0001 rvr v r rv'vrv r vo or M~ to i-. w 4..~~ rr f i ~', ivuu; vo- 'r v v urus. 4 rpuww.irrc *mpv'rv vxiiir i it r. vdri„irv ~ r rr'.wi'rvi . ~rrr i vrrr vr i ri'rrr rri v rvvrr 'rrrrrr .r-rrrrr«prrqrr.vvrvi'rv'vr rvrr rr vrrr r. rrvrrrr I'vrrvr rrr. rrv r Smith 's Grocery THE RED AND WHITE STORES Phouo'est 46$ Duadarave 2'4th .'., „.„„. Ambleside „,"„"",„'"„',„," FR('IT SAI TS, Euo'u Largo Sixo.......... T4c CHOICE PEAS, sieve 4 CUT GREEN BEANS GOLDEN BANTAhi CORN I tiu of ouch .............. 8 tiuo 84c T4BLE VINEGAR. brows or white por bottle....................... Tso SLICED PIN EAPPLE, Faultless 8 tips 28e TO)IATOES, large tins......... Isc ....ILC. Solid Pack--choice quality. GINGER ALSv Felix I dozes piuto .................... 51.12 SERVOS CHEESlk M lb. pkt. 20c 5o Rod R ivhite CHOCOLATE BARS, I'I~ iu hiiik, Nut uud Fruit. Cream...--........... 6 for 25c SUGAR, IL C. Gvuuuiutod. (with other goods) 10 Sxx 47v Golden Meadow AUSTR4LIAN I'RACERS 21'iu NAIN)B IIED I'I.UMS I'At'I.TLESS PINEAP)'LE 1 Uu of ouch .............8 tins 48c FRUIT COOKIES, pir ib.... 28c 8 lbs. 45c CAKE FI.OUR, Swansdown. pei packet „................, .... 84c PICNIC Sl)GGF9TIONS I'oper Nupkioo, I'upov Plates, etc. 51AYONNAISE, Boui Foods, (R C. Product) ... 8 ox. lur 24c 16 ox. 1st 44c Rod 0 White OLIVES ... 15c uud up PICKLES, pov bottle ................ 25c Sandwich Spreads--Nabob Fruits 8 ox. tins-- siuxtuvd--Lobster -- Shrimp -- Salmon also Ripe Tomatoes. Lotiuco-- Green Onions --Oranges, etc. Butter 3lbs ~ 79c. Loaf 2, foe 15c.Our Big 24og ROBERTS'ETTER 1ll EATS Phone West 190 Government Inspected hleais No. I Gmde only Specials for CASH Aiberta No. I Butter 3 lbs?Oc 25c lb. PRDIE STEER BEEF hfinced Steak.... 2 lbs. 25c Stewing Beef 2 lbs. 25c Boiling Beef, lb....... 10c Pot Roast, ib ............... 10c Blade Roast, lb......... 12c R-Rib Roast, lb......... 15c Rump Roast, lb............ 18c Sirloin Tip Roast, lb.... 25c Deep Sirloin Roast, lb. 25c BACON Sliced lb .......... 35c, By the Piece, lb.. 28c LOCAL VEAL Stewing Veal, .... 2 lbs. 25c Oven Roast, lb ........ 18c up EGGS -- EGGS Pullet Extra 2 dozen for 35c Cambridge Sausages 2 lbs. 25c Pork Sausages, lb........ 25c Pork Jt Tomato Sausages .. lb.......................... 25c Ayrshire Bacon, sliced lb .......... ..... ......... 30c V EG E TABLES Green Onions ........ 3 for 5e Radish ............. 3 for 5c Spinach ............ 6 lbs. 25c Head Lettuce, large Green Peas New Potatoes DELICATESSEN Home Boiled Ham Baked Ham Roast Pork, Bologna Weiners, Veal Loaf and I.iver Sausages. SAUER KRAUT hlorning snd Afternoon Delivery to All Parts. Feeling Down-trodden "Why, Mary, what are you crying forT" 8 little girl was asked by her mother. hly teeth slipped and stepped on my tongue," sobbed the child. The 1Vinners Jenny: "Why are so many successful men bald?o 1Vinnie: "I suppose they were meant to come out on top.o COUNCIL NOTES The matter of the bsd condi- tion of 19th Street, south of Marine Drive, to which the at- tention of the council was called by Mrs. M. E. IValton, was re- ferred to the engineer for re- port. A. Sonley wrote to the council in reference to maple trees in the vicinity of D.L. 582-8-4 and 5. Referred to the engineer with power to act according to his discretion. A Lot of Wbxt-Not "Are you there T" "Who are you, piexxol" "Watt." "What'x your usmc To "Wutt'x my sumo.r "Yeh, what's your uumet" "Mp name is John Watt." "John whutT" "Yv.x. 'I'l be around to xoo you this afternoon." "Ail right. Are you Jouosl" "No. I'm Kuott." "Will you tell me your name then I" "Will Kuottrr "Why uoti" "hiy name ii Kuott." "Not wbut I" Brir, clank, crash, stars. "I sincerely hope it will be a boy this time," said the pom- pous little man, "for it would be a thousand pities if the name of Smith were to become extinct." Why Pay More? BUILD NOW WEFT PRICES ARE LOW Lumber for Iox10 Guvugo including Boor ......., 825.00 50 Ft. Close Board Fence 6.00 Shiplup from ............ 9.00 2x4 Common, sized ....... 9.00 2z 6 to 2 z 12 common, sized ...................... 10.00 TI z 5 Bungalow Sidiug, Cedar, shorts ............ 7.00 Ix2 -8 uud 4 D. D. Fiv, pov 100 iiu. ft............so Cedar Lattice, por 100 Ru. foot ...........................25 4 io. Ciour Gutter, uuy length, por iin. ft.....os No. I XXX Shingles .... 2.60 No. 2 Shing)es ............ 1.10 Wall Shiugies ........ 1.25 SPECIALS Ixs uod Iz4 No. I Angle giuiu flooring ............. 525.00 2ix24--2 Light Windows 2„00 Sx10--4 Light Sash ........ 1.00 Iox12--4 Light Suxh......., 1.15 sxto--0 Light Sash ....... 1.25 Ioxls--0 Light Suxh .. 1AO Gyproo Pioxior Board, Boiidiug Paper, Fir Vouoor uud un Building Materials AMBLESIDE LUMBER CO. LTD. 16th uud Mxriuo Drive I'bozo Wmi )$$. After 6 p.m. uxk for Gorrf Dent Phone West 2411k SUCGESTIONS: Friday and Saturday, tIAY 22 8 23 THE WEST VAN NEWS COUNCIL NOTES bliss Ellis of Altamont was present at the council to ask that a culvert be installed to give ac- cess to her car. She was informed that the council have already made a definite rule that no cul- verts are to be built in future for private parties for the purpose of access to garages and that therefore they hsd no alterna- tive but to abide by their former decision. ~ ~ ~ L W. Smithers, access to D.L. 1051, S.E. '4 -- B--Lot 2 -- the council informed the applicant that they had already made a definite rule not to provide cul- verts for private parties on ac- count of lack of fumls for such purposes. and for this reason re. gretted they must refuse his re- quest. ~ ~ In regard to the petition of R. R. Rhodes et al, for 8 lane be- tween Blocks I and 2, SAV. I)i4, D.L, 1052, the council regretted that at the present time funds would not permit of the opening of lanes, ~ ~ The Canadian Legion, West Vancouver, wrote the council asking that they may be granted the use of the Ambleside Sports Ground every Tuesday night for any games they might wish to take up. hlatter referred to the chairman of the parks and the chairman of the board of works jointly, with power to act. Mav 22. 1931 JEEEERIES'UPERlOR MEATS Government Inspected Only LAMB, BEEF, PORK. VEAL, ETc. DELICATESSEN {Two Stores for your service) HOLLYBURN STORK AMBLESIDE STOIIE West 3 West 303 COOKED hlEATS OF ALL KINDS, West Vancouver Lumber Co. 15th and hlarine I.IMITED Phone West 115 W. J. Turnbull, Manager, Residence I'hone: West 368L SERVICE Everything for the Building. LU BER SASH DOORS ROOFING BUILDING PAPER (- Lamatco -- Gyproc -- Plaster Board Beaver Board -- Shingles Father (to Ikey): oVat is an- other word for snake, wid five letters? Ikey: "A viper." oYou silly; That's a handker- chief." Assistant: oThis book costs only two shillings. but it makes you die of laughter." Customer: "I'l take It--it' just the book for my mother-in- law." Ef.scrnic, as one of the extort and employers of s prominent part in the iih Columbia Here are 8 mzy make you proud of ty company. 60 horse power. 3 30 miles of electric rail- 28 miles of motor coach sve a daily capacity of feet. pioyees to whom it pays 00,000 a year in wages. It has 421 city and interurban cars and 26 motor coaches. It hxs 116,444 light and power customers and 49,703 gzi customers. In 1930 it carried 76,017,348 passengers, generated 473,860,1 30 kilowatt hours snd manufactured 1,398+21,000 cubic feet of gzs. 0&Chlecf)fir, Transportation - Power - Gss ~ N BRITISH'OLUMBIA,' OtC 'RAILWAY CO.'TD. A Company B C ca.n.13oyvoud of