0001 THE )VEST VAN Nl.'tVS June 12, 19.'ll rr A h.h wr «" r a rw,r~ rt rrrrrr~ ~ * V 'f ""rcir 1 rr 'co"Vh+ i" r'r4 ,:o .Rc c v r i m rc ccrc.F r'c c' c c ~x'"'cp A rcr rimeri r*,::r p I ' c cicc ' - ~ .; 'c A.rr c ~ ' c c rr r( r c A'rrrrcr c rrrrrv'rrcrrr~r .rarer ~ ~ 'vrcw 'm 'rrr vr rrr rrrr rr rrrrrr .rrrI'rrr 'rrrrr r rerrr GOODS CAI.I.ED FOR AND DELI I'ERED Plant located at 1540 hlarine Drive Draper's HOME BAKERY HOAIE-hIADE RREAD HOLI vi CAKES PIES All Inade on the premises. Mrs. A. L. Fennings 2476 ihiarine Drive Phone IVest 366 A Generation Latel hIuriel was staying with her auntie, who one morning was very shocked when she pushe&l her breakfast away from her. "Muriel, why don't you eat your egglm she asked. "Because I don't ivant it," came the reply. "When I was a little girl, I should have been very pleased to have had it for my breakfast." "No doubt," Muriel replied. "Perhaps it was fresh then." Old Gentleman (disgusted)-- "Here, waiter, here's a caterpil- lar in this soup!" Waiter (flippantly) -- "Yes, sir, about the time of year for 'em just now, sir." Only the Finest hiclcricic Avail- able used in cn Linc Cccciiccc Preparations sold at the Gfvend'0!yI Beauty Shoppe 1040 Marine Drive Prop. 141SS Gtpfci CLAY„ late of Vogue 0 Dcrcac Hairdressing Parlor. Hair Tinting, Hair Cutting, Mcr- «cBiaz, Gcacccc Oil Shcmpccc, Pisser-vcriaz, Fccicic, bicsi- ceriss, For appointments PHONE WEST 117- United Church hlinister, E. A. Henry, D.D. Sunday, June 14th. 1931. Dr Henry will occupy the pul- pit at both services. 11 a.m.--Topic, "The I'ace of Jesus Christ." 7:30 p. m. -- Topic, "Great Questions," "What Docst Thou Iferer'he Sunday School meets at 9:55 a. m, The summer Communion will be held at the morning service on Sunday, July 5th. Dr. Henry would be glad to meet any between now snd the date of Sacrament who desire to connect with the church either by letter or profession. The Young People are arrang- ing for a formal opening of the Tennis Court on Satulxtsy after- noon next. The usual hour for prayer and Bible study is on Wednesday evening from eight to nine. The notices regarding summer camps are out. July 1-10--Camp Tuxis, under Frank Fidler. July 10-18--Senior Girls. July 18-31--Leaders. With special courses under competent instructors such as Dr. C. A. Myers of Toronto; )fein. cBrown anct Professor Trumpour of B. C.; Frank Fidler snd Anne Fountain snd others. July 31-Aug. 10--Senior Girls Provincial. August 10-18 -- Intermediate Boys. August 18-27 -- Intermediate Girls. Tne place is Ocean Park. Get information from the Re- ligious Education Council. Our local girls can get information from hIiss Jean McLsren. WEST VANCOUVER CHORAL SOCIETY WEST VANCOUVER Christian Science Society CHURCH RD1FICR zelh cad Rceuimcil, Hcaybccc This Society ic s Breach of The btolhcr Church The I'itcl Church cf Christ, Scientist, is Boston Mcccccbuccllc. Sunday Services 11.$0 c. m. aad 7.$0 p.m. Subject, June 14th, "('OD THE I'RESERVER OF hIAN" Sunday School at 10.00 ~ . m. Testimony biccliss Wednesday at $ .1$ p. m St. Stephen's Church Rector: Rev. A. Harding Priest, B.A. Trinity 2 (June ldth). 8 s. m.--Holy Communion. 11:16 s. m.--Children's Flow- er Service. 3 p. m.--Holy Baptism. 7:15 p. m,--Evensong. Anth- em, "Incline Thine Esr," (Him- mel). There will be no Sunday School in the morning snd in- stead, the children will attend the annual flower service at 11:15 o'lock, At the monthly Young People' service in the evening the preacher will be the Rev. Cyril Stone, rector of St. Margaret's Church, Cedar Cottage. There is s special meeting of the Church Committee Tuesday in the Parish Hall at 8 p. m. Friday, June 19th, at 2:30 p. m. there is 0 meeting for the Little Helpers snd their mothers in the Parish Hall, at which Mrs. Msckenzie, the diocesan superin- tendent, will be present. At Tuesday'0 meeting of the W. A. Miss Almss wss appointed a representative to attend the forthcoming Summer School at Camp Artsbsn. The girls'aseball have won their two last games of the sea- son, defeating Chown United 8-6 last Friday and winning Wed- nesday by default from Hastings United. Friday evening the boys lost 12-5 to Buchanan Pres- byterians at Ambleside Park. Rclcbiichcd os North Shore 20 Years (Lady Assistant) HARRON BROS. S( iVILLIAhISON funeral Qtrectars North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 184 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 West Van Neays Psbiicbcd Every friday dccicccc cad Rdiicrici Officci 1711 cml iilcrisc Drirc (Next to HoBybsrs P O.) I'hone West 353 afternoons or evenings b'icii address: P.O. Bcx 01. HcBybcra, B.C. Piibiichct F. F. LOVEGROVE Phone West 363 $ 1.00 e ycsc by carrier; $2,00 c year by msii. Ncwcclcsdc Ec. pcr copy A Basket Picnic for Associate members, members, friends and children at Whytecliif Park, through the courtesy of W. W. Boultbee, will be held on Satur- day, June 27th. Buses will leave Ambleside at 2:30 prompt. The executive will appreciate the assistance of members owning their own cars, in the matter of transportation. A small charge will be made both for adults and children. Sports snd games for both old and young will be arranged, community singing will be en- joyed by all, and ice cream pro- vided for the kiddies. Any members who may not have been canvassed by the vari ous conveners, please phone Miss Wilson, West 90, or P. C. Chap- man, West 42Y3, for further particulars. St. Anthony's Church Pastor: Rev. Father Csrey Itesidence: 2558 Marine Drive. Saturday--6:30 s. m., Holy Mass 8:00 s. m., Holy Mass. 7:45 p.m., Triduum Devotions, Confessions. Sunday--8:00 s.m., Low Mass, General Communion. 10:30 s.m.--High Mass. 8:00 p. m.--Sunday SchooL 4:00 p. m.--Rosary, Benedic- tion, Week Days--7:30 s. m., Holy Mass. His Excellency, Archbishop Duke, Coadjutor-Archbishop of Vancouver, will preside at the High Mass on Sunday. The oc- casion is the Septcentensry Com memorstion of the death of St. Anthony, patron of our Church snd Pariah. St. Anthony died June 13, 1231. I O.D.E. hIEhIORIAI. SERVICE The annual I,O.D.E, Memorial Service will be held at the Sol- diers'lot, Mountain View Cem- etery next Sunday at 8 o'lock. Anyone wishing to contribute flowers for this service are asked to leave them at Gemmill'0 Drug Store before I o'lock, Sunday. NAObii CHAI"I'ER TO GIVE GARDEN I'ARTY The Naorni Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star, is giving a garden party, sale of work snd home cooking at V. V. Vinson'0 residence, 14th snd Gordon, on Tuesday, 23rd June, from 2 to 6 p. m. Admission, including re- freshments, adults, 26c; children 15 cents. Mrs. Maurice Brown of Van- couver, snd late of Winnipeg, widow of the late Major Brown of Wales, England, has built 0 new home in Caulfeild and will shortly take up permanent resi- dence there. It Is much easier to be critical than to be correct.--Disraeli. West Van Cleaners and Dyers Phone West 161 SUAfilfER SUITS 44 JVIJ DRESSES Dry Cleaned Odorlrsyly $1:Oo ONE DA1'ERVICE BRITISH ISRAEL CRNADIAN LRGilON MEMORIAL HALL NEXT SUNDRY-- 10 c. m.--Scbcci Icr Chiidccs. 2 p. m.--Spcchcr: MR. PERCY KING Subject: "THE REST THAT RESIAINETH" Mr. King bcccdccclc ever CKWX every Wednesday at 0.$0 p. iii. Baptist Church Pastor, Rev. H. P. Humphreys, Itesidence, 1343 Heywood. Phone West 252R Sunday June 14 1931 10 a. m.--Sunday School. 11 a. m.--Morning Worship. Pastor will preach, topic, "God Incognito." Mrs. Suddsby of Vancouver, will sing. The ordinance oi'hristian Baptism will be observed at the close of service. 7:30 p. m.--Evening Worship. Topic, "Learned in All Wis- dom. Bright gospel hymns. A cordial invitation to all. Wednesday, 8 p. m.--Pre-Con- vention prayer service. Address by Rev. A. C. Binghsm of Grsndview. JUNE MEETING OF IL-T. A. An unusual meeting of the P.-T. A. took place in the lunch room of the Pauline Johnson School on Tuesday night. Re- ports on the P.-T. A. Convention snd business discussions occu- pied the early part of the even- ing. Then Mr. Mitchell led the community singing which ap- peared to be thoroughly enjoyed by everybody--at least, great wss the laughter in the lunch- room. Refreshments were wel- come after that exercise, snd during their consumption Mrs. Baldwin fired questions, the answers to which were the names of streets in Vancouver, names of cities, island or coun- tries, etc. The hearty thanks of the Association are due to Miss Frame for her excellent render- ing of two songs. Both contrib- uted greatly to the pleasure of the evenmg. PUPIL'S DANCE RECITAL Catherine Pston, of 14th St. snd Gordon, held the Dancing Recital of her Junior pupils on Saturday afternoon, June 6th, at the Orange Hall. During the afternoon solo dances were given by Misses Leonore Paton, Paul- ine Scott, Isobel Russell, Joan Sheifield, Joan MscGuiness, and Master Neil Pston. Others tak- ing part were the Misses Joan Ajello, Dorothy Smith, Mary Lang, Peggy hfsrshsll, Sylvia Morris, Helen MscGuiness, Bun- ty Marshall and Doreen Gsrrard. The work of all these little people wss very much appreciat- ed snd some of them showed con. spicuous ability. Their costumes were particularly artistic, but- terfly wings of varied colors glistening in the sunlight; fairi- es of happiness; dainty Japanese girls; clapdsns in quaint caps snd petticoats; Russians, Spani- ards, Sailors snd nursery rhyme folk. The musical numbers given by Miss Gertrude Thomson and little Jessie Davies were much enjoyed. Following the display afternoon tea was served to the invited guests who were the par- ents end friends of the pupils. It is very gratifying to realize that we have in our growing community considerable talent that with training snd perse- verence may be brought to a high degree of perfection. Catherine Paton is to be con- gratulated on this, her premier recital In West Vancouver. Hollyburn Hall Cor. 14th dt Duchess LORD 8 DAY-- 10 a m --Sunday School 11 s. m.--Worship 0 n d Breaking of Bread. 7:15 p. m.--Song Service 7:30 p. m.--ADDRESS Speakers: hilt. D. '\VILI,INGTON Jr. and MR. IVOOD iVEDNESDAY-- 8 p.m.--Prayer and Bible Study. DI Marjory hICCtibbin DENTIST Hcccc. 0 ~ . m. lc 0 p. m. Sclurdcyci 10 ~ . m. lc 1 p.m. Evenings ced Saturday After- noons by appointment only. Royal Bash Buiidms I hcac vicct 440 Residence I'hose West $$2. NURSING HOME (Mcc. M. R LcCbcacc, ILN.) QT m 204 24ih Slrccl Eccl Noclh Vcaccercc Residence Phone: Ncclh 1$$0R C. J. Overington PIONEER BARBER 14th and Marine Expert Work I'hone %est 135 -- NOW ~ iyyyi)ittllllll&JI/((((((((y(~tttt -- NEWS-- SCENIC -- COhiEDY Evenings T and O Matinee Sat. B43O COMING Mon.--Tuse.--Wed. "SEED" Rcccybcdy vcuias lc ccc laic. Fcccybody lcihice about 11. a Tccmccdccciy Drcmciic Tcih- icc Piciccc vuh jOHN BOI,I'.S- --LOIS WILSOiq Gl';NEVIEVE TOBIN- --ZASU PITTS Evenings 7 and 9i10 p.m. SPECIAL MATINEE WED. 2i3O NOTE iiPRII'cmmcmv~ O 7 ccd 0 10 pm ccd 24m pm ucd THEATRE- LONSDALE- C. J. ARCHER, Real Estate, Insurance, Mortgages and Glen- eagles. 791 Dunsmulr Street. Seymour 6953-4.