0001 »tete,lp Gleb itreet, e iiiii exq w iit tet 4 tkex et iiei i bitte 7 hit. IIU!lg b te ie» ir bw nilM; kt tete. ue se Alyee instead e my reiy, I ry e 0 ill t(0n 3th June 6. 1931. WANTED Two or three good Battery Radio Sets For cuxtomem who are camping herc For the summer. WILL PAY CASH The PRICE for TUBES has been dropped 25'e give PROMPT SERVICE iF your Radio ie oui of order. Geo. WilliS Kent Piano Co. The Zlouse-Trap One evening after five-year-old Bobby had been put to bed, there came sounds of wailing from his room, and Mary, the maid, was sent to soothe him. Soon the crying broke out a- gain with renewed vigor and father went upstairs. "What's all this noise about, you young rascal?" "Well, Mary said if I kept on crying 0 great big mouse with big, green eyes would come snd sit on the end of my bed. I'vc kept on, but it hasn't come yet!" Hopeful The dear old lady was chat- ting amiably with the lift-boy ss the lift rattled upwards. "Don't you find this work mon- otonous?" she asked. "Oh, no, mum," came the reply. Sometimes it's quite ex- citing. Only yesterday s msn started to gct out too soon, snd got his head cracked, and last week the machinery broke down and two people was hurt. And now this 'ere rope looks sort o'eak.I shoouldn't wonder if it broke any time. And the engin- eer's ill today, snd a hsmatoor's on his job, It makes things inter- estin'I" 51issed --and Caught A msn knocked up the doctor in a small village at about 3 a. m. snd asked him to come immedi- ately to 0 place about ten miles away. The doctor dressed speedily and got out his csr, snd they drove furiously to their destin- ation. Upon arrival the man asked: "What is your fee, doctor?" "Half s guinea," he replied in some surprise. "Here it is, then," said the msn, handing over the money, "and cheap, too. The garage msn wanted thirty bob to drive me over. You sec, I'd missed the last train." Absolutely Nurseryman: "Did those , dahlia seeds turn out s success, sir?"I Customer: "Absolutely! In fact, wonderful I They took first prize in the carnations!" Tempted The Vicar wss delighted when Tommy brought eight beautiful apples to send with other fruit to the hospitals, 'SVhy, Tommy," he said, "these are lovely. I must sec your mother this afternoon and thank her for sending them a- long." "Please, sir," said Tommy, "would you mind thanking her for 12 apples. J'egion Notes There was a large attendance at the annual meeting of the branch, which took place in the Legion Memorial Hall last Mon- day evening, when the annual financial report duly audited was presented snd adopted. Lieut. Colonel Miles H. Tristram was initiated into membership of the branch. The election of ol?icers for the ensuing year reSulted as follows: President--Major B. H. Harri son (2nd year, by acclamation). 1st Vice President -- H. B. Stevens, 2nd Vice President -- T. F.. Batchelor. Secretary--F. W. Rivers, (4th year. by acclamation), Treasurer -- Captain H. G. Ware (scclaination, Chaplain -- Rev. A. Harding Priest. Publicity--Captain F. F. Love. grove. Executive Council -- B. M. Clerk, J. Holt, W. T, Atwood, Colin Turner, Captain H. I. Vince A letter reviewing the great progress made by the branch in the past year from Major Har- rison, who is in hospital, wss read by the chairman, and votes of thanks were passed to the out- going ofi'icers. Those who join the Hollyburn Public Library now can secure for $1.00 membership cards which will be good to 1st Janu- ary, 1932. Tragedy A Scotsman and a dozen friends had just finished dinner in 0 fashionable hotel when the waiter arrived with the bill. "Give it to me. I'l psy it," came in loud tones from the Scotsman. The next day the following headline appeared in a local newspaper; "Scotsman Strangles Ventriloquist." UNDER THE AUSPICFS OF ST. STEPHEN'S W. A. Strawberry Social at the home of Mrs. Derrick, 24th snd Nelson WEDNESDAY, JUNE 10th, from 3 Io 6 p. m. Admission (including refreshments) 85c; Children 16c. ~ Bring your FILETS to Hs for Expert Work. PHOTO SUPPLIFS, HIGH CLASS ENGLISH IMPORTED CANDIES, MILK, BREAD, BUTTER LIGHT GROCERIES, TEAS and LIGHT LUNCHES 1Varner's Confectionery 1734 Sisrine Drive West 608-0 C. J. Archer wishes to advise all clients snd friends that he is now in business for himself and has his office at 791 Dunsmulr Street, City, (N. E. corner of Howe and Dunsmuir), and will continue to specialize in the sale and purchase of West Vancouver properties extending from Cspil ano to Whytcclii? with which he is intimately acquainted. His activities will also include Rentals, Insurance in sll branch- es, Mortgages, Investments, snd special agent for Gleneagles Ses. front Subdivision. The new phone number is Seymour 6958 snd Seymour 6964. Stranger (at village station): "Is this the 3:15 train?" Porter: "We'e nothin'o pre- cise ss that. We just calls it the srternoon down." Hollyburn THEATRE I'LEASE NOTE--We inst»lied x new speaking exit Ixxt week xxd these who have xix«e heard ii cixiix that the qexiit& ol oxr "Sound" hxx been itx. proved at least 100%. Thursday, Friday xxd Saturday, June 4th, 6th, 6th Mxrinn Dexies, Eniott Nugent, kxxiued Hxtkett, Franklin Pang. born. Julia Faye xnd many others in x riotous farce en- titled "NOT SO DUMB" Crom the very successful play "Duicy." xi»0 "AN OUR GANG." comedy xnd xuother subject not selected at this time. Monday xod Tuesday, June 8, 9. "COMMON CLAY" with »teeetilui Casse»see Bee sett, Iww Ayrex, Tully Mxrxhxii, Mxtty Kewy, Beryl Mercer, etc. Wednesday xed Thursday June Io-il. Grace iuoore. x famous Metro- yoiitxe Opera Star, as Jenny Lind, the Swedish Nightingale, in x »tory ol this geest singer, "A lady's Morals" Yoe will hear is tbix some of the most beautiful singing xnd music ever recorded. The cast also includes Wxiixce Beery, Reginald Denny xnd many other favorites. Friday xud Saturday xnd Saturday Matinee June 12-13. "THE SEA BAT" With Charles Bickiord, Rxqeei Tort»» xed Geo. F. Mxrioe. This is x very entertaining and exciting story ol the iixt, bxt-tike eea monsters which menace the pearl divers in the region of Mxtatixs. Some of these iixhex have been Imowe to measure as much as 20 feet a- cross. Tbe punch in this story is x tight between s 12-loot monster xxd Niix A»ther, x sponge diver. There are many very interesting under-water scene» including oxe in which the divers actually converse by means ol specially constructed teieyhexe xyyxrxtex. The iieet time such x thing had been done, Aii the above picture» are rated as srxt ciaxx by the critics.'ommencing with Saturday, June 13th, we will ruu s matinee every Saturday until the exd of Auguet, at iexxt. Adxtixxtos--Evenings Adults ......................... 26c Studeete ......„.. 20» Children............... 16» Syeci~ I lot Friday Eveaixgx Students ............. I6c Children ................... Ioc Matin»ex Adults xnd Students 16» Aii Children ................. Ioc Children uxdee four wiii not be charged lor on Saturday aft- ernoons if they are xccomyxaied by their yxrentx or other persons whu will keey them quiet. As you sii know wa must have x minimum of noise for "Talking" Pictures. THE WEST VAN NEWS A['TAIiN C. J. ARCHER Q1H Ch ll 22~ g 1 ~ OPENS REAL FSTATE iiler'Challel'HILDkkV'S te'EEK at Cxyiixee Nurseries, Marine Drive. Petted Plants. etc.. 6 cents each, LANDSCAPING. Mxistesxscc. Peeve ~ed reck work. Shrubs xqd yLetx ~vyyiied Crom owe sere»rive. Cay»i xqo Nut»ence. West 104R2. FOR SALE -- Lady's 866 bicycle. Nearly ncw, for $26. Phoae West 83R I. WEBB'8 SHOB RFJ'AIRS WEAR BEST--Desdxrxve NEW GAkDENS CONSTRUCTED-- Original designs in garden decora- tions, Lswxx, Path», Artixta Rock Gardens xed Pools, Lend»»aye Gar- dening, sil bras»hex bioderste rive». R. J. Kyte, residence phone ext 69L8. FOR SAI,F~hevroixt Cxr is rssaisg order, $SK On view Hekyburn Gxr. sge. Phone West 313L2. FOLR WEEKS'LD ROOSTERS- . Eightees lor $ 1.00. Phase West 290L. DRESSMAKING xed REViOVATING --Experienced. Would go out by the dxy. Phone West 280R. FOR RENT--Near Ferry Wbxrl, csee lower Iixt, full yiumbixg, fireplace, good view, lawn, partly furnished. Phone West 427L Foii RENT -- .Iexr Dead»rave Pier, attractive buogxiow, lursixhed or partly lerxixhed, newly decorated, lail plumbing sreyixce garage Phone West 427L. FOUNDATION ClkeIFVT WORK-- Landscaping snd Lawns laid. Rock walls. drains, septic tanks, lancing xxd land ciexrisg, chimney» xed ler xcex cleaned exd repaired. Pt . T. Bsrsott, residence phone Wx . 290R. ALL THE BEST Brands of Cigars, Cigarettes axd Tobaccos. Also Ex- change Poker Hands xnd Consol cards Free. Ambi»side Tex Rooms. 7'ne Vancouver Daily Province wrote the council in reference to their Memento Supplement, Vancouver Airport. The council advised them that they had-no appropriation in their estimates for newspaper advertising at this time. They, however, hoped that the proposed issue would be s complete success. The council received 0 letter from the board of trade re the commencement of postal deliv- ery in West Vancouver. The council acknowledged the secretary's letter with thanks snd expressed the appreciation of the council for the good wish- es of the board and for their keen interest and endeavors to obtain postal delivery. J. Leavens wrote the council re Wt& Block "G" Block 4, D.L. 815, E. 60 ac. He wss informed that an inspection of the prop- erty is being gnade snd that he would be advised of the coun- cil's decisions later. FOR SALE--Meaxrcb Rxege, 810»te. Phone West 69Z I. To RENT--Farci»bed Bedroom aexr beach. 2628 Msriae Drive. Phone West 467R2. TO RENT -- 4 Rowxed Besgxiow: bath. Aii cesvesiescex. 620 x txvqtb Ior one year or wore. Phoae West 22. LOST--Grey Pe»vise Cxt, xreesd 11th xqd Duchess. RewsnL Phew» West 26IZ. FOR SALE--Fsky Modern Rexidvsce, leer rooms swi beth, cement base- ment, wsgsisceat view ol harbor. Phone Seymour 4991 or West 92ILL RAIL DELIVEBI--Doers sttwi with Iettcv bex Fist»a Phoae West 23R, after 6 P.m. LOWER FLOOR TO RENT--Partly furnished. Modern. $6.00. Phoae West 33R after 6 p.m. RADIO REPAIRS by 1»wxi Exyert. Satisfaction gexrxstcwk Fboee West 89, kOCKERY AVD ALPINB PLANiTS for sale Crom large collection. C. G. Barrow. Corner 24th ssd Ntdxoa. Phone West 98L2. GLASS AND GLAZLVG, Mirrors »»- silvered; setoteobke glass. Jbs Holt. Vetext 27. FOR PLUMBING REPAIRS -- Bee- idence Phone West 2»IIL CANADIAN I.EGION Ewyioyxeest Department. Handy men for sil work, Phase West 71Y. FOR THE BEST SLABS sad Inside Fir phoae West 230. MARCELLE SHOP -- bier»»tie, 60 cents; reset, 86c; finger weve. 764. Fhonc Mrx. King. West 804. FOR PALVTING. KALSOMINING- Ayyiy C. I Keaisgx. Residence Phone West 394IL GEO. HAY Extebiisbxd 1912 Real Estate and Insurance Nvtery Pebke FIRB INISUILqNCE FOR kENit--Feraixbed xsd Ualars- ixbed Houses. blooey Avxiixb.'e for biortgxgex ea "Mvders Host»a" 1406 Marine Drive Oflice Phone West 21 or Sey. 1260 Residence Phone W. 32R or W. 2OIZ Tbe house where Granny lived wax said to be bausted, xxd slteea-year- old Tom wsx nervous el sieeymg alone During tbe sext night be fan- cied he beard strange soixex, xo ia tbe morning he tactied the eM lady. "Do yos beheve in spirits, granny," he xxkwL The old lady thought de»Fbi Ior x moment, theo suddenly ber lace brightened, xsd xhe said, xiowui "Well, they de xay that whisky'x good for rheumxttxax" Bert Giqby Bill Thompson WEST VAN. IiiIPERIAL SERVICE STATION 14th snd Marine Drive 1VEST 444 Repairs of all kinds, Gas, Oil, Tires, Accessories, Battery Charging, Wrecker Service, Electric Hoist, Washing and Polishing. GREASIVG snd SPRAYIiNG, $1.00 VANCOUVER CREOSOTING CO„LTD. NORTH VANCOUVER CLASSIFIED ADS Tbe rate for Ctxxxiscd Advertixeweetx is 2 ccats yer word, wiaiiuew 26 »eaux Except ia the »axe ol thee» bxvisg regular xcceeatx, sk eisxd- 4»dx are yxyxbi» strictly ia xdrxsce. acta»tuber Cimxmedx is the West Vxa News get Itswedixte rexelta