0001 rr r r..ur 4r cr~/ crir.re'p V err .i i~r incr i' ~ ri c i tw ~ ' i i .F'i c c ~ oi wry 4 i ' cri *i ri ti 'i :Fr ~ ."'mr iw r w ' V/r r Vr rrrr .r rr.r rrrp .wrc 'rc r~- "r ROBERTS'ETTER 1ll hATS Phone West 190 Government Inspected Meats No. I Grade only Specials for CASH Alberta No. I 3 lbs 70c Creamery Butter Pork Legs (fores) lb. 13c Pork Butts, lb............. 18c I'HDIE STEER BEEr'finced Steak.... 2 lbs. 25c Stewing Beef 2 lbs. 25c Boiling Beef, lb.. 10c Pot Roast, lb ............... 10c Blade Rib Roast, lb. 12c Round Bone Roast, lb.. 15c Rump Roast, lb.. 18c up Prime Rib Roast, lb.... 18c Rolled Rib Roast, lb. 20c and 25c Sirloin Tip Roast, lb.... 25c BACON Sliced lb.............. 35c, By tl.e Piece, Ib ... 28c ! OiNTARIO CHEESE 20c lb. 'MARGARET CURRIE RESCUES LITTLE BOY A 13-year-old West Vancouver girl proved her mettle as a mem- ber of the Royal Life Saving So. ciety in practice Friday after- noon when she dived three times to rescue 8 young boy 200 feet from shore at Dundarave. Margaret Currie was the res- cuer and Alee Turvey of Dun- darave the youngster saved. Young Turvey had gone out on a raft with a companion. The raft broke apart. Turvey's com- panion seized a log to keep a- float. The boy's plight was not- ed by people on shore and 8 boat was put out with Margaret Currie on board. When it reach- ed the broken raft Turvey had gone under. The girl dived and succeeded in getting niÃi tO the surface and safety. She is a member of the West Vancouver Amateur Swimming Club. The club has made application to have her awarded the Royal Humane Life Saving Society's gold medal and the parchment of the Royal Humane Society. She has already been presented by hfr. and Mrs. Turvey with s beautiful wrist watch in recog- nition of her bravery in saving the life of their little son. It is not generally known that wringing out a cloth in hot water and wiping the furniture before putting on furniture cream will result in a very high polish that will not show finger marks. LOCAL VEAL Stewing Veal, .... 2 lbs. 25c Oven Roast, lb .. 18c up Cambridge Ssusages 2 lbs. 25c Pork Sausages, lb......... 25c Pork & Tomato Sausages ..lb.. 25c Ayrshire Bacon, sliced lb .......................... .. 30e DELICATESSEN Home Boiled Ham Baked Ham Roast I'ork, Bologna 5Veiners, Veal Loaf and Liver Ssusages. SAUER KRAUT illorning and Afternoon Delivery lo All I'arts. BAND NEIVS The new class being formed for beginners in the School Band will be started tomorrow (Sat- urday) morning at 0:30 in the lunch room of the Inglewood SchooL All beginners and any contemplating joining are asked to be present. Why Pay More? BUILD NOW WHEN PRICES ARE LOW Lumber for lex16 Garage including Ooor ........ 625.00 60 Ft. Close Board Fence 6.00 Shiplxp from ......... 0.00 2x4 Common, sixed..... 0.00 2x6 to 2x12 commou, uixed........................... 10.00 Vc x 8 Bungalow Siding, Ceder, shorts .............. V.OO lx2 -8 uud 4 D. D. Fic, pcr 100 liu. ft...60 Cedar Lattice, pcr 100 lin. feet ....., ........., ...-.....25 4 in. Clear Gutter, any length. per liu. ft....os No. 1 XXX Shingles .-- 2.60 No. 2 Shingles ...... 130 Wall Sbiuglct ............ 1.25 SPECIAI.S lxz uud lx4 No. 1 Angle groin Bootleg .............. 528.00 24x24--2 Light Windows 2,.00 sxle--4 Light Sash ........ 1.00 iox12--4 Light Sash... 1.16 Oxlo--6 Light Sash . 1.26 lox12--8 Light Sash...... 1.40 Gyproc Plotter Bourd, Buildiug 1'aper, Fic Veneer uud uH Buildiug Muttriulu AMBLESIDE LUMBER CO. LTD. 15th uud Muriue Drive i'bouc West 108. After 5 p.m. uuk foc Gcrry Dent Phoue West 241R. Smith 's Grocery THE RED AND WHITE STORES DnndaraYe,',"-",.,""„'.,',„", Ambleside „,"„"',"„'„.„„." Quality Food Specials Friday O'ataarday, June 5 and 6 SHREDDED 'ivHEAT, ptc pkt. Sc I 1'EAS, Columbtm Mott 5, 5 tiuu 28c Thkh, Orange 1'tkot, the fumily NABOB FRUITS. 8 ox tach lec blend .................... 5 tbu 51.00 Apricots, Peuchcu, Grope Fruit MEAT 0 FISH PASTE SL lett'c Pears, Pineapple Tid-Bitt. 1'lNEAPPLE Faultless, 5 tins ssc LV)RNED BEEF Fc,). n „t;b lied Jt Whit JELLY BEANSptr tiu ......... 15c 2) c '4 ~™)ouctu 15c lied tk White lORK 8i BEAiVS 'ivhite, Brown or Sandwich Rtd th W hilt CAKE, Spcctut Rcd A trhitt COFFEE or Nubob 1'iutupplt Club...... each 45c Rtd a 1Vhito LOBSTER GRAPEFRUlT, Suukitt tc ttx tiu ............... 18c Sccdtcuu ......... 4 for 25c ti lb. tiu ............... 34c MARMALADE, hlurruy'u, Rtd a ivhite SOCKE1E SAI MON 40 ux. Iur...................... 8 c tt lb.. 2 tins 55c CHEkEE, Strcux, pcr pkt........ 1st SANDWICH BISCUtTS, poc lb 25c ALL-BRAN, Ktnogx't, Rcd Jt )Vhitt CATSUP, 12 ox. pcc pocket................ 17c bottle . 1st l)Ai'ON. Fletcher'u No. 1, pkg. )sc lVe carry the best Cooked Meats, Bacon Hagn Etc. THE WEST VAN NEWS )UNDARAVE LADIES CHOllt The annual general meeting of the Dundarave Ladies Choir was held at the Canadian Legion Ilail on June 2nd, when the officers and executive committee for the year were duly appointed. The following ofi'icers were elected: Hon. Pres.--Mrs. F. X. Hodgson 1'resident--sire. G. Hampson Vice Pres.--Mre. Gordon Gray Secretary--Miss Beryl Gray Treasurer--Mrs. R. W, Froud. An executive committee was formed consisting of the follow- ing members: Mrs. S. 1Villough- bv, Mrs. H. B. Stevens, Mrs. F. Rivers, Mrs. J. Young, Mrs. C. E. Donohoe, hire. A. J, Gleam. It was agreed that Mrs. Tur- ner retain her position as Lib- rarian. The Choir expects to resume work under the leadership of Mrs. F. X. Hodgson early in September. Mrs. J. E. Durbin will remain as accompanist. BASEBALL Pitching his first game of the season Benny Trafford held the hard-hitting Native Sons to two runs while his team mates landed on the offerings of Chuck Warren and Fred Pamphlet hard and often to pile up s score of 18 runs. On Monday the West Vsn, team dropped an exhibition game to the Ambleside boys 6 runs to 5. On Thursday the local team will again entertain the Native Sons at Ambleside Park. June 6, 1031. l JEFFERIES'UPERIOR MEATS Government Inspected Only LAMB, BEEF, PORK, VEAL, ETc. I,ii DELICATESSEN (Two Stores for your service) HOI.LYBURN STORE AMBI,ESIDE STOIIE West 3 West 303 COOKED l)IEATS OF AI.L KINDS, West Vancouver Lumber Co. 15th and Marine I.IMITED Phone West 115 W. J. Turnbull, Manager, Residence I'hone) West 3681. SERVICE LU SEE SASH DOORS ROOFING BUII.DING PAPER Lamatco -- Gyproc -- I'laster Board Beaver Board -- Shingles The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals asked for permission to hold a tag dsy here on June 6th. The council replied that, while sympathetic to the objects of the Society, they regretted they could not see their way clear to grant such 6 request, having hsd many sim- ilar calle already. JI55BI~ BRITISH, COLUMBIA ELECTRIC RAILWAY CO. LTD.