, but the editor won't even read your article." Embryo Writer: uBut did you tell him that if he read it he was sure to accept it7" «Yes, that's why he won' read It.u NOTICE RATEPAYERS are hereby reminded that the Non-Penalty period for the payment of Taxes expires on June 30th, AND THAT THE 61UNICIPALITY IS COku'ELLED BY LAW to add Ten per cent (10%) thereto on July 1st, if the Current Taxes are not then paid. CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF WEST VANCOUVER Juno 12, 1931THE WEST VA N NEWS CO)lklUNICATIONS A NEW RESIDENT Editor )Vest Van News. Sir: There may be many of my ornithological friends who are wondering what the name of. the new resident is who is present- ing us with such excellent even- ing concerts, which I can assure you are well worth attending. The program is one of the most varied, composed of approxi- mately 14 stanzas alternating from some rather harsh base notes, to some of the most beau- tiful of contraltos. The bird announces its name several times during the pro- grum with the call Chat-Chat- Chat-Chat for It is the Yellow- Breasted Chat that has come to make its home for the summer in )Vest Vancouver. It has made its appearance this week and can be heard sing- ing much like the English Night ingale throughout the day, and all through the night. IVander up Haywood Avenue between 25th and 26th Streets any evening, and hear this new visitor, who we all welcome, but do not expect to see it either during the day or night, as it is one of the most elusive birds imaginable, and keeps to the low bushes. Should you approach the bush in which you imagine it is sing- ing, he sees you first, and next you hear him singing in a bush 25 feet distant. I have spent two hours endeavoring to get a glimpse of my friend, but he has managed to keep out of my sight using his ventriloquil powers to elude me from one place to an- other, but I am still hoping to be able to introduce myself to the little fellow before many days have passed. This bird is a little larger than a sparrow and from my ornitho- logical books I find that it is a rare visitor to Canada so we are highly favored in West Vancou- ver in having this bird to swell the ever-increasing members of our feathered orchestra. B. R. HARRISON. P.S.--Please do not confuse this bird with the-White Crown- ed Sparrow which also occasion- ally sings during the night, but does not possess a song nearly as long or beautiful as the Chat. t ical points as these are the most important ones in the working of a camera club. After all, if a photograph ls to be taken at all, why should it not be taken properly I We are bound to have a proportion of poor pictures, especially with a cheap camera and a duf)cult sub. ject. But there is no reason wby so many of them should be eye- sores as at present. Even a cheap camera, in the hands of an intel- ligent worker who knows how to choose his subjects, can be made to produce creditable pictures. But the amateur who is com- pletely isolated can hardly be ex- pected to abstain from trying the Impossible, although the fllm and development will cost just as much for a cheap camera as for a good one. There is a tendency to organ- ize all societies on too ambitious a scale. A hand-picked member- ship, prominent men for the orn- amental positions, vpidely adver- tised exhibitions with showy prizes, msy be necessities for some purposes; but they should not be necessities for a camera club, Some people want club-rooms provided with full equipment for developing, enlarging, and so forth. But these refinements are out of place in West Vancou- ver No serious amateur wants to do his work in any other place than his own, All that is really necessary at present is an occa- sional meeting where pictures can be shown and talked over, and where information can be exchanged. If we will only con- fine ourselves to that, the ides is practicable. But it would be useful to know how far the idea can appeal to others in the dis- trict. The BURRARD LAUNDRY LI414d For I'eopls Who Are Particular Agent for SWAN BROS., l)RY CLEANERS TB))ln ST. aad 6'r. OAV)0$ Nolzh Vancouvsl'hone North 1310, West Van. Representative F. RIVERS Phone West 4101. FURNACE and SHEET METAL REPAIRS Ambleside Sheet Metalworks LAUAIE SPECK, Proylistpl 1466 Marine Drive I'hone West 437L2 IL W. Savory 1443 Marine Drive A m bi aside Phone West 340 Evenings, )Vest 143 Yours truly, J. PORTER. Real Estate Finance and Insurance Tomato Salad Strain the juice of a quart can of tomatoes, season with salt, pepper and a little celery salt, one-half package of gelatine dis- solved in cold water. Pour the boiling juice on that. Pour into individual molds and just before they set put half a hard-boiled egg on top of each. Serve on shredded lettuce with a table- spoonful of mayonnaise. If us- ing fresh tomatoes the inside may be hollowed out, snd the salad may be served in the hol- low tomatoes placed on lettuce leaves. "What do you do?u uI keep house, scrub, scour, bake, wash dishes, cook, do the laundry, iron, sew." Aiui the census-taker listed her: 'Housewife -- no occupa- tion.u Editor West Van News. The writer made the sugges- tion some time ago that a Cam- era Club might be formed for West Vancouver with advantage. There was no response, however; and the idea was dropped. It is just possible, however, that something of the kind may be practicable now. Photography is not at all a cheap hobby, but there is a good deal of sheer waste in it, which can be avoided with the aid of knowledge that might be as free- ly interchanged here as it is in hundreds of other places. Deal- ers in photographic supplies are usually quite willing to advise but that is not at all an equiva- lent for the free interchange of ideas and experience which takes place in a camera club. Most amateurs, even when they have been at work for a couple of years, have very hazy ideas as to what their cameras can and can not do. The fact that development and printing can be done eificiently, quickly, and cheaply is causing the younger photographers of today to miss many lessons which we of the older generation could not possibly miss in the course of our development and printing work. How many of our young contemporaries understand what Lq meant by really accurate foc- using? How many of them are aware that the ilgures for dis- tance on the ordinary snap-shot cameras are not to be trusted7 How many oi'hem can tell an over-exposed photograph unless it Is very much soi Such prac- Syecials-Saturday Only Reg. Saturday 3 Gals Home Gas ........................-- -- 84 i $ 1 PSI Qt. Burrard Oil .„...........................35 I ~ 5 Gals. Home Gas ....................................... 1.40 ) 1 GAL Burrard Oil .................................... 1.40 I 3 Gals. Home Gas .......................................84 ) I Qt. Home Eastern Oil ...........................50 ( $ 1.15 5 Gals. Home Gas ............................. 1.40 I Gal. Home Eastern Oil ............ 2.00 I $ 2.8P OWL SERVICE STATION Marine Drive at Cspilsno Bridge (Late Maple Service Station) West Vancouver Horticultural Association You are invited to the Eighth Annual FLORAL EXHIBITION in Dundsrave Hall, on SATURDAY, June 13th Doors open sl 2 p.m. Prizes Better thun Ever Send lib your entries. A Home Tea for Home People--MACLEAN'S ORANGE PEKOE