0001 -TC, A Weekly Newspaper Circulati ttgi tt thg District of Weft Vancouver-A m6lest'de', Holly6uryt, Wgft0yf, DttyttirJCYJvg r $ 1.00 per year. CyPreSS Park, Caulfeild, WhyteCliff, &I;. Newsstands Sc per Qypy COHS V01. VI S[x PAGES HOLLYBURN P.O., WEST VANCOUVER. B.C., FRIDAY, JUNE 12, 1931 No. 3 '1 ~Q, ii ii) 36q, Secieb ie)6 iaI ist iixk niy iisz ~THE FLORAL FESTIVAL The eighth floral festival to be given by the West Vancou- ver Agricultural and Horticultural Association will take place in Dundarave Hall tomorrow (Saturday). In view of the long spell of hot weather with which we have been favored, indi- cations point to this year's show being the best that has ever been given. The doors will be opened to the public at 2:SO p. m., and Reeve Leyland will speak during the evening about 9 p. m. The secretary will be at the hall this evening from 7:SO to 9:30 to receive entries, and exhibitors are reminded that aH entries must be in place by 10 a. m. tomorrow morning. The classes include among others small fruits, vegetables, roses, collections, a decorative section, domestic science, needle- work, thrift class, and boulevards. A new feature is a special novice class for those who have not previously won a prize. This year the prizes are better than ever, and many of them will be on display at the West Vancouver Pharmacy. &) The judges are as follows: fruits, G. E. W. Clarke; flowers and gardens, G. Moore; children's needlework and cooking, Miss McBain; drawings, R. J. Kyle; manual training, W. K. Woodcock. Miss Frame will act again as official pianist. The Horticultural Society is chielly responsib!e for the reputation the municipality enjoys as a place of beautiful flowers and gardens, and as such is entitled to the full sup- port of every West Vancouver resident. AH our people should make a point of attending the show, and where possible, put in exhibits, for there are few residents with gardens who have not some choice flowers or fruits that are worth showing. Catalogues can be obtained from the Ambleside Tea Rooms, West Vancouver Pharmacy, Vernon Feed Store, Mrs. A. J. Marling, Dundarave Pharmacy, and Marine Grocery. By paying the annual membership fee of $1.00, West Vancou- ver residents are given free admission to this show and that in the fall besides being able to send in their entries free of charge. We again ask on behalf of the Society the full support of afi those who desire West Vancouver to maintain its repu- tation as the garden suburb of Vancouver. TO HOLD LIFE SAVING CLASSES An item of great importance to the young people of West Vancouver is the announcement by the W. V. Swimming Club of their intention to hold Life Sav- ing Classes in Hofiyburn and Pauline Johnson Schools. These classes are principaHy for sfi those over the age of 12 years who can swim but prospective swimmers are cordially invited as weH. The first class takes place Monday, June 15th at Pauline Johnson SchooL Another class will be conducted on Thursdays, starting June 18th. Classes start at 7:30 p. m. Now is the time to prepare yourselves to be of assistance at the next call. . HOLT STARTS HERE IN GLASS BUSINESS Jim Holt has opened in the glass business at 1470 lifarine Drive, dealing in afi kinds of glass. He has been in the glass business in Vancouver for a number of years, and is thor- oughly posted in afi branches of the trade. Repair work, automo- bile glass installed, mirrors, re- silvered, estimates given, etc. He recently supplied, cut and installed thp glasx in tiro is w ticket ofi'ice on Ambleside wharf. THE Sl'ECTRE OF UNEhIPLOYMENT The great question of the day everywhere is unemploy- ment. Experts in every line of endeavor have been busily engaged for some time in blaming this or that thing for our present economic distress, and suggesting this or that remedy. Usually each has admitted that in his own particular line matters have not been conducted as wisdom would have dic- tated, and therefore one is forced to the conclusion that, if they are right, the economic crisis is due to a variety of causes, and not only the particular one which each holds to be responsible. Some state and seem to think that the unemployment question is not being seriously considered. This, of course, is untrue and the worst kind of rubbish. No government exists anywhere, be it national, provincial or municipal, which is not doing its very best to find a remedy or remedies and to apply them. There are no employers, or firms, large or small, who are not bending their best efforts towards restoring their own particular little world of effort to normalcy and happiness. They all of them realize that present conditions cannot con- tinue indefinitely,and that the remedy must be found. They are exploring every avenue to this end, There is everywhere the deepest sympathy for the un- employed, as there is a full realization in the hearts of all that arguments appear empty to those unfortunates who have an empty larder and no apparent means in sight of replenishing it, particularly where there are women and children to be considered. We recently won the greatest war of afi time, and we did it by forgetting ourselves, our pet theories, our likes and dis- likes and suspicions, and by afi standing together against the common foe. The common foe today is unemployment, and we can and shall only come through the present crisis by pull- ing together as we did from 1914 to 1918. DR. TELFORD TO GIVE I.ECTURE Dr. Lyle Telford wiH speak at the Orange Hall next Thursday, 18th June,at 8:16 p. m, Hissub- ject will be "The Present Crisis and the Way Out." A hearty in- vitation is extended to the public to attend, Collection to defray expenses. EXHIBITION OF 1VORK There will be an exhibition of work by the Home Economics Friday, at 7:30 p. m. in the classes of the schools (tonight), June 12th, at 7:SO p. m. in the auditorium at Inglewood School, The parade of dresses made by the girls will commence st 8:30 p. m. The public is cordially in- vited to be present. 1 TAG DAY A tag day wfil be held tomor- row, Saturday, in West Vancou- ver, in aid of the funds of the North Vancouver General Hos- pitaL Mrs. Donovan is acting as convener. A picked team of swimmers from West Vancouver is soon to start, taking instructions In the use of the inhalators now instal- led in West Vancouver. These swimmers when capabe will themselves instruct classes in West Vancouver. COUNCH, STATE THEIR CASE FOR RELIEF It is the opinion of the reeve and council that West Vancou- ver, being a purely residential district, is entitled to more con- sideration in the matter of un- employment relief than districts containing industries. They have endorsed the resolution which resulted Crom the unemployment conference last Friday in Van- couver, and, acting under their instructions, the municipal clerk has sent the following memoran- dum to Mayor Taylor, outlining unemployment conditions in West Vancouver: June 8th, 1931. "Mayor L. D. Taylor, City Hall, Vancouver, B.C. "Dear Sir:--I am instructed by the Municipal Council to ad- vise you that they whole heart- edly endorse the resolution pass- ed at the Unemployment confer- ence on Friday last, and that they are firmly of the opinion that the problem is one of National responsibility. Every Municipality will have its own local problem from vari- ed angles, and I am instructed to submit the following memoran- dum of local conditions in order that your Committee may be fully advised:-- "West Vancouver is in an ex- ceptional position, being incorp- orated as a separate and distinct Municipality, while being for afi Practical PurPoses a Part and TENNIS CI.I.'B DANCEparcel of the Great.r Metropoli- 'EXT FRIDAYtan ares. The Municipality is ex- clusively residential, and owing to its scenic location there are no industries or large establish- ments employing labor. How- ever, owing to its proximity to Vancouver, hundreds of West Vancouver citizens cross the In- let every day, and are there em- ployed in offices, factories and industries. The economic situa- tion has made it necessary for many business concerns to re- duce their staffs, resulting in a large number of West Vancou- ver residents finding themselves out of employment. A Munici- pality which is exclusively resi- dential, such as West Vancouver, obtaining its revenue almost en- tirely from land taxation, is quite unable to cope with a situ- ation of this kind. In normal times the Municipality is limited in the number of its employees, and to provide work or susten- ance for a very large number who in the past have obtained their livelihood in the City of Vancouver presents a problem far beyond the resources of the tax payer. The Municipal Coun- cil of West Vancouver is sure that they may depend upon your sympathetic co-operation, as the condition outlined must be a dis- tinct loss to many business inter. est in Vancouver who derive SWISISIING CLUB thousands of dollars from those TO GIVE DANCE of our residents who until rec- ently obtained work in that City. The West Vancouver Swim- "In the matter of relief moni- ming Club is giving another es, while the intention of the dance at the Hofiyburn PavBion Governments to come to the as- on July 1st. Bert Kool's orches- sistance of the hiunicipslities tra will be in attendance and has been appreciated, we feel tickets can be obtained from any that the method adopted was member of the club. Dancing, 9 wholly impracticable. As an ex- to 12. ample:--Our last Government A general meeting of the Club grant was a smsfi one of 36,000, will be held next Tuesday, June requiring that 810,000 be spent 16th, at 8 p. m. on Dundarave in labor. However, the use of Pier. Everybody is asked to at- labor always presupposes the tend. purchasing of materials for re- pairing roads, bridges, culverts, Cigarettes made Crom B. C. etc., and the cost of the material tobacco were given the guests at usually approximates the a- the iecent banquet in Victoria of (Continued on Page 6) the Canadian Manufacturers. SCHOOL BOARD NOTES A letter was read from hIr. J. W. Gibson in reference to Ingle- wood School grounds, recom- mending that a competent man be engaged to lay out this work. The Secretary was directed to file this letter for reference. Trustee Mr. Jackson reported that he had attended a Council meeting held on hiay 18th and submitted request to the Coun- cil that amount of $500.00 be aL located towards school grounds with a view to adding this to a similar amount to be provided by the School Board for the pur. pose of obtaining a sum of $1.000 from the Provincial Government in connection with unemploy- ment funds. The Council advised that sn amount had already been obtained from the Provincial Treasury to be used for munici- pal purposes generally: this was supposed to be expended before July 1st, snd the Council antici- pated a further application would be made to the Govern- ment for assistance later in the year and it was suggested that the Board make this request lat- er on when the Council would be in s better position Io judge whether they could undertake to find the 8500.00 asked for. . It was resolved "at a d icg- tion consisting of Trustees Mr. Jackson and Mr. Smith attend the next meeting of the Council to make request that the Council apply to the Provincial Govern- ment for amount of 5500.00 to match a similar sum to be pro- vided by the Board for expendi- ture on school grounds. Trustee Mr Russell reported that Reeve Leyland had nuule a verbal request to him that the School Band be allowed to play at one or more concerts to be held during the summer in West Vancouver Parks on Saturday evenings, It was resolved this request be greeted, subject to satisfactory arrangements being made with Mr. Condon and the Bandmaster. It wss resolved that the Chair- man and Trustee hir. Smith be appointed a Band Committee to act with Mr. Condon in regard to matters concerning the School Band. The Secretary was directed to write letters to hiiss M. M. WiL son and hiiss H. Ritchie congrat- ulating them on the success of their classes at the Musical Fes- tival and on the dancing at the hfay Day Festival on May 25th. It was resolved that ~ letter be sent to the Municipal Council to the effect that the Board con- siders the question of the Health Unit a matter of real urgency; that the Board is engaged in gathering further data on the operation of such units as have been established elsewhere, and the origin and source of such grants available from the Pro- vincial Government for this pur- pose, and when this further in- formation is available, intends again to ask that the Council re- consider the matter. The B. G fruit crop is expected to be larger in 1931 than last year. B. C. in 1930 produced 21,S84.- 014 eggs.