West Van. News (West Vancouver), 5 Jun 1931, p. 3

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0001 June 6, 1931. THE WEST VAN NEWS ~. ej, ISIR RN " RIOR I Past arnis 555L zaa lT ,RS NED )Wll]i 'ii CE 'ul IG D ,'HAH HH RRI etp 17th iaaf Robinson's Grocery I'hone IVest 87 24th and Marine Drive Free Delivery GiROCERY SPECIALS WIIITF. SUGAR...., 1e iba. 4aa BUTTBIL.......,... 2 ibta for 77a EGGS, Fresh Firata .... 244 doaau AYLMER BRAND TOMATOES NABOB COFFEE, par ib....... 4ea large ................,...... 2 for 22a PACIFIC MILK, tall tins........ 114 BULK yjNRGAR SANITARY WAY MAYON- or aart ....................... 254 NAISE, S oa...........,..... 15c WILD ROSS PASTRY FLOUR, HOLLY BRAND PEAS 7 th. tach .............................. 23a I No. 4 aiaa................. Sa CONSERVATIVES HOLD lliEETIN(I The special meeting of the West Vancouver Conservative Association, which took place last Tuesday evening in the Fortune Cup Inn, was well at- tended. A number of important matters came up for discussion, and a committee was appointed with power to act to confer with other North Shore committees in regard to steps being taken to simplify the present Election Act. Those on the committee are: W. J. Dent, J. T. Watt, and Colonel K. W. Savory. RECITAI. BY PUPII S OF 51ISS MclNTYRE A public recital by the pupils of Miss Margaret McIntyre will be given at the end of June. The program will consist of piano and violin solos, and selections by the students orchestra. Date and particulars will be announc- ed later. CADET INSPECTION The annual inspection of the West Vancouver cadets was held on Monday, June 1st, at 1:30 p. m. on the grounds of Ingle- wood School. The inspection was very satisfactory, the'inspecting officer reporting the cadets as making a better showing in their exercises than last year. C. J. ARCHER, Real Estate Insurance, Mortgages and Glen- eagles. 791 Dunsmuir Street Seymour 5953-4. PHOTO Finishing COMMERCIAL WORK C. J. Broderick l42l Marine Drive IVEST VANCOUVER HAS GREATEST PHONE INCREASE There was an increase of 39 in the number of telephones in use in West Vancouver between 1st January this year and the 31st May, the totals being 1021 on the last day of biay as com- pared with 982 at the beginning of this year. It is remarkable that this increase, which figures out at 4%, is not only the largest as to percentage but also to actual numbers in the whole of the province including Vancou- ver. It is only another indica- tion of the growth and progress of West Vancouver. During the period in question the total in- crease in telephones wss 42 for all the North Shore. Mrs, Roderick Peck chose a novel and delightful way of ent- ertaining for iHiss Esther King, whose wedding to Mr. William blurphy will be an outstanding event of next week. It was a beach party held at her lovely home at Glen Eagles on the North Shore. Situated on a high clifF, amidst a setting of natural beauty, one has a perfect view of the sea and mountains. Just below on the beach gaily-colored umbrellas and cushions were ar- ranged. Many of the guests wore attractive beach pyjamas for the affair. Mrs. Peck, the hostess, chose nautical ones of white fiannel with wide flares, edged with silk braid, and a polo shirt of blue jersey. Mrs. Neville Cumming's were of green linen with a zipper efi'ect at the side, and the belt was buckled with a huge hook and eye. Blue was favored by Mrs. Jack Crane, whose costume featured the blue trousers with flared insets of striped material, which also bordered the short blue jacket and the neckline of the white blouse. Mrs. Waiter Owen's were of vivid blue and white in wide stripes. A yoke inset fitted about the hips of the full trous- ers. The RIDGE SUPER SERVICE STATION General Repairs, Brakes, Greasing, Battery Charging, Tires General Overhauling. Jack Banks i% Lance Garthorne 2203 Marine Drive PHONES: West 613-0 (Day or Night) Repair Shop: West 91 Warm Weather mesne ICE, if your foods are to be kept in good condition. PHONE WEST 456 I"or lce and Save Waste Ridley's Jersey Milk and Ice Phone West 456 Odorless Dry Cleaning and Dyeing SUITS, DRESSES, COATS Pr~d 5CC Cleaned and I'ressed $ 1.60 WE CAI,L AND DELIVER Suits and Overcoats made to order Our Own Nake ..........................$35.00 up M. WILLIAMS Iv t 2861'. 1568 lilarlne Drive %Ve Told You Before that prices were falL ing, and gave you an in- stance of it. This week's ex- ample is an Imported l.inen % ntmg I'aper with colored lining enveL opes. The Price now is Zbc. formerly 40c and 60e. WEST VAN PMNACT The Store oi Soraiac. Ite2 Maaiuo Datao West 37 Bmorgauay Phoae Wast 321 (After P p.m.) Local and Personal Rev. David Long, former pas- tor of the Baptist Church, corner 15th and Duchess St., was a vis- itor here over the week end, as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. Vernon. Mr. Long, who recently'ost his wife, will leave here in a few days for an extended trip east. He leaves with the best, wishes of his many friends. a a o bir. and Nrs. William Tinney, who have been residing at a house at 20th and Waterfront, have moved to 1982 Bellevue. ~ o ~ The first special mall delivery letter to be posted and delivered In West Vancouver by mail car- rier was that sent by C. J. Brod- erick, photographer, 1421 Marine Drive, to Reeve Leyland at the municipal han at 3 p m Monday The letter contained a photo taken by Mr. Broderick of the first mail delivery at 9:30 a.m. the same day. ~ ~ A son waz born to Mr. and Nrs. J. H. Fletcher, 17th and Duchess, at the North Vancou- ver General Hospital on Thurs- day morning, 28th May. ~ o o Miss Vere Brunt waz the guest of honor Thursday, 28th ultimo, when Mrs. J, Dodd Allan enter- tained at tea at her home on Radclifl'e Avenue. She was also feted at a tea given by Miss Muriel Purves. ~ ~ ~ A. C. Hamilton of Vancouver, has moved into a house at 1025 Duchess. o \ Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Bibbs, who have been living at 2092 Gordon Avenue, have moved to 177 20th Street. In the report of the May Day sports in our last issue Charlie Odlam was given as the winner of the 100 yards'ash, men' open, with Charlie Chapman sec- ond. This was an error, as Char- lie Chapman was first and Odlam second in the event. ~ ~ ~ The unusually low tides which occurred at the beginning of this week resulted in quite 3 stretch of sand being left exposed at East Beach. It was then also possible to realize how thin, after all, is the layer of stones which cover our beaches. o ~ o Fred Williamson, who was seriously injured a few weeks ago while serving as a deck hand on the ferries, is making good progress at the North Vancou- ver General Hospital. o Anyone needing work done is asked to phone the engineer's of- fice in the municipal hall, when a suitab!e man will be sent.\ ~ ~ Mrs. F. R, Adams of Vancou- ver, has taken up residence in Csulfeild for the summer months. o Invitations are out for the marriage of Vere, daughter of Nr. and Mrs. J. P. Joubert Brunt, to Mr. John Eric Allan, the cere- mony to take place on Thursday, June 18th, at 3 o'lock, at St. Francis'hurch, Caulfeild. Thc reception to follow will be held at Lorna Vista, Radcliffe Avenue. ~ ~ blrs. F. R. Russell of Point Grey Road, spent a few days recently at Caulfeild, the guest of Mrs. F. R. Adams. ~ \ ~ blr. Colvrell of Vancouver, haa rented the Stevenson cottage at 26th and Bellevue for the month of July. ~ o ~ Nias Ferris and party of Van- couver, have moved into one of the suites in the Fortune Cup Inn for the summer, ~ ~ ~ One of the U.B.C. Sorority Clubs gave a dance at the For- tune Cup Inn on Saturday even- ing. Mr. and blrs, Ivan L. Peter- son, Jr., of Burlingame, Califor- nia, are receiving congratula- tions on the arrival of a son on bisy 9th. Mrs. Peterson is well known in West Vancouver, being formerly Miss bisdeline Stone of Caulfeild. o ~ ~ Nr. anil Mrs. George Raid and family, 2092. Marine Drive, left here on Wednesday to take up residence in Vancouver. ~ ~ J. Normand, 14th and Marine, launched at Hollyburn pier over the week end, a small yacht he has built for cruising and fish- ing. o Nr. snd Nrs. I. James have moved from 1039 Esplanade to a house at 1519 Clyde Avenue. Miss Dorothy Hurst of Van- couver, hsa moved into Thrums'ottageat West Bay for the summer. a Mrs. Allan of Vancouver, is a guest at "the Clachan." ~ a The Girls'achelor Club of Vancouver, gave a chicken din- ner and bridge at the Fortune Cup Inn Friday evening. Covers were laid for sixteen. B. R. Harrison, King's Ave., had a visitor in his garden. this week in the shape of a yellow breasted chat. This bird is 3 wonderful mimic and almost as brilliant a songster as the mock- ing bird. Its habitat is the Paci- fic States, and it is very rarely found in Canada. o ~ o Mr. and AIrs. Duncan of Van- couver, moved into one of the Clachan cottages, where they ex- pect to stay for the remainder of this month. ~ o ~ Mr. and Nrs. C. W. Stevenson, 19th and Bellevue, spent the week end at Buccaneer Bay. o o Mr. and birs. Burrowes, Capil- ano, moved on Monday into their new home at Iyezt Bay.\ o o H. B. Stevens, 2437 Bellevue, has taken the Foster house at 26th and ibiathers. o ~ bliss M. F. Bartley of Van- couver, snd her friend, Miss bi. L. Hatton of Seattle, are stay- ing at the Clachan hotel. PATRONIZE Home Industry BREAD - BUNS - ROLLS SCONES - CARES Pasiries--Almond varieties for Afternoon Tees. Special Spanish Bar Loaf. All made at 1468 bfarine Drive Stratton'8 Bakery Phone West 27 GORDON ROBSOiV Bataiatoa S Soaaitor WEST YANCOUVEB- Olliao No. 1447 Mariuo Drive. Phone West 4es. VANCOUVER OFFICB- Suito Siz; 510 Haatiuga St. W Phoae Seymour 41ee. HOLLYBURN Barber Shpp 15th a Mariua BXFHRT SBRVICB h MARSH Froprmtor BURRARD FUNERAL CHAPEL B, D. Vi'HITE, Mgr. Die(hwtito Fuaorai Soaatao Lady Aaaiataut sze--3rd St. R Phoae North e2e West Van Produce Co. Fresh Vegetables and Fruit Phone West 186 or 109 Prompt Delivery Hollyburn Garage 1503 Marine Drive NAY DAY PRIZE CObf bllTTEE General Auto Repairs Specializing in- Brake Lining and Battery Repairs. H. Davison O'on Phone West 100 The chairman of the prize committee desires to acknow- ledge receipt of a donation of 82.00 from Mr. Edwards, Marine Drive, Dundarave. PA Y bi EN T OF TAX ES The non-penalty period for the payment of taxes expires on 30th June, after which date the municipality is compelled by law to add ten per cent thereto from July 1st if the current taxes are not then paid. An official notice relative to this appears in this issue, IVe have been asked to state that it vrould greatly facilitate the work of the municipal hall staff if as many as possible of the ratepayers pay their taxes some time before the last days of the month, and so reduce the last day's rush as much as pos- sible. C. J, ARCHER, Real Estate, Insurance, Nortgagea and Glen- eagles. 791 Dunamuir Street. Seymour 5953-4. Smith went Sshiag. Ho caught nothing, ao on hia way bath homo ho telephoned to hia Iroviaiou dealer to toad ~ daaau bass around to hha on hia arrivaL "7roa, what iuaht" "tyhy splendid. of course," ha m- plied. "Didn't the boy bring that doaoa bass I gave hint" Mra. Smith started. Thea aho smiled. "WoR, yoa, I suppose ha dbL" aho said. "Thtao they are." Aud aho showed poor Smith a doaau bottiaa at Bass'io. iVo ExctLae bIr. Flapheadt Yea, Pm jolly nervous. I don't think I'e got the courage to propose to a girl. Miss Coyly: Er-I'm not exact- ly a girl, you know! Bathing Sui Brooks'ry Goods and Men's Wear 14th and Marine Drive. Phone Iyeat 144 Exclusive Agents Corticelli Silk Hose and Uoiveraal Sweaters also Novelties, Toys, School Supplies, Hentatitching. -'--I r Rd