0001 " 12))I IJ bggb 124 bin I p.a. uicv. fp, K) I AIIR )n ER ISDY o io g I Iav- t55 THE WEST VANCOUVER TENNIS CLUB are giving their FIRST DANCE OF THE SEASON at the INGLE)VOOD AUDITORIUM FRIDAY, JUNE 19th, 1931 Dancing 9 till 1. Tickets, Freddy Ross'rchestra Gentlemen 75c. from the Winter Garden. Ladies 50c. Engagement No need to use your hose on this SEED Usc your EYES aad Ears Lo NsDALE MON. TUES. WED. next Evcslagv 7 sad 9 10 psa SPECIAL MATINEE WEO. 2ryo Litt'c Giv) iic Grandfather) "Grandpa, why don't yca grow hair ca your hcsdT" Grandpa--"Well, why doesn't grass grow on s busy sivcct I" Little Girl--"Oh, I scci It can't gvt ap through the concrete." The teacher was putting ques- tions to the class. "What do we call a man," he asked, "who keeps on talking when people are no longer inter- ested?" "Please, sir," replied 0 boy, "a teacher." Mrs. M. Edmunson of Chilli- wack announces the engagement of her eldest daughter, Barbara McMahon, to Mr. Leslie S. Yates, only son of Mr. and Mrs. J, S. Yates, 16th and Marine Drive, the marriage to take place early in July. Jv'bicEWAN WINS ANOTHER GOLF CUP J. McEwan, 15th and Esqui- malt, won the Rolland Payer Co.'s cup on Thursday, 4th June, at the Printers'nd Stationers'nnual Tournament, which took place at the Vancouver Golf Club. He turned in a gross score of 82. This is the flrst tourna- ment Mr. McEwan has taken part in since 1927, in which year he won both the C.P.R. and Mc- Mullin cups. It is evident, how- ever, that in spite of this ab- sence of some years from tour- nament golf his hand has not lost its cunning. and we shall doubtless hear of his scoring other successes this season. PHOTO Finishing COMMERCIAL WORK C. J. Brodericif )421 hfcvisc Dries DR. LYLE TELFORD Will speak on "The Present Crisis and The Way Out" at ORANGE HALL, 8115 y.m, THURSDAY, JUNE 18 Collection to defray ex- penses. Everybody Welcome The RIDGE SUPER SERVIGE STATION General Repairs, Brakes, Greasing, Battery Charging, Tires General Overhauling. Jack Banks R Lance Garthorne 2203 Marine Drive PHONES: )Vest 613-0 (Dsy or Night) Repair Shop: IVest 91 Warm Weather means ICE, if your foods are to be kept in good condition. PHONE WEST 456 For Ice and Save Waste Ridley's Jersey Milk and Ice Phone West 456 Automobile Glass Installed Mirrors Resilvered HOLT THE GLASS MAN 1470 Marine Dr. Phone, IVest 27 Dealer in I'LATE, SHEET, FIGURED, )VIREO, Etc., GLASS Repair Work Estimates Given June 12, 193. Odorless Dry Cleaning and Dyeing sUFIB, DREssEs, coATs Pressed SCC Cleaned and Pressed $ 1.60 WE CALL AND DELIVER Suite and Overcoats made to order Our Own Make ....................................535.00 up M. WILLIAMS w 'I"286L 1568 Marine Drive THE WEST VAN NEWS Local and Personal Last Week We told ysa of fsaiag pvkcs ia Stationery. This wcch ws have l)IOLASSES MINT CANDY in 10c pkgs. Ihst agave sat st 32c a pound We have sever hcfsvc said ii below 41k. WEST VIt PSAINACT Tlw Store sf Sara)ca 1402 Nsviac Dc)vs West FI Escsrgvacy Pikes West 221 (Aficv 9 p. pa.) G. Willis of the Kent Piano Co. here, has moved into the house formerly occupied by Mr. and Mrs. George Reid at 21st and Marine Drive. ' ~ ~ Grace Csmeron, Mrs. Mackenzie Matheson, and Miss Jean Mathe- son, all of Caulfeild, are spend- ing this week on Nelson Island. ~ ~ v Mrs. Joseph Tits, 16th and Marine Drive, is confined to her home through sickness. ~ ~ v Mr. Ebby of Vancouver, spent the week end at the Fortune Cup Inn. c c \ Bert Ridley returned on Tues- day to his home at Caulfeild from the North Western Dental College, Portland, Oregon. Mrs. G. C. Byrnell is very seri- ously ill at her home at 15th and Gordon. c v \ L.O.L. No. 2990 will hold their regular meeting next Tuesday at 8 p. m. in the Orange Hall, when the Royal Blue Degree will be conferred by the degree team. hir. and birs. J. Glover and family, 23rd and Bellevue, have moved into one of the Stevenson cottages at 24th and Haywood. ~ ~ ~ The Ladies'adminton Club has organized and is playing every Monday night in Dundar- ave Hall. c Mrs. T. P. Crowther, 8120 Travers Ave., is leavingthis week for Victoria, where she expects to spend the summer. ~ ~ Mrs. Fenning of Dundarave Bakery, has donated a very nice fruit cake as second prize in Class 13--Six Roses, distinct varieties--for the Floral Festi- val. This cake is now on view in the Bakery window. A very successful studio recit- al consisting of a delightful pro- gram of varied music, was given by the pupils of Mrs. F. X. Hodg- son at the Vanderpant Galleries, 1216 Robson St., on Tuesday evening. The )Vest Vancouver artistes taking part were Miss Joan Durbin, Mrs. C. E. Donohoe, Miss Margaret Rankine, hfiss Lena Gray, ihIr. Gordon Gray, Miss Betty Edwards, Miss hfary O'DonneH, Miss Madge Farmer, hIr. Tom Turner, and the Dun- darave Ladies Quartette. Re- freshments were served at the conclusion of a most enjoyable evening's entertainment. Mrs. F. X. Hodgson and Mrs. J. E. Durbin acted as accompanists. v v c Mrs. F. R. )Yard of Toronto, arrived on Saturday night to re- side with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. G. S. S. Robertson, 2530 Mathers Ave. hIrs. Ward plans to spend the summer here and may possibly make West Vancouver her perm- anent home. ~ ~ The St. Stephen's A.Y.PA. Tennis team defeated 84 Savi- our's 2 to 1. Mrs. Alee Hogarth and daugh- ter of Edmonton, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Colin MacLean, 2041 Marine Drive. ~ c ~ Mr. and hIrs. Benbow, 14th and Marine Drive, have moved to Chilliwack for the summer. ~ v v Mr. and bIrs. A. J. Csssels and family of Point Grey, have rent- ed a cottage at 18th and Marine Drive for two months. c ~ v Two hundred new books are being sent from the Provincial Library, Victoria, to the Holly- burn Public Library. It is ex- pected that they will arrive the first nf next week. Mr. Jones and family of Van- couver, have moved to their summer home at Horseshoe Bay for the summer. c ~ Mr. and Mrs. Barrett and Miss Good, all of Vancouver, are stay- ing at the Fortune Cup Inn. c Mr. Bayliss of Vancouver, has purchased waterfront property on Bellevue Ave., between 24th and 25th Streets. c ~ v Mrs. Raymont of Vancouver, is a guest at the Clachan. Mrs. Stuart Cameron, hIiss Mr. and Mrs. Mark of Ruskin, have moved into E. S. Pearce's house at 19th and Waterfront, v * v A son was born last week to Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Keith at their home in Magrath, Alberta. D. A. Keith is a son of ibIr. and Mrs. Keith of the Keith Block, 15th and Marine Drive, and a former resident of West Vancou- ver. His wife also formerly re- sided here, her maiden name be- ing Miss Betty Tite. Mrs. Price. mother of Mrs. F. Stainsby, is ill at her daughter' home at 19th and Marine Drive. Mrs. C. Chinnery, who has been spending the winter in Los Angeles, California, returned here last week, and is staying with Mr. and Mrs. J. Tears, 13th and Inglewood.\ c v Miss Vere Brunt was 0 hostess Friday evening, entertaining the following guests at the Commo- dore: bliss Margaret Henderson, Miss Adele Herrmann, Miss Pauline and Miss hIargaret Craig, Miss Gwen Berry, Mr. Eric Allan, Mr. Geoffrey Woot- ten, Mrs. James Henderson, hfr. Philip Wootten, Mr. Alex. Hen- derson and hir. Leslie O'eill. c v v The new home which Mr. Sutherland is having built at 24th and Lawson, is almost com- pleted. ~ v ~ Miss Ruth Hill of the B. C. Telephone stafF here, has return- ed from her annual vacation, which she spent on Vancouver Island. c c Playing last I"riday on their own grounds, the junior girls'aseballteam of Pauline John- son School defeated the Holly- burn junior girls by a score of 10 to 7. ~ ~ ~ In honor of Miss Vere Brunt, whose marriage to Mr. Eric Al- lan takes place this month, Mrs. Dalton D. Allan entertained at tea on Saturday afternoon at Wellington Court, Vancouver. Mrs. W. H. Brown and Mrs. hiil- ford Hastings poured tes and bliss Agnes Mills, Miss Charlotte Reid and MrIL A. Beaton assisted in serving. The gifts were yre- sented to the guest of honor by little Miss Josephine Allan. A- mong others present vrere hire. J. P. Joubert Brunt, Miss J. Dodd Allan, hire. F. Marrion. hfrs. I. Miller, Mrs. Foster, Mrs. W, Vsse, Mrs. James D. Tait, Miss Isadora Sutton, hfrs. G. Lyons, Miss Helen Northey, Miss Doris Bailey and Miss Bess Martin. Stratton's BAKERY BREAD -- CAKES Assorted I'astries- Almond Varieties Runs - Rofis Scenes Short Bread - Nut Bread Christening, Birthday, IVedding Cakes made at 1468 hIARLVE DRIVE Phone West 27 GORDON ROBSOiV Barr)siss B Ssnciisv WEST VANCOUVER- Offks Ns, 1442 Nsvtac Dp)vc. Phase West 40L VANCOUVEB OFFICE- Saiic 610; 610 assuage SL W Phone Ssyvasac 4109. HOLLYBURN Barber Shop 16th 0 Hsviac BXPBRT SBBVICB F 64ARSH, Proprietor BURRARD FUNERAL CHAPEL B. D. WHITE, Ngv. Disiiaciivs Fsacrai Sccvkc Lady Assistant 220--zni SI. K Phase Nscih 020 West Van Produce Co. Fresh Vegetables and Fruit Phone West 186 or 109 Prompt Delivery Hollyburn Garage 1503 Marine Drive Ceneral Auto Repairs Specializing in- Brake Lining and Battery Repairs. H. Davtson ey Son Phone West 100 "Daddy," said Phyllis petu- lantly, "John has asked me to marry him, but I told him I couldn't leave mamma." "That's all right, child," said father brightly, "take her with you." '" '".I'""n'rint and Voile Dresses Brooks'ry Goods and Men's Wear NAO)IH CHAPTER No 26, O,EB is giving a GARDEN PARTY SAI.E OF )YORK AND HObIE.COOKINC at V. V. VINSON'S RESIDENCE, 14th and Gordon, TUESDAY. JUNE 23rd, from 2 to 6 p. m. Admission, including refreshments: Adults. 25c; ChiMren, 15c 14th and hlarine Drive. Phone West 144 Exclusive Agents Corticelli Silk Hose and U.iiversal Sweaters also Novelties, Toys, School Suppbes, Hemstitching.